Are you guys really going to nominate The Hildabeast?

sane people, adults, people without a hole in their head, people with their eyes open.

Do you agree with the conservative view of equality?

Conservative view?

and what, pray tell, is your version of the 'conservative view'?

Glad you asked..

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

Now...lets look at what Conservatives call a "fair" tax
Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

bud, a cartoon does not make your point.

actual events make your point.

To me, if Jack makes $25 an hour, Jill gets $25 if she is doing the same work.

if your cartoon was about AA, the tall guy would see over the fence, the middle guy would have no box, and the short guy would be standing on top of all 3 boxes.

The same could be said of other 'equality programs' started and applauded by liberals and democrats.

Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

So, the billionaire gives 15% of xx,xxx,xxx and the person that makes xxx pays 15% of that.

How is that not fair?

They made more, take it from him for being productive?

So a billionaire seeing his tax rate drop from 39% to 15%
While a poor person sees his tax rate rise from 0 to 15% is "fair"?


I thought you were interested in equality
And yet with all the millions and millions in taxpayer money RWrs have spent in investigating her, you've got..........nothing.

No you are confused. It must be because your only source of information is Rachael Maddow or something.

Once the Gowdy committee got a hold of The Bitch's emails it was exposed that she was a filthy ass liar and the FBI is still investigating.

The Bitch lied about Benghazi and the emails showed it. The Bitch also lied and said she never handled classified documents from her home sever but the emails showed she did. That is criminal by the way.

The Bitch needs to be held accountable for her corruption and lying. Lord knows you Moon Bats aren't going to do it. Just like with that incompetent affirmative action idiot Obama you Moon Bats don't give a shit about the honesty, competency and qualifications of your candidates, The only criteria you use is that they spout extreme Left Wing filth and hate and promise you free stuff.
Who wouldn't?

sane people, adults, people without a hole in their head, people with their eyes open.

Do you agree with the conservative view of equality?

Conservative view?

and what, pray tell, is your version of the 'conservative view'?

Glad you asked..

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

Now...lets look at what Conservatives call a "fair" tax
Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

bud, a cartoon does not make your point.

actual events make your point.

To me, if Jack makes $25 an hour, Jill gets $25 if she is doing the same work.

if your cartoon was about AA, the tall guy would see over the fence, the middle guy would have no box, and the short guy would be standing on top of all 3 boxes.

The same could be said of other 'equality programs' started and applauded by liberals and democrats.

Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

So, the billionaire gives 15% of xx,xxx,xxx and the person that makes xxx pays 15% of that.

How is that not fair?

They made more, take it from him for being productive?

Where do you get this idea that everything in life should be "fair"?

When you get jobs, houing, education, health care, etc., when you can make all those things "equal" and "fairly distributed", then I can see an argument for the "fair tax".

But you dont want to make all those other items to be fair. Just the money part

Am I right or not?

So where do you guys get that life is fair? Who told you that?
sane people, adults, people without a hole in their head, people with their eyes open.

Do you agree with the conservative view of equality?

Conservative view?

and what, pray tell, is your version of the 'conservative view'?

Glad you asked..

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

Now...lets look at what Conservatives call a "fair" tax
Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

bud, a cartoon does not make your point.

actual events make your point.

To me, if Jack makes $25 an hour, Jill gets $25 if she is doing the same work.

if your cartoon was about AA, the tall guy would see over the fence, the middle guy would have no box, and the short guy would be standing on top of all 3 boxes.

The same could be said of other 'equality programs' started and applauded by liberals and democrats.

Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

So, the billionaire gives 15% of xx,xxx,xxx and the person that makes xxx pays 15% of that.

How is that not fair?

They made more, take it from him for being productive?

Where do you get this idea that everything in life should be "fair"?

When you get jobs, houing, education, health care, etc., when you can make all those things "equal" and "fairly distributed", then I can see an argument for the "fair tax".

But you dont want to make all those other items to be fair. Just the money part

Am I right or not?

So where do you guys get that life is fair? Who told you that?

Isnt' that what equality is?

Making it 'fair' for all parties?
Are you guys really going to nominate the Hildabeast given that she is incompetent, stupid, corrupt, untrustworthy, a Left Wing idiot, married to a scumbag and a liar not to mention a potential felon due to her disregard for national security?

Given the fact that the Democrat Party got its ass beat so bad in 2014 can't you come up with somebody better than her?

I'm ready for a hillary in the white house. The right wing needs some new material to be angry about. Obama's getting kinda boring by now, don't you think?
what choice do they have? their party played them like a fine tuned fiddle. throw a few nobodies to make it seem they have a real choice, then they drop out one by one and walla, who is left standing. the 100 year old commie-Bernie baby and the old lady witch who is the most corrupted of anyone in our government.

and their base sits and says NOTHING. they (democrat party) knows their base all too well

Another fucking loser chimes in.

what? are you one of those being played like a fine tuned fiddle. all that vulgarity. do you kiss your mother with that nasty mouth? go sit down.

LMAO. People are insulted by your level of ignorance and stupidity. Yet you inflict it upon people every day. Thousands of times.

I insulted you by calling you what you seem to be. A fucking loser.

Sorry if the truth hurt.

But you are, unfortunately, NOT ALONE.

You and Flash could have "a thing". I can tell when two lost souls have found each other.

Do you agree with the conservative view of equality?

Conservative view?

and what, pray tell, is your version of the 'conservative view'?

Glad you asked..

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

Now...lets look at what Conservatives call a "fair" tax
Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

bud, a cartoon does not make your point.

actual events make your point.

To me, if Jack makes $25 an hour, Jill gets $25 if she is doing the same work.

if your cartoon was about AA, the tall guy would see over the fence, the middle guy would have no box, and the short guy would be standing on top of all 3 boxes.

The same could be said of other 'equality programs' started and applauded by liberals and democrats.

Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

So, the billionaire gives 15% of xx,xxx,xxx and the person that makes xxx pays 15% of that.

How is that not fair?

They made more, take it from him for being productive?

Where do you get this idea that everything in life should be "fair"?

When you get jobs, houing, education, health care, etc., when you can make all those things "equal" and "fairly distributed", then I can see an argument for the "fair tax".

But you dont want to make all those other items to be fair. Just the money part

Am I right or not?

So where do you guys get that life is fair? Who told you that?

Isnt' that what equality is?

Making it 'fair' for all parties?

LMAO. What you smoking Will?
You dont really wanna discuss fair tax ideas? Right? You just messing with the idea?

The only way a fair tax is truly fair is if everyones income is the same.
And who in the hell could support that idea? A communist? A socialist? You?
Conservative view?

and what, pray tell, is your version of the 'conservative view'?

Glad you asked..

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

Now...lets look at what Conservatives call a "fair" tax
Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

bud, a cartoon does not make your point.

actual events make your point.

To me, if Jack makes $25 an hour, Jill gets $25 if she is doing the same work.

if your cartoon was about AA, the tall guy would see over the fence, the middle guy would have no box, and the short guy would be standing on top of all 3 boxes.

The same could be said of other 'equality programs' started and applauded by liberals and democrats.

Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

So, the billionaire gives 15% of xx,xxx,xxx and the person that makes xxx pays 15% of that.

How is that not fair?

They made more, take it from him for being productive?

Where do you get this idea that everything in life should be "fair"?

When you get jobs, houing, education, health care, etc., when you can make all those things "equal" and "fairly distributed", then I can see an argument for the "fair tax".

But you dont want to make all those other items to be fair. Just the money part

Am I right or not?

So where do you guys get that life is fair? Who told you that?

Isnt' that what equality is?

Making it 'fair' for all parties?

LMAO. What you smoking Will?
You dont really wanna discuss fair tax ideas? Right? You just messing with the idea?

The only way a fair tax is truly fair is if everyones income is the same.
And who in the hell could support that idea? A communist? A socialist? You?

fair tax?

everyone pays the same percentage, but


Are you guys really going to nominate the Hildabeast given that she is incompetent, stupid, corrupt, untrustworthy, a Left Wing idiot, married to a scumbag and a liar not to mention a potential felon due to her disregard for national security?

Given the fact that the Democrat Party got its ass beat so bad in 2014 can't you come up with somebody better than her?

I'm ready for a hillary in the white house. The right wing needs some new material to be angry about. Obama's getting kinda boring by now, don't you think?

You are correct. Eight years of a strengthing economy. My investments recovered and made money. My real estate values came back. My wife got nice pay raises. All the family has health coverage. Money is cheap to borrow and buy new toys. Guns are plentiul and getting a CCW never easier.

We dont have 50000 soldiers in a war. The world doesnt hate Obama or the USA. The dollar is still the worlds reserve currency. We are an oil/energy power again. We are the worlds leading economy and military.

Damn that Obama.

Id vote for Obama again. By far the best in the field being offered. Either side.
Glad you asked..

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

Now...lets look at what Conservatives call a "fair" tax
Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

Now see how "fair" to Conservatives is everyone gets one box whether they need it or not and the short guy only gets one even though he needs two?

bud, a cartoon does not make your point.

actual events make your point.

To me, if Jack makes $25 an hour, Jill gets $25 if she is doing the same work.

if your cartoon was about AA, the tall guy would see over the fence, the middle guy would have no box, and the short guy would be standing on top of all 3 boxes.

The same could be said of other 'equality programs' started and applauded by liberals and democrats.

Everyone pays 15% regardless of their economic condition...everyone gets one box

So, the billionaire gives 15% of xx,xxx,xxx and the person that makes xxx pays 15% of that.

How is that not fair?

They made more, take it from him for being productive?

Where do you get this idea that everything in life should be "fair"?

When you get jobs, houing, education, health care, etc., when you can make all those things "equal" and "fairly distributed", then I can see an argument for the "fair tax".

But you dont want to make all those other items to be fair. Just the money part

Am I right or not?

So where do you guys get that life is fair? Who told you that?

Isnt' that what equality is?

Making it 'fair' for all parties?

LMAO. What you smoking Will?
You dont really wanna discuss fair tax ideas? Right? You just messing with the idea?

The only way a fair tax is truly fair is if everyones income is the same.
And who in the hell could support that idea? A communist? A socialist? You?

fair tax?

everyone pays the same percentage, but



I got the part about how you would want this idea to work. However.......

LMAO. Who told you life was fair???

A person like myself, paying 15% would be a big cut.

My tenants, their taxes would go up a lot.

Now explain how it would be "fair" for myself doing just fine now to get a big tax cut, yet those whose income I am receiving rent from, just got a big tax increase.

Explain how that fits the sense of "fair" beyond the simplistic explanation that I would pay the same % as anyone else?

Because that idea is so "unfair" as to be laughable.
And yet with all the millions and millions in taxpayer money RWrs have spent in investigating her, you've got..........nothing.

No you are confused. It must be because your only source of information is Rachael Maddow or something.

Once the Gowdy committee got a hold of The Bitch's emails it was exposed that she was a filthy ass liar and the FBI is still investigating.

The Bitch lied about Benghazi and the emails showed it. The Bitch also lied and said she never handled classified documents from her home sever but the emails showed she did. That is criminal by the way.

The Bitch needs to be held accountable for her corruption and lying. Lord knows you Moon Bats aren't going to do it. Just like with that incompetent affirmative action idiot Obama you Moon Bats don't give a shit about the honesty, competency and qualifications of your candidates, The only criteria you use is that they spout extreme Left Wing filth and hate and promise you free stuff.
I can see how intimidating women are to you. So...what charges have been filed against H. Clinton in all the investigations against her since the late 1980s? List the charges, please.
Hillary could eat live babies on national tv and they would still vote for her.
Well, that's merely speculation on your part....but we can clearly see what Trump is willing to do (he says so) and people on the Right lap it up eagerly.

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