Are you worried about Biden's Mental State?

Are you worried about Joe Biden's Mental State

  • Not remotely -- He is the same as he was 10 or 20 years ago

    Votes: 18 25.7%
  • Somewhat -- He seems to have regressed but not materially

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moderate -- He has regressed notably but he can still govern

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Very -- He is a shell of his former self

    Votes: 51 72.9%

  • Total voters
Trumpers own this, and Biden-Harris will save you from yourself. The monsters!

View attachment 389761

Democrats, the party of "competent and ethical government"

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


Then you could explain how Dejoy gave $600k to GOP after postmaster job became open.
Or Rudy actively working with Russia is ethical.
Or taking money from 911 first responder fund.

Your whataboutism has nothing to do with what I said, duschmuck
You had mentioned competent and ethical government, so i showed you what we have now.
Trumpers own this, and Biden-Harris will save you from yourself. The monsters!

View attachment 389761

Democrats, the party of "competent and ethical government"

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:



funny how richard painter - the freakin' ETHICS dude for W. is voting for biden because he thinks trump has no ethics.

he thought W. did, but not donny.

wow wow wow.

This is how Democrats rewrite history. All through W's administration you said he murdered millions of people in the middle east, he lied about WMDs, blood for oil.

Now you're like oh, W had ethics, you always thought that.

This is why you can't convince anyone who disagrees with you to tie their shoes. You're such a flaming hypocrite and liar
You are mindlessly chattering chipmunk.

1. W killed man in the Middle East, yes, for blood and oil.

2. No is saying W had ethics; it is his ethics guy that is saying Trump has no ethics.

This is why you can't convincingly argue: you are a mindless chattering chipmunk.

You calling me a mindless chattering chipmunk is just too funny, Fakey
:rofl: you prove my point

The point that you don't get is that no one is worried about Biden's mental status

Look at how vacuous your posts are. All you do is stamp your feet and yell you hate Trump, you hate Republicans, you love Biden and the Democrats over and over and over. I got it, OK? You hate Trump, you love the Democrat party. They give your Willy a tingle. Thanks for letting me know
My posts are right on, and Kaz babbles. Biden is fine, Trump is not, yet you defend him. For shame.

It's pretty funny Fake Jake how you think you speak for Republicans when you advocate Biden and the Democrats and want the States to turn blue and ... none of the Republicans on the board think you are a Republican
I speak for good Americans, not the likes of you. The Republicans of Trump's ilk are not fit to carry Romney's or Flake's or Will's shoes.

There's a word for Republicans like you, Jake the Fake. It's "Democrat"
:) Once Trump and his good lose, then the GOP trues can start eliminating the Trumpbodies.

You're boring as shit, Jake the Fake. You love Democrats. I got it. They put the rise in your cookies. Noted
Trumpers own this, and Biden-Harris will save you from yourself. The monsters!

View attachment 389761

Democrats, the party of "competent and ethical government"

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:


Then you could explain how Dejoy gave $600k to GOP after postmaster job became open.
Or Rudy actively working with Russia is ethical.
Or taking money from 911 first responder fund.

Your whataboutism has nothing to do with what I said, duschmuck
You had mentioned competent and ethical government, so i showed you what we have now.

I didn't mention it, I responded to it. Try reading the conversation you're responding to next time
kaz is trolling instead of responding to the OP

No one in his right mind is worried about Biden's
So we have peace? Maybe there is hope for Israel and Palestine after all?

i'm always willing to try 'n get a trump voter to see the light.

View attachment 389710

OK, so a few tips if you want to "try 'n get a trump voter to see the light."

1) No hypocrisy (you fail at this off the bat)

2) Don't just talk about how much you hate Trump, explain why we'd be better off having brown outs like California and having violent leftists gut our inner cities

3) Explain why we're better off having no police protection

4) Explain why we should keep engaging in endless wars in the middle east

5) Explain why we should waste trillions on energy policies that we aren't technologically advanced enough to succeed (see the brown out question above)

If you can do those, you can at least get in the game

lol.... kaz kaz kaz.... you aren't worth the time.

i see no glimmer in you. azog, not really either, but he's fun.

you're just pitiful.

I know you don't get it, but you want to change minds supposedly. That while you say one hypocrisy after another.

When you attack Trump for things that apply even more to Biden, you'll convince nobody of anything. But let's focus on the daily life:

1) Why would anyone want to take California's brown outs nationally? Which is exactly what the Democrat party is promising

2) I lived in big cities all my adult life. NY, SF, etc. And I can't go there anymore because leftists are not just rioting but decimating police forces.

Why would anyone want to live in your vision for America? Not to mention all the jobs you want to destroy and force offshore

when will donny bring his cheap ass sweat shop made crap HERE to be made?

& how about the first lady, ivanka? her too.

check mate.

Bu-bu-bu-but Trump! More of your whataboutism.

Let's start with the basics since you know so little.

Do you know why California is having brown outs? Be honest

oh - i see .... are you now playing the game of non sequiturs? i'll humor you this time.

i don't know daaaaaaaaaaaavey................ but i'll take a few guesses.

too many brown people?

sucky infrastructure?

souless, incompetent, PG&E?
Trumpers own this, and Biden-Harris will save you from yourself. The monsters!

View attachment 389761

Democrats, the party of "competent and ethical government"

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:



funny how richard painter - the freakin' ETHICS dude for W. is voting for biden because he thinks trump has no ethics.

he thought W. did, but not donny.

wow wow wow.

This is how Democrats rewrite history. All through W's administration you said he murdered millions of people in the middle east, he lied about WMDs, blood for oil.

Now you're like oh, W had ethics, you always thought that.

This is why you can't convince anyone who disagrees with you to tie their shoes. You're such a flaming hypocrite and liar
You are mindlessly chattering chipmunk.

1. W killed man in the Middle East, yes, for blood and oil.

2. No is saying W had ethics; it is his ethics guy that is saying Trump has no ethics.

This is why you can't convincingly argue: you are a mindless chattering chipmunk.

You calling me a mindless chattering chipmunk is just too funny, Fakey
:rofl: you prove my point

The point that you don't get is that no one is worried about Biden's mental status

Look at how vacuous your posts are. All you do is stamp your feet and yell you hate Trump, you hate Republicans, you love Biden and the Democrats over and over and over. I got it, OK? You hate Trump, you love the Democrat party. They give your Willy a tingle. Thanks for letting me know
My posts are right on, and Kaz babbles. Biden is fine, Trump is not, yet you defend him. For shame.

It's pretty funny Fake Jake how you think you speak for Republicans when you advocate Biden and the Democrats and want the States to turn blue and ... none of the Republicans on the board think you are a Republican
I speak for good Americans, not the likes of you. The Republicans of Trump's ilk are not fit to carry Romney's or Flake's or Will's shoes.

There's a word for Republicans like you, Jake the Fake. It's "Democrat"

are the folks over at the lincoln project (D)s?

how's about RVAT?
This thread aged worse than Trump’s hair plugs. Biden was extremely knowledgeable, detailed, and thoughtful in last nights debate. He was so solid the right wing media is claiming it was all a hoax! Lol


I agree that Mr. Biden has brain issues that will increase during his tenure in office.

But I am not worried.

I have no doubt that Vice President Harris & the Cabinet will gently sideline him so that he has plenty of time to rest.

He will be President in name only.

Maybe we can say that he will be our first king. That is, he will be a titular head of state, while his Vice President becomes the de facto prime minister.
I agree that Mr. Biden has brain issues that will increase during his tenure in office.

But I am not worried.

I have no doubt that Vice President Harris & the Cabinet will gently sideline him so that he has plenty of time to rest.

He will be President in name only.

Maybe we can say that he will be our first king. That is, he will be a titular head of state, while his Vice President becomes the de facto prime minister.
So you didn’t watch last night? Got it. He’s fine.
Guess not, huh? There goes the whole, "Biden is senile" argument. He came across as knowledgeable, concise, and very competent...along with the empathy that's been completely absent from Trump. I can't wait for the first debate. Trump is gonna get his clocked cleaned. And the whole, "he'll be President in name only" is just another sad deflection. Joe Biden will be President. End of story. We already have a pretender as President who has no interest in the job. Biden will be a welcome change.
I'm very concerned. I still can't believe this was the best the Democratic Party could do, especially at such a critical moment.

There is a profoundly damaged, ignorant, dangerous buffoon in the White House, and we desperately need to get out of this.

Great job, Democrats. If Trump wins, again, look in the fucking mirror. Again.
Are you worried this fool could win? One must also ask why someone would vote for this man? Donnie may love you, see down.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder 'On Tyranny'

'100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans'

"Cold, grasping, bleak, graceless, and dull; unctuous, sleek, pitiless, and crass; a pallid vulgarian floating through life on clouds of acrid cologne and trailed by a vanguard of fawning divorce lawyers, the devil is probably eerily similar to Donald Trump though perhaps just a little nicer."

"I love the uneducated." Donald John Trump
Guess not, huh? There goes the whole, "Biden is senile" argument. He came across as knowledgeable, concise, and very competent...along with the empathy that's been completely absent from Trump. I can't wait for the first debate. Trump is gonna get his clocked cleaned. And the whole, "he'll be President in name only" is just another sad deflection. Joe Biden will be President. End of story. We already have a pretender as President who has no interest in the job. Biden will be a welcome change.

So we have peace? Maybe there is hope for Israel and Palestine after all?

i'm always willing to try 'n get a trump voter to see the light.

View attachment 389710

OK, so a few tips if you want to "try 'n get a trump voter to see the light."

1) No hypocrisy (you fail at this off the bat)

2) Don't just talk about how much you hate Trump, explain why we'd be better off having brown outs like California and having violent leftists gut our inner cities

3) Explain why we're better off having no police protection

4) Explain why we should keep engaging in endless wars in the middle east

5) Explain why we should waste trillions on energy policies that we aren't technologically advanced enough to succeed (see the brown out question above)

If you can do those, you can at least get in the game

lol.... kaz kaz kaz.... you aren't worth the time.

i see no glimmer in you. azog, not really either, but he's fun.

you're just pitiful.

I know you don't get it, but you want to change minds supposedly. That while you say one hypocrisy after another.

When you attack Trump for things that apply even more to Biden, you'll convince nobody of anything. But let's focus on the daily life:

1) Why would anyone want to take California's brown outs nationally? Which is exactly what the Democrat party is promising

2) I lived in big cities all my adult life. NY, SF, etc. And I can't go there anymore because leftists are not just rioting but decimating police forces.

Why would anyone want to live in your vision for America? Not to mention all the jobs you want to destroy and force offshore

when will donny bring his cheap ass sweat shop made crap HERE to be made?

& how about the first lady, ivanka? her too.

check mate.

Bu-bu-bu-but Trump! More of your whataboutism.

Let's start with the basics since you know so little.

Do you know why California is having brown outs? Be honest

oh - i see .... are you now playing the game of non sequiturs? i'll humor you this time.

i don't know daaaaaaaaaaaavey................ but i'll take a few guesses.

too many brown people?

sucky infrastructure?

souless, incompetent, PG&E?

OK, no more of your standard racist answers, Grand Wizard. Save it for your next Klan meeting.

Seriously, you're proud of not knowing why California is having brown outs? You're like duh, dar, you don't know what a brown out is? LOL. You're a racist who's proud of your ignorance. Wow, what a great reply
Trumpers own this, and Biden-Harris will save you from yourself. The monsters!

View attachment 389761

Democrats, the party of "competent and ethical government"

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:



funny how richard painter - the freakin' ETHICS dude for W. is voting for biden because he thinks trump has no ethics.

he thought W. did, but not donny.

wow wow wow.

This is how Democrats rewrite history. All through W's administration you said he murdered millions of people in the middle east, he lied about WMDs, blood for oil.

Now you're like oh, W had ethics, you always thought that.

This is why you can't convince anyone who disagrees with you to tie their shoes. You're such a flaming hypocrite and liar
You are mindlessly chattering chipmunk.

1. W killed man in the Middle East, yes, for blood and oil.

2. No is saying W had ethics; it is his ethics guy that is saying Trump has no ethics.

This is why you can't convincingly argue: you are a mindless chattering chipmunk.

You calling me a mindless chattering chipmunk is just too funny, Fakey
:rofl: you prove my point

The point that you don't get is that no one is worried about Biden's mental status

Look at how vacuous your posts are. All you do is stamp your feet and yell you hate Trump, you hate Republicans, you love Biden and the Democrats over and over and over. I got it, OK? You hate Trump, you love the Democrat party. They give your Willy a tingle. Thanks for letting me know
My posts are right on, and Kaz babbles. Biden is fine, Trump is not, yet you defend him. For shame.

It's pretty funny Fake Jake how you think you speak for Republicans when you advocate Biden and the Democrats and want the States to turn blue and ... none of the Republicans on the board think you are a Republican
I speak for good Americans, not the likes of you. The Republicans of Trump's ilk are not fit to carry Romney's or Flake's or Will's shoes.

There's a word for Republicans like you, Jake the Fake. It's "Democrat"

are the folks over at the lincoln project (D)s?

how's about RVAT?

Lincoln Project: Some are D's and some are institutional swamp rats who don't support any party

RVAT: Same

Democrats keep calling Colin Powell a "Republican" even though he hasn't endorsed a Republican in over one and a half decades
So we have peace? Maybe there is hope for Israel and Palestine after all?

i'm always willing to try 'n get a trump voter to see the light.

View attachment 389710

OK, so a few tips if you want to "try 'n get a trump voter to see the light."

1) No hypocrisy (you fail at this off the bat)

2) Don't just talk about how much you hate Trump, explain why we'd be better off having brown outs like California and having violent leftists gut our inner cities

3) Explain why we're better off having no police protection

4) Explain why we should keep engaging in endless wars in the middle east

5) Explain why we should waste trillions on energy policies that we aren't technologically advanced enough to succeed (see the brown out question above)

If you can do those, you can at least get in the game

lol.... kaz kaz kaz.... you aren't worth the time.

i see no glimmer in you. azog, not really either, but he's fun.

you're just pitiful.

I know you don't get it, but you want to change minds supposedly. That while you say one hypocrisy after another.

When you attack Trump for things that apply even more to Biden, you'll convince nobody of anything. But let's focus on the daily life:

1) Why would anyone want to take California's brown outs nationally? Which is exactly what the Democrat party is promising

2) I lived in big cities all my adult life. NY, SF, etc. And I can't go there anymore because leftists are not just rioting but decimating police forces.

Why would anyone want to live in your vision for America? Not to mention all the jobs you want to destroy and force offshore

when will donny bring his cheap ass sweat shop made crap HERE to be made?

& how about the first lady, ivanka? her too.

check mate.

Bu-bu-bu-but Trump! More of your whataboutism.

Let's start with the basics since you know so little.

Do you know why California is having brown outs? Be honest

oh - i see .... are you now playing the game of non sequiturs? i'll humor you this time.

i don't know daaaaaaaaaaaavey................ but i'll take a few guesses.

too many brown people?

sucky infrastructure?

souless, incompetent, PG&E?

OK, no more of your standard racist answers, Grand Wizard. Save it for your next Klan meeting.

Seriously, you're proud of not knowing why California is having brown outs? You're like duh, dar, you don't know what a brown out is? LOL. You're a racist who's proud of your ignorance. Wow, what a great reply

i don't live in cali, so i don't know ... & like i said - your deflection was duly noted.

anyhoo .... next time you go to walmart, get yerself one of these:


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