ARGH! Watching the Election Results Roll in has to be Illegal Under Geneva War Crimes Laws

Did Gary or Jill have any affect at all?
Dear Manonthestreet
Gary Johnson is polling at 3-4% and Stein is showing up. Their biggest contribution is educating more people about third party process and issues that won't go away! More people paid attention because Sanders galvanized support from Greens and Democrats who are left out of the loop. So the impact is planted and growing. The Greens are the real progressives and independent like the Libertarians don't depend on party or govt.

Keep doing what you are doing, support the underdog issues, and we will all meet and work together when we get to that point of readiness for the next stage of political and social development that's only just begun. Trump Sanders Libertarians and Greens will lead the cooperative economic movement to get away from govt waste and reward citizens for rebuilding the economy ourselves.

Anything any impact made in the media at all speaks volumes for what isn't shown or known to the public. More power to you! Keep going and growing and the difference is being made just because you are engaged and influencing the democratic process just by pushing the envelope and challenging the norms.

Take heart, take courage, take care!
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Damn Florida is close. Jesus.
How is HRC leading in Tx?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What poll site are you watching JakeStarkey

I'm on google, "polls update"
And refreshing the page that "updates every 30 seconds"

If Clinton needs 173 and Trump needs 141, which one is more likely given states left to finalize their results?
That was fairly low then, about an hour ago. Tx has been called for Trump. I think the lead was based on early San Antone votes.
The poll site I'm watching say
137 for Trump with 133 to get to 270
104 for Clinton with 166 to get to 270

When I add up the red or pink states I count 269 favoring Trump but aren't all final yet,
so it's still closer than I thought.
With blue leaning states I'm counting at least 210-216 for Clinton including CA.

Gary Johnson is at 3%
And Jill Stein and other candidates
at a fraction, so obviously they took votes from him! He needs to shape up his game as he's not the only third party on the map! ;-)
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Some serious redneck 'tards in Florida, that's for damn sure.
You'll notice it is the States with voting machines that are rigged by Dominion are using fraction magic where you see that happening. It's illegal and I hope Trump will reject the results in those states and demand an investigation - a thorough investigation.
What states are those?
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Poll updates I'm looking at show
280 (216 called) from red or pink states leaning Trump and
217 (197 called) from Blue leaning states leaning Clinton

IF Michigan goes to Trump. If not, if Gary Johnson costs the GOP the state and the election, we're never going to hear the end of THAT one!
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