Are you ready for the rise of ROBOSEXUALS

Honestly, if there had been a female robot that could cook, clean, do laundry, etc.... I'd probably never have even bothered dating (even if the robot had no sexual capabilities).

I'm pretty certain I'm not alone in that mentality, considering the current state of Western women.

Why do you think they push porn desensitizes human to human... It become an epidemic destroying relations, now there are some fkd up idiots creating robots, and if women thought they had challenges before now they have two things against them. The sluts who do porn, and now a robot.
Porn dehumanizes? You should try marriage..

You have no idea if I am or i'm not smart shit. ............and yeah it destroys marriage..

Ask any normal female to raise their hands if they enjoy the thought of a man thinking of some porn slut while he's doing her ...........First logical thought.

It also destroys in ways of your jerking off which moves faster than her female part can in turn porn addicts never get that true felt feeling doing a woman because it can't move like the hand can..........

that's putting it short and sweet. ..
You must know.. I find human contact more pleasurable than watching porn...yet when doing porn it was just a job..

Well then I guess you are in great shape and haven't been warped by it. Maybe your marriage can last. but you were warped while doing your porn ahah
Ask any normal female to raise their hands if they enjoy the thought of a man thinking of some porn slut while he's doing her ...........First logical thought......

Then maybe the women need to do their job of being pleasing to their Man a little better.

or maybe there is a culture of radical feminist teach women to man hate. Which they are.
Or maybe you just haven't found the right one because your looking in all the wrong places.
or well I ran out of the third one lol..

But seriously there is a culture of " radical feminist teach women, girls to hate men.
I am female and I can't stand them. Their beyond morons.
Why do you think they push porn desensitizes human to human... It become an epidemic destroying relations, now there are some fkd up idiots creating robots, and if women thought they had challenges before now they have two things against them. The sluts who do porn, and now a robot.

Honestly, the people who should be most concerned about these domestic or sex bots are Western women. If they ever become viable and affordable, there would be almost no need (aside from reproduction) for Western women to even exist.
How odd. Do you really think that only men would be interested in a robot companion?

Women will have no interest in listening to "get me a beer" ever.
You can program them to cuddle after sex and help around the house without hesitation. Truly a wondrous time we live in.
Wouldn't something like the helmets from Demolition Man be a lot cheaper and easier to take care of? It would be like having a wet dream while you are awake... just make sure you use a sock. :laugh2:

or maybe there is a culture of radical feminist teach women to man hate. Which they are.
Or maybe you just haven't found the right one because your looking in all the wrong places. or well I ran out of the third one lol..

But seriously there is a culture of " radical feminist teach women, girls to hate men.
I am female and I can't stand them. Their beyond morons.

You're correct that there's an anti-Male faction out there. No doubt about it. It's also true that fewer and fewer Western women are being taught their proper place and role in society.

I did find a good one. It just took until I was 40 years old to do so.
I would much rather have a robot than a man. Give him a different voice with a sexy accent if you get bored. He can sing to you while he rubs your back without ever getting tired. Will never ever watch football instead of your movie.

What's not to like?
How odd. Do you really think that only men would be interested in a robot companion?

Women will have no interest in listening to "get me a beer" ever.

You mistake me for someone who considers women in any manner other than domestic service and reproductive activities. What women want, like, think, etc.... has no place in any Man's thoughts.
I would much rather have a robot than a man. Give him a different voice with a sexy accent if you get bored. He can sing to you while he rubs your back without ever getting tired. Will never ever watch football instead of your movie.

What's not to like?

I don't think you can lower the bar any more than this.
Are you ready for the "The Rise of Robosexuals"?

(By Dr. Michael Brown) Do people have the right to marry the one they love, even if the one they love is a robot? If not, why not? After all, in the words of Lilly from France, who has fallen in love with her robot, “We don’t hurt anybody; we are just happy.” Isn’t that what matters in the end, that people are happy? Lilly calls herself a “proud robosexual,” and she fully plans on marrying her robot, whom she named InMoovator.
Oh if only we could get people to understand how humanity is under attack and in ways that are laying right in front of them. We aren't referring to just the robotic take over it is referring to the destruction of humanity.
Most people who think all this technology is great and grand aren't understand why it is being done, how it is being done and the out come of it being done.

This is not saying every single person out there wanting to create a new and easier way for humans, it's what the crooked , deceitful Companies want to do with it once it is fully functional.
DARPA is not for the better of humanity ......................

What you fail to realize is this detaches the human to human contact between one another it doesn't matter if you are freaking gay you still love a human, it doesn't matter if you love a man who was a woman and vice versa they are a " HUMAN"................. Humanity needs human to human contact deny it or not.

Problem is humans are social creatures. We are wired to mate, love, and take care of our children. We also crave what's genuine. But some of us are too self centered and feel that super normal stimuli is the path to happiness. Those people wind up sad and lonely, like the rat that's willing to keep pressing the pleasure center lever even though he's shocking himself to death. Do you want to be the rat? Or do you want what's genuine? What's genuine takes work and takes selfless work, but is also worth it.

Merry Christmas everyone, to the left, the right, and anyone in between. Do something nice for a stranger, cuddle up on the couch with those you love, have a drink with old friends.
Liberals will promote robosexualism because it can more lower sink birth rates by whites.

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