Are you looking for a genuine conservative columnist?

Pat Buchanan's sister, Bay, represents the GOP better than her brother. She told Anderson Cooper that the Republican Party needs to purge itself of any "elites". The intellectual elite have no place in the GOP.
I aint got time to follow a link to read something about Pat Buchanan, "have a read"? How about a little cut/paste of something you think is relevant.

Pat Buchanan is irrelevant, right or wrong.
Pat Buchanan's sister, Bay, represents the GOP better than her brother. She told Anderson Cooper that the Republican Party needs to purge itself of any "elites". The intellectual elite have no place in the GOP.
she wants to boot herself out?
Many columnists who are described as conservative, by themselves or others, are really libertarian. Pat Buchanan is a real conservative and whatever your point of view, he is certainly thought provoking. Have a read, and see what you think.

Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website mdash

Vern Wuensche Author at patriotupdate patriotupdate take America back

I have spoken personally with Vern closely over the years.

He is as traditional conservative as you can find,
but the old fashioned kind, where you live and let live,
not the politico type that won't listen to one's own peers and criticisms.

He can work and deal with me, as a prochoice Democrat,
because I am a Constitutionalist first. He does not trust in working
with the Democrats -- because most of them are not all-inclusive as I am
and willing to work with conservatives and Republicans without fear of compromise.

He is as straightforward as you can get,
and I can even explain progressive and liberal issues to him
as long as I explain it CLEARLY using Constitutional or Christian terms he can understand.

He is not adverse to the solutions coming out of the liberal and progressive camps,
he just can't deal with the adverse rejection division and politics that is blocking these very
solutions. We agree on many solutions, but he doesn't yet believe that the members
or leaders of both parties can work together on them because of the division
and demonization of Constitutional principles that could otherwise rise above and resolve partisan conflicts.

He would need to see more proof there can be collaboration
without compromising Constitutional principles before
he would agree to my proposals to have a
Republican President run for office with a Democrat VP.

(I'd also recommend filling out the Cabinet with
Green and Libertarian to cover issues otherwise censored by partisan monopolies
on the democratic process of redressing grievances with govt and
setting up solutions to reimburse credits to taxpayers for corrupt spending)
Many columnists who are described as conservative, by themselves or others, are really libertarian. Pat Buchanan is a real conservative and whatever your point of view, he is certainly thought provoking. Have a read, and see what you think.

Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website mdash

Vern Wuensche Author at patriotupdate patriotupdate take America back

I have spoken personally with Vern closely over the years.

He is as traditional conservative as you can find,
but the old fashioned kind, where you live and let live,
not the politico type that won't listen to one's own peers and criticisms.

He can work and deal with me, as a prochoice Democrat,
because I am a Constitutionalist...

here is where you lose sane people
Many columnists who are described as conservative, by themselves or others, are really libertarian. Pat Buchanan is a real conservative and whatever your point of view, he is certainly thought provoking. Have a read, and see what you think.

Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website mdash

Vern Wuensche Author at patriotupdate patriotupdate take America back

I have spoken personally with Vern closely over the years.

He is as traditional conservative as you can find,
but the old fashioned kind, where you live and let live,
not the politico type that won't listen to one's own peers and criticisms.

He can work and deal with me, as a prochoice Democrat,
because I am a Constitutionalist...

here is where you lose sane people

What did I say that is confusing, and I can explain THAT point.

The conversations over time that it takes to explain concepts back and forth,
between people of different viewpoints take a LOT more interaction
than one statement, post or conversation.

You expect this to be nice and neat and pretty?
But that's not realistic!

That's like expecting a meeting of the United Nations
to reach a global agreement on how to save the economy
to fit in one paragraph in perfect English in one shot. PPbbfftt!!

Sorry, Dante, but no, it takes a lot more work and process
and it isn't always going to be pretty!!!
Many columnists who are described as conservative, by themselves or others, are really libertarian. Pat Buchanan is a real conservative and whatever your point of view, he is certainly thought provoking. Have a read, and see what you think.

Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website mdash

Vern Wuensche Author at patriotupdate patriotupdate take America back

I have spoken personally with Vern closely over the years.

He is as traditional conservative as you can find,
but the old fashioned kind, where you live and let live,
not the politico type that won't listen to one's own peers and criticisms.

He can work and deal with me, as a prochoice Democrat,
because I am a Constitutionalist...

here is where you lose sane people

What did I say that is confusing, and I can explain THAT point.

The conversations over time that it takes to explain concepts back and forth,
between people of different viewpoints take a LOT more interaction
than one statement, post or conversation.

You expect this to be nice and neat and pretty?
But that's not realistic!

That's like expecting a meeting of the United Nations
to reach a global agreement on how to save the economy
to fit in one paragraph in perfect English in one shot. PPbbfftt!!

Sorry, Dante, but no, it takes a lot more work and process
and it isn't always going to be pretty!!!
"Constitutionalist" it kills a conversation
Many columnists who are described as conservative, by themselves or others, are really libertarian. Pat Buchanan is a real conservative and whatever your point of view, he is certainly thought provoking. Have a read, and see what you think.

Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website mdash

Vern Wuensche Author at patriotupdate patriotupdate take America back

I have spoken personally with Vern closely over the years.

He is as traditional conservative as you can find,
but the old fashioned kind, where you live and let live,
not the politico type that won't listen to one's own peers and criticisms.

He can work and deal with me, as a prochoice Democrat,
because I am a Constitutionalist...

here is where you lose sane people

What did I say that is confusing, and I can explain THAT point.

The conversations over time that it takes to explain concepts back and forth,
between people of different viewpoints take a LOT more interaction
than one statement, post or conversation.

You expect this to be nice and neat and pretty?
But that's not realistic!

That's like expecting a meeting of the United Nations
to reach a global agreement on how to save the economy
to fit in one paragraph in perfect English in one shot. PPbbfftt!!

Sorry, Dante, but no, it takes a lot more work and process
and it isn't always going to be pretty!!!
"Constitutionalist" it kills a conversation

Ok do you want to call it secularist or naturalist?
Nontheist? What do you want to call someone
who believe in sticking to "natural law principles" that
people can agree are universal and include them equally, even
liberals and nontheist secular types.

The girlfriend of the editor killed in France
referred to Secularism. But that normally
triggers rejection from others who feel left out of that label, too.

What term do you suggest that is more "all inclusive"
of left and right equally, where neither feels left out?

Thanks Dante it is important to get our terms straight!
Garry Wills, bar none.

Only an idiot would call Pat anti-semitic, but he is a Nativist.
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