Arizona bill targets ethnic studies

Arizona is trying hard to make their latino population go away. The latino studies are not teaching an overthrow of the American government. That is what the governor of Texas is talking.
By your own standards you just lied.
Devvy Kidd -- "We Have Got to Eliminate The Gringo"
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]"We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." [/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]The words above were spoken by Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida (The Race United) political party.[/FONT]
You have studied it every time you studied the hsitory of the US.
The classes I took in school (70's through 1981) didn't mention the skin color that much all though it was evident. We didn't just study whites, we studied all manner of US history that included minorities. Back then we were Americans, now we're Hyphenated-Americans. (That means we're being separated) Wake the fuck up.
The ending of these classes is intended as an insult to the latino population of this state. It is its ONLY purpose
It's only purpose is to get back to focusing on Reading Writing and Arithmetic. Again, wake the fuck up.
Arizona is trying hard to make their latino population go away. The latino studies are not teaching an overthrow of the American government. That is what the governor of Texas is talking.
By your own standards you just lied.
Devvy Kidd -- "We Have Got to Eliminate The Gringo"
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]"We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." [/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]The words above were spoken by Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida (The Race United) political party.[/FONT]

Latino studies are not designed to overthrow the US government.

This fool is NOT the latino classes in Arizona now is he.
Tell us Liberals, what sort of job will these kids get with a degree in "Mexican-ness", "Black-ness" or "Minority-ness" or even "Woman-ness" for that matter? (Teaching "Mexican-ness" classes at liberal colleges that's what) You libs say America needs more educated people yet you clamor for more "ethnic and gender studies".

You're churning out a generation of ignorant navel gazers.
I don't know...
What kind of job do you get with a degree in French literature or Shakespearean drama?
How about football and cheerleading?
You've both listed studies and activities that require examination outside of your own little racial world.

Ethnic Studies doesn't do that. It creates self absorbed, navel gazing morons prone who play the race card and claim special victim status.

How is studying English or French culture different than studying Latin culture?

Mayan and Aztec civilization is as relevant as English or French civilization
Latino studies are not designed to overthrow the US government.

Again, were you there? Why do you keep stating this as fact when you don't know if it's true or not. Are we going to have to start calling you Liesmatter again? That would be a pity, you've been doing so well that last few weeks.
You have studied it every time you studied the hsitory of the US.
The classes I took in school (70's through 1981) didn't mention the skin color that much all though it was evident. We didn't just study whites, we studied all manner of US history that included minorities. Back then we were Americans, now we're Hyphenated-Americans. (That means we're being separated) Wake the fuck up.
The ending of these classes is intended as an insult to the latino population of this state. It is its ONLY purpose
It's only purpose is to get back to focusing on Reading Writing and Arithmetic. Again, wake the fuck up.

Did they END football?

did they END art class?

No they ended ethnic studies.

Why only target ethnic studies?
Latino studies are not designed to overthrow the US government.

Again, were you there? Why do you keep stating this as fact when you don't know if it's true or not. Are we going to have to start calling you Liesmatter again? That would be a pity, you've been doing so well that last few weeks.

You make the original claim they are designed to overthrow the US government so it up to you to PROVE that is their design.
How is studying English or French culture different than studying Latin culture?

Mayan and Aztec civilization is as relevant as English or French civilization

There is no Mayan or Aztec civilization. They were wiped off the earth several hundred years ago. What is studied about them is a part of world history. When I was in high school we also did not study English or French culture. We studied English literature my senior year, which again, is history and more relevant since our nation was mainly colonized by English speaking people. I personally think it was a complete waste of time because it provides no practical value in the real world. Reserve that stuff for college.

You also not addressing the accusations of the proponents of this law and the provisions I specifically addressed in the bill.
You have studied it every time you studied the hsitory of the US.
The classes I took in school (70's through 1981) didn't mention the skin color that much all though it was evident. We didn't just study whites, we studied all manner of US history that included minorities. Back then we were Americans, now we're Hyphenated-Americans. (That means we're being separated) Wake the fuck up.
The ending of these classes is intended as an insult to the latino population of this state. It is its ONLY purpose
It's only purpose is to get back to focusing on Reading Writing and Arithmetic. Again, wake the fuck up.

I went to school in the 60s and 70s

When we studied Africa, we studied the history of when the White man came to Africa
When we studied Latin cultures we studied the conquistadors taking over the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs

Yes we studied just "Americans" but through a white perspective. We studied the building of Railroads. We didn't study the Chinese labororers who built them and how they were treated.

Learning other cultures makes ours stronger
Latino studies are not designed to overthrow the US government.

Again, were you there? Why do you keep stating this as fact when you don't know if it's true or not. Are we going to have to start calling you Liesmatter again? That would be a pity, you've been doing so well that last few weeks.

You make the original claim they are designed to overthrow the US government so it up to you to PROVE that is their design.

No, I didn't make the original claim. The Arizona state legislature did. I have no idea if it's true or not, just like you have no idea if it's true or not. I'm not stating that it definitively happened. You are stating that definitely did not. See the difference?
I went to school in the 60s and 70s

When we studied Africa, we studied the history of when the White man came to Africa
When we studied Latin cultures we studied the conquistadors taking over the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs

Yes we studied just "Americans" but through a white perspective. We studied the building of Railroads. We didn't study the Chinese labororers who built them and how they were treated.

Learning other cultures makes ours stronger

Who says there is anything wrong with studying other cultures? Nobody has as far as I can tell. You are still not addressing the provisions in the legislation pointed out by the news report or the accusations of the law's supporters.
You have studied it every time you studied the hsitory of the US.
The classes I took in school (70's through 1981) didn't mention the skin color that much all though it was evident. We didn't just study whites, we studied all manner of US history that included minorities. Back then we were Americans, now we're Hyphenated-Americans. (That means we're being separated) Wake the fuck up.
The ending of these classes is intended as an insult to the latino population of this state. It is its ONLY purpose
It's only purpose is to get back to focusing on Reading Writing and Arithmetic. Again, wake the fuck up.
Did they END football?
did they END art class?
No they ended ethnic studies.
Why only target ethnic studies?
Football and Art classes have nothing to do with race.

I played football and let me tell ya', whatever racial problems people had off the field went away when you put on the pads. I went to a predominately Black H.S. and was harrassed by the blacks (I'm not looking for sympathy, just tellin' ya'). But when I played football and they saw that I could actually play well that racial prejudice went away. I can guarantee you we got along better on the field than we would have in any "Blackness Class".

Ethnic studies doesn't bring the races together, it just separates them.
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When you study any subject by reading and writing you study the basics of reading and writing.

Keeping kids interested in school is part of the whole deal.

Teaching through subjects that inetrest your pupil is good teaching.

Arizona has actually had some very good results in educating their latino kids and have good numbers.

The ending of such programs tells the kids of color in Arizona that they are not interested in them.
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Arizona Statistics - Arizona Population - Phoenix Race Statistics

this is old info and it places some of the cities at 40% latino.

Can the 50% of white kids have a class dedicated to European heritage?

Arizona is trying to make nearly half of its population refuse their own family trees

I see. Simply teaching kids math, science, english literature, American history, without providing any cultural studies is "making" students refuse their family trees? I am half Italian and half Irish. I never had a class in all of my years of K through 12 that taught me about either of those histories and Boston has a huge Irish heritage.

Why can't these kids' parents teach them about Mexican heritage at home? Or, why can't the schools just have an after school extra-curricular club to learn about Hispanic heritage?

American kids receive a Eurocentric view of World History. It is history from the view of white civilization not history as viewed by the people being colonized

If 40% of the population is hispanic and the other 50% is white, it is clear that the schools can't "vote out" the history of the minority. If anything, the 50% needs a better understanding of the culture of the 40%
I sat in on a hispanic culture class. they were teaching that Thomas Edison was a Mexican.
How the hell does studying other cultures, make you stronger?

good grief..:eusa_whistle::lol:
American kids receive a Eurocentric view of World History. It is history from the view of white civilization not history as viewed by the people being colonized.
See? Even you admit that Ethnic Studies promotes victimhood status.

If 40% of the population is hispanic and the other 50% is white, it is clear that the schools can't "vote out" the history of the minority. If anything, the 50% needs a better understanding of the culture of the 40%
No, the kids need to learn what it is to be American not a hyphenated American. Hyphenating people just creates divisions like what we see with Ethnic studies Professors hating America and White people.

Canada has two cultures, hows that working out? French speaking Quebec wants to secede that's how.

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