Are you one of the 53%

i guess it is all relative? the dollar has been devalued since its inception, yet we still had a boom in the 90's and in the 2000's...people still have more than they ever had when the dollar was worth more....

I just can't stand the rising prices that is happening now, for gasoline and food...but I've been through this before..... it all seems to work out in the end, at least for the most of us....even with the devalued dollar....or inflation.

It's all a matter of equilibrium. If production increases are commensurate with devaluation, then society doesn't suffer damage.

For fun some time, take a look at the purchasing power of a dollar in 1990, find the stated inflation rates between then and 2010, compare the purchasing power of the 2010 dollar. Does the math add up? Is it possible for the stated inflation rate to be accurate?

I teach an introduction to economics course, this is a little exercise I run my students through. It's a real eye opener for most of them.

I will try your exercise! but just from what I know, the purchasing power is not the same....the wage I made working when in high school bought more milk and bread than the minimum wage buys now...

but I think what has changed is the 2 working members of the household, whereas when i was young, most women were homemakers. I guess this is where all the GADGET money comes from and extra tvs and extra cars etc....

so, we adapted, to a 2 persons working household, and the cost of living increases didn't hit us as one would have thought...

but, the quality of life has been hit and strained due to all of this....
So I'm the dunce because you generalized without knowing the facts and perpetuated the lie for 3 pages? If that makes me a dunce then I guess you're a straight up moron.

No, JosefK, it makes you look very, very silly. Like you didn't know what I was talking about. I fixed the OP for you. :D

everyone pays sales tax.. boohoo. I am sure that if there was some way to get out of that they would be demanding no having to pay for that too...

I understood what you meant..... and as far as i am concerned... they don't pay taxes.

No, not everyone. There is no sales tax in Oregon. I live in Washington and go to Oregon to buy things to avoid sales tax. They have state income tax, though, which Washington does NOT have. Yet that is.
i guess it is all relative? the dollar has been devalued since its inception, yet we still had a boom in the 90's and in the 2000's...people still have more than they ever had when the dollar was worth more....

I just can't stand the rising prices that is happening now, for gasoline and food...but I've been through this before..... it all seems to work out in the end, at least for the most of us....even with the devalued dollar....or inflation.

It's all a matter of equilibrium. If production increases are commensurate with devaluation, then society doesn't suffer damage.

For fun some time, take a look at the purchasing power of a dollar in 1990, find the stated inflation rates between then and 2010, compare the purchasing power of the 2010 dollar. Does the math add up? Is it possible for the stated inflation rate to be accurate?

I teach an introduction to economics course, this is a little exercise I run my students through. It's a real eye opener for most of them.

I will try your exercise! but just from what I know, the purchasing power is not the same....the wage I made working when in high school bought more milk and bread than the minimum wage buys now...

but I think what has changed is the 2 working members of the household, whereas when i was young, most women were homemakers. I guess this is where all the GADGET money comes from and extra tvs and extra cars etc....

so, we adapted, to a 2 persons working household, and the cost of living increases didn't hit us as one would have thought...

but, the quality of life has been hit and strained due to all of this....

Not 100% true. My wife has never worked outside the home. We have done well enough on my income all these years........
It's all a matter of equilibrium. If production increases are commensurate with devaluation, then society doesn't suffer damage.

For fun some time, take a look at the purchasing power of a dollar in 1990, find the stated inflation rates between then and 2010, compare the purchasing power of the 2010 dollar. Does the math add up? Is it possible for the stated inflation rate to be accurate?

I teach an introduction to economics course, this is a little exercise I run my students through. It's a real eye opener for most of them.

I will try your exercise! but just from what I know, the purchasing power is not the same....the wage I made working when in high school bought more milk and bread than the minimum wage buys now...

but I think what has changed is the 2 working members of the household, whereas when i was young, most women were homemakers. I guess this is where all the GADGET money comes from and extra tvs and extra cars etc....

so, we adapted, to a 2 persons working household, and the cost of living increases didn't hit us as one would have thought...

but, the quality of life has been hit and strained due to all of this....

Not 100% true. My wife has never worked outside the home. We have done well enough on my income all these years........
yes Ollie, my mother never worked either and we did just fine in the later years, but when i was young, we were dirt poor....but survived!

And YOU and my father and mother have something in common, your health care and your wife's health care and your kid's health care was covered as a benefit, while in the military....that extra 5000-$10000k a year for an employee's family health care plan was not paid by you....but included in your total adds up....most families have 2 incomes to help pay for it....

I am a home maker now and do not work outside of the home, on the 3rd year of this recession/depression and it is really starting to hurt now...the cost of living now has been hard to cope with....I am probably going to have to go back to work, AND WE OWN our own home, no mortgage, but we are still faced with this situation that we thought we would never be in again....times are tough.
Yes, I am one of the 53% and as painful as that might be, it sure beats the alternative of being one of the 47%.
I will try your exercise! but just from what I know, the purchasing power is not the same....the wage I made working when in high school bought more milk and bread than the minimum wage buys now...

but I think what has changed is the 2 working members of the household, whereas when i was young, most women were homemakers. I guess this is where all the GADGET money comes from and extra tvs and extra cars etc....

so, we adapted, to a 2 persons working household, and the cost of living increases didn't hit us as one would have thought...

but, the quality of life has been hit and strained due to all of this....

Even so, the stated rate of inflation is dramatically lower than the decline in purchasing power, factoring in compounding.

Inflation is seriously under-reported. This isn't a partisan thing, it occurs regardless of which party is in power.
Ironically, the next time the GOP gets enough power, they will cut taxes, but it won't be in any of these hairbrained Herman Cain type ways,

it will be in the conventional GOP way - a poltitically sellable way, and the result will be that the next time they check,

60% or more of Americans won't pay any income tax.
I'm making it. I'm just pointing out her glaring dishonesty. Intellectual dishonesty is changing the OP to fit your argument.

Most people understood that she meant federal income tax, Zombie boi.

She clarified for the mentally challenged, i.e. the leftists in the forum.

Then she should have said that in the first place, Unhinged2008. She only changed it after being called out and after she failed to win the argument.
I will try your exercise! but just from what I know, the purchasing power is not the same....the wage I made working when in high school bought more milk and bread than the minimum wage buys now...

but I think what has changed is the 2 working members of the household, whereas when i was young, most women were homemakers. I guess this is where all the GADGET money comes from and extra tvs and extra cars etc....

so, we adapted, to a 2 persons working household, and the cost of living increases didn't hit us as one would have thought...

but, the quality of life has been hit and strained due to all of this....

Even so, the stated rate of inflation is dramatically lower than the decline in purchasing power, factoring in compounding.

Inflation is seriously under-reported. This isn't a partisan thing, it occurs regardless of which party is in power.
yes, I believe you think they have ritually under reported it because they did not want to pay out to all the gvt workers, military and social security recipients the true COL? I can't see why they would under report it, unless it was for some monetary reason that would benefit them?
yes, I believe you think they have ritually under reported it because they did not want to pay out to all the gvt workers, military and social security recipients the true COL? I can't see why they would under report it, unless it was for some monetary reason that would benefit them?

It's done to devalue the debt.

Too many of us think that DC is stupid and is digging themselves into a hole they can't get out of, in reality they have a plan to deal with it, and that plan is NOT good for most of us. You're in better shape than most, you own your home. Hard to devalue real property, almost impossible.
yes, I believe you think they have ritually under reported it because they did not want to pay out to all the gvt workers, military and social security recipients the true COL? I can't see why they would under report it, unless it was for some monetary reason that would benefit them?

It's done to devalue the debt.

Too many of us think that DC is stupid and is digging themselves into a hole they can't get out of, in reality they have a plan to deal with it, and that plan is NOT good for most of us. You're in better shape than most, you own your home. Hard to devalue real property, almost impossible.
not really....we bought the home in 2006, unknown to us, at the real estate peak.....we paid cash for it, but since then, the housing market crash and value of the home has dropped really stinks to high heaven! it's okay, as long as we keep it, but we had it planned as a stepping stone to a property on the water....we feel sick about hind-site, poor investment of our hard earned cash... :(
not really....we bought the home in 2006, unknown to us, at the real estate peak.....we paid cash for it, but since then, the housing market crash and value of the home has dropped really stinks to high heaven! it's okay, as long as we keep it, but we had it planned as a stepping stone to a property on the water....we feel sick about hind-site, poor investment of our hard earned cash... :(

That is a bummer.

I truly am sorry to hear that.

Hopefully, things will turn around for you to some degree.
yes, I believe you think they have ritually under reported it because they did not want to pay out to all the gvt workers, military and social security recipients the true COL? I can't see why they would under report it, unless it was for some monetary reason that would benefit them?

It's done to devalue the debt.

Too many of us think that DC is stupid and is digging themselves into a hole they can't get out of, in reality they have a plan to deal with it, and that plan is NOT good for most of us. You're in better shape than most, you own your home. Hard to devalue real property, almost impossible.
not really....we bought the home in 2006, unknown to us, at the real estate peak.....we paid cash for it, but since then, the housing market crash and value of the home has dropped really stinks to high heaven! it's okay, as long as we keep it, but we had it planned as a stepping stone to a property on the water....we feel sick about hind-site, poor investment of our hard earned cash... :(

My father bought a house for 1.2 million in 2005 and by the time he sold it he only got about 850k for it. :/
I'm in the 53%. I've paid federal (and state, ect.) taxes since I was 16 yrs old, and are still paying them on my retirement check. Single mom, one adopted child, no child support, and I made it by working 5 days a week, and sometimes more. Never wanted any help, and didn't ask for it. Was the way I was brought up, I am the only one responsible for myself.
The Right has backed itself into a corner on taxes. They wanted to cut taxes for the Rich so badly over the years, but they could only do it by also cutting taxes for the not-Rich.

They got their way, but now the taxes on the not-Rich have been pushed down so far that you have almost half of households paying no income tax, and the Right's scheme has come back to haunt them, and their own supporters are complaining about what they themselves created.

Now they're trying to figure out how to cut taxes for the Rich without also cutting taxes for the not-Rich,

a new scheme that is politically impossible, or political suicide, depending on how you look at it.
Indeed sir. If the RepubliCON$ weren't scheming they'd have nothing to do.
It was conservatives who created the upper tax bracket and started it at $250k. All in the interest of "simplifying" the tax code. What they did was lumped billionaires with those making $250 k so that now they could complain about the plight of the poor guy making $250 k while they protect billionaires from tax increases

Clinton created the upper bracket, knucklehead.

Regan flattened the tax code to three brackets, and then Clinton added one more, the top bracket that you are blaming on conservatives.

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