ARGH! Watching the Election Results Roll in has to be Illegal Under Geneva War Crimes Laws

OK NYT is predicting that Trump will win PA with 95% certainty, and he will win Michigan with 90% certainty.

That would put trump over his needed 270 electors.

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AZ is more certain as a traditional red state not a swing state, but whichever comes in first is going to give him the last 4.

So glad you were right about PA and Trump in general. I didn't see Obama winning over Romney, and didn't see this either.

If the GOP dominant Senate and House can vote away those unconstitutional mandates, does that mean I can ask to be reimbursed for the health share fees I paid to comply with what I contested as against my religious beliefs.

I'd like to demand a refund and reimbursement from Obama Pelosi and other Democrats who passed that unconstitutional mandate. And ask that to be used to buy out Freedmenstown as a historic campus to teach leaders Constitutional law and governance so they don't make such mistakes in judgment and bias again. That would be a more fitting legacy for Obama than a failed ACA that should have been optional. I will be so glad when those mandates go away! Hopefully before taxes are due! Finally!
OK NYT is predicting that Trump will win PA with 95% certainty, and he will win Michigan with 90% certainty.

That would put trump over his needed 270 electors.

View attachment 97544
Yep WI for 10
Congratulations JimBowie1958
You get to sleep tonight!

Amazing that Trump took on the establishment media, and pushed anyway and so did the voters.
I would love to see Justices who know what the Constitution says, and don't abuse power to legislate biased laws that infringe on people's faith and right of states. I learned more about this because of errors in judgment made by Democratic party leaders, and thanks to citizens around me who understand Constitutional laws, I can learn to enforce the same so we can check our own govt, media and reality. Wow, what a lesson in civics, I hope everyone gains from all this as much as I have.

Thanks everyone, good night!
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This is maddening. One minute Trump is ahead by 12%, then the next time the results bar scrolls to the same state, POOF Clinton is ahead by 7%, then again later Trump is ahead!

I think I am going to go to bed and just see the results in the morning, lol.

Yes, I cant hang; just a light weight!
That's what I'm gonna do. No point in driving yourself crazy. I voted. I did my part. I guess I'll find out how it all panned out, over my morning coffee. It'll probably be contested, and drag out for a while anyway...
Best damn cup of coffee I've ever had... Congratulations everyone!
This is maddening. One minute Trump is ahead by 12%, then the next time the results bar scrolls to the same state, POOF Clinton is ahead by 7%, then again later Trump is ahead!

I think I am going to go to bed and just see the results in the morning, lol.

Yes, I cant hang; just a light weight!

I agree. I watched the whole thing. Trump was stuck at 259 and Hillary at 219, They were waiting for PA, MI, MN, Alaska, NH and Arizona to tally the vote. Talk about boring. PA finally was called and it put him over the top.

Man I ain't going to be worth a shit today at work. LOL
This is maddening. One minute Trump is ahead by 12%, then the next time the results bar scrolls to the same state, POOF Clinton is ahead by 7%, then again later Trump is ahead!

I think I am going to go to bed and just see the results in the morning, lol.

Yes, I cant hang; just a light weight!

I agree. I watched the whole thing. Trump was stuck at 259 and Hillary at 219, They were waiting for PA, MI, MN, Alaska, NH and Arizona to tally the vote. Talk about boring. PA finally was called and it put him over the top.

Man I ain't going to be worth a shit today at work. LOL
I still hope Clinton Democrats and third party leaders and members use this opportunity to appeal to the public for support to create an internal system of representation and govt consulting, where the parties in the Minority vote of each state use those votes to organize a Parliament type coalition that meets and formulates proposals and reforms to public policy. We still need to check our own govt at all levels. Not just vote once every 2, 4 or 6 years, but meet monthly and yearlong to develop and implement better models for govt. We need a more direct system of reporting and addressing grievances, objection to biases, and complaints of abuses in the legal and legislative processes, combining the democratic structure of parties with popular media so citizens can use both in a unified way to exercise equal voice in govt and enforce equal protections of law and due process.

I believe the results prove Trump did a better job of talking man to man with the voters who made the difference, than Clinton did reaching out to minorities who didn't feel represented by him or his approaches. So how can we organize those voices, that either tied in the popular vote or surged ahead of Trump. How can we embrace and represent the diversity of third party minorities the way LGBT advocates managed to do with less than 4% of the population yet they made their issues heard? How can we incorporate minority representation without disrupting the majority? With Clinton and others like her who continue to campaign in or out of office, this is our chance to keep doing the same, and using what we learn from diverse interactions and collaborations to create an added system of representation by party and make history in more ways than we might have envisioned.

Congratulations to all voters and hard working campaigners and canvassers. I don't see how anyone can say your voices weren't heard because they are painted all over this election in red white and blue, and we should all be proud of America and our political diversity that makes us who we are. Let's continue to share our differences in the most productive constructive and effective manner, take the best of what each candidate and leader has to offer, and invest in creating jobs in govt reform for each and every person who cares enough about what's going on to get involved directly. We need everyone to win, for America to win. Let's find a way to do that, and ensure every vote counts and every voice is heard in public policy. Thank you all! And thank God for the American people and American way!
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Word on the street: AZ& NM report: Liberal NM and liberal Tucson strong passion as Democrats. I hid downstairs at a University one night as Bernie voice and all his followers amassed for a rally this fall. Worked my butt off making volunteer phone calls for Republican office in a Democratic stronghold. Surprising as Susana Martinez is a Republican, and the first female Hispanic governor. Sad that the Dims don't understand that over half of America voted fair and square and voted in Trump despite all their hateful paid protests, arrogance, corruption and lies. F_YOU elites: the people have spoken, just like the French revolution we were sick of the bourgeois:
Bourgeois culture[edit]
Cultural hegemony[edit]
Karl Marx said that the culture of a society is dominated by the mores of the ruling-class, wherein their superimposed value system is abided by each social class (the upper, the middle, the lower) regardless of the socio-economic results it yields to them. In that sense, contemporary societies are bourgeois to the degree that they practice the mores of the small-business "shop culture" of early modern France; which the writer Émile Zola (1840–1902) naturalistically presented, analysed, and ridiculed in the twenty-two-novel series (1871–1893) about Les Rougon-Macquart family; the thematic thrust is the necessity for social progress, by subordinating the economic sphere to the social sphere of life.[17]
Word on the street: AZ& NM report: Liberal NM and liberal Tucson strong passion as Democrats. I hid downstairs at a University one night as Bernie voice and all his followers amassed for a rally this fall. Worked my butt off making volunteer phone calls for Republican office in a Democratic stronghold. Surprising as Susana Martinez is a Republican, and the first female Hispanic governor. Sad that the Dims don't understand that over half of America voted fair and square and voted in Trump despite all their hateful paid protests, arrogance, corruption and lies. F_YOU elites: the people have spoken, just like the French revolution we were sick of the bourgeois:
Bourgeois culture[edit]
Cultural hegemony[edit]
Karl Marx said that the culture of a society is dominated by the mores of the ruling-class, wherein their superimposed value system is abided by each social class (the upper, the middle, the lower) regardless of the socio-economic results it yields to them. In that sense, contemporary societies are bourgeois to the degree that they practice the mores of the small-business "shop culture" of early modern France; which the writer Émile Zola (1840–1902) naturalistically presented, analysed, and ridiculed in the twenty-two-novel series (1871–1893) about Les Rougon-Macquart family; the thematic thrust is the necessity for social progress, by subordinating the economic sphere to the social sphere of life.[17]
By Bourgeois Marx was referring to the industrialists (aka Robber Barons, Rail Barons, etc) that were manipulating society and government with their wealth in order to gain yet more wealth.

He was not talking about small shop owners who were the oil of social progress and commerce.
Word on the street: AZ& NM report: Liberal NM and liberal Tucson strong passion as Democrats. I hid downstairs at a University one night as Bernie voice and all his followers amassed for a rally this fall. Worked my butt off making volunteer phone calls for Republican office in a Democratic stronghold. Surprising as Susana Martinez is a Republican, and the first female Hispanic governor. Sad that the Dims don't understand that over half of America voted fair and square and voted in Trump despite all their hateful paid protests, arrogance, corruption and lies. F_YOU elites: the people have spoken, just like the French revolution we were sick of the bourgeois:
Bourgeois culture[edit]
Cultural hegemony[edit]
Karl Marx said that the culture of a society is dominated by the mores of the ruling-class, wherein their superimposed value system is abided by each social class (the upper, the middle, the lower) regardless of the socio-economic results it yields to them. In that sense, contemporary societies are bourgeois to the degree that they practice the mores of the small-business "shop culture" of early modern France; which the writer Émile Zola (1840–1902) naturalistically presented, analysed, and ridiculed in the twenty-two-novel series (1871–1893) about Les Rougon-Macquart family; the thematic thrust is the necessity for social progress, by subordinating the economic sphere to the social sphere of life.[17]

That's great AZGAL We need a liberal left leaning border state for each one that leans right and red.
What I propose to each Party in the minority is to set up a city state for each of their Candidates to found and govern
a campus community, in order for workers, students and families of mixed status to claim dual residency legally.

So we could have the Greens and Socialist party leaders set up camp with sister cities across from NM and CA.
And focus the Conservative Constitutionalist party leaders on areas alongside AZ and TX.
Or the reverse, where liberals in TX could have a city to govern through their leaders and reps instead of always fighting
as the minority against the majority which wastes resources they could use to build their own govt.

What do you think of that proposal instead of just building a wall.
Which way do you think works better? Matching cities and states by party, or complementing each state by its opposite leaning so its balanced?

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