Aren't republicans the true moochers in this country by their disdain for paying taxes?

OP- Yup, ignorant, pander to the bloated rich, ignorant chumps.
Ironically, most wealth redistribution in this country takes place through the tax code through things like the refundable Additional Child Tax Credit (which was passed by the Republican-controlled 105th congress, and expanded with the Bush Tax Cuts), which disproportionally goes to dark red states like Mississippi and Utah that have the fewest tax paying units per capita.

Perhaps instead of such cash handouts, a more strings-attached approach would be more helpful and fiscally responsible.

Like we saw with the 99 week Federal unemployment extensions?
Thanks for the corrupt SECOND Pub Great World Depression, brainwashed shyttehead.Only cost 6-7 trillion, STILL 400 billion a year for assistance to victims.Thank God Dems got in fast this time.
They benefit indirectly from public education since they're the 'job creators'. They benefit disproportionately from infrastructure and basically all the trappings of society. But we've already had this discussion many times before. I have to wonder why you are so pro-plutocracy. I'm sure you are no further up the social ladder than I am. Is your success based upon sucking up and that why you don't want to rock the boat?
It's because we believe in what the founders mapped out for us. You're just afraid of smarter people. You can't stand you're not them! Me, I'm proud of who I am, I don't have to be a rich person. Others do! Not my problem. But it affends the ba-jesus out of you!!! right?
I don't care about being rich. I've got more stuff than I have time to enjoy it. Nobody should be jazzed about the outright theft that these people perpetrate however. It's not jealousy, it's anger and disgust.

So rich people are thieves? What did they steal?

Jeezus, been living under a rock? Retirement funds, home equity, excessive credit fees and interest... Then in the corporate sector, upper management has been diverting the productivity gains that we all create into their own hands. But then, you already knew that.

Ok, that makes no sense ... but, if it says what I think you're trying to say, then you're just flat wrong.
I could have fleshed this out a bit more but I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into a point that Bripat and I have already discussed countless times. He is either being disingenuous or he's just incapable of assimilating information. I'm starting to believe it's the latter.
It's because we believe in what the founders mapped out for us. You're just afraid of smarter people. You can't stand you're not them! Me, I'm proud of who I am, I don't have to be a rich person. Others do! Not my problem. But it affends the ba-jesus out of you!!! right?
I don't care about being rich. I've got more stuff than I have time to enjoy it. Nobody should be jazzed about the outright theft that these people perpetrate however. It's not jealousy, it's anger and disgust.

So rich people are thieves? What did they steal?

Jeezus, been living under a rock? Retirement funds, home equity, excessive credit fees and interest... Then in the corporate sector, upper management has been diverting the productivity gains that we all create into their own hands. But then, you already knew that.

Ok, that makes no sense ... but, if it says what I think you're trying to say, then you're just flat wrong.
I could have fleshed this out a bit more but I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into a point that Bripat and I have already discussed countless times. He is either being disingenuous or he's just incapable of assimilating information. I'm starting to believe it's the latter.
so like everything else you all post, you have no facts to support your claim. How righteous of you!!! So name some names of people who have lost retirement? I know the teachers union in Illinois, but that would be because of democrats in the state house and governer. Hmmmmm still no evidence from you on rich people.
I don't care about being rich. I've got more stuff than I have time to enjoy it. Nobody should be jazzed about the outright theft that these people perpetrate however. It's not jealousy, it's anger and disgust.

So rich people are thieves? What did they steal?

Jeezus, been living under a rock? Retirement funds, home equity, excessive credit fees and interest... Then in the corporate sector, upper management has been diverting the productivity gains that we all create into their own hands. But then, you already knew that.

Ok, that makes no sense ... but, if it says what I think you're trying to say, then you're just flat wrong.
I could have fleshed this out a bit more but I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into a point that Bripat and I have already discussed countless times. He is either being disingenuous or he's just incapable of assimilating information. I'm starting to believe it's the latter.
so like everything else you all post, you have no facts to support your claim. How righteous of you!!! So name some names of people who have lost retirement? I know the teachers union in Illinois, but that would be because of democrats in the state house and governer. Hmmmmm still no evidence from you on rich people.
Are you one of the few people who hasn't already seen the productivity versus wage graph? Or the graph that shows the rate of increase of wealthy versus average wealth over time? My experience has been that facts bounce off the heads of people like you like peas fired from a straw. I've presented facts countless times before. At this point, it's only when I sense I'm speaking with someone who might take them seriously that I'll go to the trouble.

BTW, your posts seem to be quite devoid of anything besides your own ramblings. Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?
So rich people are thieves? What did they steal?

Jeezus, been living under a rock? Retirement funds, home equity, excessive credit fees and interest... Then in the corporate sector, upper management has been diverting the productivity gains that we all create into their own hands. But then, you already knew that.

Ok, that makes no sense ... but, if it says what I think you're trying to say, then you're just flat wrong.
I could have fleshed this out a bit more but I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into a point that Bripat and I have already discussed countless times. He is either being disingenuous or he's just incapable of assimilating information. I'm starting to believe it's the latter.
so like everything else you all post, you have no facts to support your claim. How righteous of you!!! So name some names of people who have lost retirement? I know the teachers union in Illinois, but that would be because of democrats in the state house and governer. Hmmmmm still no evidence from you on rich people.
Are you one of the few people who hasn't already seen the productivity versus wage graph? Or the graph that shows the rate of increase of wealthy versus average wealth over time? My experience has been that facts bounce off the heads of people like you like peas fired from a straw. I've presented facts countless times before. At this point, it's only when I sense I'm speaking with someone who might take them seriously that I'll go to the trouble.

BTW, your posts seem to be quite devoid of anything besides your own ramblings. Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
Jeezus, been living under a rock? Retirement funds, home equity, excessive credit fees and interest... Then in the corporate sector, upper management has been diverting the productivity gains that we all create into their own hands. But then, you already knew that.

Ok, that makes no sense ... but, if it says what I think you're trying to say, then you're just flat wrong.
I could have fleshed this out a bit more but I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into a point that Bripat and I have already discussed countless times. He is either being disingenuous or he's just incapable of assimilating information. I'm starting to believe it's the latter.
so like everything else you all post, you have no facts to support your claim. How righteous of you!!! So name some names of people who have lost retirement? I know the teachers union in Illinois, but that would be because of democrats in the state house and governer. Hmmmmm still no evidence from you on rich people.
Are you one of the few people who hasn't already seen the productivity versus wage graph? Or the graph that shows the rate of increase of wealthy versus average wealth over time? My experience has been that facts bounce off the heads of people like you like peas fired from a straw. I've presented facts countless times before. At this point, it's only when I sense I'm speaking with someone who might take them seriously that I'll go to the trouble.

BTW, your posts seem to be quite devoid of anything besides your own ramblings. Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
You gave me a fact? In which post did this miracle occur?
Ok, that makes no sense ... but, if it says what I think you're trying to say, then you're just flat wrong.
I could have fleshed this out a bit more but I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into a point that Bripat and I have already discussed countless times. He is either being disingenuous or he's just incapable of assimilating information. I'm starting to believe it's the latter.
so like everything else you all post, you have no facts to support your claim. How righteous of you!!! So name some names of people who have lost retirement? I know the teachers union in Illinois, but that would be because of democrats in the state house and governer. Hmmmmm still no evidence from you on rich people.
Are you one of the few people who hasn't already seen the productivity versus wage graph? Or the graph that shows the rate of increase of wealthy versus average wealth over time? My experience has been that facts bounce off the heads of people like you like peas fired from a straw. I've presented facts countless times before. At this point, it's only when I sense I'm speaking with someone who might take them seriously that I'll go to the trouble.

BTW, your posts seem to be quite devoid of anything besides your own ramblings. Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
You gave me a fact? In which post did this miracle occur?
Post # 165 and post # 167. Here again, the theives are the Democrats, again, pull up Illinois union pensions. All controlled by the Democrats, not rich people, unless of course you're grouping the Dems as rich? I guess that could be, but I'd put them in a different bucket.
I could have fleshed this out a bit more but I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into a point that Bripat and I have already discussed countless times. He is either being disingenuous or he's just incapable of assimilating information. I'm starting to believe it's the latter.
so like everything else you all post, you have no facts to support your claim. How righteous of you!!! So name some names of people who have lost retirement? I know the teachers union in Illinois, but that would be because of democrats in the state house and governer. Hmmmmm still no evidence from you on rich people.
Are you one of the few people who hasn't already seen the productivity versus wage graph? Or the graph that shows the rate of increase of wealthy versus average wealth over time? My experience has been that facts bounce off the heads of people like you like peas fired from a straw. I've presented facts countless times before. At this point, it's only when I sense I'm speaking with someone who might take them seriously that I'll go to the trouble.

BTW, your posts seem to be quite devoid of anything besides your own ramblings. Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
You gave me a fact? In which post did this miracle occur?
Post # 165 and post # 167. Here again, the theives are the Democrats, again, pull up Illinois union pensions. All controlled by the Democrats, not rich people, unless of course you're grouping the Dems as rich? I guess that could be, but I'd put them in a different bucket.
Ok, here's what I was talking about: Looting the Pension Funds How Wall Street Robs Public Workers Rolling Stone

Also, since you seem sincere, here are the graphs I was referring to:


See if you can process these two bits of information and come to a conclusion.
About a foot altogether in Warsaw and downtown Buffalo...but 5 miles away- 7 FEET in 36 hours! Got mud? Longtime GF fell walking the dog and broke 3 ribs just before moving and is an insane patient. But had a raft of other crap too. Her apt was a total scam and her apt manager was a true psycho. Coming in, hid her keys, broke her insulin pens INSANITY running rampant. OH boy- got her out here to recover. Hope things are getting better for you and yours.
Last edited:
But you dupes should realize your taxes help the country and the world- and yourself. Going postal for the holidays? lol.
Again it seems several contributors fail to ether read or comprehend just who pays the taxes that fund this bloated self preserving government. Is it not easier to live at the expense of the sweat and toil of another? apparently there are those that subscribe to such provided someone else pays. At what point will Americans cease to reward those that remain reluctant to contribute?
so like everything else you all post, you have no facts to support your claim. How righteous of you!!! So name some names of people who have lost retirement? I know the teachers union in Illinois, but that would be because of democrats in the state house and governer. Hmmmmm still no evidence from you on rich people.
Are you one of the few people who hasn't already seen the productivity versus wage graph? Or the graph that shows the rate of increase of wealthy versus average wealth over time? My experience has been that facts bounce off the heads of people like you like peas fired from a straw. I've presented facts countless times before. At this point, it's only when I sense I'm speaking with someone who might take them seriously that I'll go to the trouble.

BTW, your posts seem to be quite devoid of anything besides your own ramblings. Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
You gave me a fact? In which post did this miracle occur?
Post # 165 and post # 167. Here again, the theives are the Democrats, again, pull up Illinois union pensions. All controlled by the Democrats, not rich people, unless of course you're grouping the Dems as rich? I guess that could be, but I'd put them in a different bucket.
Ok, here's what I was talking about: Looting the Pension Funds How Wall Street Robs Public Workers Rolling Stone

Also, since you seem sincere, here are the graphs I was referring to:


See if you can process these two bits of information and come to a conclusion.

Well, since I have no idea where the graphs came from, not sure what data it represents to the claim you made about the 1% being thieves. Also the link you provided, is the same information that I stated for the state of Illinois, except is for Rhode Island. Now again, I don't know how wall street and the 1% have anything whatsoever to do with public pensions.
About a foot altogether in Warsaw and downtown Buffalo...but 5 miles away- 7 FEET in 36 hours! Got mud? Longtime GF fell walking the dog and broke 3 ribs just before moving and is an insane patient. But had a raft of other crap too. Her apt was a total scam and her apt manager was a true psycho. Coming in, hid her keys, broke her insulin pens INSANITY running rampant. OH boy- got her out here to recover. Hope things are getting better for you and yours.
dam Frankie....the manager did that?.....geezus....the guy sounds like a psycho.....7 feet!!.....i remember days like that Frankie.....and i never want to see them are getting better for me i you are doing well and hope your gal is doing better.....get her out of that apt Frankie.....
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post

Pay your fair share you leech
Are you one of the few people who hasn't already seen the productivity versus wage graph? Or the graph that shows the rate of increase of wealthy versus average wealth over time? My experience has been that facts bounce off the heads of people like you like peas fired from a straw. I've presented facts countless times before. At this point, it's only when I sense I'm speaking with someone who might take them seriously that I'll go to the trouble.

BTW, your posts seem to be quite devoid of anything besides your own ramblings. Aren't you being a tad hypocritical?
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
You gave me a fact? In which post did this miracle occur?
Post # 165 and post # 167. Here again, the theives are the Democrats, again, pull up Illinois union pensions. All controlled by the Democrats, not rich people, unless of course you're grouping the Dems as rich? I guess that could be, but I'd put them in a different bucket.
Ok, here's what I was talking about: Looting the Pension Funds How Wall Street Robs Public Workers Rolling Stone

Also, since you seem sincere, here are the graphs I was referring to:


See if you can process these two bits of information and come to a conclusion.

Well, since I have no idea where the graphs came from, not sure what data it represents to the claim you made about the 1% being thieves. Also the link you provided, is the same information that I stated for the state of Illinois, except is for Rhode Island. Now again, I don't know how wall street and the 1% have anything whatsoever to do with public pensions.
Because what should have been kept in a very stable fund was used for casino-style gambling - and it went bad.
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
You gave me a fact? In which post did this miracle occur?
Post # 165 and post # 167. Here again, the theives are the Democrats, again, pull up Illinois union pensions. All controlled by the Democrats, not rich people, unless of course you're grouping the Dems as rich? I guess that could be, but I'd put them in a different bucket.
Ok, here's what I was talking about: Looting the Pension Funds How Wall Street Robs Public Workers Rolling Stone

Also, since you seem sincere, here are the graphs I was referring to:


See if you can process these two bits of information and come to a conclusion.

Well, since I have no idea where the graphs came from, not sure what data it represents to the claim you made about the 1% being thieves. Also the link you provided, is the same information that I stated for the state of Illinois, except is for Rhode Island. Now again, I don't know how wall street and the 1% have anything whatsoever to do with public pensions.
Because what should have been kept in a very stable fund was used for casino-style gambling - and it went bad.
That was mind numbingly stupid. You didnt bother to respond. Your reponse doesnt address the issue. The response doesnt support whatever it is you've been saying. The response is untrue. ANd even if it were true the response is irrelevant.
so again, you have no facts, because sir you presented none. I gave you one, and it was to show where the real disengeniune comes from. The Democrats in charge. Look up Illinois pensions!! You won't see one rich dude listed. so please give me your fact sheet. BTW, you haven't yet.
You gave me a fact? In which post did this miracle occur?
Post # 165 and post # 167. Here again, the theives are the Democrats, again, pull up Illinois union pensions. All controlled by the Democrats, not rich people, unless of course you're grouping the Dems as rich? I guess that could be, but I'd put them in a different bucket.
Ok, here's what I was talking about: Looting the Pension Funds How Wall Street Robs Public Workers Rolling Stone

Also, since you seem sincere, here are the graphs I was referring to:


See if you can process these two bits of information and come to a conclusion.

Well, since I have no idea where the graphs came from, not sure what data it represents to the claim you made about the 1% being thieves. Also the link you provided, is the same information that I stated for the state of Illinois, except is for Rhode Island. Now again, I don't know how wall street and the 1% have anything whatsoever to do with public pensions.
Because what should have been kept in a very stable fund was used for casino-style gambling - and it went bad.

You're talking about a government pension fund, once again.

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