Arizona officially back in play...

Pennsylvania still refuses to give a # count for uncounted mail-in ballots they currently have, they keep side stepping the question commenting that mailed-in votes will still continued to be excepted till Friday.
UPDATE: The Arizona Secretary of State is urging caution on the state being called.

So we have a clear example of a state called early in favor of erring on Biden flipping the state...yet the same standard is not being applied to a state like Georgia by FOX!
It's crystal clear they want to keep Biden's EC #'s artificially ahead to influence peoples views when a final outcome is announced. You would think having acknowledge polling screwed up they wouldn't make calls like they did with Arizona.
No, not really.

Almost all the vote yet to count is mail in in Maricopa County which is the Phoenix metro area.
It's also where all the large senior citizen's communities are which are strongly pro-Trump. I just checked and Arizona doesn't break down the vote by zipcode so it's hard to tell where the votes are coming from.
Except for you're stating as fact a lot of things not actually in evidence.

The articles show the tossing of the ballots was reported by Fox10.

The article's update quotes the Az Sect Of State saying she was separating the ballots so the permanent marker ink 'bleeding' would not get on other ballots. and that she fully intends / intended to count them.

The article states / the picture shows the Bin they were tossing the Sharpie-marked ballots into was marked 'REJECTED' ballots

MOST intelligent people do not give voters permanent markers with which to vote and then throw out those votes because their idea to use permanent markers turned out to be stupid as hell...would YOU do such a thing?
- A board member who voted said they were giving out permanent markers for marking ballots

It's been HOW long after election day - ballots were marked / votes were cast - and they are just reporting NOW that these ballots were being separated because fear of 'bleeding' permanent markers? Again, how long does it take for permanent Sharpie Marker Ink to f*ing dry?

So what EXACTLY are you talking about?
I can hear your tears falling, pussygrabber was the only thing you had going for in your life, and now he is history, I'm so sorry for you.... not.... ha ha ha ha
Dude, there are no tears...I am laughing at your dumb ass for attempting to parrot a lie your masters fed you while you attempt to defend the only REAL, proven pu$$y-grabber in this election!


the more you say, the bigger of a sore loser you prove you are, haaaa ha ha ha...

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Got it - YOU are the immature, chubby fat kid in the photo...(from the looks of it, you could be some Chicom hacker kid paid to troll US sites.) Why don't you go back to the kids' table and let the grown -ups talk.... As it is you have proven you offer no substance and are no longer worth talking to / acknowledging....and my 'Ignore' list just grew by one...

Except for you're stating as fact a lot of things not actually in evidence.

The articles show the tossing of the ballots was reported by Fox10.

The article's update quotes the Az Sect Of State saying she was separating the ballots so the permanent marker ink 'bleeding' would not get on other ballots. and that she fully intends / intended to count them.

The article states / the picture shows the Bin they were tossing the Sharpie-marked ballots into was marked 'REJECTED' ballots

MOST intelligent people do not give voters permanent markers with which to vote and then throw out those votes because their idea to use permanent markers turned out to be stupid as hell...would YOU do such a thing?
- A board member who voted said they were giving out permanent markers for marking ballots

It's been HOW long after election day - ballots were marked / votes were cast - and they are just reporting NOW that these ballots were being separated because fear of 'bleeding' permanent markers? Again, how long does it take for permanent Sharpie Marker Ink to f*ing dry?

So what EXACTLY are you talking about?

The articles, you say. WHICH articles? The article in the OP says nothing of the sort.
It has been reported that Az was discarding Trump ballots marked with Sharpies. The Az Sec. of State just gave an update, clarifying that these ballots are being put aside so the sharpie ink won't bleed on other ballots:

"(Update) According to Fox10, Arizona’s Secretary of State has made it clear that ballots marked with Sharpie pens will be counted and that ballots are purposefully offset so that the ink doesn’t bleed through and interfere with other ballots"

Ummm.....what's wrong with this BS statement?

These are MAIL-IN Ballots.....marked in PERMANENT ink.

That means the ink would have dried by now and there would be no chance of permanent marker ink-marked ballots to 'bleed' on any other ballots!

It sounds like Az got busted pulling and tossing these ballots, and when they got called on it the Sect of State made this BS excuse of how they were separating them to ensure permanent marker-marked ballots so the permanent marker ink would not 'bleed' on other ballots!

Sounds like they are going to HAVE to count them now!

kudos to the election monitors for catching and reporting this and to Fox10 for reporting it!

The poll workers were handing out sharpies to voters at the polling place.
It has been reported that Az was discarding Trump ballots marked with Sharpies. The Az Sec. of State just gave an update, clarifying that these ballots are being put aside so the sharpie ink won't bleed on other ballots:

"(Update) According to Fox10, Arizona’s Secretary of State has made it clear that ballots marked with Sharpie pens will be counted and that ballots are purposefully offset so that the ink doesn’t bleed through and interfere with other ballots"

Ummm.....what's wrong with this BS statement?

These are MAIL-IN Ballots.....marked in PERMANENT ink.

That means the ink would have dried by now and there would be no chance of permanent marker ink-marked ballots to 'bleed' on any other ballots!

It sounds like Az got busted pulling and tossing these ballots, and when they got called on it the Sect of State made this BS excuse of how they were separating them to ensure permanent marker-marked ballots so the permanent marker ink would not 'bleed' on other ballots!

Sounds like they are going to HAVE to count them now!

kudos to the election monitors for catching and reporting this and to Fox10 for reporting it!

The poll workers were handing out sharpies to voters at the polling place.

Whatever issues there were, the fact remains that there are something like 500,000 ballots statewide which had yet to be counted as of this morning. The AP and Fox both apparently thought that a higher percentage of the ballots had been counted than actually had been when they called the state for Biden. Thank God they at least did it after the polls had closed, so it didn't convince anyone to go home without voting.

Looks like this year, it's Arizona's turn to be the controversial deciding vote.
The articles, you say. WHICH articles? The article in the OP says nothing of the sort.
The articles provided in this thread, especially by me. Way to avoid the simple common sense questions I have asked you several times now.

If ballots cast on election day were marked with permanent markers idiotically given to voters by poll workers, and the separation of ballots was reportedly conducted today then there should have been no threat of the permanent marker ink 'bleeding' onto other ballots TODAY.

Furthermore, if a poll worker is dumb enough to hand out permanent markers that 'bleed' for voters to use, tossing those votes into a bin marked 'REJECTED Ballots' is illegal / election fraud.

The Madam Sect only declared she would count the ballots tossed in the bin marked 'REJECTED Ballots after she was reported to the news and FOX10 reported the story.


Nothing to see here move along - Frank Drebin Fireworks | Meme Generator

Got it.....

EXCEPT...according to the article I provided a link to, and I quote, "they were invalidating votes by handing out sharpie pens to people when ball-point pens are the only valid way of filling out a ballot."

Now WHY would Madam Secretary and her Poll Workers handing out Sharpies for people to vote with when their rules clearly state only BALL-POINT PENS are acceptable?!

"According to ABC15, they received several messages on election day that sharpies were indeed being handed out and those who did use sharpies did not have their ballots counted while those who used ballpoint pens did."

"Maricopa county gave instructions saying that using sharpies were fine so long as red-ink wasn’t used."

Their own rules stated Sharpies were NOT acceptable, that only ball-point pens were....and why would they tell people only RED sharpie ink was not acceptable......since they were the ones handing out the Sharpies, couldn't / wouldn't THEY be the ones to make sure THEY did not hand out Red Sharpies?


The poll workers were handing out sharpies to voters at the polling place.

They were...against their own posted / printed rules.

Complaints were made that votes made with Sharpie Markers instead of ball-point pens - as stated was required - were not counted.

Again,, voting with markers was done yesterday, yet Poll Monitors reported poll workers were seen RODAT separating Trump ballots/votes marked with Sharpies into a bin marked 'Rejected Ballots', the reason why given being they were worried about the ink 'bleeding'. Again, how long does it take for Sharpie markers - that were not even supposed to be used according to the Az Sect of State's own rules - to dry?

Call it incompetence, call it a 'mistake', or whatever, from the very start the Az poll workers and Supervisor were breaking their own rules on voting, and - according to what has been / is being reported, ballots/votes were tossed despite voters following the rules they were told and using the markers they were given.
The poll workers were handing out sharpies to voters at the polling place.

They were...against their own posted / printed rules.

Complaints were made that votes made with Sharpie Markers instead of ball-point pens - as stated was required - were not counted.

Again,, voting with markers was done yesterday, yet Poll Monitors reported poll workers were seen RODAT separating Trump ballots/votes marked with Sharpies into a bin marked 'Rejected Ballots', the reason why given being they were worried about the ink 'bleeding'. Again, how long does it take for Sharpie markers - that were not even supposed to be used according to the Az Sect of State's own rules - to dry?

Call it incompetence, call it a 'mistake', or whatever, from the very start the Az poll workers and Supervisor were breaking their own rules on voting, and - according to what has been / is being reported, ballots/votes were tossed despite voters following the rules they were told and using the markers they were given.
From my experience yesterday, no election worker handles a ballot after it's printed until after it's read by the scanner. It's then automatically fed into a bin. Unless some polling places operate dramatically differently from mine sorting ballots before reading is impossible.
The way the process worked at my polling place, was that I scanned my driver's license, a computer then asked me several questions including if the address on my license was my correct one. Then a ballot was custom printed for me at another station and the worker handed it to my along with a fine point sharpie and directed my to take my choice of stands to fill out my ballot. I then took the ballot and fed it into a scanner which had a display to tell me the progress which ended with a notation "ballot read successfully" then it fed the ballot into a enclosed bin connected to the back of the scanner. At no point did hands other than mine touch the ballot until after it went into the closed bin.
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The poll workers were handing out sharpies to voters at the polling place.

They were...against their own posted / printed rules.

Complaints were made that votes made with Sharpie Markers instead of ball-point pens - as stated was required - were not counted.

Again,, voting with markers was done yesterday, yet Poll Monitors reported poll workers were seen RODAT separating Trump ballots/votes marked with Sharpies into a bin marked 'Rejected Ballots', the reason why given being they were worried about the ink 'bleeding'. Again, how long does it take for Sharpie markers - that were not even supposed to be used according to the Az Sect of State's own rules - to dry?

Call it incompetence, call it a 'mistake', or whatever, from the very start the Az poll workers and Supervisor were breaking their own rules on voting, and - according to what has been / is being reported, ballots/votes were tossed despite voters following the rules they were told and using the markers they were given.
It’s pure election fraud. Our Maricopa County Recorder is a communist.
yet if we're waiting to count every vote, how did it ever get taken OUT of play? is that the medias job to call?

or do we "in fact" count every legitimate vote?

Look up the term "statistical analysis." You might actually learn something
yet if we're waiting to count every vote, how did it ever get taken OUT of play? is that the medias job to call?

or do we "in fact" count every legitimate vote?

Look up the term "statistical analysis." You might actually learn something
like - you don't like being challenged in what you say. got it.

seems errors *have in fact* been made. biden may well win this in the end. but i was asking if we could all votes and keep the election "in process" or how did you decide what is or is not off the table?

but i don't believe i insulted you along the way of asking the question.
UPDATE: The Arizona Secretary of State is urging caution on the state being called.

So we have a clear example of a state called early in favor of erring on Biden flipping the state...yet the same standard is not being applied to a state like Georgia by FOX!
It's crystal clear they want to keep Biden's EC #'s artificially ahead to influence peoples views when a final outcome is announced. You would think having acknowledge polling screwed up they wouldn't make calls like they did with Arizona. is not a credible website. You need real sources to have any credibility at all.

Really? THAT is what you have to "contribute"? Attacking the source? Are you attempting to make the point that the Arizona governor and Secretary of State did NOT make the statements in the story? That, in its "unreliability" - translated as "they say things I don't like" - made up those statements and facts, and that Arizona's ballot-counting is complete?

In short, do you have one actual fact other than the fact that you believe reliability is determined by agreeing with you?

Quite the rant but meaningless.

Your source is a conspiracy theory website. You need sources that don’t make up stories to be believed.

Your argument that I don’t like what they say is asinine. If the website is routinely publishing lies, and is unreliable, why would you read them at all since what they post has no value at all?

It appears that the ONLY reason you’re quoting them is that they agree with your point of view and you don’t care whether or not they’re lying.

I don’t have a point of view n it comes to elections. There are only the votes and getting them counted.

As for liars and the fools who believe them, I have little time nor patience for either.
Actually, the Secretary of State is a woman, and so far, she seems to have conducted herself in a cautious and professional manner, as far as I can see.

...except handing voters Sharpies to vote with then throwing out their votes when the permanent ink bleeds through the ballots...

...except for claiming she fully intended /intends to count the ballots after tossing them into a bin marked 'REJECTD Ballots'

...except for claiming that permanent marker ink 'bleeds' all over other ballots minutes later instead of bleeding through the ballot....which still doesn't explain tossing them into a bin marked 'REJECTED' ballots and claiming she intended to still count them.

Sorry, but you are more willing to stretch the boundaries of reason and common sense to accommodate her laughable answer.

That story has been completely debunked. But keep lying. Your abject desperation is entertaining.
Michigan is still way in play as well.

Pennsylvania looks like a Trump win so far, but there is serious funny business going on right now.

The effort appears to be geared toward making it LOOK like a Biden win.
Can you describe, in your own words, what you believe this "funny business" is?
Pennsylvania still refuses to give a # count for uncounted mail-in ballots they currently have, they keep side stepping the question commenting that mailed-in votes will still continued to be excepted till Friday.

Votes are being “accepted”, not “excepted”.

They have more than enough votes left to count from downtown Atlanta, which are 80% for Biden.

Maybe if black lives actually mattered to Stump, he wouldn’t have lost.
Pennsylvania still refuses to give a # count for uncounted mail-in ballots they currently have, they keep side stepping the question commenting that mailed-in votes will still continued to be excepted till Friday.

Votes are being “accepted”, not “excepted”.

They have more than enough votes left to count from downtown Atlanta, which are 80% for Biden.

Maybe if black lives actually mattered to Stump, he wouldn’t have lost.

Wrong the votes left to be counted in Georgia are statewide. Downtown Atlanta area mail-in votes have already been counted.
The articles, you say. WHICH articles? The article in the OP says nothing of the sort.
The articles provided in this thread, especially by me. Way to avoid the simple common sense questions I have asked you several times now.

If ballots cast on election day were marked with permanent markers idiotically given to voters by poll workers, and the separation of ballots was reportedly conducted today then there should have been no threat of the permanent marker ink 'bleeding' onto other ballots TODAY.

Furthermore, if a poll worker is dumb enough to hand out permanent markers that 'bleed' for voters to use, tossing those votes into a bin marked 'REJECTED Ballots' is illegal / election fraud.

The Madam Sect only declared she would count the ballots tossed in the bin marked 'REJECTED Ballots after she was reported to the news and FOX10 reported the story.


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Got it.....

EXCEPT...according to the article I provided a link to, and I quote, "they were invalidating votes by handing out sharpie pens to people when ball-point pens are the only valid way of filling out a ballot."

Now WHY would Madam Secretary and her Poll Workers handing out Sharpies for people to vote with when their rules clearly state only BALL-POINT PENS are acceptable?!

"According to ABC15, they received several messages on election day that sharpies were indeed being handed out and those who did use sharpies did not have their ballots counted while those who used ballpoint pens did."

"Maricopa county gave instructions saying that using sharpies were fine so long as red-ink wasn’t used."

Their own rules stated Sharpies were NOT acceptable, that only ball-point pens were....and why would they tell people only RED sharpie ink was not acceptable......since they were the ones handing out the Sharpies, couldn't / wouldn't THEY be the ones to make sure THEY did not hand out Red Sharpies?


I just heard, "The articles. All the articles throughout the thread. You're avoiding the point by asking me to tell you instead of scrolling back through all the posts and figuring out what I mean for yourself."

I stopped reading at the first sentence where you started lashing out like a butthurt child and thought reiterating, "The articles, THE ARTICLES!!!" for the third time and accusing me of "dodging the question" by asking you to specify the article, because I don't hang on every single word dripping from your keyboard like I'm studying the Zapruder film.

Too little, too late, fuck you until you calm the fuck down, you hormonal child.
The articles, you say. WHICH articles? The article in the OP says nothing of the sort.
The articles provided in this thread, especially by me. Way to avoid the simple common sense questions I have asked you several times now.

If ballots cast on election day were marked with permanent markers idiotically given to voters by poll workers, and the separation of ballots was reportedly conducted today then there should have been no threat of the permanent marker ink 'bleeding' onto other ballots TODAY.

Furthermore, if a poll worker is dumb enough to hand out permanent markers that 'bleed' for voters to use, tossing those votes into a bin marked 'REJECTED Ballots' is illegal / election fraud.

The Madam Sect only declared she would count the ballots tossed in the bin marked 'REJECTED Ballots after she was reported to the news and FOX10 reported the story.


View attachment 411216

Got it.....

EXCEPT...according to the article I provided a link to, and I quote, "they were invalidating votes by handing out sharpie pens to people when ball-point pens are the only valid way of filling out a ballot."

Now WHY would Madam Secretary and her Poll Workers handing out Sharpies for people to vote with when their rules clearly state only BALL-POINT PENS are acceptable?!

"According to ABC15, they received several messages on election day that sharpies were indeed being handed out and those who did use sharpies did not have their ballots counted while those who used ballpoint pens did."

"Maricopa county gave instructions saying that using sharpies were fine so long as red-ink wasn’t used."

Their own rules stated Sharpies were NOT acceptable, that only ball-point pens were....and why would they tell people only RED sharpie ink was not acceptable......since they were the ones handing out the Sharpies, couldn't / wouldn't THEY be the ones to make sure THEY did not hand out Red Sharpies?


I just heard, "The articles. All the articles throughout the thread. You're avoiding the point by asking me to tell you instead of scrolling back through all the posts and figuring out what I mean for yourself."

I stopped reading at the first sentence where you started lashing out like a butthurt child and thought reiterating, "The articles, THE ARTICLES!!!" for the third time and accusing me of "dodging the question" by asking you to specify the article, because I don't hang on every single word dripping from your keyboard like I'm studying the Zapruder film.

Too little, too late, fuck you until you calm the fuck down, you hormonal child.
You asked me what articles. I said the articles provided throughout this thread, especially the ones I posted. Now you arer trying to rebuke me for not spoon-feeding your ass because you are too lazy to make the effort to look at the links posted by myself and others already.

'I stopped reading after the 1st sentence'..... Of course you did because I again refused to spoon-feed you.

World's Tiniest Violin

I could care less if you educate yourself or not, if you are too lazy to make any effort to read any of the links / info people already posted in this thread for people like you to read. I could especially care less if youread anything I post or not because you are offended that I refuse to spoon-feed you.

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