Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

There is an uptick of "problems on the border"?

There are more crossings in the Summer than during other months. This year may have been more know...we had a killer virus the last two summers moving around nearly unchecked.

This isn't a pox on both houses.

On one side you have heartless, unimaginably cruel governors doing shit that would not be tolerable to do to a stray dog.... and on the other side, you have folks in blue states appalled by the actions--as they should be. I don't know what you're talking about; which is often the case.

But here is what I'm interested in.... what do you imagine a 3rd party would do about immigration that isn't being done? What do you imagine a 3rd party would do about this situation with red state governors pulling this Jim Crow era bullshit?
You fucking retarded asshole, Biden has been SHIPPING "migrants" all over the country unannounced and in the dead of night. Your brazen reaction to when they land in the liberal's playground by the actions of governors is sheer and utterly pathetic HYPOCRISY!!!
You brainwashed demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have No. Self. Awareness.
Nothing but virtue SIGNALING, but actually following through on those virtues?
BANKRUPT of any!!! Talk~talk~talk is all you phony LIARS offer.
And, you idiots have the NERVE to try and PROJECT YOUR " heartless, unimaginably cruel" behavior onto the right, and you MORONS can't even comprehend how stupid of an argument THAT is.
Ben Shapiro Calls Out The Yard-Sign Hypocrisy Of Martha’s Vineyard

The long nightmare is finally over for the people of Martha’s Vineyard, who were forced to share their idyllic island enclave for more than a day with some 50 illegal immigrants . . . The illegal immigrants . . were shuttled off Friday morning to a Massachusetts military base after wealthy locals in the liberal playland balked at their presence. Shapiro, tongue firmly in cheek, explained that it isn’t always easy to live up to the values on your self-righteous yard signs.

“My heart goes out to the victimized people on Martha’s Vineyard who are having to deal with like, a few days of charitable meal giving. It’s really rough stuff happening here,” Shapiro said.

Ultimately, Democrats can’t claim open borders are a good thing, then whine when the policy affects them directly, Shapiro said.

“They can’t have it both ways,” he said. “On the one hand, they say illegal immigration is a wondrous good for the United States. It shows the sympathy of the United States, shows our open arms. It shows that the slogans on the Statue of Liberty are the real Constitution.

“And on the other hand, if you show up at our house, man, are we going to be pissed,” he added. “Let me tell you, then it’s an emergency.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own lawn sign.”

TheReaper: The utter hypocrisy of Open Borders Liberals who don't want the dirty brown people in their town now blazes for all to see.

^ Thread win in one.
Breaking News. . . .

Martha's Vineyard now leads the nation in the deportation of illegals at 100%.

You fucking retarded asshole, Biden has been SHIPPING "migrants" all over the country unannounced and in the dead of night. Your brazen reaction to when they land in the liberal's playground by the actions of governors is sheer and utterly pathetic HYPOCRISY!!!
You brainwashed demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have No. Self. Awareness.
Nothing but virtue SIGNALING, but actually following through on those virtues?
BANKRUPT of any!!! Talk~talk~talk is all you phony LIARS offer.
And, you idiots have the NERVE to try and PROJECT YOUR " heartless, unimaginably cruel" behavior onto the right, and you MORONS can't even comprehend how stupid of an argument THAT is.
Not much cogent thought but a lot of anger up there....

This publicity stunt will backfire on the GOP...just like it always does.
Well, I am battling a 12 year old and a nitwit who thinks vaccinations are poison. It's been pretty easy.
Your "vaccines" don't VACCINATE, and your virtue signaling is nothing but LIES!
Everything from the demented left is dishonesty and deception, and YOU lap it all up and then VOMIT your HYPOCRICY and PROJECTION on everyone else.
Some "battle" you've got going on there; YOU vs. REALITY.
Go get 'em, slugger, you're doing a heck of a job!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Your "vaccines" don't VACCINATE,
I'm somewhat enheartened that there are like 3-400 thousand fewer MAGA maniacs running around out there because they believe the lies you guys spouted. I read one place where like 30-40 of the 1/6 insurrectionists have died from covid.... natural selection at its finest.
Who gives a shit?..well, obviously, you do. Cause you bring it up.
It's the Weiner of your discontent. :auiqs.jpg:
Well when the leader of your party sexually assaulted his own daughter, and your other leaders are exploiting young girls. Also the liberal run school system is grooming kids as young as 5. Yes, we give a shit. Because your party is full of perverts that are protected by your support.
You aren't even aware just how stupid your response is. Again, the Northern Guvs and Mayors need to swear out warrants and have the two Governors that are doing this extradited, charged and tried for the crimes.
Commie, Biden thugs don't have the spine. You commies should try it.
Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?
It is an outstanding move.
It is the only reason anyone is talking about our porous border.
The media stopped talking about the border, literally, the day Biden was placed in office.
Pretty much no matter how bad the situation is in cities/towns near the border - the Biden supporting media has ignored it.
Now they are not.
And they are too stupid to realize how this is not making them look good.
Wrong? Wrong> How about illegal as hell. It's called kidnapping bordering on human trafficing. What the Norther Guvs and Mayors need to do is to find at least one person that was treated this way that didn't wish it to happen and then bring charges on the Texas and Florida Governors. This is another case of you and your bunch of criminals committing felonies. and you think it's a good thing as long as it happens to the other side.
Biden has sent over 70 planes of illegals to Florida, you gonna support impeaching him over it?
Wrong? Wrong> How about illegal as hell. It's called kidnapping bordering on human trafficing. What the Norther Guvs and Mayors need to do is to find at least one person that was treated this way that didn't wish it to happen and then bring charges on the Texas and Florida Governors. This is another case of you and your bunch of criminals committing felonies. and you think it's a good thing as long as it happens to the other side.
Your side started it all liar.
The racist and xenophobic are the Fucktards whining about a few coming to the places they declared sanctuaries. I live in a tiny town in az and our town literally doubled in size due to wetbacks.

And (of course) you should know that the South already tried this shit back in the 1960's with black people.

Racists are always going to be racists... The parties may change but racism in the South remains.

The racist are the people in Martha’s Vineyard, who cannot even help out 50 people of color. Even though they are a sanctuary city. But expect the border states to take in Biden's 5 million illegals. All of the illegals should be shipped to sanctuary cities. You loons asked for them.

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