Arizona Sheriff: it's a "racist law" that would force deputies to racial profile

They'll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that's not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney."
He would know...That's pretty much how they keep their coffers full with DUI loot.

What should make illegals any better?

Anyone DUI should have their licenses pulled for at least five years, and spend a year in hard time.
Fire him. He has an obligation to follow the law. And if he thinks his deputies are profiling, then he has an obligation to fire them and hire ones that won't.

Let's see. Stop and check anyone that looks suspicious for proper papers. Now what would you look for in someone that you think might be an illegal?

And then fire anyone that profiles?

The Sheriff is correct. A bad law that conflicts with several other laws, state and federal.
The Republiclowns (Thanks sweetie) would argue that they are only "enforcing the law."

Then why...ass-clown do you need to make a law to enforce the law?

How IDIOTIC is that?

why dont you answer that Marc....if they (the feds) are not enforcing the law....what should the States do?....

Well obviously The States should make the hardworking new arrivals comfortable & welcome. Deliver their babies, provide public info in the language they prefer, get them on the voter roles, educate their little ones in a comfortable familar language, harshly punish any unwelcoming general make that Red State Blue

thanx Nra....that is what Marc would have said ...
Fire him. He has an obligation to follow the law. And if he thinks his deputies are profiling, then he has an obligation to fire them and hire ones that won't.

Let's see. Stop and check anyone that looks suspicious for proper papers. Now what would you look for in someone that you think might be an illegal?

And then fire anyone that profiles?

The Sheriff is correct. A bad law that conflicts with several other laws, state and federal.

since your buddy Marc does not want to answer Rocks....let me ask you the question i asked of him.....if the Feds are not doing their jobs,like they should be....what should the States do?....
Funny how the real anarchists show themselves.

Didn't Google Bill Masters, didja, Jethro?

Here...I'll do the hard work for ya, boy.

Sheriff Bill Masters, The New Prohibition: Voices of Dissent Challenge the Drug War

DRCNet Interview: Colorado Sheriff Bill Masters

I now DEFY you to find an instance where Sheriff Masters didn't enforce drug laws because he didn't believe in their justness.

WOW...a day after your devout statism is exposed, your authoritarianism is outed. But you already showed that with your abuse of mod power... and you faux libertarianism is history there Wyatt...:lol::lol::lol:


I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state, I must obey the state


Authoritarian Conservatism
by Bill Barnwell

Conservatives and the "Justice" System

Why have so many conservatives cheered on the legal persecution of Martha Stewart? It’s partly because most do not understand the federal system and what Stewart was even being charged with and partly because they just simply support an unfair legal system. Its part of their image of being "tough on crime" when in reality they are tough on freedom. While many conservatives are (allegedly) suspicious of government power, they are more than willing to support it unconditionally when it comes to matters of law. Thus the victim of police brutality always had it coming, the big corporate CEO on charges is always guilty, and the police, the feds and the prosecutors are always right.

Conservatives love the law. They rigidly adhere to it and see any deviation from the law as worthy of a beheading. Therefore, they are much more likely than leftists to support rigid maximum fines and penalties for even the slightest of transgressions. It is conservatives who support the outrageous fines and penalties for drug offenders. It is conservatives who pushed for the unfair and unjust "federal sentencing guidelines" (which make sure that small time federal offenders are punished in disproportionate amounts to the severity of the crimes they actually or supposedly committed) and it is conservatives who support many Police State measures such as the Patriot Act.

In the eyes of most conservatives, Martha broke the law. Cased closed. No questions asked. But those of us with a more libertarian disposition go even further than that. We want to know whether or not the law was just to begin with. Also, how do the enforcers of the law go about nabbing their target? Conservatives, by and large, are not willing to challenge whether or not the law is morally just. Nor do they care to spend a lot of time looking at some of the corrupt and deceitful practices of the police, feds, judges and prosecutors. In the beloved Police State of the mainstream Right, the bad guys are always the accused and the good guys are always the State. The State can do no wrong.

Each time a person stands accused, the conservative asks in a stone-faced and serious manner, "Is he guilty?" They instinctively believe that whenever the government brings an indictment or a charge, they must be correct. In their eyes a man or woman is guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around. Nor do they really want to consider that even if the accused person is guilty of what he or she is being accused of that the law itself may be unjust. That’s because they believe law and the system is never unjust. Power hungry cops and federal prosecutors along with phony legal offenses apparently are our friend and help keep us safe.

You also won’t find a whole lot of conservative sympathy for those who have been wrongly imprisoned or wrongly put to death by the State. These "law and order" types will just rationalize this problem away, either by denying that such cases exist, or by simply asserting some innocent people will have to suffer for the greater good. How this is conducive to the cause of freedom and liberty is questionable to say the least.

On matters of civil liberties, it is the Left that is more reliable than the Right (except on matters of religious liberties, where the Left wants to purge religion from society). In the eyes of the Right, only crazed hippies are opposed to the Patriot Act. Conservatives, who seem to love militarism, use war as an excuse to suck up all kinds of personal liberties. Besides, they reason, sometimes when you are fighting a war, you have to surrender some of your freedom. If you don’t agree, then you don’t care about national security, you are ignorant, and you can just leave the country. This brings me to my final point, the conservative love for war.

Authoritarian Conservatism by Bill Barnwell

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Pima County's top lawman says he has no intention of enforcing Arizona's controversial crackdown on illegal immigration. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary."

Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol."

The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."

Dupnik had harsh words for anyone who thinks SB 1070 will not lead to racial profiling. "If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they're going to do it. They'll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that's not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney."

The Dupnik rebellion: Pima's top cop says "no" to SB 1070 - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

That is one stupid sheriff, "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol.", DUH!! No shit sherlock that's the whole idea, enforce the law!!

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Pima County's top lawman says he has no intention of enforcing Arizona's controversial crackdown on illegal immigration. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary."

Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol."

The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."

Dupnik had harsh words for anyone who thinks SB 1070 will not lead to racial profiling. "If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they're going to do it. They'll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that's not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney."

The Dupnik rebellion: Pima's top cop says "no" to SB 1070 - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

Of course. The sheriff is a Democrat and the Dems. see the perpetrators as the
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Try "I got nothing"...It'd be the first intellectually honest word off your keyboard, manchild.

Have mommy read libertarian Bill Barnwell's article to you, then have her show you what a mirror is.

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Pima County's top lawman says he has no intention of enforcing Arizona's controversial crackdown on illegal immigration. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary."

Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol."

The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."

Dupnik had harsh words for anyone who thinks SB 1070 will not lead to racial profiling. "If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they're going to do it. They'll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that's not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney."

The Dupnik rebellion: Pima's top cop says "no" to SB 1070 - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

That is one stupid sheriff, "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol.", DUH!! No shit sherlock that's the whole idea, enforce the law!!

NECN/KTVK: Maricopa County, AZ ) - Outspoken illegal immigration opponent Sheriff Joe Arpaio is known for his tough crackdowns on illegal immigrants.

He is cheering Arizona's new immigration law which was signed Friday by Governor Jan Brewer.

During a press conference Saturday, Sheriff Joe Arpaio talked about how the bill will help him further his agenda.

video and article @ Sheriff Joe Arpaio supports Arizona's new immigration law

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Pima County's top lawman says he has no intention of enforcing Arizona's controversial crackdown on illegal immigration. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary."

Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol."

The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."

Dupnik had harsh words for anyone who thinks SB 1070 will not lead to racial profiling. "If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they're going to do it. They'll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that's not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney."

The Dupnik rebellion: Pima's top cop says "no" to SB 1070 - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

That is one stupid sheriff, "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol.", DUH!! No shit sherlock that's the whole idea, enforce the law!!

NECN/KTVK: Maricopa County, AZ ) - Outspoken illegal immigration opponent Sheriff Joe Arpaio is known for his tough crackdowns on illegal immigrants.

He is cheering Arizona's new immigration law which was signed Friday by Governor Jan Brewer.

During a press conference Saturday, Sheriff Joe Arpaio talked about how the bill will help him further his agenda.

video and article @ Sheriff Joe Arpaio supports Arizona's new immigration law

What does Sheriff Arpaio have to do with Sherriff Dipstick not wantng to enforce the immrgation law?

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Pima County's top lawman says he has no intention of enforcing Arizona's controversial crackdown on illegal immigration. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary."

Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol."

The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."

Dupnik had harsh words for anyone who thinks SB 1070 will not lead to racial profiling. "If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they're going to do it. They'll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that's not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney."

The Dupnik rebellion: Pima's top cop says "no" to SB 1070 - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

I would be supporting the law, that is not against the color of a person, but against the law, itself. As in breaking the law. If you had 1000 illegals a day streaming into your state and 80% of those had criminal records, would you be welcoming them?

Exclusive: AZ Gov. - We're Not Standing for Insecure Borders Anymore | The FOX Nation
Fire him. He has an obligation to follow the law. And if he thinks his deputies are profiling, then he has an obligation to fire them and hire ones that won't.

Let's see. Stop and check anyone that looks suspicious for proper papers. Now what would you look for in someone that you think might be an illegal?

And then fire anyone that profiles?

The Sheriff is correct. A bad law that conflicts with several other laws, state and federal.

Well...looks like you and the Sheriff have something in're both stupid and like spreading lies. Congratulations....maybe you should send in your profile to You two could have a wonderful relationship.....even get married!!!!:lol:

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Pima County's top lawman says he has no intention of enforcing Arizona's controversial crackdown on illegal immigration. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary."

Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol."

The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."

Dupnik had harsh words for anyone who thinks SB 1070 will not lead to racial profiling. "If I tell my people to go out and look for A, B, and C, they're going to do it. They'll find some flimsy excuse like a tail light that's not working as a basis for a stop, which is a bunch of baloney."

The Dupnik rebellion: Pima's top cop says "no" to SB 1070 - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

Since the left media probably hasn't reported this, you need to know that included in the bill is language that prohibits any person of color from being stopped for any reason other than breaking, or suspicion of, breaking an existing law.

Will there be a few unethical officers that are just looking for a reason? Yes. There are unprincipled people in every occupation. The positives with this law, should outweigh the anticipated negatives. And those creeps with badges, that take advantage of this new law are every bit as guilty as those they are trying to apprehend. They know, though, that the media is watching them, just waiting with baited breath, for this to happen.

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