Are you one of the 53%

You obviously have no clue what the stimulus was meant to do.

The stimulus was meant to siphon wealth from the taxpayer and funnel it to well connected looters.

It worked spectacularly well.
actually, it was borrowed money, not your present day taxes, but your and your children's and your children's children future taxes that will pay for it....:( and for all that is borrowed.
You obviously have no clue what the stimulus was meant to do.

The stimulus was meant to siphon wealth from the taxpayer and funnel it to well connected looters.

It worked spectacularly well.
all taxes are matter what it is spent on, it is taking from one to pay for pays our military, it pays our farmers, it pays our oil companies it pays our corporations it pays for infrastructures that are no where near me....all taxes redistributes a tax payer's wealth....even taxes collected from the lower middle and poor....
actually, it was borrowed money, not your present day taxes, but your and your children's and your children's children future taxes that will pay for it....:( and for all that is borrowed.

Governments handle debt by devaluing currency. This is a very real and very regressive tax. The debt will be negated by making the value of the debt negligible. A billion owed by the government in 1970 was a tremendous debt; a billion today is Obama's lunch tab. The earlier debt was never repaid, merely devalued to the point of irrelevance. This also devalues the assets of most Americans, rendering it an insidious tax.
Are you someone who actually pays taxes so the other 47% can get government assistance for nothing??
I am.
ETA, I'm talking about Federal Withholding Taxes............just to make myself clear. Some have a problem u n d e r s t a n d i n g. (did I type that slow enough?)

I am but I'm a quarterly 1120 filer. However I did just hire a guy (Wait! Even though Obama exist in the universe, I hired someone!?!? Yup. Basic business: Demand) who might just last long enough to be a 47% er. I don't know though. He just doesn't want to listen. WTF?

But I don't begrudge those on unemployment right now. I know a lot of people who've worked all their lives and feel humiliated to have to take it.
Now those who abuse it? Or the 4th generation welfare recipients? To me, they're like the billionaires whose handouts I'm presently paying for.
Are you someone who actually pays taxes so the other 47% can get government assistance for nothing??

I am.

ETA, I'm talking about Federal Withholding Taxes............just to make myself clear. Some have a problem u n d e r s t a n d i n g. (did I type that slow enough?)

actually, it was borrowed money, not your present day taxes, but your and your children's and your children's children future taxes that will pay for it....:( and for all that is borrowed.

Governments handle debt by devaluing currency. This is a very real and very regressive tax. The debt will be negated by making the value of the debt negligible. A billion owed by the government in 1970 was a tremendous debt; a billion today is Obama's lunch tab. The earlier debt was never repaid, merely devalued to the point of irrelevance. This also devalues the assets of most Americans, rendering it an insidious tax.
i guess it is all relative? the dollar has been devalued since its inception, yet we still had a boom in the 90's and in the 2000's...people still have more than they ever had when the dollar was worth more....

I just can't stand the rising prices that is happening now, for gasoline and food...but I've been through this before..... it all seems to work out in the end, at least for the most of us....even with the devalued dollar....or inflation.
Letting the Bush tax cuts expire would have gone a long way to reducing the number of households that pay no federal income taxes.

Where were you people then?

If you haven't already, could you please provide some support for that claim. I'd be curious to know how many would come back on the tax rolls.

Thanks for pointing this out.
Letting the Bush tax cuts expire would have gone a long way to reducing the number of households that pay no federal income taxes.

Where were you people then?

If you haven't already, could you please provide some support for that claim. I'd be curious to know how many would come back on the tax rolls.

Thanks for pointing this out.

The Bush tax cuts doubled the child tax credit and cut the lowest marginal rates.
The bottom line here is that the reasons 47% of households pay no income taxes are the result of a series of tax cuts that conservatives overwhelmingly supported for the past 30 years.

Yep. And now they want to raise the taxes on the middle class and lower them for the upper class.

What a bunch of morons.
The bottom line here is that the reasons 47% of households pay no income taxes are the result of a series of tax cuts that conservatives overwhelmingly supported for the past 30 years.

Yep. And now they want to raise the taxes on the middle class and lower them for the upper class.

What a bunch of morons.

you also forgot about getting rid of the capital gains tax and imposing a new national sales tax which would be disproportionately paid by poor and working class people who save less (if any) of their money than the wealthy do.

and forget taxing passive income.

and the rightwingnut loons who are going to suffer most firght for this garbage?

brainwashed nutters.
The bottom line here is that the reasons 47% of households pay no income taxes are the result of a series of tax cuts that conservatives overwhelmingly supported for the past 30 years.

Yep. And now they want to raise the taxes on the middle class and lower them for the upper class.

What a bunch of morons.

you also forgot about getting rid of the capital gains tax and imposing a new national sales tax which would be disproportionately paid by poor and working class people who save less (if any) of their money than the wealthy do.

and forget taxing passive income.

and the rightwingnut loons who are going to suffer most firght for this garbage?

brainwashed nutters.
Who told you that capital gains taxes are gone?

They aren't.
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The stimulus NEVER created real jobs. It only propped up unsustainable jobs for a bit of time. Real jobs don't need government subsidies.

most of it went to union jobs,

I'd say most of it went to commodities and to foreign currencies.
You would be wrong.

We need to stimulate this economy, but we also need to REALLY stimulate the economy in the right way.

The half trillion that O's stimulus ended up being isn't nealy enough to offset the many trillions of lost equity in real estate and the market.

Its limited the pain of the depression somewhat, but it wasn't really enough to jumpstart this massive US economy.
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The 53% that suppposedly pays all the taxes? That's bullshit. Anybody who owns the place where they live or even just rents it (Landlord does pass on that property tax you know) anybody who drives a car, In many states anybody who buys anything, is paying taxes.

This 53% are the only ones who pays taxes is based on income taxes alone, and even then it included only those who actually write out a check, not those who had too much taken out of their paycheck and so get a refund which is their money. The idea here is to make it look like the 47% are all moochers. That is bullshit and way too many people fall for this "don't pay taxes" crap
In 1913, the first year of the income tax, the percentage of people who "didn't pay any taxes" was 96%

(maybe back then they really didn't pay any taxes. Anybody know?)
The 53% that suppposedly pays all the taxes? That's bullshit. Anybody who owns the place where they live or even just rents it (Landlord does pass on that property tax you know) anybody who drives a car, In many states anybody who buys anything, is paying taxes.

This 53% are the only ones who pays taxes is based on income taxes alone, and even then it included only those who actually write out a check, not those who had too much taken out of their paycheck and so get a refund which is their money. The idea here is to make it look like the 47% are all moochers. That is bullshit and way too many people fall for this "don't pay taxes" crap

:bsflag: This thread is about the 47% that don't pay FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX. As in they don't pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES that fund FEDERAL programs.
The 53% that suppposedly pays all the taxes? That's bullshit. Anybody who owns the place where they live or even just rents it (Landlord does pass on that property tax you know) anybody who drives a car, In many states anybody who buys anything, is paying taxes.

This 53% are the only ones who pays taxes is based on income taxes alone, and even then it included only those who actually write out a check, not those who had too much taken out of their paycheck and so get a refund which is their money. The idea here is to make it look like the 47% are all moochers. That is bullshit and way too many people fall for this "don't pay taxes" crap

:bsflag: This thread is about the 47% that don't pay FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX. As in they don't pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES that fund FEDERAL programs.
But, when it's in obnoxious bold font, it must be true, right?

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