Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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Well I don't think I'm an extreme lefty but ask anyone here, they'll say I'm a liberal not a conservative. It's true.

Social security, abortion, global warming, unions, medicare, regulations, abortion, affirmative action, freedom from religion, gay marriage.

What am I conservative about? I like guns but common sense legislation is good. I want to turn away people who come to our borders. Go to the US Embassy in Guatamala if you want to ask for asylum. Going after welfare abuse. Or getting people off it. Prison reform. I agree with the Koch brothers that shit is costing us too much. Cutting wasteful spending in Washington. Paying off the debt. Something Republicans only talk about when a Democrats in the White House. And no trans women shouldn't be allowed to compete with women.
Having a likening towards guns - IMO, has nothing to do with being a conservative or liberal. It's about amending regulations pertaining towards the "eligibility" to own guns and to carry them in public, that differentiate a liberal conservative from a right-wing conservative.
(And I am not stating this - because I own guns myself, even auto firearms, but because I do not carry them in public, since I trust and believe in the police and their duty/obligation towards maintaining the peace).

An lefty will oppose guns in general, since he opposes killing and war. If participating in violent demos he will "justify" using stones, molotov's and slingshots firing steel bearings, since he decided to become a radical lefty. Never heard or took notice of a lefty extremist/radical carrying or using firearms. If they do then factually he is a lefty anarchist turned terrorist.

As for transgender - I don't really get your point, since there are no laws nor regulations that would separate athletic/muscular men from lesser athletic muscular men. So why should a law or regulation separate more muscular/athletic women from lesser? Especially not in view of those having performed a sex-change operation. Furthermore the % of transgender people is so minor that it really doesn't bother me. Same goes for those gay buggers and their lesbian compatriots.

I would oppose a doctrine being spread in public schools, that e.g. propagates/promotes, being gay is great or normal. However I would deem it as necessary to make kids aware of homos and lesbians being a part of our society that do not deserve prosecution nor punishment. Just as some believe in an inherent "democratic" right towards arms - those homos are democratically free to get their bums humped if they wish so.
The following is a more accurate and useful quiz to use for gauging where one is on the political spectrum. Assuming one is honest with themselves in the answers.
Consists of five questions on Personal Values, and five on Economic Values(positions) which will place one into a matrix. Not only Left/Liberal* ~ Right/Conservative, but Authoritarian/Statist or Libertarian.

* Liberal as used in today's USA political vernacular, rather than historical~classical. A.K.A. Progressive (which many of us would consider to be Regressive).
Here's the grid your answers will place you on;
Labels are pretty useless. There are a plethora of so called conservatives that say they hate socialism but love their Medicare and social security. It’s hilarious. “We“ call progressives far left and fringe actors yet a MAJORITY of American citizens support every fking one of their policies.
Geesus, most so-called conservatives love their social
programs…and they don’t even know it. The far left is really a majority….that’s why Bernie was and is popular with many so-called republicans.
Labels are used by a lot to most people as shortcut to describe what they are and what others are.
Not just for politics, but ideologies, religions, ethnics, race, etc.
Usually it's the clueless and the disingenuous who rant against labels. (interestingly those two classifications are labels themselves.)
Labels are used by a lot to most people as shortcut to describe what they are and what others are.
Not just for politics, but ideologies, religions, ethnics, race, etc.
Usually it's the clueless and the disingenuous who rant against labels. (interestingly those two classifications are labels themselves.)
Why ? They are useless and wrong. Do you support Medicare and social security ? If yes, by that definition, you’re a progressive liberal. The clueless people are those who don’t follow the polices. And want to label people….it’s ridiculous.
Especially to those whom don't have an IQ.
Don’t have an IQ ? That’s hilarious. An IQ is a number bubba. You don’t know what you’re talking about. The vast majority never took an IQ test or needed to be that illiterate. They’re useless, no one uses them except to scam.
So far, you have no proof what so ever that the el3ction was stolen. Geesus you fool, the election occurred during Trumps admin and it’s his DOJ that is totally responsible fo4 prosecuting fraud….what did “ no collusion “ Barr say ?
That’s right, no fraud. Bubba.

Actually it would be the local State Election Boards, and in the places in question they were mostly controlled by Dems.
Actually it would be the local State Election Boards, and in the places in question they were mostly controlled by Dems.
You know for sure your made up shit is factual ? Now you’re saying that repugnants are too incompetent to have their allotted poll watchers ? I have no answer for your incompetence. That’s on you and fellow Humpers.
You now claiming…..You can’t prove anything, you can‘t impeach anyone, You Trumpets are uneducated fools.
You know for sure your made up shit is factual ? Now you’re saying that repugnants are too incompetent to have their allotted poll watchers ? I have no answer for your incompetence. That’s in you and fellow Humpers.

The ones that weren't shooed away at various times?
To use a line from an old joke;
'What do you mean "we" Kimosabe?'
You schizophrenic or other form of split personality?
Or are you a group effort operating with one user name?

As for Gavin Newsom, he's still too far Left of Center to be considered objective or non-partisan.
As for Kamala (Harris ? you imply?), the VPOTUS, I prefer not to say in public the derogative terms that accurately describe her degenerate character.
Yes we know how you feel about women. Not just Kamala and Pelosi. Nikki "bird brain" and Liz Chaney too.
Why ? They are useless and wrong. Do you support Medicare and social security ? If yes, by that definition, you’re a progressive liberal. The clueless people are those who don’t follow the polices. And want to label people….it’s ridiculous.
I had no say/influence in implementation of either Medicare or Social Security yet by law was compelled to pay into both. Having reached age 65, past, am also required to "sign up for" Medicare and be in the program.

Having paid into both, and with Social Security presented as a form of "retirement investment account" pragmatism says I might as well recover my investments. When I turned 18 years old I had to sign up for Selective Service - the Draft - per Law. (Same still applies today to males turning 18 years old, BTW). Even though I don't approve of conscription or support the concept, consequences of non-compliance are worse than going along with something I consider unconstitutional. Doesn't mean I "support it" per your ignorant and illogical claim.

Similar applies to Medicare and Social Security where per Law and my economic conditions I had no recourse but to "play the game". Hence "support" financially wasn't a realistic/pragmatic option. Doesn't mean I didn't put into pension and 401Ks, and other retirement savings. Nor would have preferred some alternate way to invest the 'taxes' taken from me by the Guv'mint for Medicare and Social Security.

I'm not happy with our nation's income tax structure, but have little legal option to avoid same. Compliance with duress doesn't equal "support it". Except to ignorant, arrogant, stupid assholes like you.

Consider that whether you approve, agree, or like it, or not; you are subject to label by others per your age, gender/sex, ethnic, race, education level, employable skills, income, assets, ideology, religion, nationality, and many other factors/categories.

While you are entitled to your opinions on this, they are ignorant, stupid, wrong, and worthless as far as most of the rest of humanity is concerned.
Don’t have an IQ ? That’s hilarious. An IQ is a number bubba. You don’t know what you’re talking about. The vast majority never took an IQ test or needed to be that illiterate. They’re useless, no one uses them except to scam.
Your right.
I should have specified LOW IQ, below population average, such as yourself.
Not only don't you know what you are talking about, but is clear you don't know shit.
"IQ tests" are just one of many devices used to measure a person's abilities, skills, knowledge and potential. Most whom object to such are those whom score below average on such.
Typical from persons whom are ignorant and or stupid and demographic differences in political orientation and performance.
You don't have to reveal where you land on the scale, but by the attitude, positions, and ignorance of your posts I could likely guess where you lie on the grid.

BTW, your avatar hits my subconscious as being arrogant, obnoxious, smarmy, snarky, and basically a social reject. I can't help apply the same to you.
Yes we know how you feel about women. Not just Kamala and Pelosi. Nikki "bird brain" and Liz Chaney too.
No you don't!

For a start it isn't about "women", = sex/gender; but about political and economic leaning~orientation. And applies to both sexes/genders.

If one is on the "Wealth Redistribution" side of the economic and political spectrum, i.e. take from productive and give to useless, deadwood, non-productive than I'll have very low opinion and esteem for such persons. Same for distance from Conservative positions leaning toward Regressive ones.

FWIW, you don't know shit about me or my positions ("how I feel") on most issues/topics.
Political Science Is Junk Science

Academically structured, that paradigm looks like a piss-covered tile floor in the men's room of a skid-row bar.
You are neither "Sage" nor "Main Street" unless it is skid-row.
The matrix and quiz are the most applicable small/short tests available to measure a person's likely political; positions within the range of possibles for humans from Earth.

To the historically and politically ignorant and disingenuous such as your self, whom are incompetent in taking the quiz, it will look like your blurred ignorant vision perceives.

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