Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Is that why the fifty sent to Martha's Vineyardwere rounded up byu the Nat;l Guard and the placed on a military base?
Hmm...., where do those illegfals coming across the border everyday go? Are they put on military bases too? IDTS.
You're a hypocrite by what you write and by your logic.
Shipping a few of these illegal aliens who chose to go voluntarily to D.C., NYC, Chicago and now fifty to Martha's Vineyard was symbolic of what is happening in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico.
Are you claiming that those midnight flights of illegals to Red States and Cities is also heartless of your allies of Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies?
Sending immigrants to an sanctuary city that supports the open borders and claims they would welcome them with open arms?
Oh, when reality sets in they renege. And they call the National Guard to escort the brown people out to anywhere else but their white paradise. *sigh*

You cant laugh your way out of this

Abbott and DeSantos gave your lib hero’s a taste of their own medicine and they didnt like it one bit
Is that why the fifty sent to Martha's Vineyardwere rounded up byu the Nat;l Guard and the placed on a military base?
Hmm...., where do those illegfals coming across the border everyday go? Are they put on military bases too? IDTS.
You're a hypocrite by what you write and by your logic.
Shipping a few of these illegal aliens who chose to go voluntarily to D.C., NYC, Chicago and now fifty to Martha's Vineyard was symbolic of what is happening in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico.
Are you claiming that those midnight flights of illegals to Red States and Cities is also heartless of your allies of Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies?
You mean the Democrat supporters in Martha's Vineyard called the National Guard on 50 aliens? We've had 4 million come across the border with retaliation from the Deep State Democrats if border states don't bear the brunt of having the world's prison inmates shipped to our border. How very white of the Deep State scheisters trying to cover they heineys.
Not much cogent thought but a lot of anger up there....

This publicity stunt will backfire on the GOP...just like it always does.
Those rich honkies hate brown people. Sen them all to every lily-white Prog areas.
I'm glad you left the "ignorant bitch" bit on's been proven yet again with her.

Yes they broke the law (possibly---one would think they'd be in jail if they had but since they aren' you really know that they did?).... it's cruel to take them somewhere and drop them off without any support system and to one of the most affluent areas in the nation without any money.

The bottom line is that you guys get off on this sort of thirst for it. You enjoy causing pain and misery whenever and where ever you can. This is why the blob supporters are seen as such pariahs nationwide....
Brandon's crew won't put them in jail were they belong.

Inhumanity? A free trip to Martha's Vineyard beats sleeping on the dirt or west Texas street almost every time.
Well, we'll see in 2024 who looks like crap. If you think this makes the GOP look sane...well, you're pretty stupid but that is a well known fact in your case.

Just by the way....

The 1/6 insurrectionists who've been found guilty and locked up. You'd be fine if we shipped all of them to serve their sentence at GITMO, right? After all...they broke the law and they shouldn't have the luxury of having visitors who can easily make it down there, right? Or would that be needless cruelty?
Listen shit for brains! You cannot put an American citizen in GTMO becase it is not in the US. You would effectively be deporting them to serve a sentence, which you cannot do.
we never wanted them here in the first place. so how we the hypocrites?

Bingo! They can take their 'heartlessness' and shove it up their asses. Their virtue signaling bullshit has to be ended, and we only end it by not being defensive or apologetic for our values. Heartlessness is luring millions of poor people and young children and women to travel thousands of miles with some promise of a better life, only to find a country that wasn't what they thought it was. Heartless is watching people who believed in a better life being abused and murdered by drug cartels, women raped and murdered, children abused as sex slaves, trying to get to some utopia they believe exists here. Heartless is adding millions of poor and uneducated people onto the backs of normal tax payers that are already overloaded and struggling themselves. Heartless is adding millions of more people to employment rolls taking jobs from legal US citizens that are already struggling to make it with record inflation and record fuel and food prices. These idiots 'altruism' only extends as far as their mouths, Desantis brought that to light, the people of Martha's Vineyard did exactly what I always thought people like them would do, use their money and influence to get rid of the problem and foist it onto someone else.
I'm somewhat enheartened that there are like 3-400 thousand fewer MAGA maniacs running around out there because they believe the lies you guys spouted. I read one place where like 30-40 of the 1/6 insurrectionists have died from covid.... natural selection at its finest.
Madcow or Jean Pierre Press reader tell you that?
Never has the heartlessness of the right wing been on more vibrant display than during this sad chapter of gubenatorial publicity stunts. Everytime you guys try something like this it backfires.
Just some sincere advice: I know you feel that you have to answer everything and get the last word. But you're not going to win on threads like this. That's why most of the other Democrats on here are avoiding them.
Its great.

It lets anyone who had any doubt about it before know, without any doubt, that republicans who do and support this type of stuff truly are the scum of the earth.
Communist refuses to talk about the open border caused by her retard traitor in chief that started it all. Why is that, criminal?
Well when the leader of your party sexually assaulted his own daughter, and your other leaders are exploiting young girls. Also the liberal run school system is grooming kids as young as 5. Yes, we give a shit. Because your party is full of perverts that are protected by your support.
Sure. Whatever bullshit you'd like to put out there. Used to be, you had to back your claims up or you'd end up sued or in prison by running your mouth.

What a bunch of parrotted cucks. :)
Its great.

It lets anyone who had any doubt about it before know, without any doubt, that republicans who do and support this type of stuff truly are the scum of the earth.
Republicans these days have ceased to shock me with how low they are willing to go with other people's lives. They are truly scum.
Sure. Whatever bullshit you'd like to put out there. Used to be, you had to back your claims up or you'd end up sued or in prison by running your mouth.

What a bunch of parrotted cucks. :)
It is fun watching men and women who worked their lives becoming poorer and thrown out of places of residences. You scumbag. There are tens of millions who worked like jackasses and had money taken from then in taxes and could not say a thing. This jitbag in office had condemned many of them for personal independence. Evil is promoted as so nice for us all.
But here is what I'm interested in.... what do you imagine a 3rd party would do about immigration that isn't being done? What do you imagine a 3rd party would do about this situation with red state governors pulling this Jim Crow era bullshit?
What I would like to see is a third party that can flush the binary, partisan, all or nothing, us vs. them political bullshit and work together to solve our problems, including this one. Some ideas may come from the Left, some may come from the Right, and some would be NEW and INNOVATIVE because we had COLLABORATED like INTELLIGENT ADULTS.

Specifically, if I had my way, the plan would look something like this:


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