Aren't you getting tired of this crap?: trump denied he said he wanted to suspend the Constitution

including all the groomer shit.

I have read on this very forum, poser martybegan, that those who dwell on this "groomer" canard are dyed-in-the-wool QAnon nutters.

Do you think that applies to you?
Do you fear Lizard People?
Are you campaigning for John F. Kennedy, Jr. to be Trump's next VP pick?
If you are .....well, mon ami, why?
Don't you know that stuff is kooky? At minimum.

You Q'sters are a puzzlement to me. Believing in that merde' make you look more than weird. It ain't a good look for you, Marty.

Trust me.
It was not wrong.
It was not stupid.
If you don't want to obey the rules, then there are no rules at all.
^^^^ This is what anarchists like Bannon are hoping for.

Just keep manipulating the rubes, and they'll fall right in line.
In a binary political system, you own what your side does. Reality is a bitch.

Oh? So you own the attempted coup to unconstitutionally submit fake electors to Congress so the vice president can unconstitutionally unilaterally reject legit electors so the loser of an election can be declared the winner?
Excuses noted.

So what was Trump's excuse for getting 3 million fewer votes than Hillary?

Oh, you want to talk about Hillary now? Let's. Back then, with 99% chance of Hillary winning, Democrats thought they didn't needed to steal. Four years later, they realized, they must steal to win. All they needed is little disruption, and COVID "pandemic" brought it to them. It worked once, there is no reason why wouldn't work again.

Trump winning more counties against Biden then against Hillary, and yet, Biden had more "votes" than any president in history? The steal is obvious, it just have to be proven. It would be, if Democrats would allow it to be investigated. Of course, they wont allow it and therefore dig their own graves. However, Democrats are not the only ones blocking any attempt of investigation, the three letter agencies are also playing their part in it. For different reasons, that shallow leftists can't or won't see or understand.
It worked once, there is no reason why wouldn't work again.
Ummm, is the good poster Americano suggesting America (and the world) need bring a new disease back in order to elect a political leader?

"The steal is obvious, it just have to be proven. It would be, if Democrats would allow it to be investigated."

Ah, yes. "Just has to be proven". Or as dripping Rudy said...."‘We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence".

And therein lies your challenge poster Americano. You had your shot. Rudy and the 'elite strike force' of lawyers gave it their best shot. 60 or so times? In a court of law.

And too, the alleged frauds were investigated time and time Pennsylvania, in Georgia, in Arizona, (recall the famous Cyber Ninjas) in Michigan (hell, a Republican Senate investigative committee in a Republican dominated legislature in Michigan did a thorough search (as did the Secretary of State and Attorney General)......the conclusion was there was no more fraud than the usual nickel-dime petty shenanigans of any statewide election. And none of it had any effect on any election.
There have been plenty of investigations. None have shown a level of fraud that would have changed the results of any national or state election.

So, the whiners, deniers, snowflakes and grifters can pound their tiny tin drums and shrill....'if only we had evidence'...'if only we could prove it'....... it won't change the fact that their man got beat by over 7 million popular votes an about 170 EC votes.

This whole brouhaha is kinda sorta like Whack-A-Mole.
Hit the wooden-headed Mole in the wooden-head often and regularly.....he still won't hear you.
After all, it's a head-made-of-wood thingy.

You had your shot.
Nope, we did not have a shot. It was never allowed to be investigated.

There were attempts, but were blocked, you know by whom, right? There is SCOTUS case pending, not about fraud, but about not following procedures, we'll see how it's going to end.

As I said earlier, there are many players involved, with a lot on stake. Let me elaborate...

Remember the internet blackout when McAfee's DMS activated? Or the big ass one that lasted for days when Assange's thing happened after Assange's lawyers' children were threatened? Three letter agencies, shadow government, call it however you want, will not allow the integrity of one single election to come into question. What does it mean? In theory, if a steal was proven, it should lead to sensible procedural reforms and healthy skepticism. But if one steal is proven, then all possible steals become possible, and that would mean , should I say... civil war.

For different reasons, from both the left and right, the invalidation of the integrity of the electoral process would suspend the democratic social contract. Not because of what's happening or not procedurally. Rather, because the media and "narrative" consensus on what's true will be broken. You will have to admit the Democratic Party, the media and large segments of the DoJ and local officials all lied and colluded to subvert democracy, whoo boy... or preserve your fragile worldview from shattering by refusing to process the implications and just accept that the narrative is still true and basically "Who cares about elections anyway, experts should be in charge. When Americans voted for Trump, they lost their right to vote." Yeah, this kind of shit.
Oh, you want to talk about Hillary now? Let's. Back then, with 99% chance of Hillary winning, Democrats thought they didn't needed to steal. Four years later, they realized, they must steal to win. All they needed is little disruption, and COVID "pandemic" brought it to them. It worked once, there is no reason why wouldn't work again.

Trump winning more counties against Biden then against Hillary, and yet, Biden had more "votes" than any president in history? The steal is obvious, it just have to be proven. It would be, if Democrats would allow it to be investigated. Of course, they wont allow it and therefore dig their own graves. However, Democrats are not the only ones blocking any attempt of investigation, the three letter agencies are also playing their part in it. For different reasons, that shallow leftists can't or won't see or understand.

Feel free to post proof of Democrats "stealing" the election....

Until you do, you sound just like all the other rightarded delusional nuts. :cuckoo:
Nope, we did not have a shot. It was never allowed to be investigated.

There were attempts, but were blocked, you know by whom, right? There is SCOTUS case pending, not about fraud, but about not following procedures, we'll see how it's going to end.

As I said earlier, there are many players involved, with a lot on stake. Let me elaborate...

Remember the internet blackout when McAfee's DMS activated? Or the big ass one that lasted for days when Assange's thing happened after Assange's lawyers' children were threatened? Three letter agencies, shadow government, call it however you want, will not allow the integrity of one single election to come into question. What does it mean? In theory, if a steal was proven, it should lead to sensible procedural reforms and healthy skepticism. But if one steal is proven, then all possible steals become possible, and that would mean , should I say... civil war.

For different reasons, from both the left and right, the invalidation of the integrity of the electoral process would suspend the democratic social contract. Not because of what's happening or not procedurally. Rather, because the media and "narrative" consensus on what's true will be broken. You will have to admit the Democratic Party, the media and large segments of the DoJ and local officials all lied and colluded to subvert democracy, whoo boy... or preserve your fragile worldview from shattering by refusing to process the implications and just accept that the narrative is still true and basically "Who cares about elections anyway, experts should be in charge. When Americans voted for Trump, they lost their right to vote." Yeah, this kind of shit.

Nope, we did not have a shot. It was never allowed to be investigated.


Had anybody gone to court who had both standing and actual evidence, it would have been proven.

Regardless, Republicans now control the House. You think they're going to investigate the 2020 election? Or are they going to be bogged down going after Hunter Biden?

I have read on this very forum, poser martybegan, that those who dwell on this "groomer" canard are dyed-in-the-wool QAnon nutters.

Do you think that applies to you?
Do you fear Lizard People?
Are you campaigning for John F. Kennedy, Jr. to be Trump's next VP pick?
If you are .....well, mon ami, why?
Don't you know that stuff is kooky? At minimum.

You Q'sters are a puzzlement to me. Believing in that merde' make you look more than weird. It ain't a good look for you, Marty.

Trust me.

What QAnon stuff?

The current left has gone all in on forced acceptance of anything they consider appropriate. Not only forced acceptance, but forced celebration. Since they aren't reproducing enough to replace their own numbers they have to recruit elsewhere.
Oh? So you own the attempted coup to unconstitutionally submit fake electors to Congress so the vice president can unconstitutionally unilaterally reject legit electors so the loser of an election can be declared the winner?

What coup?

No method of actually overturning the government, which at the time was still Trump.
Oh, you want to talk about Hillary now? Let's. Back then, with 99% chance of Hillary winning, Democrats thought they didn't needed to steal. Four years later, they realized, they must steal to win. All they needed is little disruption, and COVID "pandemic" brought it to them. It worked once, there is no reason why wouldn't work again.

Trump winning more counties against Biden then against Hillary, and yet, Biden had more "votes" than any president in history? The steal is obvious, it just have to be proven. It would be, if Democrats would allow it to be investigated. Of course, they wont allow it and therefore dig their own graves. However, Democrats are not the only ones blocking any attempt of investigation, the three letter agencies are also playing their part in it. For different reasons, that shallow leftists can't or won't see or understand.
Look...the sooner you realize the political career of trump is over...the better for you.
What coup?

No method of actually overturning the government, which at the time was still Trump.

You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know how Trump tried to get fake electors sent to Congress and for Pence to unilaterally hand the election to himself and Trump.
You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know how Trump tried to get fake electors sent to Congress and for Pence to unilaterally hand the election to himself and Trump.

Did that really happened, or you heard it on CNN?
Did that really happened, or you heard it on CNN?
I can't speak for poster Faun, who you directed the question to. But yeah, it really happened.

But, I'm presuming that you, yourself, poster Americano, did not see the J6 hearings on CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, PBS....or read about it in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and others?

And if you didn't then that's a pity, poster Americano, because.....well, because if you had invested the time and attention to listen to what all those Republican Administration officials said about the J6 attempt to stop the signature identifier of America's democracy...the peaceful transfer of power, well, if you had you would be a better informed citizen of the United States, and........and better prepared to productively contribute to adult discourse.


It is the same old trump MO. Make an outrageous statement. The media reports what he says. There is outrage. MAGA spins his words. Then trump denies the very words that he said.

And in a few days he will repeat the original statement. He is so predictable.

He is desperately trying to stay relevant. He can read polls that say his influence is falling.
There is no reason to pay so much attention to Donald Trump now. We have way bigger problems to deal with and the election is 2 years away. Trump is a private citizen.
Hello McFly? :itsok:
I can't speak for poster Faun, who you directed the question to. But yeah, it really happened.

But, I'm presuming that you, yourself, poster Americano, did not see the J6 hearings on CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, PBS....or read about it in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and others?

And if you didn't then that's a pity, poster Americano, because.....well, because if you had invested the time and attention to listen to what all those Republican Administration officials said about the J6 attempt to stop the signature identifier of America's democracy...the peaceful transfer of power, well, if you had you would be a better informed citizen of the United States, and........and better prepared to productively contribute to adult discourse.


You do know that fake electors doesn't exist, do you?
Do you have direct quote from Trump that he tried to get "fake electors"?

By the way, what exactly happened on J6?

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