Arizona State Lawmaker Proposes Holiday For White People

Wow... fucking seriously?

Shut up, you willfully ignorant idiot.

Well at least give an argument, instead of insults. Now me personally I am not saying that in the last decade blacks have not done anything, but I would like to see a list of some that have. You disagreed with what he said, so us your list.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. Do your own god damn research. If you want to retain the attitude of black people having not accomplished anything unless you have a list shoved in your face to prove otherwise, then go for it.

It's not my character that's harmed by it.

You realize how imbecilic your request is, right? Take a fucking gander through the internet so you can prove yourself wrong.

With the attitude you're taking on it, you absolutely agree with what he said. Don't deny it.

I'm sorry, I just assumed you could back up your argument, but I knew it was a bullshit argument to begin with so it was more having fun with you then being serious.
Actually, I did do my research, and all I could find was a bunch of leftwing sites and sites that you could see sharpton running about how blacks are still being oppressed and shit like that. Which is amazing being that we have a black president.
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Black History month isn't exclusively for black people to celebrate, either.

So get out there and celebrate the great accomplishments of great people! If it bothers you so much that they're all black, then you have a real personality problem.

OK then you wouldn't have a problem with White History Month, Miss White America, the Congressional White Caucus, the NAAWP, White Liberation Theology? You wouldn't have a problem with George Wallace's birthday becoming a National Holiday, just as long as we claimed they weren't exclusively for whites?
I have no problem with celebrating the accomplishments of any person. What I have a problem with is celebrating their accomplishments because of their skin color.

Start whatever the fuck you want, Ernie. Don't be surprised when you start collecting the white power type people that are always circling around anything exclusively white.

If those are the type of people you want to hang out with... go for it dude. I'm sure you'll love what it does for your reputation.

Nobody is stopping you, so shut your god damn mouth and start it.

Yeah white power... When was the last time THEY stood outside the polls with billy clubs?
You see the whites holler for equal treatment and we're racist. Blacks holler for special treatment and we supposedly owe them that. :finger3::asshole:
OK then you wouldn't have a problem with White History Month, Miss White America, the Congressional White Caucus, the NAAWP, White Liberation Theology? You wouldn't have a problem with George Wallace's birthday becoming a National Holiday, just as long as we claimed they weren't exclusively for whites?
I have no problem with celebrating the accomplishments of any person. What I have a problem with is celebrating their accomplishments because of their skin color.

Start whatever the fuck you want, Ernie. Don't be surprised when you start collecting the white power type people that are always circling around anything exclusively white.

If those are the type of people you want to hang out with... go for it dude. I'm sure you'll love what it does for your reputation.

Nobody is stopping you, so shut your god damn mouth and start it.

Yeah white power... When was the last time THEY stood outside the polls with billy clubs?
You see the whites holler for equal treatment and we're racist. Blacks holler for special treatment and we supposedly owe them that. :finger3::asshole:

Holy shit man. You're terrified of black people because of TWO BLACK DUDES?

Jesus Christ... always with those two black dudes. Go home with your tail between your legs why don't you.
The only one making you a victim is you. Get over it!

or how about you lecture me some more about how I should live my life. White conservative males seem to be good at telling people what is wrong and right to do. Isn't that right Ernie?
You live your life as you see fit...but YOU as an Obama supporter are perfectly comfy on bringing down the full weight of Gubmint on the rest of us for perceived injustices when YOU don't know or could give a tinker's damn of Liberty.

Hypocrit much Louie?

What are you even talking about?
The only one making you a victim is you. Get over it!

or how about you lecture me some more about how I should live my life. White conservative males seem to be good at telling people what is wrong and right to do. Isn't that right Ernie?
OK Luissa, since you asked: Put down the bong!

I don't own a bong, and to you and your other conservative friends I was referring to you guys playing the victim, not the OP. ;)
Start whatever the fuck you want, Ernie. Don't be surprised when you start collecting the white power type people that are always circling around anything exclusively white.

If those are the type of people you want to hang out with... go for it dude. I'm sure you'll love what it does for your reputation.

Nobody is stopping you, so shut your god damn mouth and start it.

Yeah white power... When was the last time THEY stood outside the polls with billy clubs?
You see the whites holler for equal treatment and we're racist. Blacks holler for special treatment and we supposedly owe them that. :finger3::asshole:

Holy shit man. You're terrified of black people because of TWO BLACK DUDES?

Jesus Christ... always with those two black dudes. Go home with your tail between your legs why don't you.

You need to get your head out of your ass. You're being 'necked.

Try to completely ignore Acorn and the SEIU and they way they used the NBP as a way to test blocking the polls for the next election.
And shove your willful obtuse ignorance where the sun don't shine, BOY!
Well at least give an argument, instead of insults. Now me personally I am not saying that in the last decade blacks have not done anything, but I would like to see a list of some that have. You disagreed with what he said, so us your list.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. Do your own god damn research. If you want to retain the attitude of black people having not accomplished anything unless you have a list shoved in your face to prove otherwise, then go for it.

It's not my character that's harmed by it.

You realize how imbecilic your request is, right? Take a fucking gander through the internet so you can prove yourself wrong.

With the attitude you're taking on it, you absolutely agree with what he said. Don't deny it.

I'm sorry, I just assumed you could back up your argument, but I knew it was a bullshit argument to begin with so it was more having fun with you then being serious.
Actually, I did do my research, and all I could find was a bunch of leftwing sites and sites that you could see sharpton running about how blacks are still being oppressed and shit like that. Which is amazing being that we have a black president.

Wow... so you actually DO believe that there have been no noteworthy accomplishments by black people other than rappers and other "stereotypically black" people in the last few decades.

So why did you fucking lie about it?

And sorry you feel so upset that I don't run a charity to school the willfully ignorant. If all you found was "left wing sites run by Al Sharpton" then I have to also seriously question your computer skills as well. Your contempt for black people shines pretty white hot.
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Major black accomplishment: Just two goofy looking black guys calling themselves "The New Black Panther Party" scared the shit out of right-wing America. Just two goofy looking black guys...
Yeah white power... When was the last time THEY stood outside the polls with billy clubs?
You see the whites holler for equal treatment and we're racist. Blacks holler for special treatment and we supposedly owe them that. :finger3::asshole:

Holy shit man. You're terrified of black people because of TWO BLACK DUDES?

Jesus Christ... always with those two black dudes. Go home with your tail between your legs why don't you.

You need to get your head out of your ass. You're being 'necked.

Try to completely ignore Acorn and the SEIU and they way they used the NBP as a way to test blocking the polls for the next election.
And shove your willful obtuse ignorance where the sun don't shine, BOY!

I love how you said "BOY" in all caps... like you think it'd have an effect on me. Sorry bubba, I'm not the black people you typically call boy. Better don your grand cyclops robe... you have a good 'ol boy gathering soon!

EDIT: HOLY SHIT. I called you bubba in a mocking way to emphasize your racist behavior... but your name actually has bubba in it. Fucking amazing!
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Major black accomplishment: Just two goofy looking black guys calling themselves "The New Black Panther Party" scared the shit out of right-wing America. Just two goofy looking black guys...

You just called black people 'goofy'.

That is sooo racist.
I celebrate white obituaries.

if your kid was dying Salt and needed a very difficult operation to be done and the two doctors that you can turn too to have it was a black Doctor who has a 25% success rate with this and the other was a Lilly White Redheaded Doctor who was considered the best at this with a success rate of 95% ......who would you have do the surgery?.....
Republicans don't care about what hundreds of millions say worldwide. They only care about what confederate southern whites have to say.

this coming from someone who only cares what the Far Left has to say.....
Black History month isn't exclusively for black people to celebrate, either.

So get out there and celebrate the great accomplishments of great people! If it bothers you so much that they're all black, then you have a real personality problem.
Why should I celebrate Black History Month?

I don't see them rushing to celebrate White anything. :cool:

I celebrate white obituaries.

I loled

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