Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.

This may not be true but I have heard that Ireland imports Black men to satisfy their women because the average size of the Irish guy's penis is only about 2 inches long.

We know that Irish men don't have any balls because they allowed the government to take away their firearms.

I have heard it said that “Whiskey was invented so the Irish wouldn’t rule the world.”

I have also heard, “The Brits will fight to the last Irish man.”
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That is exactly what happens in the United States.......of the 10,258 gun murders in 2019, 70-80% were criminals murdered by other criminals, and of the remaining the majority are family and friends of criminals caught up in that lifestyle......

Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control research showed that Americans use their guns a minimum of about 1.1 million times a year....I say minimum because at the time of the research we had fewer guns and fewer people carrying guns for self, more people have guns and use them to save lives...
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.

Biden wants to open our southern border.

You can expect the Mexican Cartels to move into our nation and attempt to take it over as they have Mexico. They may well succeed as I suspect they will be able to buy a good number of our corrupt politicians and government officials.

The Mexican Drug Cartels are extremely well armed.

Everything China Joe does is wrong. He has never got anything right in his life.

Who in their right mind would allow those filthy ass Central American countries to export their poverty to the US?

China Joe is dumber than a door knob and him having open borders is one of the dumbest things ever done by an American president.

Anybody that voted for him or ignored the fact he stole the election is an absolute idiot.
What have you done that is so impressive?

Unlike China Joe I never made a career out of lying to the American people and being a worthless dumbass Libtard politician that never got anything right in my life.

I wasn't a draft dodger like him so I served my country during war time, while he was a little chickenshit.

What the fuck do you Eurotrash care about China Joe, anyway? The US is the driver of the worldwide economy and China Joe will destroy our economy. He has already started on it. You will suffer also but you are too dumb to know it.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.

This may not be true but I have heard that Ireland imports Black men to satisfy their women because the average size of the Irish guy's penis is only about 2 inches long.

We know that Irish men don't have any balls because they allowed the government to take away their firearms.

I have heard it said that “Whiskey was invented so the Irish wouldn’t rule the world.”

I have also heard, “The Brits will fight to the last Irish man.”
Good one, never heard that.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

These are criminals shooting criminsls. Try to pay attention. And I would not quote The Mirror, you are desperate. But then you are not the brightest button in the box. My brother in law, who is a hunter, keeps up on gun issues. What you have posted is just wrong.
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

True, because the law is written for and by white men.
If you really feel that way, why not move to Ghana? It's got a fairly high standard of living and very few white people.

No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.

How about we just accept the fact that racism and discrimination have been a part of humanity for tens of thousands of years.

How about we just deal with what we have, work toward a goal of treating each other fairly and respect each other.

How about we, the problem is we have too many in this country that don't want to work towards that.

Exactly, and they are all in the democrat party.......a party whose power and wealth has always come from racism......

This last bill showed us who is fighting against the American people. Is that why so many Republicans have power and wealth.
Give me a list of what Trump did for black folks.

Trump never made a policy for black folks, nor should he.

The Democrat strategy is to put people into groups. Then they decide what groups they like and what groups they hate, pretty much based on how those groups are known to vote. Then they proceed to make special policies for each group.

Donald Trump held the standard Republican philosophy: A rising tide lifts all boats. So how did blacks benefit from this philosophy? First of all the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept. A record new black owned businesses. Prison reform where a lot of people got out early were black. He did a fantastic job keeping illegals out of this country which helps blacks because of their larger percentage of lower education who could get those manual labor jobs illegals would otherwise do.

None of Trump's policies were aimed at blacks, they were to benefit all Americans. Blacks being part of America benefited more from Trump's actions and policies than they would under any Democrat leader who treats blacks like the kids on the short bus.

Lol! This shit is getting ridiculous. America puts people in groups and the worst offender is the republican party. Trump's policies cost 500,000 lives and counting. It was a failed presidency.

You truly are a stupid human being........Trump saved lives while democrat governors killed 10s of thousands of senior citizens.

The democrat party is putting people in groups according to race and wealth....they get power and wealth by separating people into rival groups........they have been doing this since they were founded by slave owners.
500,000 people are dead because of trump. Republicans are racists and try lying about it.

No...500,000 Americans are dead because of China...the ally of the democrat party.

When did Republicans stop dealing with China?
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.

Biden wants to open our southern border.

You can expect the Mexican Cartels to move into our nation and attempt to take it over as they have Mexico. They may well succeed as I suspect they will be able to buy a good number of our corrupt politicians and government officials.

The Mexican Drug Cartels are extremely well armed.

Everything China Joe does is wrong. He has never got anything right in his life.

Who in their right mind would allow those filthy ass Central American countries to export their poverty to the US?

China Joe is dumber than a door knob and him having open borders is one of the dumbest things ever done by an American president.

Anybody that voted for him or ignored the fact he stole the election is an absolute idiot.
What have you done that is so impressive?

Unlike China Joe I never made a career out of lying to the American people and being a worthless dumbass Libtard politician that never got anything right in my life.

I wasn't a draft dodger like him so I served my country during war time, while he was a little chickenshit.

What the fuck do you Eurotrash care about China Joe, anyway? The US is the driver of the worldwide economy and China Joe will destroy our economy. He has already started on it. You will suffer also but you are too dumb to know it.
In other words, you have done nothing. And it lived in the US the first 45 years of my life. I am now a proud Irish citizen, and being called Eurotrash by a racist dummy like you is a compliment.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

These are criminals shooting criminsls. Try to pay attention. And I would not quote The Mirror, you are desperate. But then you are not the brightest button in the box. My brother in law, who is a hunter, keeps up on gun issues. What you have posted is just wrong.

As are the vast majority of shootings in the U.S......

I posted the can deny it all you want, but even on the island of Ireland, the criminals get all the guns they want.....they use them more often than their English counterparts......
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

These are criminals shooting criminsls. Try to pay attention. And I would not quote The Mirror, you are desperate. But then you are not the brightest button in the box. My brother in law, who is a hunter, keeps up on gun issues. What you have posted is just wrong.

As are the vast majority of shootings in the U.S......

I posted the can deny it all you want, but even on the island of Ireland, the criminals get all the guns they want.....they use them more often than their English counterparts......
It is a small island, and we do not have a gun problem.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.

Biden wants to open our southern border.

You can expect the Mexican Cartels to move into our nation and attempt to take it over as they have Mexico. They may well succeed as I suspect they will be able to buy a good number of our corrupt politicians and government officials.

The Mexican Drug Cartels are extremely well armed.

Everything China Joe does is wrong. He has never got anything right in his life.

Who in their right mind would allow those filthy ass Central American countries to export their poverty to the US?

China Joe is dumber than a door knob and him having open borders is one of the dumbest things ever done by an American president.

Anybody that voted for him or ignored the fact he stole the election is an absolute idiot.
What have you done that is so impressive?

Unlike China Joe I never made a career out of lying to the American people and being a worthless dumbass Libtard politician that never got anything right in my life.

I wasn't a draft dodger like him so I served my country during war time, while he was a little chickenshit.

What the fuck do you Eurotrash care about China Joe, anyway? The US is the driver of the worldwide economy and China Joe will destroy our economy. He has already started on it. You will suffer also but you are too dumb to know it.
In other words, you have done nothing. And it lived in the US the first 45 years of my life. I am now a proud Irish citizen, and being called Eurotrash by a racist dummy like you is a compliment.

The only thing worse than the standard run of the mill Eurotrash are the ones that should know better. If you lived in the US then you should know better.

You are a very confused Moon Bat.

Of course it is better to have you living in Eurotrash Land than to be back here in the States.

Very true. The days of the first American Revolution were definitely interesting times. These days are also interesting times and we may find this nation in its second revolution when the democrats try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms and turn this nation into a socialist workers paradise.

Time will tell.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

These are criminals shooting criminsls. Try to pay attention. And I would not quote The Mirror, you are desperate. But then you are not the brightest button in the box. My brother in law, who is a hunter, keeps up on gun issues. What you have posted is just wrong.

As are the vast majority of shootings in the U.S......

I posted the can deny it all you want, but even on the island of Ireland, the criminals get all the guns they want.....they use them more often than their English counterparts......
It is a small island, and we do not have a gun problem.

Full of Socialists that don't give a shit about personal Liberty. Soulless Eurotrash.

By the way Moon Bat. I worked as an Engineer in the Nuclear weapons complex. Also worked on projects for nuclear power generation so you can take your demented "No Nukes" silliness and cram it where the sun don't shine.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

These are criminals shooting criminsls. Try to pay attention. And I would not quote The Mirror, you are desperate. But then you are not the brightest button in the box. My brother in law, who is a hunter, keeps up on gun issues. What you have posted is just wrong.

As are the vast majority of shootings in the U.S......

I posted the can deny it all you want, but even on the island of Ireland, the criminals get all the guns they want.....they use them more often than their English counterparts......
It is a small island, and we do not have a gun problem.

The criminals on Ireland don't have a gun problem...they get them easily.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

These are criminals shooting criminsls. Try to pay attention. And I would not quote The Mirror, you are desperate. But then you are not the brightest button in the box. My brother in law, who is a hunter, keeps up on gun issues. What you have posted is just wrong.

As are the vast majority of shootings in the U.S......

I posted the can deny it all you want, but even on the island of Ireland, the criminals get all the guns they want.....they use them more often than their English counterparts......
It is a small island, and we do not have a gun problem.

The criminals on Ireland don't have a gun problem...they get them easily.

No crooks anywhere in the world have any trouble getting illegal weapons.

The only people that are ever affected by gun control are the people that would never use weapons for criminal activity.

Of course you and I know that. The Moon Bats are in denial.
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PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.

Biden wants to open our southern border.

You can expect the Mexican Cartels to move into our nation and attempt to take it over as they have Mexico. They may well succeed as I suspect they will be able to buy a good number of our corrupt politicians and government officials.

The Mexican Drug Cartels are extremely well armed.

Everything China Joe does is wrong. He has never got anything right in his life.

Who in their right mind would allow those filthy ass Central American countries to export their poverty to the US?

China Joe is dumber than a door knob and him having open borders is one of the dumbest things ever done by an American president.

Anybody that voted for him or ignored the fact he stole the election is an absolute idiot.
What have you done that is so impressive?

Unlike China Joe I never made a career out of lying to the American people and being a worthless dumbass Libtard politician that never got anything right in my life.

I wasn't a draft dodger like him so I served my country during war time, while he was a little chickenshit.

What the fuck do you Eurotrash care about China Joe, anyway? The US is the driver of the worldwide economy and China Joe will destroy our economy. He has already started on it. You will suffer also but you are too dumb to know it.
In other words, you have done nothing. And it lived in the US the first 45 years of my life. I am now a proud Irish citizen, and being called Eurotrash by a racist dummy like you is a compliment.

The only thing worse than the standard run of the mill Eurotrash are the ones that should know better. If you lived in the US then you should know better.

You are a very confused Moon Bat.

Of course it is better to have you living in Eurotrash Land than to be back here in the States.
If you have never lived in Europe you should just be quiet because you are embarrassing yourself.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

Are you serious? Really?

Ireland has a high number of shootings and firearm seizures compared to other European countries.

A new study analysed 28 EU countries based on population and found Ireland to have a "high" rate of non-fatal shootings and a "medium-high" rate of both fatal shootings and firearm seizures in comparison

Gardai have cordoned off the scene of a late-night shooting in Dublin with a teenager left seriously injured.

The boy, 17, was shot a number of times on Eugene Street near the Coombe in Dublin shortly before 11pm on Wednesday and was taken to St James Hospital.

The gun used to kill journalist Lyra McKee also featured in four paramilitary-style shootings in Derry, the Belfast high court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutors detailed its history as a man on bail accused of possessing the pistol had his police signing conditions reduced.

Ms McKee (29) was shot dead as she observed rioting in the city’s Creggan area in April 2019. Dissident republican group the New IRA later claimed responsibility.

A COMMUNITY has been left stunned after a man was last night killed after being blasted once in the head and four times to the chest near a park.

A murder probe is underway after the shooting of Patrick Lyons in the Belclare area of Ballymun, north Dublin, at around 9pm.

People accused of crime are reported to members and are then at risk of being shot by their neighbours.

The alleged offenders are given 'an appointment' via an anonymous text from the paramilitary groups and are asked to go to a certain place at a specific time.

At these violent 'appointments', victims are shot the kneecaps - and sometimes ankles elbows in what's known as a 'six-pack' if the group deems the offence to be particularly bad.

They are threatened with even worse violence if they don't turn up - and there have been reports of parents taking their children to the thugs in a bid to negotiate a less severe 'punishment'.

Teenage boys fearing for their lives

Last year, 73 people were beaten up in revenge attacks by paramilitary groups, while 28 where shot.

These are criminals shooting criminsls. Try to pay attention. And I would not quote The Mirror, you are desperate. But then you are not the brightest button in the box. My brother in law, who is a hunter, keeps up on gun issues. What you have posted is just wrong.

As are the vast majority of shootings in the U.S......

I posted the can deny it all you want, but even on the island of Ireland, the criminals get all the guns they want.....they use them more often than their English counterparts......
It is a small island, and we do not have a gun problem.

Full of Socialists that don't give a shit about personal Liberty. Soulless Eurotrash.

By the way Moon Bat. I worked as an Engineer in the Nuclear weapons complex. Also worked on projects for nuclear power generation so you can take your demented "No Nukes" silliness and cram it where the sun don't shine.
We have much more personal liberty here in Ireland.
Engineer? The Internet is great, you can be anything you want. I was an astronaut who walked on the moon.
It is a small island, and we do not have a gun problem.

We don't have a gun problem either. We have a people problem.

Fact of the matter is since the 90's, our gun and violent crime rate has been decreasing with the exception of the Ferguson Effect which only lasted a few years. It's proportional with our local legislatures changing laws to favor the victims instead of the criminal, and more and more states adopting CCW programs.

You claimed to have lived in the US, but from what you write it seems very unlikely. People who live here understand there are very nice parts of the country and very dangerous parts of the country. Where I live in a suburb of Cleveland, I had two shootings last summer less than 100 feet from my home; one of them my very next door neighbor. And actually in our small suburb, we have gunfire at least once a week, and that's just in the winter time. In the summer, it gets much more intense.

So if I need to run to the store for something, need to make a bank deposit after dark, of course I take my gun with me. It would be stupid not to.
It is a small island, and we do not have a gun problem.

We don't have a gun problem either. We have a people problem.

Fact of the matter is since the 90's, our gun and violent crime rate has been decreasing with the exception of the Ferguson Effect which only lasted a few years. It's proportional with our local legislatures changing laws to favor the victims instead of the criminal, and more and more states adopting CCW programs.

You claimed to have lived in the US, but from what you write it seems very unlikely. People who live here understand there are very nice parts of the country and very dangerous parts of the country. Where I live in a suburb of Cleveland, I had two shootings last summer less than 100 feet from my home; one of them my very next door neighbor. And actually in our small suburb, we have gunfire at least once a week, and that's just in the winter time. In the summer, it gets much more intense.

So if I need to run to the store for something, need to make a bank deposit after dark, of course I take my gun with me. It would be stupid not to.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

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