Are you going to the "support chick fil a day" today?

Fantastic? Really? :lol:

Free speech? Yeah, it's fantastic.

I know the left is dedicated to stopping it, but I still support it.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." - Voltaire

"I may not agree with what you say, and I will fight to the death silence you." - Rahm Emanuel.

Dude, if you want to call taking a trip to the local Chik Fil A fantastic that's fine. I think thats cool, but if that is "fantastic" in your life, you should get out more.
Do you carry a list with you so you don't forget who to avoid?

Do you know that a lot of companies donate to both right and left candidates?

Same thing with individual CEOs and such...

Well, I'm not really an impulsive shopper. Most of the food I buy is local, organic or free trade and soon, I will be growing my own. Most, if not all of the businesses I go to are local and not chains (I know that's easier here in NYC - this will be harder once I move out to the boonies to start my farm. The new Wal-Mart there is killing the two local groceries... precisely why I won't shop there). And there are lists of who companies donate to, politically and charity-wise.
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Boycott of business on religious grounds is nothing new.

I wish a company that believed the way I did would do stuff like this :S

The unalultrated SHAME is that a company has to endure such a thing because a few malcontents don't like the way they do business OR what thier owners belive and have to be penalized for it.

What you are witnessing is an upwelling of commonsense Americans that have had it with the assault of/by/for the left that happen to be in power right now.

A Clear message TO them is being given BY the people that have had it...

I wish a company that believed the way I did would do stuff like this :S

The unalultrated SHAME is that a company has to endure such a thing because a few malcontents don't like the way they do business OR what thier owners belive and have to be penalized for it.

What you are witnessing is an upwelling of commonsense Americans that have had it with the assault of/by/for the left that happen to be in power right now.

A Clear message TO them is being given BY the people that have had it...


Aww thats terrible shame. Did you offer a drunken shoulder for Chik Fil A to lean on? Do you need something? A Tissue?
Personally? I think Peepers is full of shit.

And personally, I think you're a douche-canoe. What does that have to do with anything? Don't believe me? Whatever.
I wish a company that believed the way I did would do stuff like this :S

The unalultrated SHAME is that a company has to endure such a thing because a few malcontents don't like the way they do business OR what thier owners belive and have to be penalized for it.

What you are witnessing is an upwelling of commonsense Americans that have had it with the assault of/by/for the left that happen to be in power right now.

A Clear message TO them is being given BY the people that have had it...


Aww thats terrible shame. Did you offer a drunken shoulder for Chik Fil A to lean on? Do you need something? A Tissue?

^ramblings of a moron.
Why would I want to support a Fast Food restaurant, if I want to get fat or obese I could just order from McDonalds and not exercise.
I believe it was Huckabee who tried to organize it. I'm going for lunch today out of both support for a legit business and curiosity to see if the message was widespread.

I went and it was packed, the manager said they has been swamped since they were open since 6:30
Two drive through's with 20 cars in each when I got there and just as many when I left.
I don't have strong views one way or the other on gay marriage.
But I DO have strong views on free speech. For that reason alone I support
chick-fil-A even I can't eat them for two reasons: they aren't kosher, and even
if they were there isn't one in my state.

People have way blown out of proportion what was actually said in the interview.
Since 1968 Republicans have been the party of bigots.

correction...since 1968 the democrats have found a way to use their bigotry to gain the minority vote while painting the GOP as the bigots.

You are just too much of a bigot yourself to realize it.

Funny thing...the democrats are always talking about what the minorities need.....putting minorities in a separate category...100% against what "equality" is all about

And the GOP stands for equality for all and equal laws for all...

And morons like you say the GOP are the bigots.

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