Aren't you getting tired of this crap?: trump denied he said he wanted to suspend the Constitution

"By the way, what exactly happened on J6?"

And that, dear reader, is a fitting coda for the MAGA-Q loonery that America has witnessed now for several years. The willful blindness of the true believer. The Uber Partisan.

The Q-Loon Life ethic of: "Gee, what happened? I'm angry about it. Whatever it was."

Nobody.....nobody.....wonders why the MAGA-Q's are such ne'er-do-wells and slow-leaks in this America. The land of opportunity. Of immense freedoms, education, and abundance. But the MAGA-Q's can't make it here. And that is their fault. Not America's.
By the way, what exactly happened on J6?
And that, dear reader, is a fitting coda for the MAGA-Q loonery that America has witnessed now for several years. The willful blindness of the true believer. The Uber Partisan.

I checked your previous post and I understand why Trump lives rent free in your head.

But, I'm presuming that you, yourself, poster Americano, did not see the J6 hearings on CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, PBS....or read about it in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and others?

You forgot Babylon Bee, my friend, they're more accurate on what happened on J6 that any of those you listed.
"You forgot Babylon Bee, my friend, they're more accurate on what happened on J6 that any of those you listed."

Ah, poor poster Americano.....there is no need to go with my list of media sources. You have, after all Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.

Or, could go to YouTube and watch all of the proceedings yourself and do so without the filter of some reporter writing what he or she saw.

So, be a can-do, take-charge citizen, Americano.
Check it out yourself without being dependent on trained reporters.

Be self-reliant.
It could be refreshing. A change of pace.
Nope. I don't care. A little tired of perpetually outraged pedo supporters though

Trump is outraged again this morning.

Nope. I don't care. A little tired of perpetually outraged pedo supporters though

Trump is outraged again this morning.

Ah, poor poster Americano.....there is no need to go with my list of media sources. You have, after all Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.

Or, could go to YouTube and watch all of the proceedings yourself and do so without the filter of some reporter writing what he or she saw.

So, be a can-do, take-charge citizen, Americano.
Check it out yourself without being dependent on trained reporters.

Be self-reliant.
It could be refreshing. A change of pace.
I asked you few times what exactly happened on J6 and you provided nothing but incoherent word salads.

What, there were proceedings about J6, seriously? For what exactly?
"What, there were proceedings about J6, seriously? For what exactly?"

Ah, mein freund members here can only do so much for you. There comes a point where one need stand on one's own feet...and search credible sources to find the answers you seek.

Accordingly, my friend, we will helpfully suggest to you to go to YouTube and find each day's hearing. I think there are 8 or 9 of 'em. Open up the link and watch 'em.

In that way, amigo, you can learn more about what January 6th was about, who were the players, what happend to who, who did it, and in some cases....why they did it.

So saddle up, Slim.......and do due-diligence. It is something you should not continue to shirk. You gotta tote your own bale.

Trust me.

Excuses noted.

So what was Trump's excuse for getting 3 million fewer votes than Hillary?

Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals voted.. remember in 2012 Trump raged against the Electoral College.
Ah, mein freund members here can only do so much for you. There comes a point where one need stand on one's own feet...and search credible sources to find the answers you seek.

Accordingly, my friend, we will helpfully suggest to you to go to YouTube and find each day's hearing. I think there are 8 or 9 of 'em. Open up the link and watch 'em.

In that way, amigo, you can learn more about what January 6th was about, who were the players, what happend to who, who did it, and in some cases....why they did it.

So saddle up, Slim.......and do due-diligence. It is something you should not continue to shirk. You gotta tote your own bale.

Trust me.

Trust you? You'll have to earn that one.

I asked you few times to explain what happened on January 6, exactly. But no, you can't get leftist to provide straight answer.
Instead of doing it, you're linking to YouTube video, and I have no intentions to provide clicks on that propaganda shit you're obsessed with.

You also seem irritated for some reason, cause you're increasing size of letters with every new reply to me. Either you're desperate for attention, cause "hey can you read size 36 letters" or... perhaps it's a sign of inferiority complex, and given that you're mindless leftist, it's perfectly understandable. Just don't break you keyboard or monitor, take a deep breath and calm down. Now, if you want to be taken seriously, and continue this conversation, maybe you should answer the question, in your own words: What exactly happened on January 6? In default font size, please.
"Now, if you want to be taken seriously, and continue this conversation, maybe you should answer the question, in your own words: What exactly happened on January 6? In default font size, please."
Well, my avatar ain't gonna dispute too stridently the charges of inferiority or mindless. But will mildly object to "irritated" , 'desperate', 'straight answer' and 'leftists'.

So, back to poster Americano's inability --or more likely, refusal ---to do his own due diligence.
OK, it's like this partner, the attack on the Capitol of the United States of America by angry & deluded TDS'srs ---Trump' Duped & Snookered ---- has been well documented on film by any number of sources. Even more so in print by actual eyewitnesses.

Trust me on that.

So, rather than assuming the burden of educating you.....I ask that you educate yourself. Self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, and a sincere interest in being informed should lead poster Americano to the abundance of sources that can educate him. I would ---sincerely ---recommend to go to the actual testimony presented in the J6 Committee hearings. I would recommend the excellent Frontline documentaries on it. Also, the New York Times coverage with "Days of Rage" is very informative.

Education is an exercise in effort and sincere curiosity. Without those two components....well, one is destined to a life of ignorance. IMHO

Good luck, poster Americano.

Well, my avatar ain't gonna dispute too stridently the charges of inferiority or mindless. But will mildly object to "irritated" , 'desperate', 'straight answer' and 'leftists'.

So, back to poster Americano's inability --or more likely, refusal ---to do his own due diligence.
OK, it's like this partner, the attack on the Capitol of the United States of America by angry & deluded TDS'srs ---Trump' Duped & Snookered ---- has been well documented on film by any number of sources. Even more so in print by actual eyewitnesses.

I see you make your fonts one notch smaller this time, but you're still screaming for attention.

"Attack on Capitol of the United States"

Wait the minute... there was an attack? OMG! You're describing war here...
What kind of weapons attackers used? Now many people did they killed? Where were Capitol police at the time? What about National Guard?

Details please.

Trust me on that.

There you go again, asking to trust you right after you offered nothing.
Trust. That's one thing you'll have to earn, as I said. And you didn't put any effort towards that.

So, rather than assuming the burden of educating you.....I ask that you educate yourself. Self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, and a sincere interest in being informed should lead poster Americano to the abundance of sources that can educate him. I would ---sincerely ---recommend to go to the actual testimony presented in the J6 Committee hearings. I would recommend the excellent Frontline documentaries on it. Also, the New York Times coverage with "Days of Rage" is very informative.

Education is an exercise in effort and sincere curiosity. Without those two components....well, one is destined to a life of ignorance. IMHO

Good luck, poster Americano.


I already knew that it would be a burden for you to "educate me" because... in order to educate someone, you need to be knowledgeable on the subject, you'll also need to be ready to answer questions, because that's what education comes to at the end. Yet, you provided nothing of your own, just propaganda links, and no answers neither. Given that you, as a docile zoomer, are not able to provide anything of value on your own, but just repeating what you've been given by your masters, it makes sense why you are a hive minded leftist.
I already knew that it would be a burden for you to "educate me" because... in order to educate someone, you need to be knowledgeable on the subject, you'll also need to be ready to answer questions, because that's what education comes to at the end. Yet, you provided nothing of your own, just propaganda links, and no answers neither. Given that you, as a docile zoomer, are not able to provide anything of value on your own, but just repeating what you've been given by your masters, it makes sense why you are a hive minded leftist.

Poster Americano is fast becoming a fav of my Original Tree, EMH, and Li'l Bripat.
In fact, if someone on this venue wish to argue that all 4 are really the same guy but with 4 ISP's....well, I suppose I could be persuaded. They do seem so much alike in content, language, and, ummm, perceptions? IMHO.

Anyway, moving on from that multiple-personality thingy......good poster Americano suggests 'educating' him would be a burden on my avatar.
Yeah, I could be persuaded of that too.
But, not because I know more than Americano and could impart it but rather, he appears to be rather dense clay to mold. In short, even the best teachers can't work with those who simply do not WANT to learn.
That is sort of a Captain Obvious observation. But a truism.

So there is that.

By the way, I would still suggest to any posters or lurkers here that if they have a sincere curiosity about the events of J6, the machinations by various characters -sketchy and otherwise.....well, go to YouTube and watch all those Republican White House officials testify as to what they saw, heard, and did in the lead up and the aftermath of the J6 attack on our legislators. It was a remarkable insight into Republican actions. And we heard it direct from.....well, Republicans!

You can hear it all direct from the people who were there (including police officers and attackers).
Take it from an old Conservative. Before we can point fingers at the Dems, first we need to run the MAGAts off and start jailing your bunch for the Domestic Terrorist and Traitors you really are.
Another faux conservative liar
Poster Americano is fast becoming a fav of my Original Tree, EMH, and Li'l Bripat.
In fact, if someone on this venue wish to argue that all 4 are really the same guy but with 4 ISP's....well, I suppose I could be persuaded. They do seem so much alike in content, language, and, ummm, perceptions? IMHO.

Anyway, moving on from that multiple-personality thingy......good poster Americano suggests 'educating' him would be a burden on my avatar.
Yeah, I could be persuaded of that too.
But, not because I know more than Americano and could impart it but rather, he appears to be rather dense clay to mold. In short, even the best teachers can't work with those who simply do not WANT to learn.
That is sort of a Captain Obvious observation. But a truism.

So there is that.

By the way, I would still suggest to any posters or lurkers here that if they have a sincere curiosity about the events of J6, the machinations by various characters -sketchy and otherwise.....well, go to YouTube and watch all those Republican White House officials testify as to what they saw, heard, and did in the lead up and the aftermath of the J6 attack on our legislators. It was a remarkable insight into Republican actions. And we heard it direct from.....well, Republicans!

You can hear it all direct from the people who were there (including police officers and attackers).

You'll write anything, just to avoid answering questions. Not a single response after, how many times I've asked already, three, four...?

Yeah, I would go to trouble having 4 ISPs just to have multiple names on the free platform, and to be able just to talk to you. You're delusional, at least.

How are those answers coming, any time soon?
"How are those answers coming, any time soon?"
Answers? Oh gladly. The forum can, hopefully, benefit by seeking the answers to any and all of their questions about the January 6th attack on the Capitol by the MAGAMob.

Here are pulled quotes from various treatments, and a link to a useful synopsis of each hearing. Sincere and interested forum members can obtain answers to many of their questions by reading the synopsis of each hearing and then doing a deeper dive by pulling up the YouTuber of each hearing.

Here is a link to that brief synopsis of each hearing:

For example in Hearing #1 we heard the broad outlines of what the Committee hoped to demonstrate. For example:
"The first hearing laid out the January 6 attack was the "culmination of an attempted coup" by the former president and his inner circle after previous attempts at stopping Joe Biden from becoming president failed.
The committee heard that Trump had ignored members of his inner circle, including his own daughter, Ivanka, who had frequently told him he had lost the 2020 election."

In a subsequent hearing text messages were presented between rally organisers which showed they were aware that Mr Trump planned to exhort his supporters to march the 1.8 miles between the White House and Capitol, and that they understood that Mr Trump’s call for a march was to be kept under wraps. (??!!)

One rally organiser, Kylie Kremer, sent a text to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell two days before the rally in which she said Mr Trump would “call for it [the march] unexpectedly”.

In the end, we loyal and patriotic Americans, we ex-military, need be grateful for the effort that the J6 Committee undertook to carefully and painstakingly educate America, and the world, on what happened, why did it happen, who were the actors, and who now needs to be held accountable.

God Bless America, loyal Americans welcomed the Congressional Committee Hearings on the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
All good.
Answers? Oh gladly. The forum can, hopefully, benefit by seeking the answers to any and all of their questions about the January 6th attack on the Capitol by the MAGAMob.

Here are pulled quotes from various treatments, and a link to a useful synopsis of each hearing. Sincere and interested forum members can obtain answers to many of their questions by reading the synopsis of each hearing and then doing a deeper dive by pulling up the YouTuber of each hearing.

Here is a link to that brief synopsis of each hearing:

For example in Hearing #1 we heard the broad outlines of what the Committee hoped to demonstrate. For example:
"The first hearing laid out the January 6 attack was the "culmination of an attempted coup" by the former president and his inner circle after previous attempts at stopping Joe Biden from becoming president failed.
The committee heard that Trump had ignored members of his inner circle, including his own daughter, Ivanka, who had frequently told him he had lost the 2020 election."

In a subsequent hearing text messages were presented between rally organisers which showed they were aware that Mr Trump planned to exhort his supporters to march the 1.8 miles between the White House and Capitol, and that they understood that Mr Trump’s call for a march was to be kept under wraps. (??!!)

One rally organiser, Kylie Kremer, sent a text to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell two days before the rally in which she said Mr Trump would “call for it [the march] unexpectedly”.

In the end, we loyal and patriotic Americans, we ex-military, need be grateful for the effort that the J6 Committee undertook to carefully and painstakingly educate America, and the world, on what happened, why did it happen, who were the actors, and who now needs to be held accountable.

God Bless America, loyal Americans welcomed the Congressional Committee Hearings on the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
All good.

Oh boy, you are thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

I asked you to answer what you think happened on January 6. I asked specific questions, such as what weapons were used in attack, how many people died, what Capitol police was doing at the time, and you're still not answering. I don't need your links, dunce, I want to hear what you think happens. But nooooo, your switch is stuck on stupid and you can't move past propaganda.
" can't move past propaganda."

You were linked to testimony given by eyewitnesses under oath and the penalty of perjury. And you call THAT 'propaganda'?

Look, are trying too hard here.
Calm down and let the game come to you.
You are appearing somewhat frantic. And that's not a good look. For man or woman.

If you want to know what happened listen to and watch the testimony.
Everything else you are doing leads the forum to think you don't WANT to know what happened on J6.

Be better than that.
Good luck.

You were linked to testimony given by eyewitnesses under oath and the penalty of perjury. And you call THAT 'propaganda'?

Look, are trying too hard here.
Calm down and let the game come to you.
You are appearing somewhat frantic. And that's not a good look. For man or woman.

If you want to know what happened listen to and watch the testimony.
Everything else you are doing leads the forum to think you don't WANT to know what happened on J6.

Be better than that.
Good luck.

Again, dunce...

I don't care about endless testimonies, or about what media is saying it happens.
I asked you to explain what YOU think it happen. Every single time, you offer nothing but links.

Yes, it's propaganda.

The same players who pushed for Russian collusion, which was proven lie.
The same players who pushed Steele dossier, which was proven to be a lie.
The same players who pushed for FISA warrants to spy on candidate and later president.
The same players who used tech to remove any info about their crimes and corruption, and censor free speech.

You claimed it was attack on Capitol. I asked you several times the same questions: Who attacked whom? What weapons were used? How many people died? How they were killed? Where was Capitol police during the "attack" and what they were doing? Here is another one, what was FBI role in "attack" on Capitol?

Until YOU answer those questions, I don't care for your propaganda links, and we have nothing to talk about.

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