Argument That Illegals don't Vote Continues To 'Die' a 'Slow Death'

All the States need to do to remove Dead people from the voter rolls is when they issue a death certificate for a person who has died, is to notify the keepers of the voter rolls, to take them off of the voter list... remove them from the active list when they die....AND this will take these dead people off of the voter rolls so they can not vote absentee ballot as well!.
No, because Democrats then sue the government or whomever to stop it based on their claim of voter intimidation and similar nonsense.

Here Republicans attempt to purge 10,000 dead voters from the voter registration rolls,...

10,000 dead to be purged from Virginia voter lists

....and here the Democrats sue to stop it.
Virginia to Purge Voter Rolls of the Dead – Democrats to Sue | Red State Virginia - Conservatism Across Virginia

And you were saying "all the Republicans got to do is..."?

Jim did not bother to read his own post.

"A spokesperson from the Obama campaign who wishes to remain anonymous said, “This is yet another Republican attempt to take away the rights of people and suppress voter turnout in November. Republicans know that the dead are the largest and most reliable voting block that we have, and we will stand with the dead and defend their right to vote Democrat. Republicans will not get away with this attack on their rights.”

Cameron Jones is an idiot, and some are his disciples.
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All the States need to do to remove Dead people from the voter rolls is when they issue a death certificate for a person who has died, is to notify the keepers of the voter rolls, to take them off of the voter list... remove them from the active list when they die....AND this will take these dead people off of the voter rolls so they can not vote absentee ballot as well!.
No, because Democrats then sue the government or whomever to stop it based on their claim of voter intimidation and similar nonsense.

Here Republicans attempt to purge 10,000 dead voters from the voter registration rolls,...

10,000 dead to be purged from Virginia voter lists

....and here the Democrats sue to stop it.
Virginia to Purge Voter Rolls of the Dead – Democrats to Sue | Red State Virginia - Conservatism Across Virginia

And you were saying "all the Republicans got to do is..."?
That's a bunch of hock tooey! (bull crud)

What Republicans were trying to do is use the Federal Death Records from the social security admin...where any close name or same name of a common name, is thrown off the voter list.... again, disenfranchisement of people that are actually ALIVE.

I SAID the State should notify the voter registrar's offices, when a citizen is issued a STATE DEATH CERTIFICATE....for being dead.

The State records should be used for their State citizens....which are much much much more accurate than some silly federal list.
The article does not state that illegal immigrants are voting, it states that people are ILLEGALLY registering and some are illegally voting....

Legal, Documented Immigrants that vote, are illegally voting....Felons that register to vote and vote, are illegally voting, citizens that vote twice, are illegally voting...

To imply these are all illegal immigrants is simply wrong...

Not one to quibble but why did you post this? You don't help your case when you say this...

The article does not state that illegal immigrants are voting, it states that people are ILLEGALLY registering and some are illegally voting.... The actual article says this...

"The secretary of state announced Monday that this year his office discovered 385 non-citizens registered to vote in Ohio, 82 of whom have cast at least one ballot. In 2013, Husted’s office uncovered 291 non-citizens registered to vote and found another 145 in 2015. Of those non-citizens registered to vote, the office found 17 had voted in 2013 and 27 voted in 2015.

By definition, if you are a non citizen, and you vote illegally, you are an illegal alien.

What percentage of the vote are 27 votes? About .000010%!
Nice thread Easyt.:2up:

Who cares. As the Sec of State said, 112 ELECTIONS were decided by one vote. All it takes is ONE.

Is suppressing the vote a good excuse because of .00001% percent of the vote is illegal?

Voter suppression does happen thanks to organizations like ALEC, who have written or effected the laws in many states. Those eliminated from their Constitutional right to vote, make up much more than .00001% of the vote.

How does requiring a photo ID (that to those who can't afford it will be given free of charge) equal voter suppression?
It's pretty evident, that you didn't bother to read the link I supplied, which led to a study. This study basically mirrors which other studies have also found.
Read and learn.

The article does not state that illegal immigrants are voting, it states that people are ILLEGALLY registering and some are illegally voting....

Legal, Documented Immigrants that vote, are illegally voting....Felons that register to vote and vote, are illegally voting, citizens that vote twice, are illegally voting...

To imply these are all illegal immigrants is simply wrong...

Not one to quibble but why did you post this? You don't help your case when you say this...

The article does not state that illegal immigrants are voting, it states that people are ILLEGALLY registering and some are illegally voting.... The actual article says this...

"The secretary of state announced Monday that this year his office discovered 385 non-citizens registered to vote in Ohio, 82 of whom have cast at least one ballot. In 2013, Husted’s office uncovered 291 non-citizens registered to vote and found another 145 in 2015. Of those non-citizens registered to vote, the office found 17 had voted in 2013 and 27 voted in 2015.

By definition, if you are a non citizen, and you vote illegally, you are an illegal alien.

What percentage of the vote are 27 votes? About .000010%!
Nice thread Easyt.:2up:

Who cares. As the Sec of State said, 112 ELECTIONS were decided by one vote. All it takes is ONE.

Is suppressing the vote a good excuse because of .00001% percent of the vote is illegal?

Voter suppression does happen thanks to organizations like ALEC, who have written or effected the laws in many states. Those eliminated from their Constitutional right to vote, make up much more than .00001% of the vote.

How does requiring a photo ID (that to those who can't afford it will be given free of charge) equal voter suppression?
It's pretty evident, that you didn't bother to read the link I supplied, which led to a study. This study basically mirrors which other studies have also found.
Read and learn.

Not one to quibble but why did you post this? You don't help your case when you say this...

The article does not state that illegal immigrants are voting, it states that people are ILLEGALLY registering and some are illegally voting.... The actual article says this...

"The secretary of state announced Monday that this year his office discovered 385 non-citizens registered to vote in Ohio, 82 of whom have cast at least one ballot. In 2013, Husted’s office uncovered 291 non-citizens registered to vote and found another 145 in 2015. Of those non-citizens registered to vote, the office found 17 had voted in 2013 and 27 voted in 2015.

By definition, if you are a non citizen, and you vote illegally, you are an illegal alien.

What percentage of the vote are 27 votes? About .000010%!
Nice thread Easyt.:2up:

Who cares. As the Sec of State said, 112 ELECTIONS were decided by one vote. All it takes is ONE.

Is suppressing the vote a good excuse because of .00001% percent of the vote is illegal?

Voter suppression does happen thanks to organizations like ALEC, who have written or effected the laws in many states. Those eliminated from their Constitutional right to vote, make up much more than .00001% of the vote.

How does requiring a photo ID (that to those who can't afford it will be given free of charge) equal voter suppression?

Give us a brief synopsis.
How about I let Jim DeMint and others, explain it to you.

“The left is trying to draw votes from illegals, from voter fraud, a lot of different things, so this kind of fits right in to trying to find another group that they can basically count on to vote their way,” DeMint said. “So it’s really a bigger issue, and that’s why the left fights voter ID or any kind of picture ID to know that it is actually a registered voter who’s voting. And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter-ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”

It’s that last part that progressives have seized on—DeMint’s statement that “in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen ... elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.” It suggests that the motivation is just what voter-ID opponents have suggested all along.

The rest of DeMint’s comment, though, is equally interesting. It offers a litany of ways he thinks Democrats are trying to steal elections—and frames voter-ID laws as one tactic to fight back. But his examples don’t really hold up. It’s unclear what effect McAuliffe’s move might have in 2016, and Nate Cohn at The Upshot suggests it might be relatively modest. Incarceration rates are widely racially disparate, so that more ex-cons are African Americans, and African Americans tend to vote heavily Democratic. Over the years, the push for felon re-enfranchisement has come from both sides of the aisle—former Senator Rick Santorum backed it during his 2012 presidential run—but Democrats have been especially eager to implement the reform. Some conservatives have been warning for more than a decade that felon re-enfranchisement is a Democratic ploy to win votes, and while it’s hard to imagine there’s no partisan motive involved, that’s not a compelling argument for excluding people from the body politic. DeMint’s comment about “illegals” is probably a reference to the idea that Democrats want to offer citizenship to illegal citizens to win their votes; the fraud question is, again, barely a question.

DeMint isn’t the first person to say something like what he did. “Now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well,” U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin said the evening of the state’s presidential primary. A former chief of staff for a Republican Wisconsin state senator told The New York Times in a story published Monday that he attended a meeting where GOP lawmakers “were literally giddy” over the suppression effects of the law. The staffer, Todd Allbaugh, says he resigned in disgust.

In summer of 2012, the Republican leader of the Pennsylvania state house said that voter ID “is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.” (A judge blocked the law, and Obama won the state.) Around the same time, Doug Preisse, the chair of the GOP in Franklin County, Ohio, told The Columbus Dispatch, “I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—read African-American—voter-turnout machine.”

In late 2012, former Florida GOP Chair Jim Greer told the Palm Beach Post that the motivation for shortening early voting—another common tactic in recent years—was to drive down black turnout. “The sad thing about that is yes, there is prejudice and racism in the party but the real prevailing thought is that they don’t think minorities will ever vote Republican,” he said. “It’s not really a broad-based racist issue. It’s simply that the Republican Party gave up a long time ago ever believing that anything they did would get minorities to vote for them.” (Florida Republican leaders are quick to point out that Greer pled guilty to theft and money laundering three years ago.)

In 2013, Don Yelton, a local GOP official in North Carolina said on The Daily Show that the Old North State’s strict voting law “hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who wants the government to give them everything.” He was compelled to resign.

What's the Goal of Voter-ID Laws


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How about I let Jim DeMint and others, explain it to you.

“The left is trying to draw votes from illegals, from voter fraud, a lot of different things, so this kind of fits right in to trying to find another group that they can basically count on to vote their way,” DeMint said. “So it’s really a bigger issue, and that’s why the left fights voter ID or any kind of picture ID to know that it is actually a registered voter who’s voting. And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter-ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”

It’s that last part that progressives have seized on—DeMint’s statement that “in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen ... elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.” It suggests that the motivation is just what voter-ID opponents have suggested all along.

The rest of DeMint’s comment, though, is equally interesting. It offers a litany of ways he thinks Democrats are trying to steal elections—and frames voter-ID laws as one tactic to fight back. But his examples don’t really hold up. It’s unclear what effect McAuliffe’s move might have in 2016, and Nate Cohn at The Upshot suggests it might be relatively modest. Incarceration rates are widely racially disparate, so that more ex-cons are African Americans, and African Americans tend to vote heavily Democratic. Over the years, the push for felon re-enfranchisement has come from both sides of the aisle—former Senator Rick Santorum backed it during his 2012 presidential run—but Democrats have been especially eager to implement the reform. Some conservatives have been warning for more than a decade that felon re-enfranchisement is a Democratic ploy to win votes, and while it’s hard to imagine there’s no partisan motive involved, that’s not a compelling argument for excluding people from the body politic. DeMint’s comment about “illegals” is probably a reference to the idea that Democrats want to offer citizenship to illegal citizens to win their votes; the fraud question is, again, barely a question.

DeMint isn’t the first person to say something like what he did. “Now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well,” U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin said the evening of the state’s presidential primary. A former chief of staff for a Republican Wisconsin state senator told The New York Times in a story published Monday that he attended a meeting where GOP lawmakers “were literally giddy” over the suppression effects of the law. The staffer, Todd Allbaugh, says he resigned in disgust.

In summer of 2012, the Republican leader of the Pennsylvania state house said that voter ID “is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.” (A judge blocked the law, and Obama won the state.) Around the same time, Doug Preisse, the chair of the GOP in Franklin County, Ohio, told The Columbus Dispatch, “I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—read African-American—voter-turnout machine.”

In late 2012, former Florida GOP Chair Jim Greer told the Palm Beach Post that the motivation for shortening early voting—another common tactic in recent years—was to drive down black turnout. “The sad thing about that is yes, there is prejudice and racism in the party but the real prevailing thought is that they don’t think minorities will ever vote Republican,” he said. “It’s not really a broad-based racist issue. It’s simply that the Republican Party gave up a long time ago ever believing that anything they did would get minorities to vote for them.” (Florida Republican leaders are quick to point out that Greer pled guilty to theft and money laundering three years ago.)

In 2013, Don Yelton, a local GOP official in North Carolina said on The Daily Show that the Old North State’s strict voting law “hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who wants the government to give them everything.” He was compelled to resign.

What's the Goal of Voter-ID Laws

You find that a "little shift to conservative" is unusual? Really? The reality is that the population of the USA IS a little on the conservative side. Poll after poll after poll shows that the overall political philosophy of this country is moderate conservative. So what you are saying is voter ID laws protect the veracity of the vote. Sounds like a win/win to me.
Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegals voted is as much a fraud as he is. If Ohio wasn't checking status like most states DO--then this is their problem, and the illegals who registered are in serious trouble of deportation. That is considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation.
They would be more likely to vote illegally if they were fairly certain they would not face a concerted effort to detect their fraud. There are places in this country where they could be thus certain.
No, there is not. However, plenty of places exist for Trumpers to vote repeatedly.

If anyone is going to vote repeatedly, its going to be the ones you see blocking traffic, assaulting people, breaking windows, burning shops, shouting people down. you know them. aka Hillary supporters.
sure, 'dog, because they took the other kind and broke them politically and culturally. They don't dare even raise their voices now. Right? :lol:

Not the point at all. Of course those people have the right to peacefully assemble, but when you see those people using violence or intimidation tactics, I see a person who uses any means necessary to get what they want. And in my opinion, they wouldn't have a problem voting twice against Trump because they hate him so much. Illegal aliens voting for Hillary? if they can register they can vote. If they have an address and a drivers license they can register.

How about I let Jim DeMint and others, explain it to you.

“The left is trying to draw votes from illegals, from voter fraud, a lot of different things, so this kind of fits right in to trying to find another group that they can basically count on to vote their way,” DeMint said. “So it’s really a bigger issue, and that’s why the left fights voter ID or any kind of picture ID to know that it is actually a registered voter who’s voting. And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter-ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”

It’s that last part that progressives have seized on—DeMint’s statement that “in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen ... elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.” It suggests that the motivation is just what voter-ID opponents have suggested all along.

The rest of DeMint’s comment, though, is equally interesting. It offers a litany of ways he thinks Democrats are trying to steal elections—and frames voter-ID laws as one tactic to fight back. But his examples don’t really hold up. It’s unclear what effect McAuliffe’s move might have in 2016, and Nate Cohn at The Upshot suggests it might be relatively modest. Incarceration rates are widely racially disparate, so that more ex-cons are African Americans, and African Americans tend to vote heavily Democratic. Over the years, the push for felon re-enfranchisement has come from both sides of the aisle—former Senator Rick Santorum backed it during his 2012 presidential run—but Democrats have been especially eager to implement the reform. Some conservatives have been warning for more than a decade that felon re-enfranchisement is a Democratic ploy to win votes, and while it’s hard to imagine there’s no partisan motive involved, that’s not a compelling argument for excluding people from the body politic. DeMint’s comment about “illegals” is probably a reference to the idea that Democrats want to offer citizenship to illegal citizens to win their votes; the fraud question is, again, barely a question.

DeMint isn’t the first person to say something like what he did. “Now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well,” U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin said the evening of the state’s presidential primary. A former chief of staff for a Republican Wisconsin state senator told The New York Times in a story published Monday that he attended a meeting where GOP lawmakers “were literally giddy” over the suppression effects of the law. The staffer, Todd Allbaugh, says he resigned in disgust.

In summer of 2012, the Republican leader of the Pennsylvania state house said that voter ID “is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.” (A judge blocked the law, and Obama won the state.) Around the same time, Doug Preisse, the chair of the GOP in Franklin County, Ohio, told The Columbus Dispatch, “I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—read African-American—voter-turnout machine.”

In late 2012, former Florida GOP Chair Jim Greer told the Palm Beach Post that the motivation for shortening early voting—another common tactic in recent years—was to drive down black turnout. “The sad thing about that is yes, there is prejudice and racism in the party but the real prevailing thought is that they don’t think minorities will ever vote Republican,” he said. “It’s not really a broad-based racist issue. It’s simply that the Republican Party gave up a long time ago ever believing that anything they did would get minorities to vote for them.” (Florida Republican leaders are quick to point out that Greer pled guilty to theft and money laundering three years ago.)

In 2013, Don Yelton, a local GOP official in North Carolina said on The Daily Show that the Old North State’s strict voting law “hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who wants the government to give them everything.” He was compelled to resign.

What's the Goal of Voter-ID Laws

You find that a "little shift to conservative" is unusual? Really? The reality is that the population of the USA IS a little on the conservative side. Poll after poll after poll shows that the overall political philosophy of this country is moderate conservative. So what you are saying is voter ID laws protect the veracity of the vote. Sounds like a win/win to me.

Moderates, such as myself, typically do not vote straight ticket. I have for the past 16 years voted consistently for my moderate conservative House member. Otherwise, I'm all over the place.
Obama won twice by carrying the moderate vote. This all indicates that conservative moderates aren't the biggest segment of the moderate sector. Centralist, are the group that go one way or the other.
But as noted in the studies covering voter suppression, voters who are most stalled by voter suppression are the minorities, students and the elderly, who all lean to the left.
This should not be OK to any conservative, moderate or liberal. It's un-American, pure and simple.
I am sure many Trumpers would have no problem voting twice or thrice if given the chance.

Never suggest Trumpenteens are more moral than the left. Both are corrupt.
How about I let Jim DeMint and others, explain it to you.

“The left is trying to draw votes from illegals, from voter fraud, a lot of different things, so this kind of fits right in to trying to find another group that they can basically count on to vote their way,” DeMint said. “So it’s really a bigger issue, and that’s why the left fights voter ID or any kind of picture ID to know that it is actually a registered voter who’s voting. And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter-ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”

It’s that last part that progressives have seized on—DeMint’s statement that “in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen ... elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.” It suggests that the motivation is just what voter-ID opponents have suggested all along.

The rest of DeMint’s comment, though, is equally interesting. It offers a litany of ways he thinks Democrats are trying to steal elections—and frames voter-ID laws as one tactic to fight back. But his examples don’t really hold up. It’s unclear what effect McAuliffe’s move might have in 2016, and Nate Cohn at The Upshot suggests it might be relatively modest. Incarceration rates are widely racially disparate, so that more ex-cons are African Americans, and African Americans tend to vote heavily Democratic. Over the years, the push for felon re-enfranchisement has come from both sides of the aisle—former Senator Rick Santorum backed it during his 2012 presidential run—but Democrats have been especially eager to implement the reform. Some conservatives have been warning for more than a decade that felon re-enfranchisement is a Democratic ploy to win votes, and while it’s hard to imagine there’s no partisan motive involved, that’s not a compelling argument for excluding people from the body politic. DeMint’s comment about “illegals” is probably a reference to the idea that Democrats want to offer citizenship to illegal citizens to win their votes; the fraud question is, again, barely a question.

DeMint isn’t the first person to say something like what he did. “Now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well,” U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin said the evening of the state’s presidential primary. A former chief of staff for a Republican Wisconsin state senator told The New York Times in a story published Monday that he attended a meeting where GOP lawmakers “were literally giddy” over the suppression effects of the law. The staffer, Todd Allbaugh, says he resigned in disgust.

In summer of 2012, the Republican leader of the Pennsylvania state house said that voter ID “is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.” (A judge blocked the law, and Obama won the state.) Around the same time, Doug Preisse, the chair of the GOP in Franklin County, Ohio, told The Columbus Dispatch, “I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—read African-American—voter-turnout machine.”

In late 2012, former Florida GOP Chair Jim Greer told the Palm Beach Post that the motivation for shortening early voting—another common tactic in recent years—was to drive down black turnout. “The sad thing about that is yes, there is prejudice and racism in the party but the real prevailing thought is that they don’t think minorities will ever vote Republican,” he said. “It’s not really a broad-based racist issue. It’s simply that the Republican Party gave up a long time ago ever believing that anything they did would get minorities to vote for them.” (Florida Republican leaders are quick to point out that Greer pled guilty to theft and money laundering three years ago.)

In 2013, Don Yelton, a local GOP official in North Carolina said on The Daily Show that the Old North State’s strict voting law “hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who wants the government to give them everything.” He was compelled to resign.

What's the Goal of Voter-ID Laws

You find that a "little shift to conservative" is unusual? Really? The reality is that the population of the USA IS a little on the conservative side. Poll after poll after poll shows that the overall political philosophy of this country is moderate conservative. So what you are saying is voter ID laws protect the veracity of the vote. Sounds like a win/win to me.

Moderates, such as myself, typically do not vote straight ticket. I have for the past 16 years voted consistently for my moderate conservative House member. Otherwise, I'm all over the place.
Obama won twice by carrying the moderate vote. This all indicates that conservative moderates aren't the biggest segment of the moderate sector. Centralist, are the group that go one way or the other.
But as noted in the studies covering voter suppression, voters who are most stalled by voter suppression are the minorities, students and the elderly, who all lean to the left.
This should not be OK to any conservative, moderate or liberal. It's un-American, pure and simple.

Sooooo, the logical question is, if the country is so moderate, how did all of these lunatic progressives get into power? Hmmmm, maybe a little illegal voting?
No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegals voted is as much a fraud as he is. If Ohio wasn't checking status like most states DO--then this is their problem, and the illegals who registered are in serious trouble of deportation. That is considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation.
They would be more likely to vote illegally if they were fairly certain they would not face a concerted effort to detect their fraud. There are places in this country where they could be thus certain.
No, there is not. However, plenty of places exist for Trumpers to vote repeatedly.

If anyone is going to vote repeatedly, its going to be the ones you see blocking traffic, assaulting people, breaking windows, burning shops, shouting people down. you know them. aka Hillary supporters.
sure, 'dog, because they took the other kind and broke them politically and culturally. They don't dare even raise their voices now. Right? :lol:

Not the point at all. Of course those people have the right to peacefully assemble, but when you see those people using violence or intimidation tactics, I see a person who uses any means necessary to get what they want. And in my opinion, they wouldn't have a problem voting twice against Trump because they hate him so much. Illegal aliens voting for Hillary? if they can register they can vote. If they have an address and a drivers license they can register.

Hillary Clinton wasn't campaigning on a rigged election, your candidate Donald Trump was. Basically encouraging his supporters to cast more than one vote.

Again I am all for a full audit of each and every state. We need to insure that dead people didn't vote, that illegals didn't vote, and that no one was voting more than ONCE. We need to insure that American eligible citizens are only REGISTERED in one location, not 2 or 3 because they have moved and are still registered in older locations.


Trump's warning of voter fraud prompts Iowa supporter's attempt to vote twice
This woman Des Moines, Iowa


Officers: Trump supporter tried to vote twice in Fort Bend
This man Fort Bend, Texas

"In his persistent determination to gin up distrust of the integrity of the vote counting process across the country, Donald Trump is going to get people in trouble. We have already seen one Trump supporter charged with voter fraud this month for attempting to vote twice. Not to be deterred from his “Rigged!” dog-whistle, the Republican nominee doubled down at a campaign stop in Greeley, Colorado on Sunday appears to be actively advocating that his supporters vote twice.

Trump’s comments, which are available below, lack the typical nuance that would allow someone to vote more than once in an election; most notably is that once an elections official receives a ballot, it cannot be changed."

In Trumps own words.


Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) | Twitter

So yes, let's do a complete AUDIT of every single state and district. Purge voters that are registered in more than one location, and check to see if illegals voted, if dead people voted, and if people voted more than once.

Those that did should face the consequences of a record FELONY, lose their right to vote FOREVER, and face the fines and jail time they deserve.
Put up or shut up, hard left and alt right.

Audit every state or shut up.
Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'
126 votes in a tight race can easily throw an election.
Our heroic President Trump is not one to pussyfoot around. It's possible a random selection of dirty border-jumping cucarachas all across the USA will encounter a mysterious squad of ninjas who will beat, stomp and permanently cripple them. If that occurs, there will be a frantic mass exodus of the vile subhumans back to the loathsome Third World where their kind belongs. We almost hesitate to say it, but this would represent a low-cost, common-sense solution to the pestilence. Know what we mean?
You are back! Welcome! I see you are still crazy about race.
Yes, WE are back.

Who is "we"?
Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'
We have a Commerce Clause. A market friendly visa could solve our illegal problem at the federal borders; and provide federal ID to those, "market participants" that can be used for identification when voting.

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