Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.
I thought our purpose as Americans was to make voting LEGALLY easier for all Americans Not try to keep segments who don't see it your way away from the booths Are you American Bri you fn traitor?

You were mistaken.
Where was I mistaken? With easier legal voting or Bri is a fn traitor?? I still believe both are true
You were mistaken about easier voting. There's no mandate to make voting easy except among sleazy lying TDS morons.
There is a mandate among Republicans to drive away as many voters as they can
You mean dead people and illegal aliens?
Show any
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.
And people changing their minds is a bad thing?? Finding out a fact that changes your mind in your vote is bad?? If Trump was found to be a mass murderer you'd still support him
If they already voted then they can't change their minds, now can they?

I find your stupidity remarkable.
Senate Democrats exploded in frustration during a conference call with Vice President Mike Pence and Trump administration officials on Friday afternoon, with one normally laid-back senator asserting it was the most maddening phone call he’s ever taken part in, according to participants and people familiar with the call.
The call between President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force and Senate Democrats on Friday left the Senate minority “livid,” according to one Democrat on the call, because of the lack of clear answers about national testing for the disease.

Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) called it a “dereliction of duty,” said a second person on the call. King added: “I have never been so mad about a phone call in my life.”

King is generally among the most mild-mannered senators but was extraordinarily frustrated with the Trump administration’s testing woes. He said the administration had left states adrift.
Pence responded to King by saying there have been misunderstandings about the federal government’s work with states, according to a person familiar with a call, and the vice president explained the way the administration had been coordinating with states to ramp up testing. Pence was even-keeled in the face of the frustration, that person said. But Democrats said afterward they felt he wasn't giving clear answers to their questions.
Democrsts livid.

They are supposed to be livid. They are democrats.
You give us feces as a president you want us to smile?
Yep. You’re a real gem. You should move to China.

You are the one who thinks it's okay to have Trump in after the people loudly said "NO" twice.

But, hey, I'm going to enjoy November and the spanking the GOP is going to take.
I am Not GOP. In fact GOP hated Trump if you recall. I am glad you finally admitted that you enjoy when others are sad.
I am Not GOP. In fact GOP hated Trump if you recall. I am glad you finally admitted that you enjoy when others are sad.

I will be very happy when all the racists, homophobes and Religious nutters are SAD when Trump goes away.

The problem is that all the "Von Papen" republicans went along with Trump this far. (Franz von Papen was the "sensible" German centrist who went along with Hitler... and then completely cowed under to him when some SS Guys showed up at his house at the Night of the Long Knives).

If you got the average GOP Senator alone in a room with a bottle of wine, they'd tell you that Trump is a buffoon. But those people live in terror of his hard core voters. It shows how broken our democracy is, that more Republicans are afraid of the primaries than they are of the general election.
Nope you admitted it. Maybe you have same dementia as Biden?

Again, go back and read what I said, and then get a grown up to explain it to you.
I did. You said “not enough to account for the 3 million Trump lost by”. How is that dementia Joe? How is that HR related job of yours? Must be booming now that so many are unemployed. I enjoy you PC culture warriors being miserable. I have Never belonged to a political party. I am not “you guys”. I enjoy when weak ass snowflakes have to man up. I am glad Trump won and triggered you. It has been a wake up call for parasites like you and playtime to show that people with opposing points of view have a voice too.
I am Not GOP. In fact GOP hated Trump if you recall. I am glad you finally admitted that you enjoy when others are sad.

I will be very happy when all the racists, homophobes and Religious nutters are SAD when Trump goes away.

The problem is that all the "Von Papen" republicans went along with Trump this far. (Franz von Papen was the "sensible" German centrist who went along with Hitler... and then completely cowed under to him when some SS Guys showed up at his house at the Night of the Long Knives).

If you got the average GOP Senator alone in a room with a bottle of wine, they'd tell you that Trump is a buffoon. But those people live in terror of his hard core voters. It shows how broken our democracy is, that more Republicans are afraid of the primaries than they are of the general election.
There you go again. Trump is the effect not the cause. The fact that you do not comprehend that is truly mind boggling. You HR people are always so touchy feely. Trump is as much a Republican as you are. He is a Nationalist more than anything. A Capitalist. A sociopath. And most of all non PC. He earned my vote and 62.5mil others. I am glad he won. And to counter a personality like his the Democrats are running an old man who doesn’t know what year this is half the time. Good luck. Democrats blew it by not getting behind Yang.
I did. You said “not enough to account for the 3 million Trump lost by”.

Which is an accurate statement... Hillary won by 3 million votes. It's very unlikely that many undocumented immigrants voted, or that any signifigant number of them voted, for that matter.
So you admitted by that statement that illegals did vote. One is too many. You just admitted it again in this post. Significant or insignificant is irrelevant. You admitted that illegals voted and then lied about it. Who is zooming who, Joe? You HR people are very black and white.
I enjoy when weak ass snowflakes have to man up. I am glad Trump won and triggered you. It has been a wake up call for parasites like you and playtime to show that people with opposing points of view have a voice too.

So he's fucked up, killed 40K people, put 22 million out of jobs, and you are happy because "snowflakes" are "triggered"?

Frankly, it sounds like you have the issues, bud.

The ironic thing was, any of the sensible Republicans in 2016 could have beaten Hillary legitimately, given you guys 90% of the policies you wanted, and they would have actually listened to the doctors when they said this was a problem.
There you go again. Trump is the effect not the cause. The fact that you do not comprehend that is truly mind boggling. You HR people are always so touchy feely. Trump is as much a Republican as you are. He is a Nationalist more than anything. A Capitalist. A sociopath. And most of all non PC. He earned my vote and 62.5mil others. I am glad he won. And to counter a personality like his the Democrats are running an old man who doesn’t know what year this is half the time. Good luck. Democrats blew it by not getting behind Yang.

I'm not in HR. Quit while you are ahead.

Actually, I'm probably more of a Republican than Trump is, as I voted GOP in every presidential election since 1980 except 2012 and 2016. Then the Republicans got taken over by the nuts. The Religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts. Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's republican party.

There is nothing good about being a "Nationalist". Hitler was a Nationalist. There's not much good in being a capitalist or a sociopath.

But the reality- Trump's unfitness for office is finally coming back to bite you in the ass. Biden will win by a landslide... be glad you dodged the bullet and Bernie didn't get the nomination.
I enjoy when weak ass snowflakes have to man up. I am glad Trump won and triggered you. It has been a wake up call for parasites like you and playtime to show that people with opposing points of view have a voice too.

So he's fucked up, killed 40K people, put 22 million out of jobs, and you are happy because "snowflakes" are "triggered"?

Frankly, it sounds like you have the issues, bud.

The ironic thing was, any of the sensible Republicans in 2016 could have beaten Hillary legitimately, given you guys 90% of the policies you wanted, and they would have actually listened to the doctors when they said this was a problem.
“He”. Your TDS is off the charts. So before March 1st “he” was responsible for the lowest unemployment in recent history and a record stock market? Gotcha!! He is a dictator and king after all. Congress is irrelevant. Thanks Joe.
So you admitted by that statement that illegals did vote. One is too many.

That's your opinion. I really don't care. Left up to me, we'd do what Ronald Reagan did, give them all amnesty.

But they didn't vote in any signifigant numbers.
“He”. Your TDS is off the charts. So before March 1st “he” was responsible for the lowest unemployment in recent history and a record stock market? Gotcha!! He is a dictator and king after all. Congress is irrelevant. Thanks Joe.

Doesn't matter what happened before March 1st. Now he's got record unemployment numbers...

Had he been more of a leader, instead of just one who trolled people for 3 years, he MIGHT have more sympathy. The world is like that... we always cheer in the movie when the Zombies get the asshole of the group.
There you go again. Trump is the effect not the cause. The fact that you do not comprehend that is truly mind boggling. You HR people are always so touchy feely. Trump is as much a Republican as you are. He is a Nationalist more than anything. A Capitalist. A sociopath. And most of all non PC. He earned my vote and 62.5mil others. I am glad he won. And to counter a personality like his the Democrats are running an old man who doesn’t know what year this is half the time. Good luck. Democrats blew it by not getting behind Yang.

I'm not in HR. Quit while you are ahead.

Actually, I'm probably more of a Republican than Trump is, as I voted GOP in every presidential election since 1980 except 2012 and 2016. Then the Republicans got taken over by the nuts. The Religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts. Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's republican party.

There is nothing good about being a "Nationalist". Hitler was a Nationalist. There's not much good in being a capitalist or a sociopath.

But the reality- Trump's unfitness for office is finally coming back to bite you in the ass. Biden will win by a landslide... be glad you dodged the bullet and Bernie didn't get the nomination.
You have an HR related job. Don’t lie to me. Recruiting perhaps? Benefits guidance? Resume writing? It is something like that. I read people very well. Even on Message boards. So own it!

Hitler was a maniac murderer who killed his own people. He was no Nationalist. Landslide? How can you even make such a statement when we have yet to see one debate and we don’t know who his VP pick is? Palin sunk McCain. VP picks matter.

HR people are so out of touch with reality. It is sad.
So you admitted by that statement that illegals did vote. One is too many.

That's your opinion. I really don't care. Left up to me, we'd do what Ronald Reagan did, give them all amnesty.

But they didn't vote in any signifigant numbers.
No. It is a fact. You said it. Own it. Damn you SJWs are such pansies. People like you is why I vote for Trump.

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