Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

You are a racist. You are republican.

I know that's what you think because the commies have mastered brainwashing. But remember this:

* My President didn't say he didn't want to send his kids to a racial jungle in school.

* My President didn't say if you don't vote for me, you're not really black.

* My President didn't say they want to put y'all back in chains.

* My President didn't say poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.

* My President didn't say he (talking about Obama) is articulate and clean.

Your President said all of these things.
500,000 people are dead because of trump. Republicans are racists and try lying about it.

Trump created a virus and spread it worldwide? The only thing Trump had to do with the virus is helping manufacturers come up with a vaccine, put pressure on the FDA to pass it as quickly as possible, secured a contract with Moderna for 100 million doses, with a guaranteed 500 million more on demand, and now over 100 million Americans had at least one vaccine shot.
Don't even try that flimsy shit here. Trump mismanaged this pandemic costing 500,000 lives and counting. He didn't secure jack shit.

So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.

If he comes into your house armed then you can shoot his ass.

If he breaks into your house in Florida while it is occupied you can assume he plans to hurt or kill someone. Therefore you can use lethal force. He doesn’t have to be armed.

By: Rick HutchinsonSeptember 24, 2016
Can I Shoot An Intruder In Florida?
  • Criminal Defense
  • According to our theft lawyers, the simple answer is yes. Chapter 776 of the Florida statutes called ‘Justifiable Use of Force’ tells you what you can and cannot do when defending yourself and your property. Self-defense can be used as a general defense to various crimes, including murder, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, improper exhibition of a weapon, manslaughter and a host of other felonies where you are defending either yourself and your family or your home. This self-defense can be through the use of deadly force or non-deadly force.

About Shooting an Intruder
Florida Statute 776.013 says that you may defend your home or occupied vehicle from anyone trying to unlawfully gain access or entry to it by use of deadly force. Should this kind of incidence occur, you do not need to retreat or fire a warning shot to scare the intruder. The law permits an absolute assumption that whoever was attempting the unlawful entry into your private property was doing so with the full intention of committing a violent act towards you or your family.

You, as the defendant, are assumed to be acting in reasonable fear or great bodily harm or death to yourself and/or to your family. Should you find yourself in such a situation, the police and prosecution cannot try to show that your fear was unreasonable or attempt to justify the illegal entry and intentions of the intruder.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.
Look it up and quit being so lazy.

That little, huh? Well I did look it up. According to what I found, your population if a little over 5 million people. That's less than half the population of my entire state. It's almost all white with blacks making up 1.5% of the population, and another 1.5% of other groups.

Of course you don't have a need for guns there. We wouldn't either if we were so white. You have no grounds to compare Ireland with the US.

apple: orange.jpeg
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PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

If we were a little island with mostly White people we would have very little gun crime also.

The right to keep and bear arms is a basic human Liberty. How does it feel to live in a country that the government doesn't trust its citizens to have the ability to have arms? What is the government afraid of? You are pretty much slaves to the government, aren't you? You sure as hell don't have the ability to protect yourself.

By the way, what happen to all the guns that the IRA had?
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.
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PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.

This may not be true but I have heard that Ireland imports Black men to satisfy their women because the average size of the Irish guy's penis is only about 2 inches long.

We know that Irish men don't have any balls because they allowed the government to take away their firearms.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.

Biden wants to open our southern border.

You can expect the Mexican Cartels to move into our nation and attempt to take it over as they have Mexico. They may well succeed as I suspect they will be able to buy a good number of our corrupt politicians and government officials.

The Mexican Drug Cartels are extremely well armed.

PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.

Biden wants to open our southern border.

You can expect the Mexican Cartels to move into our nation and attempt to take it over as they have Mexico. They may well succeed as I suspect they will be able to buy a good number of our corrupt politicians and government officials.

The Mexican Drug Cartels are extremely well armed.

Everything China Joe does is wrong. He has never got anything right in his life.

Who in their right mind would allow those filthy ass Central American countries to export their poverty to the US?

China Joe is dumber than a door knob and him having open borders is one of the dumbest things ever done by an American president.

Anybody that voted for him or ignored the fact he stole the election is an absolute idiot.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.
Big difference between 2011 and 2021 also.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.

This may not be true but I have heard that Ireland imports Black men to satisfy their women because the average size of the Irish guy's penis is only about 2 inches long.

We know that Irish men don't have any balls because they allowed the government to take away their firearms.
The Irish are smart enough to know this is right. Americans with little dicks need guns, the Irish are just fine without them. You are just upset that any Irishman you have been with disappointed you with his dick size. You should import an African yourself.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

You don't have our Neggras and Illegals. If you did your crime rate would be pretty damn high. Do you want some of them?

By the way, if Ireland is so fucking great then why do so many of them leave and immigrate to the US?

My daughter in law is from Ireland. So are her parents. They couldn't wait to get away from that place.
We have Blacks and illegals. You obviously know little of Ireland. Many people immigrate to promote their careers and then return. Companies are hot to get people coming out of Irish colleges.

You don't have the millions that we do that commit the great majority of the gun crimes in the US.

You want some more? We have plenty to give to you.
We have almost no gun crimes. Those committed are criminals against criminals.

That it the way mostly it is in the US. The great majority of gun crimes are committed by street thugs, druggies and gang bangers, usually in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Usually among themselves.

Biden wants to open our southern border.

You can expect the Mexican Cartels to move into our nation and attempt to take it over as they have Mexico. They may well succeed as I suspect they will be able to buy a good number of our corrupt politicians and government officials.

The Mexican Drug Cartels are extremely well armed.

Everything China Joe does is wrong. He has never got anything right in his life.

Who in their right mind would allow those filthy ass Central American countries to export their poverty to the US?

China Joe is dumber than a door knob and him having open borders is one of the dumbest things ever done by an American president.

Anybody that voted for him or ignored the fact he stole the election is an absolute idiot.
What have you done that is so impressive?

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