Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?
I am a classical liberal as would define pretty much all of our Founding Fathers.

I believe in maximum liberty for individuals with government enacting just enough laws to allow the individual states to function as one cohesive nation without doing economic or physical damage to each other. The central government is to be restricted to only that power and authority given it according to the Constitution. All other power resides in the individual states and individual citizens whose rights are not only recognized but secured. Free market capitalism regulated only sufficiently to prevent deliberate harmful acts or policy is the most beneficial economic system on the planet.

No authority is given the central government to dictate culture, how society must be organized or conduct itself, or to remedy any issues or problems or do any programs or activities that cannot be handled more effectively efficiently, economically, or less coercively by the individual states or private sector. Charity or any other process of confiscating money from those who earned it and giving that money to those who didn't earn it is not a legitimate function of the state.

Each state is allowed to establish its own 'ideal' society and will serve as a smaller laboratory to experiment with different ways of doing things and thereby provide information to other states as to what is or is not effective.

I am therefore pretty much 100% liberal/libertarian (small 'L') as it once was understood. That definition has now been turned on its head however so that the 'liberals' in modern day America are some of the most closed minded, racist, liberty restricting authoritarians on the planet. I am not one of those.
Huh? Listen fellas. All I know is I saw what a liberal society can do for a middle class. Maybe if you aren't from Detroit you have no clue. Quickly, it was the best middle class the world had ever seen before. And don't cry for the Big 3. Google record profits GM and Ford and Chrysler you'll see not only did they have record profits, the workers got record profit checks. Pensions, job security, great healthcare benefits.

When liberals see that they say "hey I want that too" But what conservatives said was "hey, I don't have it so good so why do they?" Well, you won. The corporations and rich have never been richer. And the middle class struggles.

Since 1978 we've gotten a 18% raise. They got 1322%. Cons say bullshit but here's the evidence. Tell me where you fall. If you are a con and 50 plus do you have over $1 saved? Are you a boomer who has a pension and over $1 million saved? You're lucky. And you get social security and medicare? Shit. Boomers tell us we can't have it as good.

Anyways, when I grew up, 1 in 3 homes worked for the Big 3. And the other 2 homes worked at places that supplied the big 3. Tier 1, 2 and 3 jobs. Plus hospitality.

I remember the Bush Recession in Michigan. When all those good paying jobs went away. Suddenly restaurants were closing because guys in suits weren't taking clients out for lunch anymore. Those suits didn't work for the Big 3. They worked for tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers. Oh glory days. MAGA? 1980's baby. And 90's. But reagan was the beginning of the end for the middle class and unions.
We Won't Live Free Until Wall Street and Washington Live in Fear

That working-class prosperity didn't come from the Democrats; it came from private workers manning up and realize that only the power of numbers can defeat the power of wealth. So just like the incredible raises produced by the pro athletes' unions, it had nothing to do with government intervention.
We Won't Live Free Until Wall Street and Washington Live in Fear

That working-class prosperity didn't come from the Democrats; it came from private workers manning up and realize that only the power of numbers can defeat the power of wealth. So just like the incredible raises produced by the pro athletes' unions, it had nothing to do with government intervention.
Government played a role. Government could squash unions. Reagan did it by letting illegals in. It was unions who warned what illegal employers would do to the middle class. Back when unions represented 35% of the work force they had some power. Today 6% doesn't have the power to stop McD from hiring illegals.

CBS News Three separate franchisees, which were fined $212,544 in all, employed 305 minors to work longer hours at 62 restaurants across Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, the department said.

Texas too. Sanctuary states???
We know a lesbian couple. One of them is Greek. We are Greek. She's family. Grew up in the Greek Orthodox church. I hope she doesn't believe what she's doing is a sin. I hope she's as smart as me to know that's man made up bullshit.

And again, who here doesn't sin? So really, who's worrying about what homos do? Is this a political wedge issues Republicans love to push in an election year? Me thinks so.
An Addictive and Obsessive Psychological Disorder

From reading the Ancient Greek Gayist poetess, Sappho, I was disturbed by her extreme emotionalism. So this fake sexuality is actually hysterics.

Hemingway also revealed this when writing about his dyke literary advisor, Gertrude Stein. She was cool-headed and rationalism in normal conversation, but when begging her playmate to be nice to her, she was extremely out of control.
An Addictive and Obsessive Psychological Disorder

From reading the Ancient Greek Gayist poetess, Sappho, I was disturbed by her extreme emotionalism. So this fake sexuality is actually hysterics.

Hemingway also revealed this when writing about his dyke literary advisor, Gertrude Stein. She was cool-headed and rationalism in normal conversation, but when begging her playmate to be nice to her, she was extremely out of control.
We are all on a spectrum. If being gay is a choice for you, that's true for only you. And if you feel you were born gay, then you were probably born gay.

You may be a 3 as far as being gay. Or 2. Very low on the spectrum. But if it's a choice for you and you're attracted to both sexes, you're higher on the spectrum than I am.
Government played a role. Government could squash unions. Reagan did it by letting illegals in. It was unions who warned what illegal employers would do to the middle class. Back when unions represented 35% of the work force they had some power. Today 6% doesn't have the power to stop McD from hiring illegals.

CBS News Three separate franchisees, which were fined $212,544 in all, employed 305 minors to work longer hours at 62 restaurants across Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, the department said.

Texas too. Sanctuary states???

Not that it is a big deal.
It is simply indicative of you.
That McDonalds story was debunked right from the start.
The Gurus' Gerber Goo

Quit pretending you don't understand. You refuse to think about anything that hasn't been presented by the professional Influencers. Originality is a thought-crime on this Netrix, which Mind-Control has so thoughtfully provided for us.
The midwit exposes his self. Can string together a bunch of terms with no clue, just silly assumptions gleaned from daytime TV.
Sorry, Jughead, it’s not. Learn contractions and commas, imbecile.
"It's Not a Job; It's a Position"

The Low-IQ grammar of college graduates proves they can't do the jobs the economic bullies reward them with. They're really pathetic when they try to speak as if their slave-education means they're smart, such as using "and I" when it's not the subject of the sentence.
Not that it is a big deal.
It is simply indicative of you.
That McDonalds story was debunked right from the start.
No it wasn't debunked. You would have provided a link of the story if that were true. Liar.

Ha! So far not one righty will vote. That's okay. I will add all the people up who commented but didn't vote and get my number that way.

Let me ask them a different way. If someone asked you "would you rather have conservatives or liberals running the country, which would you pick?" That's what I'll do. I'll ask them that.
Not all of us live here(online) 24/7.:rolleyes:
During past few days I've only had time to drop in for a few moments, a few times each day. "Politics" threads not always my place to stop.
You say that about anyone we nominate. Okay Gavin Newsom then. Or Kamala
To use a line from an old joke;
'What do you mean "we" Kimosabe?'
You schizophrenic or other form of split personality?
Or are you a group effort operating with one user name?

As for Gavin Newsom, he's still too far Left of Center to be considered objective or non-partisan.
As for Kamala (Harris ? you imply?), the VPOTUS, I prefer not to say in public the derogative terms that accurately describe her degenerate character.
A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?
The following is a more accurate and useful quiz to use for gauging where one is on the political spectrum. Assuming one is honest with themselves in the answers.
Consists of five questions on Personal Values, and five on Economic Values(positions) which will place one into a matrix. Not only Left/Liberal* ~ Right/Conservative, but Authoritarian/Statist or Libertarian.

* Liberal as used in today's USA political vernacular, rather than historical~classical. A.K.A. Progressive (which many of us would consider to be Regressive).
it's not like they do it out in the open for all to see.
So far, you have no proof what so ever that the el3ction was stolen. Geesus you fool, the election occurred during Trumps admin and it’s his DOJ that is totally responsible fo4 prosecuting fraud….what did “ no collusion “ Barr say ?
That’s right, no fraud. Bubba.
The following is a more accurate and useful quiz to use for gauging where one is on the political spectrum. Assuming one is honest with themselves in the answers.
Consists of five questions on Personal Values, and five on Economic Values(positions) which will place one into a matrix. Not only Left/Liberal* ~ Right/Conservative, but Authoritarian/Statist or Libertarian.

* Liberal as used in today's USA political vernacular, rather than historical~classical. A.K.A. Progressive (which many of us would consider to be Regressive).
Sounds like an IQ test, which is meaningless too.
A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?

Yes I mind voting as there is no option for what most are here, MAGA and not all Democrats are liberal.
Conservative, republican, MAGA, liberals and dems are all differant.
Then you neglect that a good portion of people are centrists.
I have a strong suspicion that bad things happened in certain areas during the election, but like most cheaters, those doing it were good at covering their tracks.

Why isn't anyone charged with insurrection? Where was the declaration of rebellion?

What he is charged with are chickenshit attempts to say he broke them, nothing more.

He isn't, but I am not voting for him on his personal life, but on his promises and positions.

He seems to be pretty well off, with more successes than failures.

MAGA Media rots the brain. Be aware.
Yes I mind voting as there is no option for what most are here, MAGA and not all Democrats are liberal.
Conservative, republican, MAGA, liberals and dems are all differant.
Then you neglect that a good portion of people are centrists.
Labels are pretty useless. There are a plethora of so called conservatives that say they hate socialism but love their Medicare and social security. It’s hilarious. “We“ call progressives far left and fringe actors yet a MAJORITY of American citizens support every fking one of their policies.
Geesus, most so-called conservatives love their social
programs…and they don’t even know it. The far left is really a majority….that’s why Bernie was and is popular with many so-called republicans.

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