Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

There is a sign. It says nothing about Sanctuary City. I also posted a link where the Republican governor praised the people of M.V. for their hospitality.

Now did I read Shapiro's screed on Godwinism? No. I always ignore anyone that does that.
who said anything about it being a sanctuary city? you…nobody else
No, I think that the only political thing you do is come in here and bleat your uninformed, bumper sticker, plattitudes...But, you support people like "Little Dick" so, what was he talking about? What was the plan?

Odd, I've posted links verifying everything I've said here.

I can not comment on something I never saw. Granted that doesn't stop many but I'm not sure why you think I should comment on something I never saw.
I guess you have this veil of ignorance you're wearing proudly.

Do you think that any of these folks who were shipped up to Martha's Vineyard spoke English very well?
Okay...are you aware that the areas they came from were likely heavily bilingual (English/Spanish)?
So there is this language barrier from the get-go. What do you think that does to someone to not be able to communicate?

Then there is the economics of it. I would imagine that they are not affluent. Martha's Vineyard is one of the most expensive places in the nation.
What do you think that does to someone who cannot afford to buy a meal and has no friends or family for support?

I know you don't care about these people. You're a trump supporter so it's a given that you have to be this disgusting, nasty, half-human scumbag that you've relished becoming most of your miserable life. If you don't agree with my assessment, I get that. But what is this penchant you have for causing misery and anguish to folks who have not harmed you in any way shape or form?
Ah ha ha - more bleating heart bullshit from the libbies. It's getting old.
You know how what I quoted applied to my question. So those who said it was a S.C. are doing the very thing you condemned?

Nope, sorr,y I really don't know how what you quoted of mine applied to your comment to me about MV being a sanctuary city, please explain it to me. What specifically did I 'condemn'?
I (and probably all of us) know the point they're trying to make here. I do get it. I agree with parts of it. But sometimes we have to find a bottom to our behaviors. Sometimes we need to just not do something because we want to be better than that. There is no "we tried everything". That's lazy-minded bullshit.

Since we know that the folks on this board are more and more representative of the base of the party, and we regularly see these tragically desperate brown people referred to here as things like subhuman and cockroaches (examples would not be hard to find), we know that the base has just lost its fundamental humanity.

They feel that they have "lost their country" and now are willing to "fight" until we're rubble. What they don't want to face is the possibility that the reason they've "lost" (not true) is that they failed to convince. Why? Because they have been reduced to incurious, manipulated, angry souls who only know to spout shallow talk radio platitudes rather than communicate effectively.

We all lose when a wheel falls off the bike. All of us.
How are these illegal aliens worse off in Martha’s Vinyard than in Florida?

Bleeding heart libs lack reasoning power
Odd, I've posted links verifying everything I've said here.

I can not comment on something I never saw. Granted that doesn't stop many but I'm not sure why you think I should comment on something I never saw.
Certainly you have a thought or two why progressives like yourself are losing your mind when a fraction of immigrants are relocated to blue cities?
It says nothing about being a Sanctuary City. Now read the rest. Read where the Republican governor praised the people for doing to very thing the sign does say.
the writer of the OP never claimed it was.

What the OP highlights is that you dembots are hypocrites
We can resolve that problem by simply diverting some federal funding from Texas and FL to places like Martha’s Vineyard. I am sure FL and Texas would be in agreement, but I am thinking Martha’s Vineyard residents would reject the gift. We can create shelters and soup kitchens for illegals there. Afterall, the 80% liberal folks that live there are warm-hearted and certainly wouldn’t oppose such actions, right? We can do the same for all cities that claim to love illegals and call themselves sanctuary cities.

Democrats LOVE all policies, no matter how implausible, that give them the warm fuzzies, as long as they don’t have to deal with the consequences.

Those lily whites at marthas aren't going to stand for busloads of brown folk rolling in. They just need as many as possible to tend their gardens and fix their roads.
Certainly you have a thought or two why progressives like yourself are losing your mind when a fraction of immigrants are relocated to blue cities?

What makes me a progressive? A support of the laws of this country as that is what I am doing. If that makes one a Progressive, what does it say about the rest?

I never lost my mind about anything. I'm discussing an issue. That's what we do here.
Have you housed a migrant family?
No. I'm against illegal immigration, and have a specific, independent and original plan for dealing with it, leveraging American capitalism. That same plan also allows us to tell China to go fuck themselves on trade.

It really is amazing, how completely wrong you people love to be about my opinions. And amusing.
As noted earlier, the federal government provides funding and has medical and legal facilities on the border to deal with these people.


It's not our job to help them.

Those legal and medical facilities and funds are NOT on Martha’s Vineyard.

They're not anywhere. Illegals don't need vaxxes, haven't you heard?

This is a stunt pure and simple and everyone knows that
Sure. Everyone. Yeah. (rolls eyes)

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