CDZ Are your political beliefs more important to you than your country ?

They are not my team. They may come from the same landmass as me. They may have the American flag on their uniform. America is not a landmass. It is not a flag. It’s a creed. A creed that they hate. That rights come from god, not government. That governments only mandate is to protect those rights. That all men are created equal. That justice should be blind, not social. The founding principals of this nation they declare as the “patriarchy”, “white supremacy”. They are not Americans, they are postmodernist/critical theory acolytes, which is antithetical to American values. It’s actually what post modernism was designed to do, destroy and supplant enlightenment values. They are not Americans and I grinned when they lost.
Rights do not come from God. That is pure idiocy and worthy of the taliban.
Rights do not come from God. That is pure idiocy and worthy of the taliban.
I don’t care what you believe, these were our founding principles. And your wrong about lumping us in with the taliban. Just look at the fucking Grand Canyon sized difference between America and the taliban. The cultures couldn’t be more dissimilar. “We declare these truths to be self evident”, “Laws of nature and natures god”. These are quotes from DOI, the mission statement of America. They are undeniably derived from natural law philosophy. That is, God ordered the universe in a way, all that is good and true comes from god, therefore if you look into nature, and through experimentation, you will find eternal truths in nature. Therefore, when we look at nature, with human nature included into it, we see human natural rights as “self evident” in nature. They do not come from government, if they did then those rights are at the mercy of the government, and governments that don’t recognize these rights need to be abolished or changed. Same thing with the Nuremberg code. We don’t care what culture you come from, whether you did it for the sake of science, or you were just following orders...we find these acts so objectionable no matter you background or culture, these are crimes against humanity, and we’ll have you step on a chair, put a rope around your neck, and kick the damn chair out from under you.

Natural law is things like the golden rule, like don’t spend money you don’t have, like all men created equal, like you reap what you sow. All men created equal is a great example. All men are not created equal, none of us are created equal with Lebron. But a little concept of the spark of divinity found its way in the world. Now, we know that society works way way way better when we begin with the premise that all men are created equal.
The politics of Americans of all political stripes is wreaking havoc on their country. That can be the quick answer.

The damage Trump has done to America can form the beginning of the longer answer. And now his obvious careless disregard of the M.A.D. issue is going to make America's allies very unsure of the harm America could do to world peace under another Trump regime.

At least it appears that Milley was prepared to fall on his sword to stop Trump! That may buy back some of the lost confidence if the Milley situation is handled carefully.
It could afford other Generals the williingness to fall on their swords if Trump needs to be stopped.
I would reject that. The US is better in some respects and worse in others. When people choose to protest you need to listen to what they are saying. Protest is a privilege but folk dont do it lightly..
They don't appreciate the gravity of the nuclear arms scare. It's going to continue to be impressed on them if the Trumpers decide to get serious about taking down Milley.

It's more likely that Trump's side will realize that they're shooting off their own toes.
I don’t care what you believe, these were our founding principles. And your wrong about lumping us in with the taliban. Just look at the fucking Grand Canyon sized difference between America and the taliban. The cultures couldn’t be more dissimilar. “We declare these truths to be self evident”, “Laws of nature and natures god”. These are quotes from DOI, the mission statement of America. They are undeniably derived from natural law philosophy. That is, God ordered the universe in a way, all that is good and true comes from god, therefore if you look into nature, and through experimentation, you will find eternal truths in nature. Therefore, when we look at nature, with human nature included into it, we see human natural rights as “self evident” in nature. They do not come from government, if they did then those rights are at the mercy of the government, and governments that don’t recognize these rights need to be abolished or changed. Same thing with the Nuremberg code. We don’t care what culture you come from, whether you did it for the sake of science, or you were just following orders...we find these acts so objectionable no matter you background or culture, these are crimes against humanity, and we’ll have you step on a chair, put a rope around your neck, and kick the damn chair out from under you.

Natural law is things like the golden rule, like don’t spend money you don’t have, like all men created equal, like you reap what you sow. All men created equal is a great example. All men are not created equal, none of us are created equal with Lebron. But a little concept of the spark of divinity found its way in the world. Now, we know that society works way way way better when we begin with the premise that all men are created equal.
It took a lot longer to form the Taliban than it took for the great flood to make the Grand canyon!
I don’t care what you believe, these were our founding principles. And your wrong about lumping us in with the taliban. Just look at the fucking Grand Canyon sized difference between America and the taliban. The cultures couldn’t be more dissimilar. “We declare these truths to be self evident”, “Laws of nature and natures god”. These are quotes from DOI, the mission statement of America. They are undeniably derived from natural law philosophy. That is, God ordered the universe in a way, all that is good and true comes from god, therefore if you look into nature, and through experimentation, you will find eternal truths in nature. Therefore, when we look at nature, with human nature included into it, we see human natural rights as “self evident” in nature. They do not come from government, if they did then those rights are at the mercy of the government, and governments that don’t recognize these rights need to be abolished or changed. Same thing with the Nuremberg code. We don’t care what culture you come from, whether you did it for the sake of science, or you were just following orders...we find these acts so objectionable no matter you background or culture, these are crimes against humanity, and we’ll have you step on a chair, put a rope around your neck, and kick the damn chair out from under you.

Natural law is things like the golden rule, like don’t spend money you don’t have, like all men created equal, like you reap what you sow. All men created equal is a great example. All men are not created equal, none of us are created equal with Lebron. But a little concept of the spark of divinity found its way in the world. Now, we know that society works way way way better when we begin with the premise that all men are created equal.
You waffle on but your constitution is aspirational and has been for the majority of your history.
God has nothing to do with your rights.
Rights are a product of the environment in which you live, the colour of your skin and what people are prepared to die for.
If rights were "God given" then they would be more harmonised but they arent. And if God was in the rights business he wouldnt have made one of them the ownership of guns.

Your notion of rights is simplistic and backward. And probably not held by your guests in Guantanamo.
You waffle on but your constitution is aspirational and has been for the majority of your history.
God has nothing to do with your rights.
Rights are a product of the environment in which you live, the colour of your skin and what people are prepared to die for.
If rights were "God given" then they would be more harmonised but they arent. And if God was in the rights business he wouldnt have made one of them the ownership of guns.

Your notion of rights is simplistic and backward. And probably not held by your guests in Guantanamo.

Thank you for, once again, vividly reminding us Americans why we kicked you British out of our country nearly two and a half centuries ago.
You waffle on but your constitution is aspirational and has been for the majority of your history.
God has nothing to do with your rights.
Rights are a product of the environment in which you live, the colour of your skin and what people are prepared to die for.
If rights were "God given" then they would be more harmonised but they arent. And if God was in the rights business he wouldnt have made one of them the ownership of guns.

Your notion of rights is simplistic and backward. And probably not held by your guests in Guantanamo.
Precisely. Bingo. They are 100% aspirational. The Israelites demanded a king from the prophet Samuel to be like other nations (I rarely go to the Bible, since I believe in natural law, and these truths are self evident in nature, even to the gentiles, but since we’re on the subject of the laws of nature and natures god). God told them that you really don’t want a king. Kings will take the best of your land, the best of your goods, the best of your cattle, and take your sons to war and put them in front of his chariots. God did not want a king for Israel, because man is fallen. God wanted the Israelites to look to a higher standard than man was capable of on its own, that is he wanted them to aspire to him. We know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Which is why our founder said fuck these kings, these rulers, the notion of nobility, all that. They recognized men are assholes, and men with a lot of power always do the most damage to other men. This has been true for the entirety of history. No bigger murderer than governments. Not even close. This is why they instituted a system of check and balances with three branches, 3 different roles, each with their own checks on one another. They did not believe in utopia. They set up a system to make sure one group could do the least amount of damage as possible. Then they scaled that system down (or up whichever way you want) to the state level, then to the local level. The best of all the bad ideas out there this side of Eden.

The natural law understanding of the 2nd amendment is that we ALL recognize the right to self defense. No one morally should ever demand anyone else be a victim of coercion or violence with no recourse for themselves. That’s self evident. We all recognize it, even those who wish to deny it. The problem is what if you’re talking about a guy built like the rock and a 100 lbs woman? How does she defend herself. Guns are the great equalizer. The 2nd amendment also extends to citizens defending their rights against a government that stops recognizing the rights that are self evident in nature.
Precisely. Bingo. They are 100% aspirational. The Israelites demanded a king from the prophet Samuel to be like other nations (I rarely go to the Bible, since I believe in natural law, and these truths are self evident in nature, even to the gentiles, but since we’re on the subject of the laws of nature and natures god). God told them that you really don’t want a king. Kings will take the best of your land, the best of your goods, the best of your cattle, and take your sons to war and put them in front of his chariots. God did not want a king for Israel, because man is fallen. God wanted the Israelites to look to a higher standard than man was capable of on its own, that is he wanted them to aspire to him. We know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Which is why our founder said fuck these kings, these rulers, the notion of nobility, all that. They recognized men are assholes, and men with a lot of power always do the most damage to other men. This has been true for the entirety of history. No bigger murderer than governments. Not even close. This is why they instituted a system of check and balances with three branches, 3 different roles, each with their own checks on one another. They did not believe in utopia. They set up a system to make sure one group could do the least amount of damage as possible. Then they scaled that system down (or up whichever way you want) to the state level, then to the local level. The best of all the bad ideas out there this side of Eden.

The natural law understanding of the 2nd amendment is that we ALL recognize the right to self defense. No one morally should ever demand anyone else be a victim of coercion or violence with no recourse for themselves. That’s self evident. We all recognize it, even those who wish to deny it. The problem is what if you’re talking about a guy built like the rock and a 100 lbs woman? How does she defend herself. Guns are the great equalizer. The 2nd amendment also extends to citizens defending their rights against a government that stops recognizing the rights that are self evident in nature.
Thats just a word salad. God had nothing to do with your "rights". She wouldnt have fucked it up like this.
You waffle on but your constitution is aspirational and has been for the majority of your history.
God has nothing to do with your rights.
Rights are a product of the environment in which you live, the colour of your skin and what people are prepared to die for.
If rights were "God given" then they would be more harmonised but they arent. And if God was in the rights business he wouldnt have made one of them the ownership of guns.

Your notion of rights is simplistic and backward. And probably not held by your guests in Guantanamo.

Darwinism will not work out well for you, you are weak.
Thats just a word salad. God had nothing to do with your "rights". She wouldnt have fucked it up like this.


I read this article and it got me thinking about this. Its a conservative reaction but it could work for liberals as well. For example when the country is being run by someone like Trump.

I cant imagine wanting my country or countrymen to fail. But we are a small nation and generally have to seek compensation in results other than an outright victory.

But rejoicing in a defeat suggests that some people identify more with their politics than they do with their country.

Are these people just outliers or is this a general feeling ? Does this make you less of an American ?
Yes and no

I read this article and it got me thinking about this. Its a conservative reaction but it could work for liberals as well. For example when the country is being run by someone like Trump.

I cant imagine wanting my country or countrymen to fail. But we are a small nation and generally have to seek compensation in results other than an outright victory.

But rejoicing in a defeat suggests that some people identify more with their politics than they do with their country.

Are these people just outliers or is this a general feeling ? Does this make you less of an American ?

What it all gets down to is this:

This group of women was given a very rare and special privilege of being sent to the Olympics, to represent their country.

And they fucked it up.

They behaved shamefully, in a way that reflected very badly on their country, and on their fellow Americans. They are an embarrassment to us, and any glory that they might have otherwise drawn to America by winning, they had already squandered.
Thats just a word salad. God had nothing to do with your "rights". She wouldnt have fucked it up like this.
You’re not still getting it. It’s not a hard concept to understand. Self evident rights like life. Like owning your labor. Like property, etc. Those are not rights that can be granted, because granted rights can be taken away. They are rights that are obvious through nature and humanity, and any government that does not recognize them is evil. That’s why natural rights is an important distinction of which America is built off of
You’re not still getting it. It’s not a hard concept to understand. Self evident rights like life. Like owning your labor. Like property, etc. Those are not rights that can be granted, because granted rights can be taken away. They are rights that are obvious through nature and humanity, and any government that does not recognize them is evil. That’s why natural rights is an important distinction of which America is built off of
All rights can be taken away. Its not complicated.

I read this article and it got me thinking about this. Its a conservative reaction but it could work for liberals as well. For example when the country is being run by someone like Trump.

I cant imagine wanting my country or countrymen to fail. But we are a small nation and generally have to seek compensation in results other than an outright victory.

But rejoicing in a defeat suggests that some people identify more with their politics than they do with their country.

Are these people just outliers or is this a general feeling ? Does this make you less of an American ?
A stupid soccer game has nothing to do with politics or country
You’re not still getting it. It’s not a hard concept to understand. Self evident rights like life. Like owning your labor. Like property, etc. Those are not rights that can be granted, because granted rights can be taken away. They are rights that are obvious through nature and humanity, and any government that does not recognize them is evil. That’s why natural rights is an important distinction of which America is built off of

He's never going to get it.

He's a product of, and a devout adherent to, the very same backward, degenerate ideology against which the great men who founded this country violently rebelled in order to do so. His primary purpose for existing is to keep reminding us Americans why it that we kicked the British out of our country nearly two and a half centuries ago.

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