Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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It's called preaching the Truth
Homosexuality is a sin and Islam a false religion.

And so what? What if I told you giving your spouse oral is a sin? Or getting a divorce is a sin? How about that? You sinners love to tell us that homosexuality is a sin. So what? He who doesn't sin cast the first stone.

So remember when you say homosexuality is a sin, before you finish the last word I want it to pop into your mind that you sin too. I bet you never finish the sentence. Or say the sentence ever again. Because you realize what a dumb hypocrite you were to say it.

And when you realize that there are hundreds of religions. You and me agree that all of them are false religions. You just need to take the next logical leap. Come on. You can do it.
And so what? What if I told you giving your spouse oral is a sin? Or getting a divorce is a sin? How about that? You sinners love to tell us that homosexuality is a sin. So what? He who doesn't sin cast the first stone.

So remember when you say homosexuality is a sin, before you finish the last word I want it to pop into your mind that you sin too. I bet you never finish the sentence. Or say the sentence ever again. Because you realize what a dumb hypocrite you were to say it.

And when you realize that there are hundreds of religions. You and me agree that all of them are false religions. You just need to take the next logical leap. Come on. You can do it.
Maybe. But ONLY ONE way to G-d.
You’re such a spineless pussy.
Huh? Listen fellas. All I know is I saw what a liberal society can do for a middle class. Maybe if you aren't from Detroit you have no clue. Quickly, it was the best middle class the world had ever seen before. And don't cry for the Big 3. Google record profits GM and Ford and Chrysler you'll see not only did they have record profits, the workers got record profit checks. Pensions, job security, great healthcare benefits.

When liberals see that they say "hey I want that too" But what conservatives said was "hey, I don't have it so good so why do they?" Well, you won. The corporations and rich have never been richer. And the middle class struggles.

Since 1978 we've gotten a 18% raise. They got 1322%. Cons say bullshit but here's the evidence. Tell me where you fall. If you are a con and 50 plus do you have over $1 saved? Are you a boomer who has a pension and over $1 million saved? You're lucky. And you get social security and medicare? Shit. Boomers tell us we can't have it as good.

Anyways, when I grew up, 1 in 3 homes worked for the Big 3. And the other 2 homes worked at places that supplied the big 3. Tier 1, 2 and 3 jobs. Plus hospitality.

I remember the Bush Recession in Michigan. When all those good paying jobs went away. Suddenly restaurants were closing because guys in suits weren't taking clients out for lunch anymore. Those suits didn't work for the Big 3. They worked for tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers. Oh glory days. MAGA? 1980's baby. And 90's. But reagan was the beginning of the end for the middle class and unions.
It's called preaching the Truth
Homosexuality is a sin and Islam a false religion.
I believe the problem is not that some homosexuals want to get married; the problem is that many heterosexuals do not want to get married to the people with whom they have children and raise those children properly.

Homosexuality is an inclination, not a behavior pattern. I cannot understand why anyone would want to be a homosexual, so I think it is a genetic inclination.

Homosexuals seem to be intelligent. I think homosexuality is caused by a gene that is recessive for homosexuality, but dominant for intelligence. Thus, if you have one of the genes for homosexuality you will be an intelligent heterosexual. If you have two of the genes you will be an intelligent homosexual.

I have liked the homosexuals I have known, but I was not interested in hearing about their sex lives.
Maybe. But ONLY ONE way to G-d.
Oh I don't think so. If there is a creator, a generic creator, humans have had this hunch a creator has existed for as far back as we can tell. It's been called many things, many bad evidence and wild conclusions, depending on the rulers at the time. Christianity could be totally made up. I have to believe it is based on what I know. And I know a lot. I just don't have the wishful thinking gene. I can't put away common sense and accept things that don't make sense to me based on faith. I tried. Sounds like bullshit to me GM. But that's you. You do you. If it makes you feel good keep doing it. But don't be offended at the pushback. If you truly believe, you'll feel sorry not get mad. Getting mad tells me you too don't really believe the shit you're pushing. Nahmean?
Huh? Listen fellas. All I know is I saw what a liberal society can do for a middle class. Maybe if you aren't from Detroit you have no clue. Quickly, it was the best middle class the world had ever seen before. And don't cry for the Big 3. Google record profits GM and Ford and Chrysler you'll see not only did they have record profits, the workers got record profit checks. Pensions, job security, great healthcare benefits.

When liberals see that they say "hey I want that too" But what conservatives said was "hey, I don't have it so good so why do they?" Well, you won. The corporations and rich have never been richer. And the middle class struggles.

Since 1978 we've gotten a 18% raise. They got 1322%. Cons say bullshit but here's the evidence. Tell me where you fall. If you are a con and 50 plus do you have over $1 saved? Are you a boomer who has a pension and over $1 million saved? You're lucky. And you get social security and medicare? Shit. Boomers tell us we can't have it as good.

Anyways, when I grew up, 1 in 3 homes worked for the Big 3. And the other 2 homes worked at places that supplied the big 3. Tier 1, 2 and 3 jobs. Plus hospitality.

I remember the Bush Recession in Michigan. When all those good paying jobs went away. Suddenly restaurants were closing because guys in suits weren't taking clients out for lunch anymore. Those suits didn't work for the Big 3. They worked for tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers. Oh glory days. MAGA? 1980's baby. And 90's. But reagan was the beginning of the end for the middle class and unions.
Wall of text = no original thoughts.
I believe the problem is not that some homosexuals want to get married; the problem is that many heterosexuals do not want to get married to the people with whom they have children and raise those children properly.

Homosexuality is an inclination, not a behavior pattern. I cannot understand why anyone would want to be a homosexual, so I think it is a genetic inclination.

Homosexuals seem to be intelligent. I think homosexuality is caused by a gene that is recessive for homosexuality, but dominant for intelligence. Thus, if you have one of the genes for homosexuality you will be an intelligent heterosexual. If you have two of the genes you will be an intelligent homosexual.

I have liked the homosexuals I have known, but I was not interested in hearing about their sex lives.
We know a lesbian couple. One of them is Greek. We are Greek. She's family. Grew up in the Greek Orthodox church. I hope she doesn't believe what she's doing is a sin. I hope she's as smart as me to know that's man made up bullshit.

And again, who here doesn't sin? So really, who's worrying about what homos do? Is this a political wedge issues Republicans love to push in an election year? Me thinks so.
Wall of text = no original thoughts.
That's okay Archie. The worlds getting more liberal. I know you want Monroe to go back in the closet

And they will be held accountable unless they repent. Jesus is no myth, He is very real, it's just that you're too stupid to see that.
Remember the "You know you're a Redneck Tour"? I'm going to gather a bunch of comedians and go out on the "You know you're a conservative" tour. Apparently yall don't know what it means to be a conservative.

You know you're a Redneck if you're a

Conspiracy theorist, election denier, science denier, religious, gullible, hypocrites, insurrectionist,

You know you're a conservative if you think Bush didn't lie us into Iraq but then voted for Trump after he said it in the 2016 Republican primaries.

You know you're a Republican if you make over $100,000 a year. If you don't, we know you're religious or racist af
Sorry, Jughead, it’s not. Learn contractions and commas, imbecile.
But you remember Monroe? Back then I was young I didn't know he was gay. What if they would have had an episode where he came out to Ted Knight. Can you picture Ted's reaction? I so can. I hated that dad character back then but today looking back nostalgicly I like Ted Knight. I wonder what he starred in before and after. I can always look it up.
We know a lesbian couple. One of them is Greek. We are Greek. She's family. Grew up in the Greek Orthodox church. I hope she doesn't believe what she's doing is a sin. I hope she's as smart as me to know that's man made up bullshit.

And again, who here doesn't sin? So really, who's worrying about what homos do? Is this a political wedge issues Republicans love to push in an election year? Me thinks so.
There are few homosexuals, so Republicans can condemn them safely. If they condemned heterosexual fornicators they might hurt Trump's feelings.

Conservative vs. Liberal​



The epithet conservative or liberal is used to describe political and economic views and affiliations. The meaning of "conservative" or "liberal" could be different in different contexts - social, economic and political. They also differ in usage in different countries and over time. Here we compare liberal and conservative philosophies as the terms are used in American politics today, with some references to the UK and Australia.

Comparison chart​

Conservative versus Liberal comparison chart
Edit this comparison chartConservativeLiberal
Political ViewsRight-wing, anti-federalist. Prefer smaller government, less regulation, most services to be provided by the private sector in a free market, and a literal interpretation of the Constitution.Left-wing, federalist. Prefer more regulation and services like free universal health care to be provided by the government to all citizens.
Economic ViewsGovernment should tax less and spend less. Cutting spending to balance the budget should be the priority. Higher income earners should have an incentive to invest (credits). Charity is the responsibility of the people.Government should provide more services to the less fortunate (like health care) and increase taxes if necessary. High-income earners should pay a larger percentage of their income as taxes.
Social ViewsOpposed to gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Support the right to bear arms, death penalty, and personal responsibility as an individual.Gay couples to get equal rights like everyone else (e.g. marriage); abortion should be legal; support embryonic stem cell research. Support restrictions and regulation around the right to bear arms.
Personal ResponsibilityIndividuals should exercise personal responsibility and it is the governments role to hold them accountable even with severe penalties. Laws are enacted to reflect the best interest of the society as a whole.The people should look to the government to provide a structure. Laws are enacted to protect every individual for an equal society sometimes at the expense of economic freedom if neccessary.

Social Issues​

In terms of views on social issues, conservatives oppose gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Liberals on the other hand, are more left-leaning and generally supportive of the right of gay people to get married and women's right to choose to have an abortion, as ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v Wade.

With regard to the right to bear arms, which is enshrined in the Second Amendment to the US constitution, conservatives support this right for all US citizens, whereas liberals oppose civilian gun ownership — or at the very least, demand that restrictions be placed such as background checks on people who want to buy guns, requiring guns to be registered, and ban on automatic weapons that can be used for large-scale violence (as opposed to hand guns).

Economic Issues​

See also:
The different schools of economic thought found among conservatives and liberals are closely related to America's anti-federalist and federalist history, with conservatives desiring little to no government intervention in economic affairs and liberals desiring greater regulation.
Economic conservatives believe that the private sector can provide most services more efficiently than the government can. They also believe that government regulation is bad for businesses, usually has unintended consequences, and should be minimal. With many conservatives believing in "trickle-down" economics, they favor a small government that collects fewer taxes and spends less.
In contrast, liberals believe many citizens rely on government services for healthcare, unemployment insurance, health and safety regulations, and so on. As such, liberals often favor a larger government that taxes more and spends more to provide services to its citizens.

Some good examples of this policy split are the Environmental Protection Agency, which liberals think is vital and some conservatives want to abolish or scale down, and the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which liberals want to expand and conservatives believe should be partially or completely privatized through a voucher system connected to private health insurers.

Historical "Liberals" in the UK and Australia​

In the early part of the twentieth century, liberals - especially those in Britain - were those who stood for laissez fair capitalism. In more recent times, however, the nomenclature seems to have reversed. The exception to this is found in Australia, where the mainstream conservative party is called the Liberal Party and the mainstream non-conservative party is called the Labour Party.

Political views and Core Beliefs​

Political liberals believe that parties motivated by self-interest are willing to behave in ways that are harmful to society unless government is prepared — and empowered — to constrain them. They believe regulation is necessitated when individuals, corporations, and industries demonstrate a willingness to pursue financial gain at an intolerable cost to society—and grow too powerful to be constrained by other social institutions. Liberals believe in systematic protections against hazardous workplaces, unsafe consumer products, and environmental pollution. They remain wary of the corruption — and historic abuses, particularly the oppression of political minorities — that have taken place in the absence of oversight for state and local authorities. They believe the public welfare is promoted by cultivating a widely-tolerant and -permissive society.
Political conservatives believe commercial regulation does more harm than good — unnecessarily usurping political freedoms, potentially stifling transformative innovations, and typically leading to further regulatory interference. They endorse the contraction of governmental involvement in non-commercial aspects of society as well, calling upon the private sector to assume their activities. Conservatives call for the devolution of powers to the states, and believe locally-tailored solutions are more appropriate to local circumstances. They promulgate individual responsibility, and believe a strong society is made up of citizens who can stand on their own. Conservatives believe in the importance of stability, and promote law and order to protect private property.

Liberals believe in universal access to health care; they believe personal health should be in no way dependent upon one's financial resources, and support government intervention to sever that link. Political conservatives prefer no government sponsorship of health care; they prefer all industries to be private, favor deregulation of commerce, and advocate a reduced role for government in all aspects of society. They believe government should be in no way involved in one's healthcare purchasing decisions.

Psychological traits​

Jonathan Haidt, a University of Virginia psychology professor, has examined the values of liberals and conservatives through paired moral attributes: harm/care, fairnesss/reciprocity, ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, purity/sanctity. He outlines the psychological differences in the following TED talk:

Haidt has also written a book, The Righteous Mind, based on his studies conducted over several years on liberal and conservative subjects. Nicholas Kristof, an avowed liberal, offered an unbiased review of the book and cited some interesting findings s
But you remember Monroe? Back then I was young I didn't know he was gay. What if they would have had an episode where he came out to Ted Knight. Can you picture Ted's reaction? I so can. I hated that dad character back then but today looking back nostalgicly I like Ted Knight. I wonder what he starred in before and after. I can always look it up.
Are you talking about a TV show or something?
You need more categories.

I’ll support whatever ideas most closely hold to our founding documents, regardless if they are left or right.
Founding Fodder

Americans are programmed to worship those plotters against the majority exactly like Christofascists are programmed to worship the Twelve Apostles, St. Paul, and all the other power-hungry Cross-Waving Con Men.

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