CDZ Are You On the Side of Palestinian Terrorists or Civilians?

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the Palestinians are to blame, they openly support Hamas a terrorist group that places missile mortar and rocket launchers in civilian areas, that builds tunnels to use to hide in while denying civilians that right.
Tell me Sunni Man which of these are false?
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

View attachment 489753
Boy, that didn't age well.

Israel only exists because the west felt bad about the Holocaust and decided to give away Palestinian land to the survivors. It was a terrible idea then, and it's a terrible idea now.
Not much difference between Camel Jockey Terrorists and the Democraps, they both are trying to destroy the United States and Israel.

What protest was that?
1) I never heard this at a Palestine rally.
2) There were no Palestinian flags.

This video is off topic. :offtopic:

Abdullah's article is truthful.. You are still claiming Palestine was a land without people., but who do you think protected and preserved the age old evidence of the Patriarchs? It wasn't European Jews.. It was Arab Muslims and Christians.
I have claimed no such thing. Please stop your lies.

The significant aspect to his letter filled with half truths and distortions is that not once did he mention a "Palestinian" people. That is proof that such an identity DID NOT EXIST.
that not once did he mention a "Palestinian" people.
Interesting concept. What were native Americans called before it was America? Were they a different people?
Wrong. That is an ignorant and incorrect view that i have seen too many people like you repeat. Terrorists and freedom fighters are two separate things. A "freedom fighter" fights for freedom, while a "terrorist" intentionally targets civilians to achieve their political or ideological goals. Just because you fight for freedom, doesnt mean you cant also be a terrorist. Palestinians are terrorists.

Again, you are proving my point. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

George III probably thought the Founding Fathers were terrorists. Except that word hadn't entered the vocabulary yet.

View attachment 489854
Hmmm... that sounds familiar.

View attachment 489855
Nelson Mandella was called a terrorist.

The terrorist label is just political name calling.
Wrong. That is an ignorant and incorrect view that i have seen too many people like you repeat. Terrorists and freedom fighters are two separate things. A "freedom fighter" fights for freedom, while a "terrorist" intentionally targets civilians to achieve their political or ideological goals. Just because you fight for freedom, doesnt mean you cant also be a terrorist. Palestinians are terrorists.

Again, you are proving my point. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

George III probably thought the Founding Fathers were terrorists. Except that word hadn't entered the vocabulary yet.

View attachment 489854
Hmmm... that sounds familiar.

View attachment 489855
Nelson Mandella was called a terrorist.

The terrorist label is just political name calling.
Ya I mean why would we call people that blow up civilians with suicide vests and lob missile indiscriminately into civilian targets terrorists?
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

This is not suitable material for the CDZ. It should be in the flame zone.

Congratulations on your promotion to moderator, or proctor, or whatever it's called an Angleterre.
Is this a zionist board ?


The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Palestine has Civilians? I thought those were just tools to strap bombs on so they could be sent into bazaars and blow themselves up?

Both sides are terrorists.

A plague on both their houses.
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

This is not suitable material for the CDZ. It should be in the flame zone.

Is beheading people suitable, since a lot of Camel Jockeys like the idea of killing the infadels?
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Palestine has Civilians? I thought those were just tools to strap bombs on so they could be sent into bazaars and blow themselves up?

Both sides are terrorists.

A plague on both their houses.

Typical progressive response. Muslims blow things up, and then when there is a response to those actions, then both of them are at fault. Just like when 3000 US citizens were murdered, the lefts response was "we deserved it"...Just sick.
To understand the situation properly, one needs to understand the role of Haj Amin al Husseini. He was the Mufti of Jerusalem during Hitler's rise and was a Nazi collaborator who worked in the Balkans rounding up Jews in order to exterminate them after he was kicked out of the Palestinian Mandate. He is also the uncle of one Yasser Arafat, who absorbed the admixture of Islam with the Nazi ideology, and created a brand new people out of whole cloth called "Palestinian".

There is a REASON why Hamas promises to "kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees", as they are a direct ideological offshoot of th
is admixture of National Socialism with Islam.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle. Mufti never rounded up any Jews. Ya'll have been lying since the Old Testament, demonizing the neighbors... like your fiction about Joshua.
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

This is not suitable material for the CDZ. It should be in the flame zone.

Is beheading people suitable, since a lot of Camel Jockeys like the idea of killing the infadels?

Are you opposed to capital punishment?
The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Palestine has Civilians? I thought those were just tools to strap bombs on so they could be sent into bazaars and blow themselves up?

Both sides are terrorists.

A plague on both their houses.

Typical progressive response. Muslims blow things up, and then when there is a response to those actions, then both of them are at fault. Just like when 3000 US citizens were murdered, the lefts response was "we deserved it"...Just sick.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, Israel is a terrorist state – both equal in their criminality.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle. Mufti never rounded up any Jews. Ya'll have been lying since the Old Testament, demonizing the neighbors... like your fiction about Joshua.
I am only 66, so I wasn't around during the old testament times. Also, not once have I ever mentioned Joshua.

It appears that you think I am Jewish due to your rabid hatred of Jews, but I am not.

I offer this link for any humans who are viewing this exchange.

The attacks on Israel and the reprisals against the terrorists are incorrectly characterized by many as hatred between Muslims and Jews. This is a misconception promoted by the hate pimps who are eager to see escalation of military action from both sides attributed to religious hatred.

It is not like a boxing match with Muslims in one corner and Jews in the other. It is TERRORISTS against CITIZENS. Just as our September 11, 2001 attacks killed nearly 3000 people and injured 27,000 more people, with all religions represented in both categories, the terrorists rocket attacks in Israel are killing Jews, Muslims, Christians...indiscriminately. They are attacking citizens.

If the good people of the world do not combat terrorists, they will continue their indiscriminate killing of citizens all over the world. The terrorism will not cease until the terrorists are all DEAD.

Palestine has Civilians? I thought those were just tools to strap bombs on so they could be sent into bazaars and blow themselves up?

Both sides are terrorists.

A plague on both their houses.

Typical progressive response. Muslims blow things up, and then when there is a response to those actions, then both of them are at fault. Just like when 3000 US citizens were murdered, the lefts response was "we deserved it"...Just sick.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, Israel is a terrorist state – both equal in their criminality.

Just because you say Israel is a terrorist state, doesnt make it so..
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