Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

I'd like our government to completely shut down the border (to immigration) until a reasonable immigration policy is put in place.

While the border is closed, round up as many illegal invaders as possible and ship their illegal asses home. That includes the "asylum seekers." Hell, all these illegal mofos are being coached to say they're seeking asylum when their illegal asses are caught.

The gov has to get us out of those asylum agreements. We're getting buried by these lying illegal assholes.

Finally, our country should make it clear that WE have the right to CHOOSE the people we allow into our country.

SHIP THE INVADERS HOME. Then keep their asses out. We need a Congress full of people who will work to do this.

It's not so simple to get rid of "asylum seekers".

If you go back to the late 90's the border patrol started encountering something new. In the past illegals would swarm in and simply try to hide, etc. But, all of a sudden 20-25 years ago, the border patrol started noticing that when they came across these people, most of them would claim asylum. It was then, our government concluded that the word apparently had got out south of our border, that if a person claimed they were escaping government oppression, tyranny, hostility etc, they would be treated more like we have treated Cuban refugees once the Communist took over. It's been a huge problem and unless we change our laws and policies, this country is finished. We will be nothing more than what we see south of our borders, where crime and poverty are the norm.
And (of course) you should know that the South already tried this shit back in the 1960's with black people.

Racists are always going to be racists... The parties may change but racism in the South remains.

it’s racist to pay for people to go to MV?
"No comment, just get out"seems to be the order of the day when asked to actually help, not just talk.

Oh, and little Chucky Todd told his followers that MV has no water, electricity, etc.....

One of their right wing talking heads lied to them and like always, they believed it without question
Speaking of believing without question, do you have the link where the governor of Florida flew the illegals from Texas to Florida, before sending them to Martha’s Vineyard?
Feel free to counter them.

There was a statement that M.V. was a Sanctuary City. I had no bias as I had no idea whether they were or not, so I look it up. I search three or four stories on the subject and not a one states they were.

Feel free to counter that.
What exactly do you think the sign in the OP was conveying?

This sign:
Speaking of believing without question, do you have the link where the governor of Florida flew the illegals from Texas to Florida, before sending them to Martha’s Vineyard?

No one said he flew them from Texas to Florida and then to M.V. It was said he flew them from Texas to M.V.

I've provided a link stating all of that.
Speaking of believing without question, do you have the link where the governor of Florida flew the illegals from Texas to Florida, before sending them to Martha’s Vineyard?
Why do is think this won’t matter?

What exactly do you think the sign in the OP was conveying?

This sign:

Exactly what they did as noted in the links I provided. To note, a Sanctuary City is addressing those here illegally at that.
Ben Shapiro Calls Out The Yard-Sign Hypocrisy Of Martha’s Vineyard

The long nightmare is finally over for the people of Martha’s Vineyard, who were forced to share their idyllic island enclave for more than a day with some 50 illegal immigrants . . . The illegal immigrants . . were shuttled off Friday morning to a Massachusetts military base after wealthy locals in the liberal playland balked at their presence. Shapiro, tongue firmly in cheek, explained that it isn’t always easy to live up to the values on your self-righteous yard signs.

“My heart goes out to the victimized people on Martha’s Vineyard who are having to deal with like, a few days of charitable meal giving. It’s really rough stuff happening here,” Shapiro said.

Ultimately, Democrats can’t claim open borders are a good thing, then whine when the policy affects them directly, Shapiro said.

“They can’t have it both ways,” he said. “On the one hand, they say illegal immigration is a wondrous good for the United States. It shows the sympathy of the United States, shows our open arms. It shows that the slogans on the Statue of Liberty are the real Constitution.

“And on the other hand, if you show up at our house, man, are we going to be pissed,” he added. “Let me tell you, then it’s an emergency.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own lawn sign.”

TheReaper: The utter hypocrisy of Open Borders Liberals who don't want the dirty brown people in their town now blazes for all to see.

Democrats DON’T claim open borders are a good thing.

Stop lying and fuck off
"No comment, just get out"seems to be the order of the day when asked to actually help, not just talk.

Oh, and little Chucky Todd told his followers that MV has no water, electricity, etc.....

Oh, and little Chucky Todd told his followers that MV has no water, electricity, etc.....

He's obviously not on the Obamas guest list.
Exactly what they did as noted in the links I provided. To note, a Sanctuary City is addressing those here illegally at that.
I would argue that their claims of asylum are bogus because they didn't follow procedure to do so...

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