Are You Still A Racist, Xenophobic, and Intolerant Hater?

Said1 et al = 1000000000000000 Shamgar = zippo. :)

Shamgar said:
I already did. . . .


You don't have to use the quote option, just copy and paste my hypocritical statements.
Shamgar said:
Certainly not losing my touch as the message is tailored to the audience. . . .and I can see you are still living up to your name. . .Diuretic .. .aka. . . . a stimulant of the flow of waste materials.. . . .

That would also be an emetic...Or, in your case, a laxative.
Shamgar said:
Hey you recognized your hypocrisy. . .good job. . . . :clap: . . .now lets see how many others "enlightened" people wake up to their hypocrisy. . . .
What about you. Have you recognized your hypocrisy?
Said1 said:
Said1 et al = 1000000000000000 Shamgar = zippo. :)

Ah the score card on how many times each individual has been proven wrong. . . .go figure. . . .

Said1 said:

You don't have to use the quote option, just copy and paste my hypocritical statements.

I already did. . . . .try to keep up. . .
The ClayTaurus said:
What about you. Have you recognized your hypocrisy?

None to recognize since the melting pot, equal rights, etc.. . . are all lies. . . .not truth. . . . an invention of the last century. . . .a lab experiment in which you have been the rats. . . .

Therefore, it [propaganda] should be confined to intentions, to the moral realm, to values, to generalities. And if some angry man were to point out the contradictions, in the end his arguments would carry no weight with the public. Propaganda is necessarily false when it speaks of values, of truth, of good, of justice, of happiness – and when it interprets and colors facts and imputes meaning to them. It is true when it serves up the plain fact, but does so only for the sake of establishing a pretense and only as an an example of the interpretation that it supports with fact.

Jaques Ellul, “Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes” (New York: 1973) Page 59.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

Edward Bernays, “Propaganda” (Brooklyn: Copyright 1928/ ReCopyrighted 2005), page 37.
U.S. Committee on Public Information – WWI

“Fortunately, the sincere and gifted politician is able, by the instrument of propaganda, to mold and form the will of the people.”
Edward Bernays, “Propaganda” (Brooklyn: Copyright 1928/ ReCopyrighted 2005), page 109.

“Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses. Is this government by propaganda? Call it, if you prefer, government by education.”

Edward Bernays, “Propaganda” (Brooklyn: Copyright 1928/ ReCopyrighted 2005), page 127-128.

The majority vote is by no means the real public opinion. Its basically irrational character greatly reduces its power to rule in a democracy. Democracy is based on the concept that man is rational and capable of clearly seeing what is in his own interest, but the study of public opinion suggests this is a highly doubtful proposition. And the bearer of public opinion is generally a mass man, psychologically speaking, which makes him quite unsuited to properly exercise his right of citizenship.
Jaques Ellul, “Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes” (New York: 1973) Page 124.
Shamgar said:
Ah the score card on how many times each individual has been proven wrong. . . .go figure. . . .

I already did. . . . .try to keep up. . .

Maybe you could post it again, Oopie. I missed it. Or at least the post number.
Shamgar said:
None to recognize since the melting pot, equal rights, etc.. . . are all lies. . . .not truth. . . . an invention of the last century. . . .a lab experiment in which you have been the rats. . . .

Therefore, it [propaganda] should be confined to intentions, to the moral realm, to values, to generalities. And if some angry man were to point out the contradictions, in the end his arguments would carry no weight with the public. Propaganda is necessarily false when it speaks of values, of truth, of good, of justice, of happiness – and when it interprets and colors facts and imputes meaning to them. It is true when it serves up the plain fact, but does so only for the sake of establishing a pretense and only as an an example of the interpretation that it supports with fact.

Jaques Ellul, “Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes” (New York: 1973) Page 59.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

Edward Bernays, “Propaganda” (Brooklyn: Copyright 1928/ ReCopyrighted 2005), page 37.
U.S. Committee on Public Information – WWI

“Fortunately, the sincere and gifted politician is able, by the instrument of propaganda, to mold and form the will of the people.”
Edward Bernays, “Propaganda” (Brooklyn: Copyright 1928/ ReCopyrighted 2005), page 109.

“Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses. Is this government by propaganda? Call it, if you prefer, government by education.”

Edward Bernays, “Propaganda” (Brooklyn: Copyright 1928/ ReCopyrighted 2005), page 127-128.

The majority vote is by no means the real public opinion. Its basically irrational character greatly reduces its power to rule in a democracy. Democracy is based on the concept that man is rational and capable of clearly seeing what is in his own interest, but the study of public opinion suggests this is a highly doubtful proposition. And the bearer of public opinion is generally a mass man, psychologically speaking, which makes him quite unsuited to properly exercise his right of citizenship.
Jaques Ellul, “Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes” (New York: 1973) Page 124.
Ah, so, you are truly enlightened then. I figured as much. I quiver in your clairvoyant presence, oh hypocritically unhypocritical one.
Ah... I see that Sham is living up to his nickname. Sham, the lady asked for proof of hypocrisy. Post it or give up. Saying, "I proved it because I said so!" is simply not cutting it. Your Logical Fallacies are showing! (Maybe you should zip that up so we don't have to look at it... ;) )

Anyway, "racism" is more than just discriminatory activities based on race. It is the focus on race as well. Posting only the most limited of definitions to support the idea that only that side of the argument is racist is simply disingenuous and assumes that nobody will be willing to actually read that tripe you posted. Both sides of an argument that attempts to separate the species into "races" are racist by definition because they focus on "race" as a separating factor. "Race" is a social construct and has no basis in genetics. There is only one "race" of humans, skin pigmentation notwithstanding.
no1tovote4 said:
Ah... I see that Sham is living up to his nickname. Sham, the lady asked for proof of hypocrisy. Post it or give up. Saying, "I proved it because I said so!" is simply not cutting it. Your Logical Fallacies are showing! (Maybe you should zip that up so we don't have to look at it... ;) )

Thanks for your :lame2: response. . . .and your admission for being a :blah2: :blah2: :blah2: along with Said1. . . . and your reading comprehension skills must be as :lame2: as Said1's since you can't figure out the the quote in question.. . . . .go figure. . . .

no1tovote4 said:
"Race" is a social construct and has no basis in genetics. There is only one "race" of humans, skin pigmentation notwithstanding.

:laugh: see your :lame2: comprehension skills are showing again. . . .as I have seen many government documetns that indicate races. . . .as a genetic basis. . . . ever seen this word on a government document?

Main Entry: Cau·ca·sian
Pronunciation: 'ko-'kA-zh&n, -'kazh-&n
Function: adjective
1 : of or relating to the white race of humankind as classified according to physical features

But thanks for your "theory" of evolution. . . .say when are they going to come up with an experiment in which life is spontaneously created in the lab and "evolves" into a man. . . . as the no valid conclusion can be reached with out this "evidence". . . . .
D'ster said:
You can't.

You are correct. . .the lie of interracial mixing aka "divirsity" or the "melting pot" destroys diverse (unique) races. . .so eventuially there would be no unique (diverse) races . . . . .now try and tackle the other questions. . . .
1. How can you have diversity without diverse races and cultures being separate?

Are you arguing for separation in the name of diversity? Creative!

2. How can you have diverse and unique races by interracial marriage?

Pure races? You can't. Against interracial marriage in the name of diversity. Again, creative!

3. Why does a racist, xenophobic, and intolerant God hater have to re-define the word "diverse" which means separate to promote the melting pot term "diversity" which means the opposite?

Diverse does not mean seperate. It means different.
no1tovote4 said:
"Race" is a social construct and has no basis in genetics. There is only one "race" of humans, skin pigmentation notwithstanding.

So could a white baby raised by blacks qualify for affirmative action as an African AMerican, if he said "yo" and stuff?
Oh. i forgot to mention. This "there are no races" crap is called Boazian anthropology. It's descredited jewish pseudoscience.
rtwngAvngr said:
Oh. i forgot to mention. This "there are no races" crap is called Boazian anthropology. It's descredited jewish pseudoscience.
It's cuz he's a Mason, right? What's the Mason-Jew connection?
Whites are only one group of people in the world that are embarassed to admit they love themself's as a separate group.

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