Arizona to Los Angeles "No Power For You!"

Opened that door into your face again, did we Gregg? Gotta watch throwing them low slow passes over the middle, they're going to be picked off and taken all they way back. And that was your idea of a witty retort? Shit, son. You don't know whether your shot, fucked, powderburned or snakebit.


:lol:OK, as you've put nothing of intelligence forth. :lol: but keep trolling. You support wanting to cause potential death, suffering, and financial damages over a political statement. Scum sucker fits perfectly
Boo fucking hoo hoo hoo. Poor widdle LA gonna be forced to deal with the repercussion of their ferrari fascism. Who's trying to harm whom with a bunch of poliical BS? Wah... wahh... wahhh.

Gwegg attempts wit. News at 11.

Made *MY* Day!

Opened that door into your face again, did we Gregg? Gotta watch throwing them low slow passes over the middle, they're going to be picked off and taken all they way back. And that was your idea of a witty retort? Shit, son. You don't know whether your shot, fucked, powderburned or snakebit.


:lol:OK, as you've put nothing of intelligence forth. :lol: but keep trolling. You support wanting to cause potential death, suffering, and financial damages over a political statement. Scum sucker fits perfectly
Boo fucking hoo hoo hoo. Poor widdle LA gonna be forced to deal with the repercussion of their ferrari fascism. Who's trying to harm whom with a bunch of poliical BS? Wah... wahh... wahhh.

Gwegg attempts wit. News at 11.

LMAO, how do you just give up on your argument and try to attack this Gregg guy?

I'm curious, why is it that when people are wrong they don't just concede the point and move on? It's really not that hard, we're all just wrong sometimes guy.

Either way, it doesn't matter, because this isn't happening and the Zonies are about to be sorely disappointed if they think this is going to work.
Should do it anyway for a week just to make the point to not fuck with those that hold your leash. 7 days at 75% power... Wonder how much of LA would be in flames after that?

Yeah! Let's punish an entire city because of the words of a politician! That will show 'em that you're right and sane!

Yeah, if some anti-American politician in LA wants to punish Arizona for doing what it had every right to do legally, then LA should be prepared to face the consequences, so I suggest the City of Angels commence to kicking some politician's ass. :neutral:
As translated from the libs on this thread defending LA from mean ole Arizona private utility industry.

Oh now that's just not fair... to ummm... hold libs... ummm....





You don't think the people of L.A. would have stood by and allowed Arizona to actually retaliate in said manner do you?

I mean really. L.A. expects to boycott the State of Arizona and not face any consequences. Can you imagine the screaming if Arizona pulled the plug for say even five minutes in L.A.?

The wrath of "the angels" would be unleashed on Arizona if that happened.

You know that saying... what is good for the goose is good for the gander? It does not apply here.


They can take their frigging wrath and stuff it where the sun don't shine. Arizonans generally aren't that fond of Southern Californians to begin with, and they're not helping matters.

Then why do Zonies keep coming here? Pul-leeze get this boycott off the ground, people.

Here's *SOMETHING* I'll BET you hadn't thought of? Whith Obama's Rhetoric...His Race-Baiting language toward this LAW (That suprisingly MIRRORS the Fed LAW)? And to wit He AGREED with the Mexican President on TODAY... And to wit a *LAW* that the FED ignores?

*YOU* and your Statist PALS are falling FOR the rhetoric and pitting Arizona against Falls into what Obama plans to do...

PIT ONE American against another...In this case? One State against another...

Nice going being a fucking CHEERLEADER ... to tear this Republic apart with the tit for tat bullsqueeze...

*Congrats* not only to you but to several in this thread...Keep drynkin that Obama Kool-Aide. Keep falling into his trap as he sets it to get his foot in the door to Step in and take over something else.

Advice? Think outside the cognicent of your surroundings...and above all?

Trust NO ONE...especially Government of ANY Stripe.
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You don't think the people of L.A. would have stood by and allowed Arizona to actually retaliate in said manner do you?

I mean really. L.A. expects to boycott the State of Arizona and not face any consequences. Can you imagine the screaming if Arizona pulled the plug for say even five minutes in L.A.?

The wrath of "the angels" would be unleashed on Arizona if that happened.

You know that saying... what is good for the goose is good for the gander? It does not apply here.


They can take their frigging wrath and stuff it where the sun don't shine. Arizonans generally aren't that fond of Southern Californians to begin with, and they're not helping matters.

Then why do Zonies keep coming here? Pul-leeze get this boycott off the ground, people.
Got a better idea for Arizona if they really want to pee in the CA granola. Shut down all east bound highways for the state of emergency. Only Arizona residents in or out. Yeah, it's a short border, but it's the principle that counts.

Let the criminal aliens flee west if they want and are loved much more.
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:lol:OK, as you've put nothing of intelligence forth. :lol: but keep trolling. You support wanting to cause potential death, suffering, and financial damages over a political statement. Scum sucker fits perfectly
Boo fucking hoo hoo hoo. Poor widdle LA gonna be forced to deal with the repercussion of their ferrari fascism. Who's trying to harm whom with a bunch of poliical BS? Wah... wahh... wahhh.

Gwegg attempts wit. News at 11.

LMAO, how do you just give up on your argument and try to attack this Gregg guy?

I'm curious, why is it that when people are wrong they don't just concede the point and move on? It's really not that hard, we're all just wrong sometimes guy.

Either way, it doesn't matter, because this isn't happening and the Zonies are about to be sorely disappointed if they think this is going to work.
Sorry, having a syntax failure. Please elaborate for the blond. Yes... I am blond.
They can take their frigging wrath and stuff it where the sun don't shine. Arizonans generally aren't that fond of Southern Californians to begin with, and they're not helping matters.

Then why do Zonies keep coming here? Pul-leeze get this boycott off the ground, people.
Got a better idea for Arizona if they really want to pee in the CA granola. Shut down all east bound highways for the state of emergency. Only Arizona residents in or out. Yeah, it's a short border, but it's the principle that counts.

Let the criminal aliens flee west if they want and are loved much more.
:lol:OK, as you've put nothing of intelligence forth. :lol: but keep trolling. You support wanting to cause potential death, suffering, and financial damages over a political statement. Scum sucker fits perfectly
Boo fucking hoo hoo hoo. Poor widdle LA gonna be forced to deal with the repercussion of their ferrari fascism. Who's trying to harm whom with a bunch of poliical BS? Wah... wahh... wahhh.

Gwegg attempts wit. News at 11.

LMAO, how do you just give up on your argument and try to attack this Gregg guy?

I'm curious, why is it that when people are wrong they don't just concede the point and move on? It's really not that hard, we're all just wrong sometimes guy.

Either way, it doesn't matter, because this isn't happening and the Zonies are about to be sorely disappointed if they think this is going to work.

Is this the NEW Statist TERM for Arizona Residents?

Denial reins for Modbert today. What thread you on?

I would like to know how California as a state has punished Arizona.

Not hard to answer.

it hasnt....not yet anyway...

They can go on trying to punish Arizona. One thing I'd like to know? How will Arizona Reps/Senators VOTE when it comes time for the coming Federal BAILOUT of Kaleefornya?

It's Coming...just as Greece has asked for a Bailout from the EU and the US through the IMF...

Watch for it.
They can take their frigging wrath and stuff it where the sun don't shine. Arizonans generally aren't that fond of Southern Californians to begin with, and they're not helping matters.

Then why do Zonies keep coming here? Pul-leeze get this boycott off the ground, people.
Got a better idea for Arizona if they really want to pee in the CA granola. Shut down all east bound highways for the state of emergency. Only Arizona residents in or out. Yeah, it's a short border, but it's the principle that counts.

Let the criminal aliens flee west if they want and are loved much more.

I don't think we particularly want to pee in their granola. I think we just want to be left alone to protect and defend our own home. If California cities don't want to respect that, if not support it, then I think we just want to make it clear that this IS a two-way street, and we're not in the mood to put up with their bullying and bullshit.
CA is bankrupt.

The Terminator is on his way out

AZ has more of what CA NEEDS than CA more of what AZ needs.

No CA sympathizers in AZ; thus the reason they left CA.
What is it that AZ has that we need?

yea i am interested in this answer myself.....maybe its Cacti.....we might need more Cacti...

Some of the best water melon I've ever had. I'd mention stuff, but you would only boycott it. You guy's really suck as neighbors. I feel sorry for the rational Californian's that have to put up with your tantrums every day.
Yeap its a bullshit threat that will not happen.

The "boycott" would lead to a "buycott". Majority rules doesn't it? Just look at how many other states are going thru with AZ style laws. The boycott is a smoke screen, especially if the power lines get shut down occasionally...gremlins are nasty....
California needs to go green. We have decided for you. We have certified "Not made in Arizona candles and matches waiting for you in Austin, Tx. You can't drive through Arizona or use it's air space. In fact the solution we have come up with which is stipulated in the relief effort, in the stimulus Signed by King Barry, requires you to travel by ship around South America and in through the Gulf of Mexico, where only union laborers can load you up. ;)

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