Argument That Illegals don't Vote Continues To 'Die' a 'Slow Death'

Easy Peasy...
Th Republicans are simply trying to prevent CITIZENS from voting by requiring an GOVT ISSUED PHOTO ID which millions of the poorest, and disabled and elderly citizens do not have...while the wealthier who own cars and drivers licenses have to go through no hurdle at all....

That's why you need an ID to get a passport, get a library card, cash a check, buy alcohol....and that's why photo IDs are FREE. Groups will even drive you to get one...


yep exactly ^^^^^^^^^^
Why didn't you answer my questions? are you afraid too? too fking funny you pieces of trash protecting illegals and dissing inner city children.

If you want a question answered, you may have to repeat it. It was likely buried in a mile long post,so you start kicking and screaming about it being ignored.
just what I figured, deflection bing, bing , bing what a fking loser you are. dude, you can ignore me all day long I don't fking care. but at least, if you're going to post, be accurate.
There are at least three George Bush's, registered to vote in Texas.
all in the same precinct you think? they do have birth dates right?

Two share the same middle name
yep, I'm a junior i lived my entire life like that and my dad and I never got our voting rights crossed. ever. Now other shit, quite often. It's why they have birth dates and social security and drivers licenses and addresses and phone numbers and on and on and on. so?
Just accept the fact that 122 ELECTIONS were decided by one vote.
Gee, that could have been 122 out of the over 1,000 political elections / positions the snowflakes lost over the last 8 years....

You keep using the word snowflakes.
Oh and this applies just as easily as your statement, no?

"I'd knowed Jimmy ever since we was young-uns and Jimmy always voted straight ticket Republican, so's I voted for him, in his memory."


I personally never have heard a Republican say that while I have heard about half a dozen Democrats say things very similar.

So no, I don think that one can as easily say that at all.

Point being that the few people who vote illegally, are and will always be, BIPARTISAN.

Then why isnt the effort to validate and protect the validity of the voting process BIPARTISAN?

And just because it is in your view "only a few votes" does not make it OK, does it? Many elections are decided by a handful of votes, like a certain Senator from Minnesota can attest, finally having one when numerous recounts finally gave him a majority.

An extra thousand or so illegal votes can paper over that much faster dont you think?
Easy Peasy...

Th Republicans are simply trying to prevent CITIZENS from voting by requiring an GOVT ISSUED PHOTO ID which millions of the poorest, and disabled and elderly citizens do not have...while the wealthier who own cars and drivers licenses have to go through no hurdle at all....

When all the States need to do is check every person registered or registering to vote against e-verify, which identifies citizens vs non citizens.

As many judges have stated Republicans have purposely and with surgical precision developed these new id laws to specifically prevent CITIZENS from voting who primarily vote Democratic.
Th Republicans are simply trying to prevent CITIZENS from voting by requiring an GOVT ISSUED PHOTO ID which millions of the poorest, and disabled and elderly citizens do not have...while the wealthier who own cars and drivers licenses have to go through no hurdle at all....

how do they buy cigarettes and liquor then? I'll also assume they can't travel cause you need an ID to board a plane. why isn't that of concern for you? Now they can't fly either.

They are the poorest among us and the disabld among us and the elderly among us, and you actually think they gt on airplanes and travel and ned a govt id with a picture?

and the point is, they have lived their entire lives in the USA, without needing a govt issued photo id and have voted their entire lives without needing a govt issued photo id, by using other forms of id to prove they are the person registered to vote, that now, all of a sudden, are not allowed.

And also, since illegals can get driver's licenses, exactly how does this voter id at the polls stop them from voting?

This measure is simply a measure to prevent or curb the POOR, DISABLED, AND ELDERLY citizens who do not drive, from voting.

All the States should do, is check every registered voter, against e-verify to see if they are citizens or not, and if they are NOT, then do not approv their registration, and or remove them from the voter rolls, so their names ar not evn on the voter rolls.

and again, they never then went to a grocery store or drove a car or bought liquor or cigarettes, or got food stamps, or anything right. No healthcare? how's that, obummer care was supposed to correct that. How the fk did they get that? stayed inside and fking magic happened?

Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegals voted is as much a fraud as he is. If Ohio wasn't checking status like most states DO--then this is their problem, and the illegals who registered are in serious trouble of deportation. That is considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation.

Alt Fact. No evidence of significant vote fraud. Maybe by Trumpers, though.
Key word "significant". That represents a step back from the standard "NO vote fraud happened" mantra.

The bottom line is, vote fraud really does happen, and it can flip a handful of crucial districts, thus a state, and thus an election. Voter ID efforts are one tool in an arsenal that can limit fraud.

One notices as well that there is no attempt to buttress the aspersion cast on Trump voters.
Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegals voted is as much a fraud as he is. If Ohio wasn't checking status like most states DO--then this is their problem, and the illegals who registered are in serious trouble of deportation. That is considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation.
They would be more likely to vote illegally if they were fairly certain they would not face a concerted effort to detect their fraud. There are places in this country where they could be thus certain.
They are the poorest among us and the disabld among us and the elderly among us, and you actually think they gt on airplanes and travel and ned a govt id with a picture?

and the point is, they have lived their entire lives in the USA, without needing a govt issued photo id and have voted their entire lives without needing a govt issued photo id, by using other forms of id to prove they are the person registered to vote, that now, all of a sudden, are not allowed.

And also, since illegals can get driver's licenses, exactly how does this voter id at the polls stop them from voting?

This measure is simply a measure to prevent or curb the POOR, DISABLED, AND ELDERLY citizens who do not drive, from voting.

All the States should do, is check every registered voter, against e-verify to see if they are citizens or not, and if they are NOT, then do not approv their registration, and or remove them from the voter rolls, so their names ar not evn on the voter rolls.

Every state that I have read of with Voter ID laws has put into effect ways of even house bound people to get voter IDs.

This is just a ballyhoo to protect dead Democrats from being purged from the voter rolls.
There are at least three George Bush's, registered to vote in Texas.
all in the same precinct you think? they do have birth dates right?

Two share the same middle name. And the same person registered in multiple precincts is what they're trying to stop.
again, stupid fk there are fking birth dates that would separate them out, social security, license. they all got fking numbers on them. if they are all the same, then there is no way to stop that. You tell me how that could be found without seeing the duplication after the fact?
Are you up to 5 million yet?

A full and thorough investigation in places like LA, Chicago, NYC, etc might get us a lot closer to "5 MM".

And thanks for moving the goalposts yet again, leftist turd; first it was "that doesn't happen, you have no evidence."

Then it was "well, it doesn't happen very often."

Now it's "well, I'm pretty sure it's not millions..."

Is getting lobotomized the first, or last, step of becoming a Certified Authentic Liberal?
Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegals voted is as much a fraud as he is. If Ohio wasn't checking status like most states DO--then this is their problem, and the illegals who registered are in serious trouble of deportation. That is considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation.
then why do they do it? Are you going to sit there and make that statement after the illegal woman in texas was caught? really? are you truly that fking stupid?
Are you up to 5 million yet?

A full and thorough investigation in places like LA, Chicago, NYC, etc might get us a lot closer to "5 MM".

And thanks for moving the goalposts yet again, leftist turd; first it was "that doesn't happen, you have no evidence."

Then it was "well, it doesn't happen very often."

Now it's "well, I'm pretty sure it's not millions..."

Is getting lobotomized the first, or last step, of becoming a Certified Authentic Liberal?
No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote.
Yet links have already been provided showing they have...and some have gone to jail for voting. huh.....
Alt Fact. No evidence of significant vote fraud. Maybe by Trumpers, though.
Key word "significant". That represents a step back from the standard "NO vote fraud happened" mantra.

The bottom line is, vote fraud really does happen, and it can flip a handful of crucial districts, thus a state, and thus an election. Voter ID efforts are one tool in an arsenal that can limit fraud.

One notices as well that there is no attempt to buttress the aspersion cast on Trump voters.

I am not saying Voter fraud didn't happen they actually CAUGHT a couple of Trump supporters voting more than once. This is much more likely than Illegals risking getting caught and deported, just so they can cast a single vote--LOL (That's the ultimate, here I am, come and get me moment)--LOL

Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


Trump supporter votes twice because she fears a 'rigged' process


Officers: Trump supporter tried to vote twice in Fort Bend

And since it was TRUMP that was continually campaigning on a RIGGED election. Dead people vote, Ilegals vote, and you really don't know if your mail in ballot gets counted or not, the VERY first thing as a Governor or Secretary of State that I would do is an audit to see how many Trump supporters voted 2 or 3 times for registering in different precincts and states to commit voter fraud, which is exactly what these two did. I imagine there's plenty more of them.
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