Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

Stand Your Ground” policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Why must you constantly lie?

Oh, right. Because you ARE a pathological liar.
Give me a list of what Trump did for black folks.

Trump never made a policy for black folks, nor should he.

The Democrat strategy is to put people into groups. Then they decide what groups they like and what groups they hate, pretty much based on how those groups are known to vote. Then they proceed to make special policies for each group.

Donald Trump held the standard Republican philosophy: A rising tide lifts all boats. So how did blacks benefit from this philosophy? First of all the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept. A record new black owned businesses. Prison reform where a lot of people got out early were black. He did a fantastic job keeping illegals out of this country which helps blacks because of their larger percentage of lower education who could get those manual labor jobs illegals would otherwise do.

None of Trump's policies were aimed at blacks, they were to benefit all Americans. Blacks being part of America benefited more from Trump's actions and policies than they would under any Democrat leader who treats blacks like the kids on the short bus.

Lol! This shit is getting ridiculous. America puts people in groups and the worst offender is the republican party. Trump's policies cost 500,000 lives and counting. It was a failed presidency.

You truly are a stupid human being........Trump saved lives while democrat governors killed 10s of thousands of senior citizens.

The democrat party is putting people in groups according to race and wealth....they get power and wealth by separating people into rival groups........they have been doing this since they were founded by slave owners.
That is because I was talking to you, but you jumped in to speak.

Yeah, that's kind of the way it works in public forums.

There is a reason that black folks don't join the Republican Party. We have had laws on the books for decades it still hasn't wiped out racism and discrimination.

Wait a minute, DumBama had total control of the federal government for two years, what did he do to wipe out racism and discrimination? Same with Bill Clinton. The reason blacks don't vote Republican is because most are politically ignorant. You won't find many blacks knowledgeable of politics because it generally doesn't interest them. Hell, you even find that many whites don't follow politics either. This is the problem in this country.

If you vote Democrat, you are either politically ignorant, brainwashed, or anti-American.

List those policies.

First a huge tax decrease on our job creators. He got rid of Commie Care fines and mandates which was a big relief on our businesses, especially small businesses. He removed DumBama job killing policies, and created a different policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. He created new trade policies with other countries, and even levied tariffs on their products which helped our manufacturing.

Politifact is as phony and lying as you can get. It's like me trying to use Breibart as my source. You'd never accept it. The survey conduced in my source was from a small business financial company. They have no political stake in the game. They were simply reporting their findings of thousands of small businesses.

So you are trying to give him credit for something he is not responsible for.

No, he was responsible for it, but he didn't write policy specifically for one group of people, he created policies for all Americans that blacks benefited from.

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy (

I noted the same bullshit being regurgitated

Didn't bother reading your own link, huh? It basically supports my point. Their only twist on it is how Trump also lowered legal immigration and Visa's for tech people. That's still a good thing.

Obviously you are researching in the wrong places when I can show where your research is false.

And yet you have failed to do it once.
This is a good law and I am glad 35 states have removed the duty to retreat from an attacker (which is a stupid duty to begin with and more likely to result in the victim's death).

The sad truth is that if a black man stands his ground, he is more likely to be prosecuted and convicted of a violent crime when he is fully within his right to defend himself.

Everybody needs to admit that TRUTH and change it.
This is a good law and I am glad 35 states have removed the duty to retreat from an attacker (which is a stupid duty to begin with and more likely to result in the victim's death).

The sad truth is that if a black man stands his ground, he is more likely to be prosecuted and convicted of a violent crime when he is fully within his right to defend himself.

Everybody needs to admit that TRUTH and change it.

That's not really the case. In our state (like most) our law for CCW holders reads: you have the right to use deadly force if you believe that you or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. It doesn't matter what the race is. However without a SYG law, you must have to at least attempt to exercise your duty to retreat. You can only be charged if a prosecutor has evidence you had no reason to believe you were at jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, or you had every option to retreat and didn't.

You can't get charged for anything with no evidence of a crime no matter who you are.
I wonder how these radical democrats and ignorant blacks think they would fare living under Chinese rule....which is what they are working whether or not they realize it.

Maybe they should check up on how China treats their minorities????
This is a good law and I am glad 35 states have removed the duty to retreat from an attacker (which is a stupid duty to begin with and more likely to result in the victim's death).

The sad truth is that if a black man stands his ground, he is more likely to be prosecuted and convicted of a violent crime when he is fully within his right to defend himself.

Everybody needs to admit that TRUTH and change it.

The stats are against your claim.

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So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

True, because the law is written for and by white men.
If you really feel that way, why not move to Ghana? It's got a fairly high standard of living and very few white people.

No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.

If you want to get of racism and discrimination, you would have to outlaw the democrat party..........

You mean the Republican party today, look at where all the racism comes from today.

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post....?

The democrat party has a modern terror arm called Black lives matter.....not all lives....just black lives.

Right wing propaganda, you really are that fucking stupid.

Members of the democrat party are violently attacking members of the American Asian community..... the core groups of the party, la raza, the congressional black caucus, the nation of islam...are openly and proudly racist....

That is your history in this country.

And barak obama, is openly and proudly racist......calling open and proud sharpton, jeremiah wright, louis farakhan, good friends and allies....

How many white NFL players mothers did Pres. Obama call bitches like your hero Trump. How many racist did Pres Obama tell to stand by like your hero Trump did.

[quoye]It is the democrat party that has destroyed the futures of generations of black children through it's education Chicago, 80% of black students can't pass standardized math and english...........

You are either blind or stupid...most likely both.

You come on here and run your mouth about the Democrats racist past as if Republicans aren't a part of that. The Confederates were nothing but southern democrats and yet you are the one fighting to keep those racist monuments and statues up of those racist democrats. So who is really blind or stupid.

Obama sat in an actual racist church for 20 years...had the racist minister marry him and michelle and baptize their daughters.........he had personal visits in the White House with al and proud racist and anti-semite.....and obama is a good friend of louis farrakhan, racist and anti-semite....[/quote]

This country claimed to be founded on the teachings of Christ and for centuries treated other human beings worse than you would an animal.
You have nothing....the democrat party has used racism as a weapon since the party was founded by slave owners, and they are using it today to segregate the country by idiot....

The racist in today's society are in the Republican party, just look at the racist post on this forum they come from those who claim to be Republican.

I'm not fighting to keep those monuments, but the Black Historical society is....why? Because you don't learn from the past if you destroy it.......

What? That is grade A bullshit.

.but the democrat party wants those statues taken down because one day, even a moron like you might realize that those statues are statues of democrat party heroes who fought against the United States to keep black humans as slaves.......that is why the democrats want those statues taken down.

You are a complete idiot or you think the rest of us are. Statues and monuments are erected as a gift of honor. Taking down those racist statues and monuments is not erasing history, that is bullshit morons like you are spewing in the effort to keep them up.
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So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

True, because the law is written for and by white men.
If you really feel that way, why not move to Ghana? It's got a fairly high standard of living and very few white people.

No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.

How about we just accept the fact that racism and discrimination have been a part of humanity for tens of thousands of years.

How about we just deal with what we have, work toward a goal of treating each other fairly and respect each other.

How about we, the problem is we have too many in this country that don't want to work towards that.

Exactly, and they are all in the democrat party.......a party whose power and wealth has always come from racism......

This last bill showed us who is fighting against the American people. Is that why so many Republicans have power and wealth.
Give me a list of what Trump did for black folks.

Trump never made a policy for black folks, nor should he.

The Democrat strategy is to put people into groups. Then they decide what groups they like and what groups they hate, pretty much based on how those groups are known to vote. Then they proceed to make special policies for each group.

Donald Trump held the standard Republican philosophy: A rising tide lifts all boats. So how did blacks benefit from this philosophy? First of all the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept. A record new black owned businesses. Prison reform where a lot of people got out early were black. He did a fantastic job keeping illegals out of this country which helps blacks because of their larger percentage of lower education who could get those manual labor jobs illegals would otherwise do.

None of Trump's policies were aimed at blacks, they were to benefit all Americans. Blacks being part of America benefited more from Trump's actions and policies than they would under any Democrat leader who treats blacks like the kids on the short bus.

Lol! This shit is getting ridiculous. America puts people in groups and the worst offender is the republican party. Trump's policies cost 500,000 lives and counting. It was a failed presidency.

You truly are a stupid human being........Trump saved lives while democrat governors killed 10s of thousands of senior citizens.

Save it dick head nobody is buying that right wing propaganda.

The democrat party is putting people in groups according to race and wealth....they get power and wealth by separating people into rival groups........they have been doing this since they were founded by slave owners.

You just keep regurgitating the same garbage.
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So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

True, because the law is written for and by white men.
If you really feel that way, why not move to Ghana? It's got a fairly high standard of living and very few white people.

No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.

If you want to get of racism and discrimination, you would have to outlaw the democrat party..........

You mean the Republican party today, look at where all the racism comes from today.

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post....?

The democrat party has a modern terror arm called Black lives matter.....not all lives....just black lives.

Right wing propaganda, you really are that fucking stupid.

Members of the democrat party are violently attacking members of the American Asian community..... the core groups of the party, la raza, the congressional black caucus, the nation of islam...are openly and proudly racist....

That is your history in this country.

And barak obama, is openly and proudly racist......calling open and proud sharpton, jeremiah wright, louis farakhan, good friends and allies....

How many white NFL players mothers did Pres. Obama call bitches like your hero Trump. How many racist did Pres Obama tell to stand by like your hero Trump did.

[quoye]It is the democrat party that has destroyed the futures of generations of black children through it's education Chicago, 80% of black students can't pass standardized math and english...........

You are either blind or stupid...most likely both.

You come on here and run your mouth about the Democrats racist past as if Republicans aren't a part of that. The Confederates were nothing but southern democrats and yet you are the one fighting to keep those racist monuments and statues up of those racist democrats. So who is really blind or stupid.

Obama sat in an actual racist church for 20 years...had the racist minister marry him and michelle and baptize their daughters.........he had personal visits in the White House with al and proud racist and anti-semite.....and obama is a good friend of louis farrakhan, racist and anti-semite....

This country claimed to be founded on the teachings of Christ and for centuries treated other human beings worse than you would an animal.
You have nothing....the democrat party has used racism as a weapon since the party was founded by slave owners, and they are using it today to segregate the country by idiot....

The racist in today's society are in the Republican party, just look at the racist post on this forum they come from those who claim to be Republican.

I'm not fighting to keep those monuments, but the Black Historical society is....why? Because you don't learn from the past if you destroy it.......

What? That is grade A bullshit.

.but the democrat party wants those statues taken down because one day, even a moron like you might realize that those statues are statues of democrat party heroes who fought against the United States to keep black humans as slaves.......that is why the democrats want those statues taken down.

You are a complete idiot or you think the rest of us are. Statues and monuments are erected as a gift of honor. Taking down those racist statues and monuments is not erasing history, that is bullshit morons like you are spewing in the effort to keep them up.

School Children need to be reminded of how Real Patriots stood up to Yankee tyranny in the War Between The States.

Statues of Confederate Heroes is thus a history lesson.....communists/marxists and other totalitarians always attempt to erase the culture of their victims.....look at what is going on in China.....someone should tell all the Negroes.....that Chinese do not issue food stamps.

How Chinese treat their minorities........Exclusive: New report claims evidence of Beijing's 'intent to destroy' Uyghur people
Good for them....

PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become
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Give me a list of what Trump did for black folks.

Trump never made a policy for black folks, nor should he.

The Democrat strategy is to put people into groups. Then they decide what groups they like and what groups they hate, pretty much based on how those groups are known to vote. Then they proceed to make special policies for each group.

Donald Trump held the standard Republican philosophy: A rising tide lifts all boats. So how did blacks benefit from this philosophy? First of all the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept. A record new black owned businesses. Prison reform where a lot of people got out early were black. He did a fantastic job keeping illegals out of this country which helps blacks because of their larger percentage of lower education who could get those manual labor jobs illegals would otherwise do.

None of Trump's policies were aimed at blacks, they were to benefit all Americans. Blacks being part of America benefited more from Trump's actions and policies than they would under any Democrat leader who treats blacks like the kids on the short bus.

Lol! This shit is getting ridiculous. America puts people in groups and the worst offender is the republican party. Trump's policies cost 500,000 lives and counting. It was a failed presidency.

You truly are a stupid human being........Trump saved lives while democrat governors killed 10s of thousands of senior citizens.

The democrat party is putting people in groups according to race and wealth....they get power and wealth by separating people into rival groups........they have been doing this since they were founded by slave owners.
You are the truly stupid one, quit putting that onto others.
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Does anyone believe that if they are attacked they should be required to run away?

Does anyone believe that if a intruder breaks into your home you should be required to gather your children and run out the back door?
Give me a list of what Trump did for black folks.

Trump never made a policy for black folks, nor should he.

The Democrat strategy is to put people into groups. Then they decide what groups they like and what groups they hate, pretty much based on how those groups are known to vote. Then they proceed to make special policies for each group.

Donald Trump held the standard Republican philosophy: A rising tide lifts all boats. So how did blacks benefit from this philosophy? First of all the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept. A record new black owned businesses. Prison reform where a lot of people got out early were black. He did a fantastic job keeping illegals out of this country which helps blacks because of their larger percentage of lower education who could get those manual labor jobs illegals would otherwise do.

None of Trump's policies were aimed at blacks, they were to benefit all Americans. Blacks being part of America benefited more from Trump's actions and policies than they would under any Democrat leader who treats blacks like the kids on the short bus.

Lol! This shit is getting ridiculous. America puts people in groups and the worst offender is the republican party. Trump's policies cost 500,000 lives and counting. It was a failed presidency.

You truly are a stupid human being........Trump saved lives while democrat governors killed 10s of thousands of senior citizens.

The democrat party is putting people in groups according to race and wealth....they get power and wealth by separating people into rival groups........they have been doing this since they were founded by slave owners.
You are the truly stupid one, quit putting that onto others.

No he is are wrong.

The democrats are doing everything in their power to stir up racial problems and further divide the nation.
Stand Your Ground” policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Why must you constantly lie?

Oh, right. Because you ARE a pathological liar.

You hit the nail on is head.
That is because I was talking to you, but you jumped in to speak.

Yeah, that's kind of the way it works in public forums.

Which means someone did actually say it, smfh.

There is a reason that black folks don't join the Republican Party. We have had laws on the books for decades it still hasn't wiped out racism and discrimination.

Wait a minute, DumBama had total control of the federal government for two years, what did he do to wipe out racism and discrimination? Same with Bill Clinton.

What were they supposed to do? Tell black folks that republicans weren't really racist.

The reason blacks don't vote Republican is because most are politically ignorant. You won't find many blacks knowledgeable of politics because it generally doesn't interest them. Hell, you even find that many whites don't follow politics either. This is the problem in this country.

The stupidity never ends, I guess you think Trump Humpers are smart. 2016 showed us who is really ignorant when it comes to politics.

If you vote Democrat, you are either politically ignorant, brainwashed, or anti-American.

That is what I say about Trump Humpers.

List those policies.

First a huge tax decrease on our job creators. He got rid of Commie Care fines and mandates which was a big relief on our businesses, especially small businesses. He removed DumBama job killing policies, and created a different policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. He created new trade policies with other countries, and even levied tariffs on their products which helped our manufacturing.

Post the policies not your weak ass opinions.

Politifact is as phony and lying as you can get. It's like me trying to use Breibart as my source. You'd never accept it. The survey conduced in my source was from a small business financial company. They have no political stake in the game. They were simply reporting their findings of thousands of small businesses.

That garbage you posted was easily debunked for the lie it is. Black businesses did not increase 400% that is a flat out lie.

So you are trying to give him credit for something he is not responsible for.

No, he was responsible for it, but he didn't write policy specifically for one group of people, he created policies for all Americans that blacks benefited from.

So post those policies.

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy (

I noted the same bullshit being regurgitated

Didn't bother reading your own link, huh? It basically supports my point. Their only twist on it is how Trump also lowered legal immigration and Visa's for tech people. That's still a good thing.


Obviously you are researching in the wrong places when I can show where your research is false.

And yet you have failed to do it once.

I did it 4 times.
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Give me a list of what Trump did for black folks.

Trump never made a policy for black folks, nor should he.

The Democrat strategy is to put people into groups. Then they decide what groups they like and what groups they hate, pretty much based on how those groups are known to vote. Then they proceed to make special policies for each group.

Donald Trump held the standard Republican philosophy: A rising tide lifts all boats. So how did blacks benefit from this philosophy? First of all the lowest unemployment rate for blacks since records were kept. A record new black owned businesses. Prison reform where a lot of people got out early were black. He did a fantastic job keeping illegals out of this country which helps blacks because of their larger percentage of lower education who could get those manual labor jobs illegals would otherwise do.

None of Trump's policies were aimed at blacks, they were to benefit all Americans. Blacks being part of America benefited more from Trump's actions and policies than they would under any Democrat leader who treats blacks like the kids on the short bus.

Lol! This shit is getting ridiculous. America puts people in groups and the worst offender is the republican party. Trump's policies cost 500,000 lives and counting. It was a failed presidency.

You truly are a stupid human being........Trump saved lives while democrat governors killed 10s of thousands of senior citizens.

The democrat party is putting people in groups according to race and wealth....they get power and wealth by separating people into rival groups........they have been doing this since they were founded by slave owners.
You are the truly stupid one, quit putting that onto others.

No he is are wrong.

The democrats are doing everything in their power to stir up racial problems and further divide

Not at all true. A right wing conspiracy theory because it is so difficult for you guys to continue being racist.
What were they supposed to do? Tell black folks that republicans weren't really racist.

There you go, what were they supposed to do. Well WTF is a Republican supposed to do?

Most racism is made up by the Democrats and has nothing to do with race at all. As I said earlier, if they didn't brainwash you into believing blacks are being discriminated against, blacks would have no use for Democrats. They have to convince you that your race is being targeted, therefore you need Democrats to save you and your race.

The stupidity never ends, I guess you think Trump Humpers are smart. 2016 showed us who is really ignorant when it comes to politics.

2016 showed that our representatives were not representing us at all, so we chose an outsider, something you on the left would never even dream of. We wanted somebody not from the swamp that would do the things they promised us they'd do, and Trump did exactly that. He improved our economy, he virtually stopped border crossings, he got better trade deals that the failed NAFTA didn't accomplish, he lowered taxes for most Americans, he rebuilt our military that DumBama allowed to dwindle, he rescinded DumBama's stupid policy of forcing schools to allow weirdos in dresses to use girls restroom and changing facilities, he also got rid of them in our military, he got rid of Commie Care fines and mandates, and these are just a few of his great accomplishments.

Post the policies not your weak ass opinions.

Those are policies, look them up yourself lazy.

That garbage you posted was easily debunked for the lie it is. Black businesses did not increase 400% that is a flat out lie.

And there you go. Why bother asking for evidence if you are only going to call them garbage anyway? It's a waste of time, and I'd bet my dollar to your dime you never opened up any of the links I post.

So post those policies.

Waste of time.
I did it 4 times.

Only in the fantasy world of yours.

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