Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.

This may not be true but I have heard that Ireland imports Black men to satisfy their women because the average size of the Irish guy's penis is only about 2 inches long.

We know that Irish men don't have any balls because they allowed the government to take away their firearms.
There have been a lot of Irishmen using guns and bombs to fight the British Government. Of course that was Northern Ireland, Belfast was pretty much as much a combat zone as Beirut Lebanon for decades during the late twentieth century.
That would be known as HISTORY.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

We had a total of 10 mass public shootings in 2019, and one in the middle of Americans buying millions and millions of guns...... in a country of over 320 million people....

Total killed?

2019.....73 people......

2020....5 people

The focus on the rarest of rare events to justify disarming the American people is just stupid.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France, using a rental Truck murdered 87 people in 5 minutes of driving.....

This attempt to use mass public shootings in order to hide the fact that Irish criminals ignore gun control laws is this point of attack is always weak......

Over 600 million guns in the U.S.

Over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry guns in public for self defense.....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders

Irish criminals, on an island, have easy access to fully automatic military rifles....

You have no rational argument....
But we have nom school shootings or mass shootings, that is a rational argument.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.
PATHETIC. What a sad country the US has become

By creating laws that favor law abiding citizens? a leftist, that would be the worst thing for you.
Other countries do not need such laws. What does this say about the US?

We have Liberty and they don't.
I live in Ireland and we have a lot more freedom here. And almost no handguns.

How many Negroes you got in Ireland?

The preliminary results of the 2011 census recorded 58,697 people of Black African ethnicity and 6,381 people of any other Black background resident in the Republic of Ireland out of a total population of 4,525,281, meaning that 1.42 per cent of the population self-identified as Black.

In America we have 13% black population.....big difference boyo.

This may not be true but I have heard that Ireland imports Black men to satisfy their women because the average size of the Irish guy's penis is only about 2 inches long.

We know that Irish men don't have any balls because they allowed the government to take away their firearms.
There have been a lot of Irishmen using guns and bombs to fight the British Government. Of course that was Northern Ireland, Belfast was pretty much as much a combat zone as Beirut Lebanon for decades during the late twentieth century.
That would be known as HISTORY.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

We had a total of 10 mass public shootings in 2019, and one in the middle of Americans buying millions and millions of guns...... in a country of over 320 million people....

Total killed?

2019.....73 people......

2020....5 people

The focus on the rarest of rare events to justify disarming the American people is just stupid.

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France, using a rental Truck murdered 87 people in 5 minutes of driving.....

This attempt to use mass public shootings in order to hide the fact that Irish criminals ignore gun control laws is this point of attack is always weak......

Over 600 million guns in the U.S.

Over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry guns in public for self defense.....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders

Irish criminals, on an island, have easy access to fully automatic military rifles....

You have no rational argument....
But we have nom school shootings or mass shootings, that is a rational argument.

No, it isn't....your people have access to guns....fully automatic military rifles as well as regular pistols......they just don't choose to do mass shootings....they leave that up to your para military groups.........

It isn't access to guns that drives mass shootings, it is mental health and the press making celebrities out of mass shooters.....
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

No, it isn't, you fact, Blacks benefit the most from stand your ground laws, you dope.........I posted the research in the earliest idiot.

Do you understand that more whites in America are killed by blacks than blacks by don't know what you are talking about, you are simply repeating the fake beliefs of left wing race baiters....

Whites killed by Blacks....533

Blacks killed by whites....243

You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

2019 homicide data...

Whites murdered by blacks.....566

Blacks murdered by whites...246

You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.


I wonder if Travon's mother mentioned that her son is the one that made racial slurs and he was the one that initiated the attack on a White guy?

I wonder if Travon's mother knew that the great majority of murders of Blacks in Chicago are done by other Blacks or Hispanics?

Of course neither one of those facts fit into the filthy dishonest Liberal narrative so nothing was mentioned, was it?

I feel sorry for idiots like this No Nukes clown who is so gullible and naive to believe all that Libtard horseshit.

That Boy ain't that smart, is he? Of course with a moniker of No Nukes you know that Boy ain't exactly chugging on all cylinders.
Yes you can. But you can also be arrested for doing so. Not so with Stand Your Ground.
You will be arrested either way. There's no place where you can shoot someone and not be arrested. A stand your ground defense will probably get you off, but it'll still be expensive, as courtrooms always are.

No, not really. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances. If it is obvious that the individual was attempting to hold you up while you were working at a 7-11, they'll take a statement from you and get back to you with the results. As with anyone else, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Yes you can. But you can also be arrested for doing so. Not so with Stand Your Ground.
You will be arrested either way. There's no place where you can shoot someone and not be arrested. A stand your ground defense will probably get you off, but it'll still be expensive, as courtrooms always are.

No, not really. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances. If it is obvious that the individual was attempting to hold you up while you were working at a 7-11, they'll take a statement from you and get back to you with the results. As with anyone else, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Circumstances can be interpeted in different ways and most important to realize is that the location is very important ......not the least of which is that different laws apply in different states.

The are lots of people running around with a pistol in their pocket and little or no knowledge regarding the law on self defense in the state wherein they live not even to mention the law in a state they may just be visiting or passing through.
When I took my CCW Permit class, the instructor emphasized over and over again that if you pulled your weapon, you were risking not only taking a life, but your financial future as well. Even if a shooting is justified, the criminal's survivors can sue you.
That's probably the one instance where not having much is an advantage. Why bother? What are they gonna get even it they win?
They will garnish your wages.
Yes you can. But you can also be arrested for doing so. Not so with Stand Your Ground.
You will be arrested either way. There's no place where you can shoot someone and not be arrested. A stand your ground defense will probably get you off, but it'll still be expensive, as courtrooms always are.

No, not really. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances. If it is obvious that the individual was attempting to hold you up while you were working at a 7-11, they'll take a statement from you and get back to you with the results. As with anyone else, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Yes you can. But you can also be arrested for doing so. Not so with Stand Your Ground.
You will be arrested either way. There's no place where you can shoot someone and not be arrested. A stand your ground defense will probably get you off, but it'll still be expensive, as courtrooms always are.

No, not really. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances. If it is obvious that the individual was attempting to hold you up while you were working at a 7-11, they'll take a statement from you and get back to you with the results. As with anyone else, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Circumstances can be interpeted in different ways and most important to realize is that the location is very important ......not the least of which is that different laws apply in different states.

The are lots of people running around with a pistol in their pocket and little or no knowledge regarding the law on self defense in the state wherein they live not even to mention the law in a state they may just be visiting or passing through.
When I took my CCW Permit class, the instructor emphasized over and over again that if you pulled your weapon, you were risking not only taking a life, but your financial future as well. Even if a shooting is justified, the criminal's survivors can sue you.
That's probably the one instance where not having much is an advantage. Why bother? What are they gonna get even it they win?
They will garnish your wages.
Doubtful. Their lawyer would be charging them more than they could reasonably expect to get from my wages even if they won in court. In any case only a fool would allow such fears to make them hesitate when fractions of a second mean life or death. Better a broke fool than a dead fool. Dead folks no longer worry about being sued.
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

The only excuse for shooting and killing somebody is they were presenting you with a threat of bodily harm or death. It doesn't matter what the race is. CCW laws or SYG laws do not give you the right to shoot or kill anybody you like for whatever reason you like.
But we have no school shootings or mass shootings, that is a rational argument.

Those are known because they are more sensationalized by the media. Look at what goes on in Chicago on any holiday weekend. More people are shot or die there than any mass or school shooting. The media barely reports it.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook
I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

No, it's liberal bullshit. You people want to think others are just as stupid as you are. Years ago, it was referred to as reverse psychology. I don't know what they refer to it today, but it's supposed to work the same way, but only in your minds.

Leftist: You carry a gun because you have a small package!

CCW carrier: Golly gee, I don't want anybody to think that of me. I'll quit carrying my gun, I'll even sell every gun I own, but please PLEASE don't tell people I have a small package! I can't take it!

Of course it never works, but we never tell you people that. It's more fun watching you make an ass out of yourself thinking it will work.
From what I have seen on here Liberals come in two categories.....the first one being stupid as hell....the second one being elites with a big desire to be morally superior to other white folk....believing they achieve that by constantly supporting Negroes......aka tax the white working class and give all dat money to da Negroes.

I don't know how they ever got the idea of robbing Peter to pay Paul was somehow morally superior??

Now there is a town up North of Chicago where they have given every negro in town 25 thousand dollars....but the Negroes say that is not enough they want more.

Now I see on here that despite all the explanations on what The Stand Your Ground Law actually is....some of the libbies still do not get it.

Now why is that? Its not like it is rocket science.....must be cuz dey heard on t.v. dat it is racist?

Guess they still have not heard that a lot of blacks are using it.

Any how.....just for the record....once again......all the Stand Your Ground Law means is that you are not required to run away if someone attacks you.

That you can use lethal force to defend yourself if you reasonably believe you or others are in jeopardy of losing their life or of having great bodily harm inflicted on you or others.

I must emphasize the part about having a 'reasonable belief' that your life is in danger.....too many folks with a pistol in their pocket think they are legally justified in using it in any situtation where they might get involved in some sort of need to remember if you kill someone you are very likely going to be facing a jury....and you or your lawyer must be able to convince them you were truly in fear of your life.

One other thing....anytime you go before a jury after killing someone....your life and your future is placed in the hands of 12 mortals....with all the failings and stupidities that mortals have .....not to mention how so many now are afflicted with political correctness......I say that to say may have had a reasonable belief your life was in danger....yet the jury may not agree.

Anyone that needs an example of what I am talking about should read up on the Drejka case in Clearwater, Fl.
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It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

The only excuse for shooting and killing somebody is they were presenting you with a threat of bodily harm or death. It doesn't matter what the race is. CCW laws or SYG laws do not give you the right to shoot or kill anybody you like for whatever reason you like.

Exactly and obviously not rocket science yet some of the leftwingers on here still cannot understand it.....why? any 10 yr old can grasp the meaning of the law yet....some on here cannot? The only explanation for that I think is they believe everything they see on CNN....home of fake news.

Now some may wonder why the MSM is so against the stand your ground law....simple because it does increase the black body count. That is not happening due to any form of is happening because there are more black perps aka black thugs that go around attacking innocent people....thus more of them are getting killed because people are not now required to run away in a stand your ground state...which is now the majority of states. 35 states to be precise now have the stand your ground law.

Thus obviously the MSM did not mind that white folks were being killed trying to run away instead of killing the thug....the media had no concern at all about all the white folks getting killed.....but when a white man or woman actually defends themselves with lethal force when their lives are in danger.......oh no ....the media wants none of that.

Which of course is a form of reverse racism...aka ok for whites to lose their lives....not ok for black thugs to lose theirs.

Git mah drift boyos?

Just one more will never see the MSM address the fact that our minority black population committs over half of all violent crimes in America which of course includes rape and murder.
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You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

What is it with anti-gun extremists and the male penis? When we talk about guns, you guys eventually get to talking "penis."

Look.....guns are not sex toys......they are not sex objects. If we talk about guns and self defense, and you start getting excited and you begin to rub your private parts, you need to get help.....before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

Get help.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

What is it with anti-gun extremists and the male penis? When we talk about guns, you guys eventually get to talking "penis."

Look.....guns are not sex toys......they are not sex objects. If we talk about guns and self defense, and you start getting excited and you begin to rub your private parts, you need to get help.....before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

Get help.
It's textbook, you cannot hide.
Exactly and obviously not rocket science yet some of the leftwingers on here still cannot understand it.....why? any 10 yr old can grasp the meaning of the law yet....some on here cannot? The only explanation for that I think is they believe everything they see on CNN....home of fake news.

Now some may wonder why the MSM is so against the stand your ground law....simple because it does increase the black body count. That is not happening due to any form of is happening because there are more black perps aka black thugs that go around attacking innocent people....thus more of them are getting killed because people are not now required to run away in a stand your ground state...which is now the majority of states. 35 states to be precise now have the stand your ground law.

Thus obviously the MSM did not mind that white folks were being killed trying to run away instead of killing the thug....the media had no concern at all about all the white folks getting killed.....but when a white man or woman actually defends themselves with lethal force when their lives are in danger.......oh no ....the media wants none of that.

Which of course is a form of reverse racism...aka ok for whites to lose their lives....not ok for black thugs to lose theirs.

Git mah drift boyos?

Just one more will never see the MSM address the fact that our minority black population committs over half of all violent crimes in America which of course includes rape and murder.

Everything you wrote is absolutely correct.

A few years after we passed our CCW program, some joker shot a parking lot attendant for not allowing him to park in a spot he wanted at a Cav's game. They kept stressing how he was a CCW holder. However, the murder had nothing to do with his CCW because he was not carrying at the time. He had the gun in the trunk of his car like any non-licensed citizen is allowed to carry, opened the trunk, took the gun out and murdered the poor guy.

Leftists believe that because they hear few or no stories of a CCW holder saving the day, it simply doesn't happen. The media keeps those stories on the down low and only report the local stories if you're lucky and it's a slow news day. But those events happen everyday in this country.

The MSM is against SYG like they are against CCW programs because of one reason: It gives more liberty to the victim. They don't like that. It shows we can take care of ourselves without the government, and especially without the Democrat party.

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