Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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So you’re a fraud. You can’t find anyone can you.
Dont have time ? You have time to write several paragraphs of made up braggadocio.
If anyone is a fraud it's you.
However it's clear you are beyond help in increasing your lack of intelligence and intellect.
Here's another article link on uses of IQ and the pros and cons.;
BTW, I wasn't placing as much emphasis upon IQ as you seem to imply. Like a canine, you just can't let go of the bone that captures your little mind.
You’re off track. That’s 50:fking years ago.
We are talking about IQ testing NOW. Focus now.
Name someone who uses them.
Where' my check shithead?
You're the one off track and down a rabbit hole.
Whine all you want, you haven't shown any reason I should consider you worth more effort than your one-track obsession pants over.
The thread is about political orientations. IQ tests a side issue. I suggest you start a separate thread and see if you get response there.
No you don't!

For a start it isn't about "women", = sex/gender; but about political and economic leaning~orientation. And applies to both sexes/genders.

If one is on the "Wealth Redistribution" side of the economic and political spectrum, i.e. take from productive and give to useless, deadwood, non-productive than I'll have very low opinion and esteem for such persons. Same for distance from Conservative positions leaning toward Regressive ones.

FWIW, you don't know shit about me or my positions ("how I feel") on most issues/topics.
Take from the productive and give to the unproductive? Thanks for admitting that’s how you feel about labor.

It’s because they are so productive that the rich are productive at all. We do the work, we buy their shit.

3 kinds of people. guy who sells horse sperm, guy who buys it and guy who gets paid horse shit to Jack the horse off. Lol
Where' my check shithead?
You're the one off track and down a rabbit hole.
Whine all you want, you haven't shown any reason I should consider you worth more effort than your one-track obsession pants over.
I’ll make this easy for you. Name one govt. agency, corporation, institute of learning etc. that administers IQ testing for employment or advancement.
Where' my check shithead?
You're the one off track and down a rabbit hole.
Whine all you want, you haven't shown any reason I should consider you worth more effort than your one-track obsession pants over.
I make about $100k a year. I make my owners $1 million a year. I’m the productive one. They are more important than me because without them there’s no me, but if you were my boss I’d make $65k so you could make $1,035,000 you greedy sob.

And america wouldn’t be great. You hav to pay me a fair wage, what’s fair? Depends on the economy. You got to stop giving yourself all the raises boss.
I’ll make this easy for you. Name one govt. agency, corporation, institute of learning etc. that administers IQ testing for employment or advancement.
Biden will take the cognitive test but only if trump beats Nikki birdbrain Haley.
If anyone is a fraud it's you.
However it's clear you are beyond help in increasing your lack of intelligence and intellect.
Here's another article link on uses of IQ and the pros and cons.;
BTW, I wasn't placing as much emphasis upon IQ as you seem to imply. Like a canine, you just can't let go of the bone that captures your little mind.
Fraud. That’s an article describing IQ testing, it’s not someone who uses it ? Name the INSTITUTION that uses it. Does GM ? No. Does the military ? No. Does TESLAR ? No.
How about Yale, or Mass General ? No.
you get the point ?
Take from the productive and give to the unproductive? Thanks for admitting that’s how you feel about labor.

It’s because they are so productive that the rich are productive at all. We do the work, we buy their shit.

3 kinds of people. guy who sells horse sperm, guy who buys it and guy who gets paid horse shit to Jack the horse off. Lol
If you produce goods and or services that have market value, others will trade their goods and/or services for such, than you are among the wealth creators. That includes not only labor but the risk takers whom start business and often lose with little concern from others over the chances they took.

If their business ventures succeed than they are providing jobs for labor.

Labor is overly abundant and cheap and rarely takes any risk other than show up, punch the clock, and produce.

It is those with wealth/capital whom take the risk, create the businesses and provide jobs for clueless labor to have some way to earn a living.

You "3 kinds of people" is bong dream fantasy.
I make about $100k a year. I make my owners $1 million a year. I’m the productive one. They are more important than me because without them there’s no me, but if you were my boss I’d make $65k so you could make $1,035,000 you greedy sob.

And america wouldn’t be great. You hav to pay me a fair wage, what’s fair? Depends on the economy. You got to stop giving yourself all the raises boss.
Fraud. That’s an article describing IQ testing, it’s not someone who uses it ? Name the INSTITUTION that uses it. Does GM ? No. Does the military ? No. Does TESLAR ? No.
How about Yale, or Mass General ? No.
you get the point ?
You are the fraud.
More correctly the liar.
Nowhere here did I post claiming that they are used the ways you are inquiring about.
If you read and understood the links I provided about what IQ tests are and how used you would know your questions are the fraud. :rolleyes:
The point is you and corporations run by people like you have ruined America. So don’t complain because america is great for them. So much that the average American in their 50s has 1.5 million. So America is great. Never been greater. Here’s the problem. That number is misleading. The top 1% drive that number way up. The real average for a 50 something is $300k. That includes the home. And it’s household, so 2 people. So 2 people really only have $150k tucked away. They’re going to need social security.

You hate the masses. Either you are rich or merchant class. Probably merchant baby boomer. Telling us we can’t have it as good as you got it.
A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?
Let’s look at an official definition of “liberal“.
Using this definition, what’s wrong with calling your self a liberal ?

“relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:”
Let’s look at an official definition of “liberal“.
Using this definition, what’s wrong with calling your self a liberal ?

“relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:”
I’m a progressive liberal democrat.

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