Arizona Woman Hanged In A Hot Cell. Patrols Didn’t See Because They Were In Air Conditioned Room

The cold hard truth is, no one working in that jail cared two shits about this woman. In their warped sadistic minds, she was just another piece of shit who was gulity till proven innocent. That's your 'Justice System' today folks.

This poor woman's dead, and no one there cares. The only reason they might care at all, is the possibility of them losing their jobs. Personally, i feel criminal charges should be filed aganst the city/county and jail personnel. That's the only way you can make them care.
Okay, read the background. Last summer got up to 122f. So call it 130 in her cell. Good reason NOT to commit a crime here.
An even better reason why you say the delusional shit you do .
Spending too much time in that environment will cause brain damage.
Your last 2 posts prove that.
A criminal dies.
Daws gets all butt hurt.
And I could give a f#ck less.
Life is good.

Its 1015 a.m. and my A/C is on and I am eating ice cream. FREE people can do that. Its called a reward.

Okay, read the background. Last summer got up to 122f. So call it 130 in her cell. Good reason NOT to commit a crime here.
An even better reason why you say the delusional shit you do .
Spending too much time in that environment will cause brain damage.
Your last 2 posts prove that.
A criminal dies.
Daws gets all butt hurt.
And I could give a f#ck less.
Life is good.

Its 1015 a.m. and my A/C is on and I am eating ice cream. FREE people can do that. Its called a reward.
Major false assumption .
Everytime you post I bust a gut laughing at your idiocy .
Your response is this post proves what i said to be fact .
You have NO idea how to handle criminals.


Everybody gets pink underwear!

No A/C no toilets no electric. Just f#cking jail.

We DO have an exercise program though. The chain gang!

She's dead, old news and no big deal.
The cold hard truth is, no one working in that jail cared two shits about this woman. In their warped sadistic minds, she was just another piece of shit who was gulity till proven innocent. That's your 'Justice System' today folks.

This poor woman's dead, and no one there cares. The only reason they might care at all, is the possibility of them losing their jobs. Personally, i feel criminal charges should be filed aganst the city/county and jail personnel. That's the only way you can make them care.
We had one family get an eight million dollar judgement. That is 10 cents per resident a month for one year extra in taxes. No big deal.
The cold hard truth is, no one working in that jail cared two shits about this woman. In their warped sadistic minds, she was just another piece of shit who was gulity till proven innocent. That's your 'Justice System' today folks.

This poor woman's dead, and no one there cares. The only reason they might care at all, is the possibility of them losing their jobs. Personally, i feel criminal charges should be filed aganst the city/county and jail personnel. That's the only way you can make them care.
We had one family get an eight million dollar judgement. That is 10 cents per resident a month for one year extra in taxes. No big deal.

I'd like to see criminal charges as well. These jail workers really do view people like this woman as 'pieces of shit who are guilty till proven innocent.' They honestly could care less that she's dead. You have to make them care. Criminal charges being filed more often would likely change their behavior.
We here in Arizona see heat as natural threat. Not cruel.
Bullshit ! I'm positive you spend more time in air conditioned space than you do outside.
A totally unnatural response to a natural threat.

SO what?

The weather isn't cruel. It is completely neutral. Avoiding any threat natural or not is prudent and is responsible for our survival as a species
We here in Arizona see heat as natural threat. Not cruel.
Bullshit ! I'm positive you spend more time in air conditioned space than you do outside.
A totally unnatural response to a natural threat.

SO what?

The weather isn't cruel. It is completely neutral. Avoiding any threat natural or not is prudent and is responsible for our survival as a species
And avoiding jail would have avoided that issue.
We here in Arizona see heat as natural threat. Not cruel.
Bullshit ! I'm positive you spend more time in air conditioned space than you do outside.
A totally unnatural response to a natural threat.

SO what?

The weather isn't cruel. It is completely neutral. Avoiding any threat natural or not is prudent and is responsible for our survival as a species
Not according to dank worry.
We here in Arizona see heat as natural threat. Not cruel.
Bullshit ! I'm positive you spend more time in air conditioned space than you do outside.
A totally unnatural response to a natural threat.

SO what?

The weather isn't cruel. It is completely neutral. Avoiding any threat natural or not is prudent and is responsible for our survival as a species
And avoiding jail would have avoided that issue.
Nope people commit suicide all the time without the aid of hot jail cells .
The real sickness here is your cheerleading
We here in Arizona see heat as natural threat. Not cruel.
Bullshit ! I'm positive you spend more time in air conditioned space than you do outside.
A totally unnatural response to a natural threat.

SO what?

The weather isn't cruel. It is completely neutral. Avoiding any threat natural or not is prudent and is responsible for our survival as a species
Not according to dank worry.
You can't read either eh stupid? He just said what I said. Heat is NATURAL not cruel.
We here in Arizona see heat as natural threat. Not cruel.
Bullshit ! I'm positive you spend more time in air conditioned space than you do outside.
A totally unnatural response to a natural threat.

SO what?

The weather isn't cruel. It is completely neutral. Avoiding any threat natural or not is prudent and is responsible for our survival as a species
Not according to dank worry.
You can't read either eh stupid? He just said what I said. Heat is NATURAL not cruel.
Lol! You just had to say something!
It's guilty till proven innocent in today's American Justice System. These jail workers just don't care. In their minds, they're all guilty. Therefore, who cares whether they live or die. That is their mentality. It's their training.

Our Police have been militarized. They don't protect and serve anymore. They don't acknowledge that they work for the Taxpayers. They truly believe the Citizens are subservient to them. They shall obey or be beaten, imprisoned, and killed. Police know they're rarely held acountable for wrongdoing. The system's rigged that way. Sadly, that is the current state of our Police Force.
A death sentence for an 'improper lane change.' Brutal thuggery. Unfortunately, our Police have become sadistic and drunk on power.

Sandra Bland dashcam video shows officer threatened: 'I will light you up'

Dashcam video from the officer who arrested Sandra Bland – a black woman who later died in Texas police custody – shows him threatening to drag her out of her car and “light her up” with a Taser after their encounter escalates from a routine traffic stop into an angry confrontation where she is forced to the ground and handcuffed.

After telling Bland why she has been stopped, asking some questions and then walking away, apparently to complete paperwork or make inquiries, the officer returns.

“You seem very irritated,” he says at one point after returning.

“I am, I really am,” she replies, “because I feel like it’s crap is what I’m getting a ticket for,...

Read More:
Sandra Bland dashcam video shows officer threatened: 'I will light you up'
The sad reality is, these cops could care less that this woman died. In fact, a few probably got a good laugh out of it. Cops are much more sadistic than most average Citizens wanna believe. They have the power, and they know it. In their twisted perverse brains, you're guilty till proven innocent.

Anyway, here's a classic joint from Cypress Hill on the subject...

The sad reality is, these cops could care less that this woman died. In fact, a few probably got a good laugh out of it. Cops are much more sadistic than most average Citizens wanna believe. They have the power, and they know it. In their twisted perverse brains, you're guilty till proven innocent.

Anyway, here's a classic joint from Cypress Hill on the subject...

nice imitation of a faux hipster there pauli!
The sad reality is, these cops could care less that this woman died. In fact, a few probably got a good laugh out of it. Cops are much more sadistic than most average Citizens wanna believe. They have the power, and they know it. In their twisted perverse brains, you're guilty till proven innocent.

Anyway, here's a classic joint from Cypress Hill on the subject...

nice imitation of a faux hipster there pauli!

Just stating the ugly reality. Great Cypress Hill song too.

Patrols don't watch inmates every second. The woman killed herself. It happens. Shame that so many wind up in jail in the first place, but they made the choices that got them there.

Yeah sure, a death sentence for making an 'improper lane change.' The cop who threw her in the cage should be fired, and the city/county should be sued for everything possible. The woman got a little sassy with the officer. But the cop should have been professional enough to handle it.

Many people work in businesses where they have to deal with rude people all the time. This cop shouldn't have been such an authoritarian little pussy. He killed this woman for nothing. I truly hope Karma catches up with him.

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