Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)


take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.
why do you think states with those cornfields etc etc have less virus??? BECAUSE there are LESS people there and more cows

and you dont' believe those people have a voice?

When y'all get your way, do we put the throne in NYC, or Los Angeles?

Won't be any need for the Oval Office, if Ca or NY decides who the president is.

Y'all apologists keep on falling back on this fallacious absurdity of "CA or NY deciding who the POTUS is" as if suddenly nobody else had a vote, desperately hoping somebody will buy it. And yet in the next moment it'll be "take away California and Rump wins the pop vote". BOTH are equally uselessly absurd.

What's really absurd is anybody looking at the popular vote as nothing more than a fluke. How can anybody say a person won something they weren't even trying for, and claim that as some sort of victory?

I don't recall seeing anyone say that. What I did note in this thread was that Rump could not win even 50% of the vote of the state in question. Nor several others including my own. Yet he got 100% of those states' electoral votes. And I noted that that system is fucked up.

There's nothing wrong with the system. Been using it for a couple of hundred years. Now you people are upset because you can no longer win by the system. Instead of changing your policies or views, you want to change the system to win. How about trying to win by not going more and more left with every election?

"You people"? :eek:

I posted nothing about any "left". I posted the same thing I've been posting for decades about how fucked up the system is, and why. Go ahead and explain to us how a system where a candy who can't even muster HALF of a state's vote, yet gets ALL its electors, is a system there's "nothing wrong with". And btw it hasn't been that way for two hundred years at all. In fact Madison advocated a Constitutional Amendment to ban the practice, when it was just getting started.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

"Toe", not "tow"
You're an ass no one cares

You are fucking moron, and people do care!
You're a Traitor TORY as in your moniker and only an anal-retentive asshat would care about a minor discussion board grammar mistake. Lighten up tight ass life's to short
There you go again. Trump is the effect not the cause. The fact that you do not comprehend that is truly mind boggling. You HR people are always so touchy feely. Trump is as much a Republican as you are. He is a Nationalist more than anything. A Capitalist. A sociopath. And most of all non PC. He earned my vote and 62.5mil others. I am glad he won. And to counter a personality like his the Democrats are running an old man who doesn’t know what year this is half the time. Good luck. Democrats blew it by not getting behind Yang.

I'm not in HR. Quit while you are ahead.

Actually, I'm probably more of a Republican than Trump is, as I voted GOP in every presidential election since 1980 except 2012 and 2016. Then the Republicans got taken over by the nuts. The Religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts. Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's republican party.

There is nothing good about being a "Nationalist". Hitler was a Nationalist. There's not much good in being a capitalist or a sociopath.

But the reality- Trump's unfitness for office is finally coming back to bite you in the ass. Biden will win by a landslide... be glad you dodged the bullet and Bernie didn't get the nomination.

Reagan was a religious net, a gun nut, and libertarian nut. You don't know him every well.
You don't know him "EVERY WELL"? could you translate that, please?

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.
why do you think states with those cornfields etc etc have less virus??? BECAUSE there are LESS people there and more cows

and you dont' believe those people have a voice?

When y'all get your way, do we put the throne in NYC, or Los Angeles?

Won't be any need for the Oval Office, if Ca or NY decides who the president is.

Y'all apologists keep on falling back on this fallacious absurdity of "CA or NY deciding who the POTUS is" as if suddenly nobody else had a vote, desperately hoping somebody will buy it. And yet in the next moment it'll be "take away California and Rump wins the pop vote". BOTH are equally uselessly absurd.

What's really absurd is anybody looking at the popular vote as nothing more than a fluke. How can anybody say a person won something they weren't even trying for, and claim that as some sort of victory?

I don't recall seeing anyone say that. What I did note in this thread was that Rump could not win even 50% of the vote of the state in question. Nor several others including my own. Yet he got 100% of those states' electoral votes. And I noted that that system is fucked up.

There's nothing wrong with the system. Been using it for a couple of hundred years. Now you people are upset because you can no longer win by the system. Instead of changing your policies or views, you want to change the system to win. How about trying to win by not going more and more left with every election?

"You people"? :eek:

I posted nothing about any "left". I posted the same thing I've been posting for decades about how fucked up the system is, and why. Go ahead and explain to us how a system where a candy who can't even muster HALF of a state's vote, yet gets ALL its electors, is a system there's "nothing wrong with". And btw it hasn't been that way for two hundred years at all. In fact Madison advocated a Constitutional Amendment to ban the practice, when it was just getting started.

It actually works that way in every election, winner takes all. If we divided all the electoral votes based on who voted where, then it defeats the purpose of the electoral collage as it would actually be a popular vote contest.
I enjoy when weak ass snowflakes have to man up. I am glad Trump won and triggered you. It has been a wake up call for parasites like you and playtime to show that people with opposing points of view have a voice too.

So he's fucked up, killed 40K people, put 22 million out of jobs, and you are happy because "snowflakes" are "triggered"?

Frankly, it sounds like you have the issues, bud.

The ironic thing was, any of the sensible Republicans in 2016 could have beaten Hillary legitimately, given you guys 90% of the policies you wanted, and they would have actually listened to the doctors when they said this was a problem.

Trump did listen to the experts. This is what you on the left are complaining about. As for beating Hillary, Trump had a message no other candidate had: close our borders and build a wall. That's how Trump won.
Pretty sure closing the borders is no longer in dispute...

It is, they just understand this is not the time to promote it. Like a bad fungus, they will be back.
Hitler was a maniac murderer who killed his own people. He was no Nationalist.

NO, he didn't kill that many of his own people. The Jews weren't his own people. Most of his victims weren't German. (In fact, if you were a German Jew, you have a 75% chance of surviving the war. Polish Jews, not so much.)

Yes, Hitler was a Nationalist. National Socialist German Workers Party (Or Nazis for short.) It's right in the title. He was a National Socialist as opposed to an INTERNATIONAL socialists who see all men as brothers.
Hitler was a maniac murderer who killed his own people. He was no Nationalist.

NO, he didn't kill that many of his own people. The Jews weren't his own people. Most of his victims weren't German. (In fact, if you were a German Jew, you have a 75% chance of surviving the war. Polish Jews, not so much.)

Yes, Hitler was a Nationalist. National Socialist German Workers Party (Or Nazis for short.) It's right in the title. He was a National Socialist as opposed to an INTERNATIONAL socialists who see all men as brothers.
Link it, Joe.
Landslide? How can you even make such a statement when we have yet to see one debate and we don’t know who his VP pick is? Palin sunk McCain. VP picks matter.

Actually, what sunk McCain was a massive recession and thousands of layoffs, not to mention he was still advocating what was STILL a very unpopular war. Palin really had nothing to do with his getting "sunk". If anything, she helped because 1) She gave Conservatives something to be excited about and 2) She really didn't start saying the crazy shit until after they lost.

VP Picks never make a difference. Nixon won with Agnew. Bush-41 won with Quayle. We haven't had a president die in office in 57 years (as opposed to before when it happened once every 20 years or so)

Debates are equally meaningless. The last time anyone can even claim a debate turned the election around was maybe 1988, when Dukakis answered a hypothetical question about his wife being murdered and raped badly. You have to back 32 years to MAYBE find a case where a debate made a difference.

Only one thing will decide this election, and that's the economy. If it sucks, Trump is sunk.

Ford, Carter and Bush 41 lost because they had crappy economies. Sure there were other factors.
You missed the point again. When the economy was cranking you said it was not his. Now that it is faltering due to China it is all his. Even if we had zero cases the economy would be destroyed as supply chains are disrupted since this is a world wide pandemic. You really need to learn basic economics. HR people...sigh

Sorry, man, even if it was China's fault (it isn't), he's still the guy in charge.

The Iranian Hostage Crisis wasn't Jimmy Carter's fault, nor was the recession that went along with it when OPEC turned off the spigot. But he still got tossed out on his ass.

The S&L Collapse in the 1990's wasn't Bush-41's fault, but he still got tossed out on his ass when the economy went south.
You missed the point again. When the economy was cranking you said it was not his. Now that it is faltering due to China it is all his. Even if we had zero cases the economy would be destroyed as supply chains are disrupted since this is a world wide pandemic. You really need to learn basic economics. HR people...sigh

Sorry, man, even if it was China's fault (it isn't), he's still the guy in charge.

The Iranian Hostage Crisis wasn't Jimmy Carter's fault, nor was the recession that went along with it when OPEC turned off the spigot. But he still got tossed out on his ass.

The S&L Collapse in the 1990's wasn't Bush-41's fault, but he still got tossed out on his ass when the economy went south.
It is not the fault of the country who created the virus in their lab? Go review some more resumes. That statement is crazy, Captain HR
Trump did listen to the experts. This is what you on the left are complaining about. As for beating Hillary, Trump had a message no other candidate had: close our borders and build a wall. That's how Trump won.

Nope. Trump didn't win because of the Wall. Two of the four border states voted against him. Next time it might be all four. He won because he told all the dumb white people in the midwest their factory jobs were coming back.

Not only did they not come back, most of those people have lost their service jobs now.
It is not the fault of the country who created the virus in their lab?

Sorry, Covid-19 is naturally occruing.

What else you got?

Pretty sure closing the borders is no longer in dispute...

Nope, we know the virus got in anyway... so that's not in dispute. Trump has made this the Covid Capital of the world, so no one wants to come here now. better to stay in China where it's safe!
It is not the fault of the country who created the virus in their lab?

Sorry, Covid-19 is naturally occruing.

What else you got?

Pretty sure closing the borders is no longer in dispute...

Nope, we know the virus got in anyway... so that's not in dispute. Trump has made this the Covid Capital of the world, so no one wants to come here now. better to stay in China where it's safe!
I got this

It actually works that way in every election, winner takes all. If we divided all the electoral votes based on who voted where, then it defeats the purpose of the electoral collage as it would actually be a popular vote contest.

Except for 2000 and 2016, the POPULAR vote winner also won the election. If what happened in 2016 happened all the time, there would be a hue and cry to change it.

Also, you guys are being incredibly short sighted. At some point, due to immigration, Texas will become a blue state pretty soon. Maybe as early as this year. Once it's solidly a blue state, there's no way the electoral math will work out for you.

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