Arizona Democrats REFUSE To Debate Trump-Endorsed Candidates:

Being disingenuous in their knowledge and belief, at this stage of the game, marks them as unfit. Let them spout rubbish without dignifying as any legitimacy.
Who says they are disingenuous? You and the media? That is not working and has little to do with honest debate. Your hate for Trump has warped your mind. You might need help.
I could care about you and what you did or say. Meaningless.
Keep telling yourself that, maybe you will bleev it, one day. . . .

Why should they? Anybody running that is a 2020 election denier, still supporting the big lie, is not worthy of polite discussion in a legitimate debate.
Communists in the Soviet Union talked this way about anyone that did not support Marxism.

Anyone that did not support the party line, was persona non grata in the STATE, and thus, did not have a right to any economic, social or political existence in society.

I am already hearing stories of whistle blowers exposing corruption in the FBI. If the same could be true of places like the CIA, NSA, etc.? It would be naive to believe that everything that is put out by the government and MSM corporate press is necessarily true, and thus, such an attitude about, what is, "legitimate debate," sounds, very, VERY, eerily authoritarian to me.

Why would any real American want to support such an oppressive attitude toward society? DO you even know the difference between an open society and a closed society?

I assure you, it has nothing to do with George Soros' "open society foundation."

". . . In fact, he said, the view that some collective social entity—be it, for example, a city, a state, society, a nation, or a race—has needs that are prior and superior to the needs of actual living persons is a central ethical tenet of all totalitarian systems, whether ancient or modern. Nazis, for instance, emphasized the needs of the Aryan race to justify their brutal policies, whereas communists in the Soviet Union spoke of class aims and interests as the motor of history to which the individual must bend. The needs of the race or class superseded the needs of individuals. In contrast, Popper held, members of an open society see the state and other social institutions as human designed, subject to rational scrutiny, and always serving the interests of individuals—and never the other way around. True justice entails equal treatment of individuals rather than Plato’s organistic view, in which justice is identified as a well functioning state.. . . "

If you would deny a platform to your fellow Americans, simply because of their beliefs, then it would seem to me, your allegiance is more to the STATE, than to the interests of those individuals that need representation. THUS? You are like the Nazis, Communists, or, further back, the Spartans, a proponent of closed societies, believing that the individuals must be subservient to the needs of the STATE.

Communists in the Soviet Union talked this way about anyone that did not support Marxism.

Anyone that did not support the party line, was persona non grata in the STATE, and thus, did not have a right to any economic, social or political existence in society.

I am already hearing stories of whistle blowers exposing corruption in the FBI. If the same could be true of places like the CIA, NSA, etc.? It would be naive to believe that everything that is put out by the government and MSM corporate press is necessarily true, and thus, such an attitude about, what is, "legitimate debate," sounds, very, VERY, eerily authoritarian to me.

Why would any real American want to support such an oppressive attitude toward society? DO you even know the difference between an open society and a closed society?

I assure you, it has nothing to do with George Soros' "open society foundation."

". . . In fact, he said, the view that some collective social entity—be it, for example, a city, a state, society, a nation, or a race—has needs that are prior and superior to the needs of actual living persons is a central ethical tenet of all totalitarian systems, whether ancient or modern. Nazis, for instance, emphasized the needs of the Aryan race to justify their brutal policies, whereas communists in the Soviet Union spoke of class aims and interests as the motor of history to which the individual must bend. The needs of the race or class superseded the needs of individuals. In contrast, Popper held, members of an open society see the state and other social institutions as human designed, subject to rational scrutiny, and always serving the interests of individuals—and never the other way around. True justice entails equal treatment of individuals rather than Plato’s organistic view, in which justice is identified as a well functioning state.. . . "

If you would deny a platform to your fellow Americans, simply because of their beliefs, then it would seem to me, your allegiance is more to the STATE, than to the interests of those individuals that need representation. THUS? You are like the Nazis, Communists, or, further back, the Spartans, a proponent of closed societies, believing that the individuals must be subservient to the needs of the STATE.

No they didn't. The Soviet Union was a communist country. They were never known for free and fair election. There is just no getting around the fact, every body, including trump knows he lost and was told as much by trump insiders, the states, the courts, and even his own family members, even before he tried to get the electoral college overthrown on Jan. 6.
How so? Are you a real Muslim? You won't say. You flee when asked.
And of course you are simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual. :rolleyes:

I challenge you to cite any one of my 28,000 posts where I refused to answer that question. You will flee away from that challenge because you are a pathetic cowardly liar.

Anytime anyone here directly asks me or otherwise brings up the subject here at USMB, I always straight up tell them that I'm not Muslim, I'm an atheist. And I have never claimed to be or in any way insinuated that I'm a Muslim, you disgusting lying piece of shit.

Why? Because unlike you, I don't lie when I post here at USMB. I have no reason to.

Unlike you and many other LWNJ moonbats here, I don't need to lie to myself or the USMB forum to back up any of my political opinions.
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And of course you are simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual. :rolleyes:

I challenge you to cite any one of my 28,000 posts where I refused to answer that question. You will flee away from that challenge because you are a pathetic cowardly liar.

Anytime anyone here directly asks me or otherwise brings up the subject here at USMB, I always straight up tell them that I'm not Muslim, I'm an atheist. And I have never claimed to be or in any way insinuated that I'm a Muslim, you disgusting lying piece of shit.

Why? Because unlike you, I don't lie when I post here at USMB. I have no reason to.

Unlike you and many other LWNJ moonbats here, I don't need to lie to myself or the USMB forum to back up any of my political opinions.
You are the big assed liar. Embarrassing, isn't it? I'll ask again, so answer my question... Are you a Muslim?

I also called you a hypocrite, remember? You fool. Don't deny it.
So be it. What seems to be your problem today?
I'm an AZ Indie. I hate Biden and the dems refusal to stop the alien invasion coming through our southern border.

So I've been looking forward to voting for Republican candidates. BUT I wanted intelligent GOP candidates who can, and will, think for themselves.

Sadly, the GOP candidates are Trump ass kissers. They still stupidly deny trump's loss in the last presidential election. In other words, they're simple minded crackpots. Voting for them would be like voting for trump. But I hate trump. I'd NEVER VOTE for him. He's nuts.

So right now I see no candidates worth voting for. A lot of voters will feel this way, I'll bet.

So the expected Red Wave is now likely to be a red dribble. If that. Imo, Trump has seriously damaged the GOP. We'll see in November the extent of that damage.
Why do you think that is? AZ. is leading the way in exposing the Democratic propaganda and lies.

Democrats Mark Kelly and Katie Hobbs running for statewide office in Arizona, are refusing to participate in the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections debate against their Trump-Endorsed Republican competitors.

Based on what I'm seeing here in Arizona, the strategy is for Team China to buy up all of the TV commercial time and flood Arizonans with attack ads on Blake Masters and Kari Lake. Why risk a debate? Same thing going on with Uncle Fester and Dr. Oz in Pa. Uncle Fester is going to hide in the Addams' Family basement until election day.
Are you a Muslim?
No. And I've never claimed to be a Muslim. In fact, my screen name and avatar openly makes fun of extremist Muslims. It's right there for you to see, dumbass.

What part of the sentence "I'm an atheist" does your feeble mind fail to comprehend, you fucking unfathomably ignorant low IQ stupid lying kunt? :dunno:
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Keep telling yourself that, maybe you will bleev it, one day. . . .

Who the hell is "we" and what does that have to do with the OP?
Face it. The debate would be useless, IMO. Rah rah rah Trump. I can hear the MAGAcreeps already and the debate (if it happens) will be a shitshow.
The Soviet Union was a communist country.
I think you missed the whole intent of my post.

A closed society does not necessarily HAVE to be communist. It can be fascist, it can be run by a demagogue mafioso strong man (which is the fear with Trump,) it can be feudal in nature, or an absolute monarchy, or, it can be what we are devolving into, a technocratic police state, run by an elite kakistocracy with complete control over the corporate and intelligence sectors.

including trump knows he lost and was told as much by trump insiders, the states, the courts, and even his own family members

I agree with you that he was told by folks in the establishment, folks that he only could get approved by Democrats in the Senate, that he has lost, we do agree on that.

I also agree with you, that Ivanka Trump agreed with Barr, that the global agenda must go forward, which isn't much of a surprise, since she has ambitions to be a global politician. She was groomed to be one of "The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders." Class of 2015 if I am not mistaken.

Not much surprise there. I don't particularly believe Trump is honest, but that doesn't prove he is being frank about the election, NOT being rigged. I don't think he "knows he lost," you can't make that statement, you haven't got a shred of proof of that.

Trump has never, ever admitted that he, "knew," he lost. That is just something that you have put into his mouth. It is a straw-man. If you have video, or written evidence of such? Post it, and I will agree with you.

If I tell you something, that does not mean you believe it to be true, or you, "know it," it only means you have been informed that some folks believe as much. It doesn't necessarily mean others are not giving you opposing information, making you believe other things.

Ivanka knows, if she were to believe the things her dad does, or even if she publicly declares she does, it would not profit her future to throw in with her dad. It is clearly the losing side. Hell, given Trump's low character, it would not even surprise me if he counseled such a course for her. :rolleyes:

Even a fool can see, the kings and queens, the billionaires, and authoritarians of this planet who meet at the WEF & WHO, are going to win the day. . . At least it would seem, in the short run at least.
Who the hell is "we" and what does that have to do with the OP?
Face it. The debate would be useless, IMO. Rah rah rah Trump. I can hear the MAGAcreeps already and the debate (if it happens) will be a shitshow.
Anyone that you name call and refuse to constructively engage? They are the champions.

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