Are you opposed to "Zionism" and, if so, why please?

The "people" of Palestine are Arab Moslems, and the Jews are illegal, immigrant, minority, who do not belong there at all.
Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in God? The rebirth of Israel was predicted in the Old Testament several thousand years ago. In fact, it was God himself that caused Israel to be reborn.

The Bible is fake.
It as written around 400 AD by Europeans, and is totally made up.
There is almost nothing true about it at all.
While I appreciate any divine intervention on behalf of my people, I also believe in more pragmatic solutions.

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There is nothing more invigorating that the story of King Hezekiah being saved by God alone from the Assyrian army that far outmatched them

They simply all went to sleep and never woke back up

How do you fight that?
American Jews don't stop being Americans. German Jews don't stop being Germans, ad infinitum.

It's not as important to a discussion of who is, or who isn't, a Jews among Jews -- that is pretty much set in stone -- as is how enemies of the Jews define it.

For the past 2,000 years, when someone or other comes around to murder a Jewish community, or put Jews on cattle cars, they don't stop to think about how "Jewish" their victim is. They identify someone as Jewish, even if that individual has eschewed any connection with the Jewish Community.

In the Middle Ages or in Tsarist Russia, when someone wanted to slaughter Jews, they had only to go to the nearest Jewish Community and they could be reasonably certain anyone they put to the sword would be a Jew. Of course, mistakes were made, but Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

The Germans were a bit stymied by the fact that Jews were firmly assimilated in German society so they had use their Teutonic efficiency to come up with Mischling laws (literally mixed-blood) to determine who to feed into the ovens. The Germans created the concept of fractional Jews (a concept firmly rejected by Jewish Law) to determine with what they believed to be quite accurately just how "Jewish" a person was. It's ironic that people today still believe in the concept that someone can be a this or that percentage of Jew when, according to Jewish Law, it's a binary state.

That brings us to today, when the world once again believes they can determine who is a Jew, or who isn't Jewish enough, to live where they want to live. It seems that allowing Jews to determine who is Jewish and who isn't is just too important to be left to the Jews.
American Jews don't stop being Americans. German Jews don't stop being Germans, ad infinitum.

Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Nationalities aren't ethnicities, nor are they religions....Black Muricans are of African ehtnicity....They don't stop being of African descent (i.e. ehtnicity) because thay choose to be Catholic or Jewish....Words have meanings, dude.

What, in the name of Sam Hill -who was a real person- do you mean by "Jewish ethnicity"?
The Bible is fake.
It as written around 400 AD by Europeans, and is totally made up.
There is almost nothing true about it at all.
Again, come at him and we shall see just how fake God really is

So just the mere fact that this ancient religion, which is about the only one in existence that has survived over the years despite being persecuted unmercifully for centuries still exists, then miraculously gets their country back according to prophesy, has no impact on you?

Of course not

That's just pure insanity

Or how about when they do get their country back and immediately go to war with their neighbors who far out gun and out man them and still survive?

Still nothing?

There is nothing more invigorating that the story of King Hezekiah being saved by God alone from the Assyrian army that far outmatched them

They simply all went to sleep and never woke back up

How do you fight that?

To be fair, when Hashem steps up to bat, it's a home run every time.

However, as History has shown us, he's often willing to stay on the bench even when his team is losing badly.

Having a team with only ONE strong batter isn't an effective strategy.
American Jews don't stop being Americans. German Jews don't stop being Germans, ad infinitum.

It's not as important to a discussion of who is, or who isn't, a Jews among Jews -- that is pretty much set in stone -- as is how enemies of the Jews define it.

For the past 2,000 years, when someone or other comes around to murder a Jewish community, or put Jews on cattle cars, they don't stop to think about how "Jewish" their victim is. They identify someone as Jewish, even if that individual has eschewed any connection with the Jewish Community.

In the Middle Ages or in Tsarist Russia, when someone wanted to slaughter Jews, they had only to go to the nearest Jewish Community and they could be reasonably certain anyone they put to the sword would be a Jew. Of course, mistakes were made, but Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

The Germans were a bit stymied by the fact that Jews were firmly assimilated in German society so they had use their Teutonic efficiency to come up with Mischling laws (literally mixed-blood) to determine who to feed into the ovens. The Germans created the concept of fractional Jews (a concept firmly rejected by Jewish Law) to determine with what they believed to be quite accurately just how "Jewish" a person was. It's ironic that people today still believe in the concept that someone can be a this or that percentage of Jew when, according to Jewish Law, it's a binary state.

That brings us to today, when the world once again believes they can determine who is a Jew, or who isn't Jewish enough, to live where they want to live. It seems that allowing Jews to determine who is Jewish and who isn't is just too important to be left to the Jews.

What you are leaving out is that Jews were so assimilated into German culture because Germans accepted Jews and had no prejudice against them until WWI.
During WWI, Jews who wanted all Jews to go to Palestine, deliberately became traitors to Germany, causing Germany to have to surrender.
Chaim Weizmann stold the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite explosives, and other Jews stole the Zimmerman Letter from Berlin, in order to get the US into the war.
You're ignoring the fact German distrust of Jews was deserved and deliberately created by Zionists.
The fact Israel has enough money from the US to have superior weapons to the natives, does not make then right.
They are still illegal immigrants with no right to be there, murdering and stealing.
They kicked the crap out of the Egyptians in six days without much Murican support.

Unfortunately, in the Middle East (at least), might does make right.
Persecution of minorities has existed in most nations throughout world history.

Not true.
And especially not true of Palestine, that has hundreds of different cultures, like the Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, Akkadians, Nabatians, Amorites, Urites, etc.
Look at Germany before WWI and you find no abuses of Jews.
To be fair, when Hashem steps up to bat, it's a home run every time.

However, as History has shown us, he's often willing to stay on the bench even when his team is losing badly.

Having a team with only ONE strong batter isn't an effective strategy.
So give Hashem all the glory?

Good God man, we have enough arrogant rich pricks as it is.
What, in the name of Sam Hill -who was a real person- do you mean by "Jewish ethnicity"?

The trouble you're having is by trying to fit thousands of years of Halachic Law into your narrow, sociologically-based definitions of what is, or is not, an ethnicity.

According to Jewish Law, if your born to a Jewish Mother, or a legitimate convert to Judaism, you are a Jew in perpetuity, as are your offspring to Jewish mother. If you are a Jew by Halachic Law, you are part of the Jewish Community, even if you choose not to participate.

Not a distinction based on race, or nationality, or blood, or even common belief.

You might have a hard time accepting the definition, but it has existed for thousands of years and seems to work just fine for us.
To be fair, when Hashem steps up to bat, it's a home run every time.

However, as History has shown us, he's often willing to stay on the bench even when his team is losing badly.

Having a team with only ONE strong batter isn't an effective strategy.
What do you have to say about this dude?

I have a lot of driving to do tomorrow and have to check out....Honestly interested in your take here.
During WWI, Jews who wanted all Jews to go to Palestine, deliberately became traitors to Germany, causing Germany to have to surrender.

It appears your German History is as bad as all the rest of your History. During World War I, Palestine was a territory of the Ottoman Empire and they were allies of Germany.
What you are leaving out is that Jews were so assimilated into German culture because Germans accepted Jews and had no prejudice against them until WWI.
During WWI, Jews who wanted all Jews to go to Palestine, deliberately became traitors to Germany, causing Germany to have to surrender.
Chaim Weizmann stold the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite explosives, and other Jews stole the Zimmerman Letter from Berlin, in order to get the US into the war.
You're ignoring the fact German distrust of Jews was deserved and deliberately created by Zionists.
Well let's see, never heard of country after country in Western Europe persecuting the Jews, even kicking them out of entire countries well before WW1 ever since the Romans ransacked their country and made the flee into Western Europe?

Everything that was done to the Jews in Nazi Germany had already been done to them in Western Europe courtesy of the Catholic church for over at least 10 centuries, like forcing them to live in ghettos, stealing their wealth and killing them, making them wear clothing to identify them for persecution, or just rounding them all up for sport and killing them. The only difference is, in Nazi Germany you had a war machine that made it much more efficient and deadly.

And yet here they are, still here and arguably one of the most powerful nations in the Middle East.

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