Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

and you get off on the hypocrisy.

"give us your tired and poor"

unless it's a gated community, or a playground for the elite
The "elite" in Martha's Vineyard did more to help them than the traffickers politicians who used them for political purposes. Talk about hypocrisy.

It is easier to trick a bunch of immigrants onto a plane and dump them than it is to coordinate with other states and the feds and move them so a few states aren't taking on the bulk of the cost, but that isn't what they are really after is it?

Were any of them actually from Florida or was DeSantis using Florida's taxpayer money for people originating in Texas?

Let's talk about hypocrisy: why are illegal Cuban immigrants ok but illegal south-of-the-border immigrants vermin?
What I would like to see is a third party that can flush the binary, partisan, all or nothing, us vs. them political bullshit and work together to solve our problems, including this one. Some ideas may come from the Left, some may come from the Right, and some would be NEW and INNOVATIVE because we had COLLABORATED like INTELLIGENT ADULTS.

Specifically, if I had my way, the plan would look something like this:

90% of what we have been going through is form the left over the decades. But golly gee we must be brothers in arms now. Accept hundreds of thousands of illegals in rich white Prog areas or shut up. Your politicians are Hitlers. Repubs have few of them and we need to vote for ours if the Repub party keeps being docile.
The "elite" in Martha's Vineyard did more to help them than the traffickers politicians who used them for political purposes. Talk about hypocrisy.

It is easier to trick a bunch of immigrants onto a plane and dump them than it is to coordinate with other states and the feds and move them so a few states aren't taking on the bulk of the cost, but that isn't what they are really after is it?

Were any of them actually from Florida or was DeSantis using Florida's taxpayer money for people originating in Texas?

Let's talk about hypocrisy: why are illegal Cuban immigrants ok but illegal south-of-the-border immigrants vermin?
Because it's better to dump them off airliners in Westchester in the dead of night, when nobody can see them, eh?
Sure. Whatever bullshit you'd like to put out there. Used to be, you had to back your claims up or you'd end up sued or in prison by running your mouth.

What a bunch of parrotted cucks. :)
If it wasn't the truth, why would they be so desperate to censor it?
You think "moderates" love illegal immigration and are opposed to this?
It may shock you but it IS possible to be opposed to using human beings for political stunts like this AND be opposed to illegal immigration. The two are not exclusive.

You think "moderates" love the MV elites crying about their sanctuary island being invaded by the Great Unwashed?

hahahahaha okay
What ever you might think of them, they pulled together, and along with their churches, made sure these peopme were sheltered, fed, given supplies and assistence. What have YOU done besides dumping them like the coyotes who brought them here in the first place?
The "elite" in Martha's Vineyard did more to help them than the traffickers politicians who used them for political purposes. Talk about hypocrisy.

It is easier to trick a bunch of immigrants onto a plane and dump them than it is to coordinate with other states and the feds and move them so a few states aren't taking on the bulk of the cost, but that isn't what they are really after is it?

Were any of them actually from Florida or was DeSantis using Florida's taxpayer money for people originating in Texas?

Let's talk about hypocrisy: why are illegal Cuban immigrants ok but illegal south-of-the-border immigrants vermin?
The "elite" in Martha's Vineyard did more to help them than the traffickers politicians who used them for political purposes.
Politicians like Biden, Harris with her 'closed borders' schtick, Obama?

All of whom are 'buying' votes from future citizens, and their Hispanic relatives?
Nice fantasy.
Sanctimonious asshole.......

Politicians like Biden, Harris with her 'closed borders' schtick, Obama?

All of whom are 'buying' votes from future citizens, and their Hispanic relatives?
That is a stretch but certainly buys into the myth of the Great Replacement scheme.

Why aren't people pressuring Congress to quit kicking the can down the road and actualy modernize and fix our broken immigration system? It is up to Congress, but it is easier to play games with people who have no voice than it is to make a deal and fix it.
That is a stretch but certainly buys into the myth of the Great Replacement scheme.

Why aren't people pressuring Congress to quit kicking the can down the road and actualy modernize and fix our broken immigration system? It is up to Congress, but it is easier to play games with people who have no voice than it is to make a deal and fix it.
And, how about we ACTUALLY CLOSE THE BORDER until Congress makes a decision?
Republicans these days have ceased to shock me with how low they are willing to go with other people's lives. They are truly scum.

Funny you would say that..................................

"Advocates say migrants on the flights often think they're being allowed to stay in the U.S., only to be expelled into an unfamiliar part of Mexico.

"Gelernt said migrants are often led to think or come to believe they will be flown to a location in the U.S. where they will be allowed to stay."


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