Aren't you getting tired of this crap?: trump denied he said he wanted to suspend the Constitution

It is the same old trump MO. Make an outrageous statement. The media reports what he says. There is outrage. MAGA spins his words. Then trump denies the very words that he said.

And in a few days he will repeat the original statement. He is so predictable.

He is desperately trying to stay relevant. He can read polls that say his influence is falling.

The beauty of this the quote:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Every time the seditionists deny Trump called for the termination of the constitution, you just quote Trump doing exactly that.
The beauty of this the quote:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Every time the seditionists deny Trump called for the termination of the constitution, you just quote Trump doing exactly that.
So this man who, advocated for the "termination of all rules, regulation, and articles, even those in the Constitution" is the head of the repub party and is trying to return to the White House? I don't think there are enough brain dead people in the US to re-elect the treasonous POS.
You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know how Trump tried to get fake electors sent to Congress and for Pence to unilaterally hand the election to himself and Trump.

And that resulted in what?

He thought the election was stolen, and was using whatever process he thought available to correct the issue.
And that resulted in what?

He thought the election was stolen, and was using whatever process he thought available to correct the issue.

Including an underhanded unconstitutional maneuver in which he can now face legal charges for trying to pull off. And it resulted in nothing because the final leg of that relay race was thwarted by someone with a brain who cut off the handoff to Pence...
Including an underhanded unconstitutional maneuver in which he can now face legal charges for trying to pull off. And it resulted in nothing because the final leg of that relay race was thwarted by someone with a brain who cut off the handoff to Pence...


Political witch hunt goes to the mandatory kangaroo court for the expected partisan attempted hanging.

You just keep denying over and over. And you keep losing.

So you cant explain in your own words what happened on J6, armaments' used in "battle", how many are killed in action, etc? Yes, no?

All you have are propaganda links. Well, I don't read propaganda. I asked you, short bus.
Trump supporters attacked Congress. Their weapons varied from the size of their mob to various handheld weapons, such as bats, axes, knives, sticks, pipes, stun devices, bear spray, pipe bombs, etc. 4 died that day. The Capitol police were either fighting directly with that violent mob or they were trying to contain them. Some tried appeasing them and several were disciplined for showing support. As far as the FBI, there is no proof they played any role in the attack.

Sorry, for a moment I thought I am reading about average Thursday in Chicago.

Whoa, 4 people dies THAT day? How did they die?

As of FBI, didn't they just admitted they had eight people infiltrated the groups.
The beauty of this the quote:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Every time the seditionists deny Trump called for the termination of the constitution, you just quote Trump doing exactly that.

Where do you see him calling for termination of the Constitution?
And you can call a protest/riot an insurrection and be laughed at by non SJW hacks.


People have already been convicted of seditious conspiracy and more are coming.

Where do you see him calling for termination of the Constitution?

What part of, "termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," in order to throw out the 2020 election, don't you understand?

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