CDZ Are your political beliefs more important to you than your country ?

I'm afraid that that's just where we are in America right now. The highest priority is not the country, but beating the other tribe. I'm not even sure what the tribes think "beating" even means. The lower priority is working together for the good of the country.

I'd guess that mentality represents roughly 30% of the country, but they are by far the loudest and most influential. A majority of the country would rather see the sides work together.

How is not respecting the flag of the country you are supposed to represent while the national anthem is playing working together for the good of the country?


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How is not respecting the flag of the country you are supposed to represent while the national anthem is playing working together for the good of the country?



Perhaps they're not disrespecting the flag. Perhaps they're depending on it.

You would probably understand if you made an honest effort to understand.

Perhaps they're not disrespecting the flag. Perhaps they're depending on it.

You would probably understand if you made an honest effort to understand.



Depending on it to do what?

It's already done a lot for them by placing them in the spotlight of achievement and all they have to do is win.

That's more than most Americans receive from their country in their entire life.


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Depending on it to do what?

It's already done a lot for them by placing them in the spotlight of achievement and all they have to do is win.

That's more than most Americans receive from their country in their entire life.



So you only like them if they win.

Kind of like, "I only like those who aren't captured".

Well, I guess that's your interpretation of "patriotism".


I read this article and it got me thinking about this. Its a conservative reaction but it could work for liberals as well. For example when the country is being run by someone like Trump.

I cant imagine wanting my country or countrymen to fail. But we are a small nation and generally have to seek compensation in results other than an outright victory.

But rejoicing in a defeat suggests that some people identify more with their politics than they do with their country.

Are these people just outliers or is this a general feeling ? Does this make you less of an American ?
It's a Republican thing. Hillary pegged them dead-to-rights, that's why they hate her guts for it, they're deplorables. Nothing more, nothing less.
But rejoicing in a defeat suggests that some people identify more with their politics than they do with their country.
As usual you've got it ass-backwards. It is BECAUSE we love this country that we reject anti-American Wokeness such as seen on the US Women's Soccer Team or Colin Kapearnik and Lebron James.
So you only like them if they win.

Kind of like, "I only like those who aren't captured".

Well, I guess that's your interpretation of "patriotism".



I don't care for their privileged a$$e$ at all. They bitch and whine about how rough they've had it when they probably came from a gated community and had a personal trainer all their life to be placed on the olympic team. Then all they can do when they have their privileged a$$ chosen for the team is complain about how rough they had it in their gated community.


Seriously, though, my political beliefs *are* my support for my country. Asking that question is like asking, "Which is more important to you, breathing or getting air?"

For that reason, I can't entertain the premise.

I read this article and it got me thinking about this. Its a conservative reaction but it could work for liberals as well. For example when the country is being run by someone like Trump.

I cant imagine wanting my country or countrymen to fail. But we are a small nation and generally have to seek compensation in results other than an outright victory.

But rejoicing in a defeat suggests that some people identify more with their politics than they do with their country.

Are these people just outliers or is this a general feeling ? Does this make you less of an American ?
I guess the issue is:

If there's country X, and a group of people from country X publicly and loudly proclaiming how evil and bad country X is.. how does supporting this outspokenly negative group of people show solidarity for country X?

Meanwhile, remember.. this is a topic of people branding a first world, paradise nation of the USA as uniquely evil in the world, overlooking all other countries.
I guess the issue is:

If there's country X, and a group of people from country X publicly and loudly proclaiming how evil and bad country X is.. how does supporting this outspokenly negative group of people show solidarity for country X?

Meanwhile, remember.. this is a topic of people branding a first world, paradise nation of the USA as uniquely evil in the world, overlooking all other countries.
I would reject that. The US is better in some respects and worse in others. When people choose to protest you need to listen to what they are saying. Protest is a privilege but folk dont do it lightly..

Are your political beliefs more important to you than your country ?​

What's THIS now, Tommy? the latest guilt trip psych-ops gaslighting spiel where now we all should move to the Left and just love Democrats and all things progressive for the "Greater Good?"
Anti-American people don't understand this.

Funny your saying this about people PROTESTING the bad behavior of people sent to represent them that do NOT represent their time honored values!
Sport and politics have always been closely entwined.

Of course. Just to take one sport as an example from history,
when the famous boxer, Joe Louis fought Max Schmeling from Germany, Schmeling was viewed(not by his choice)as a symbol of Aryan superiority in his country and Louis was actually summoned to the white house to meet with then president Franklin Rossevelt, and was told "Joe, we need muscles like yours to defeat the Nazis".

Even though, during that time, Joe could not even walk into a restaurant in the southern region of his own country and stay at any hotel of his choice, or be served a meal, he found himself being used as a pawn/symbol of "American pride" on the world stage.

And like a good patriot, he stepped up.

When Louis was in the Army, he donated numerous purses to the Army relief fund as a proud American who was just trying to help.

Due to a convoluted tax law, he spent his life after a celebrated boxing career, living in poverty to pay off the tax debt, which was a direct result of his donations.

The IRS hounded him to his grave because of his attempt to be a patriotic American.

But at least, he was given a "heroes burial" at Arlington National Cemetary.

That's just one example, and there are more, but I'm sure you get the point.

I read this article and it got me thinking about this. Its a conservative reaction but it could work for liberals as well. For example when the country is being run by someone like Trump.

I cant imagine wanting my country or countrymen to fail. But we are a small nation and generally have to seek compensation in results other than an outright victory.

But rejoicing in a defeat suggests that some people identify more with their politics than they do with their country.

Are these people just outliers or is this a general feeling ? Does this make you less of an American ?

No...we celebrate the athletes at the Olympics who are thankful to this country and proud to represent it.....the morons on the Women's soccer team are supposed to be their to represent our country, not to attack it.

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