Are you one of the 53%

The bottom line here is that the reasons 47% of households pay no income taxes are the result of a series of tax cuts that conservatives overwhelmingly supported for the past 30 years.

Yep. And now they want to raise the taxes on the middle class and lower them for the upper class.

What a bunch of morons.

The Right has backed itself into a corner on taxes. They wanted to cut taxes for the Rich so badly over the years, but they could only do it by also cutting taxes for the not-Rich.

They got their way, but now the taxes on the not-Rich have been pushed down so far that you have almost half of households paying no income tax, and the Right's scheme has come back to haunt them, and their own supporters are complaining about what they themselves created.

Now they're trying to figure out how to cut taxes for the Rich without also cutting taxes for the not-Rich,

a new scheme that is politically impossible, or political suicide, depending on how you look at it.
The bottom line here is that the reasons 47% of households pay no income taxes are the result of a series of tax cuts that conservatives overwhelmingly supported for the past 30 years.

Yep. And now they want to raise the taxes on the middle class and lower them for the upper class.

What a bunch of morons.

The Right has backed itself into a corner on taxes. They wanted to cut taxes for the Rich so badly over the years, but they could only do it by also cutting taxes for the not-Rich.

They got their way, but now the taxes on the not-Rich have been pushed down so far that you have almost half of households paying no income tax, and the Right's scheme has come back to haunt them, and their own supporters are complaining about what they themselves created.

Now they're trying to figure out how to cut taxes for the Rich without also cutting taxes for the not-Rich,

a new scheme that is politically impossible, or political suicide, depending on how you look at it.

SPOT ON. :clap2:
The 53% that suppposedly pays all the taxes? That's bullshit. Anybody who owns the place where they live or even just rents it (Landlord does pass on that property tax you know) anybody who drives a car, In many states anybody who buys anything, is paying taxes.

This 53% are the only ones who pays taxes is based on income taxes alone, and even then it included only those who actually write out a check, not those who had too much taken out of their paycheck and so get a refund which is their money. The idea here is to make it look like the 47% are all moochers. That is bullshit and way too many people fall for this "don't pay taxes" crap

:bsflag: This thread is about the 47% that don't pay FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX. As in they don't pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES that fund FEDERAL programs.

It is now that you changed the OP. After it was pointed out to you that your claim of 47% paying no taxes at all was completely false and asinine, you went back and modified the OP to fit your ever-changing position. IN other words, you're dishonest. Nobody should take you seriously.
The 53% that suppposedly pays all the taxes? That's bullshit. Anybody who owns the place where they live or even just rents it (Landlord does pass on that property tax you know) anybody who drives a car, In many states anybody who buys anything, is paying taxes.

This 53% are the only ones who pays taxes is based on income taxes alone, and even then it included only those who actually write out a check, not those who had too much taken out of their paycheck and so get a refund which is their money. The idea here is to make it look like the 47% are all moochers. That is bullshit and way too many people fall for this "don't pay taxes" crap

:bsflag: This thread is about the 47% that don't pay FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX. As in they don't pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES that fund FEDERAL programs.

It is now that you changed the OP. After it was pointed out to you that your claim of 47% paying no taxes at all was completely false and asinine, you went back and modified the OP to fit your ever-changing position. IN other words, you're dishonest. Nobody should take you seriously.

I don't know why anyone would take her seriously with the B.S. that she posts.
The 53% that suppposedly pays all the taxes? That's bullshit. Anybody who owns the place where they live or even just rents it (Landlord does pass on that property tax you know) anybody who drives a car, In many states anybody who buys anything, is paying taxes.

This 53% are the only ones who pays taxes is based on income taxes alone, and even then it included only those who actually write out a check, not those who had too much taken out of their paycheck and so get a refund which is their money. The idea here is to make it look like the 47% are all moochers. That is bullshit and way too many people fall for this "don't pay taxes" crap

:bsflag: This thread is about the 47% that don't pay FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX. As in they don't pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES that fund FEDERAL programs.

It is now that you changed the OP. After it was pointed out to you that your claim of 47% paying no taxes at all was completely false and asinine, you went back and modified the OP to fit your ever-changing position. IN other words, you're dishonest. Nobody should take you seriously.
You're still arguing a point that no one is making.

That's intellectually lazy.
I love that she posts charts that she doesn't even understand. Charts that prove exactly the opposite of what her stance is. If anything, this thread proves we need a better education system in this country.
When liberals can no longer argue the point, they resort to personal insults. ROTFLMBO

I think Herman Cain calls is S I N

Shift the Blame
Ignore the Facts
Name calling

Yep, fits perfectly. :lol:
When liberals can no longer argue the point, they resort to personal insults. ROTFLMBO

I think Herman Cain calls is S I N

Shift the Blame
Ignore the Facts
Name calling

Yep, fits perfectly. :lol:
It's a sin that our educational system, fully socialized, by the way, refuses to teach critical thought. I understand why, too. They need the Useful Idiots.
When liberals can no longer argue the point, they resort to personal insults. ROTFLMBO

I think Herman Cain calls is S I N

Shift the Blame
Ignore the Facts
Name calling

Yep, fits perfectly. :lol:

And when you can't answer something, you flat out ignore it.

Exhibit A
When liberals can no longer argue the point, they resort to personal insults. ROTFLMBO

I think Herman Cain calls is S I N

Shift the Blame
Ignore the Facts
Name calling

Yep, fits perfectly. :lol:
It's a sin that our educational system, fully socialized, by the way, refuses to teach critical thought. I understand why, too. They need the Useful Idiots.

You can lead a horse to water....
When liberals can no longer argue the point, they resort to personal insults. ROTFLMBO

I think Herman Cain calls is S I N

Shift the Blame
Ignore the Facts
Name calling

Yep, fits perfectly. :lol:
It's a sin that our educational system, fully socialized, by the way, refuses to teach critical thought. I understand why, too. They need the Useful Idiots.

You can lead a horse to water....
Rarely are they even led to the water, at this point.

It's a great tragedy - maybe the greatest in the past and this millennium.
:bsflag: This thread is about the 47% that don't pay FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX. As in they don't pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES that fund FEDERAL programs.

It is now that you changed the OP. After it was pointed out to you that your claim of 47% paying no taxes at all was completely false and asinine, you went back and modified the OP to fit your ever-changing position. IN other words, you're dishonest. Nobody should take you seriously.
You're still arguing a point that no one is making.

That's intellectually lazy.

I'm making it. I'm just pointing out her glaring dishonesty. Intellectual dishonesty is changing the OP to fit your argument.
When liberals can no longer argue the point, they resort to personal insults. ROTFLMBO

I think Herman Cain calls is S I N

Shift the Blame
Ignore the Facts
Name calling

Yep, fits perfectly. :lol:
It's a sin that our educational system, fully socialized, by the way, refuses to teach critical thought. I understand why, too. They need the Useful Idiots.

Yep, you are one of the most useful idiots on here. You've been very useful to the idiot naturegirl with her dishonest thread.
When liberals can no longer argue the point, they resort to personal insults. ROTFLMBO

I think Herman Cain calls is S I N

Shift the Blame
Ignore the Facts
Name calling

Yep, fits perfectly. :lol:
It's a sin that our educational system, fully socialized, by the way, refuses to teach critical thought. I understand why, too. They need the Useful Idiots.

Yep, you are one of the most useful idiots on here. You've been very useful to the idiot naturegirl with her dishonest thread.
Well, I understand why you would think that, considering your use of strawmen, other fallacies, and intellectual laziness.

I would recommend to naturegirl that she no longer engage you as you keep arguing with yourself.

I certainly won't waste my time with someone who is dense, either by choice or naturally so, it doesn't matter.

You are one of the products of the greatest tragedy. It's sad.
It's a sin that our educational system, fully socialized, by the way, refuses to teach critical thought. I understand why, too. They need the Useful Idiots.

Yep, you are one of the most useful idiots on here. You've been very useful to the idiot naturegirl with her dishonest thread.
Well, I understand why you would think that, considering your use of strawmen, other fallacies, and intellectual laziness.

I would recommend to naturegirl that she no longer engage you as you keep arguing with yourself.

I certainly won't waste my time with someone who is dense, either by choice or naturally so, it doesn't matter.

You are one of the products of the greatest tragedy. It's sad.

Apparently, I'm not arguing with myself, since you choose to keep arguing with me. Great, don't waste your time on me. I guess that means you'll stop your desperate attempts to defend the OP when I point out how dishonest the OP is.
i guess it is all relative? the dollar has been devalued since its inception, yet we still had a boom in the 90's and in the 2000's...people still have more than they ever had when the dollar was worth more....

I just can't stand the rising prices that is happening now, for gasoline and food...but I've been through this before..... it all seems to work out in the end, at least for the most of us....even with the devalued dollar....or inflation.

It's all a matter of equilibrium. If production increases are commensurate with devaluation, then society doesn't suffer damage.

For fun some time, take a look at the purchasing power of a dollar in 1990, find the stated inflation rates between then and 2010, compare the purchasing power of the 2010 dollar. Does the math add up? Is it possible for the stated inflation rate to be accurate?

I teach an introduction to economics course, this is a little exercise I run my students through. It's a real eye opener for most of them.
Yep. And now they want to raise the taxes on the middle class and lower them for the upper class.

What a bunch of morons.

So what you're saying is that you want to increase taxes on the rich by repealing tax cuts that kept the bottom 47% from paying taxes?

Yep, that's the usual way you fascists tax "the rich." Barbra Streisand, Nancy Pesolosi and Matt Daemon won't pay one more dime in taxes, but "the rich" earning $40k a year will get a 20% increase...
Last edited:
you also forgot about getting rid of the capital gains tax and imposing a new national sales tax which would be disproportionately paid by poor and working class people who save less (if any) of their money than the wealthy do.

and forget taxing passive income.

Say sparky, doesn't a consumption tax ensure that passive and all income is taxed at the point of consumption? No loopholes or escape for party members?

Ah, but that's why you oppose it, taxes are for the little people, the Pelosi dynasty is to be exempt.

and the rightwingnut loons who are going to suffer most firght for this garbage?

brainwashed nutters.

You're as dumb as a bag of hammers..


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