Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.

How about we just accept the fact that racism and discrimination have been a part of humanity for tens of thousands of years.

How about we just deal with what we have, work toward a goal of treating each other fairly and respect each other.

How about we, the problem is we have too many in this country that don't want to work towards that.
Some of the people who don't want to work towards that are the race baiters. They need racial tension to be high to push their agendas.
Why repost them you are just going to claim they aren't true or try and tell us he didn't mean that. Trump's cabinet was nothing but old white men and he basically catered to racist for their vote.

IF that is true, why is it that President Donald Trump did more for blacks and other minorities than any other president in modern history?

Give me a list of what Trump did for black folks.
Two things off the top of my head are criminal justice reform and increasing funding for historically black colleges and universities.

Trump made several reforms to lessen sentences for people convicted of various drug crimes, which benefited blacks more than other groups. A lot of blacks were incarcerated over the affected charges/sentences. Even Van Jones praised Trump for this.
No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.

If you want to get of racism and discrimination, you would have to outlaw the democrat party..........

Wrong. We see in places like this that racism is a prerequisite for membership in the modern republican party.
Not really. What you see in places like this is that when you continually race bait, you get responses that sometimes are racial in nature. It doesn't justify racism, but if you're always making things about race, you're going to get racially aggressive responses.

It's no different from how anyone that points out certain things about the black community automatically gets called a racist or white supremist even if the statement is statistically true.

Logically, the best approach is to realize that not everything is about race and that culture is more relevant. While culture and race are somewhat aligned, even subgroups of races tend to be more successful than the norm when they have a more functional culture. For example, West Indian blacks tend to succeed far more in society than other blacks, primarily because of their cultural priorities. Racism isn't the crutch that they use to excuse shortcomings. They simply work hard and reap the benefits of it.
The race baiting is done by the whites here. You make comments about the black community that aren't statistically true and black americans have more wealth than west indian blacks, whatever that's supposed to be. We have worked harder than whites, for longer than whites and continually for less than whites. Much of this is due to public policy enacted by whitees.

What we see here are numerous race bait threads by whites that have covered the gamut of white racism. I have seen threads made by whites, dissing our names, what we eat, what we wear, our hair and everything else. So take your lies and delusions to another poster.
Not really. What you see in places like this is that when you continually race bait, you get responses that sometimes are racial in nature. It doesn't justify racism, but if you're always making things about race, you're going to get racially aggressive responses.

It's no different from how anyone that points out certain things about the black community automatically gets called a racist or white supremist even if the statement is statistically true.

Logically, the best approach is to realize that not everything is about race and that culture is more relevant. While culture and race are somewhat aligned, even subgroups of races tend to be more successful than the norm when they have a more functional culture. For example, West Indian blacks tend to succeed far more in society than other blacks, primarily because of their cultural priorities. Racism isn't the crutch that they use to excuse shortcomings. They simply work hard and reap the benefits of it.
The race baiting is done by the whites here. You make comments about the black community that aren't statistically true and black americans have more wealth than west indian blacks, whatever that's supposed to be. We have worked harder than whites, for longer than whites and continually for less than whites. Much of this is due to public policy enacted by whitees.

What we see here are numerous race bait threads by whites that have covered the gamut of white racism. I have seen threads made by whites, dissing our names, what we eat, what we wear, our hair and everything else. So take your lies and delusions to another poster.
I should clarify. I was referring to black Americans of West Indian descent. They have more wealth than the average black American overall.

How exactly have blacks "worked harder" than whites, and how exactly would you go about measuring that? This is the sort of argument I'm talking about. If you want to see your own race as being relentlessly oppressed, that's your prerogative, but it won't gain you much sympathy when Latinos eventually become the majority. White liberals might entertain various forms of appeasement, but ultimately, the success of a group comes down to private action and priorities.

It's why Killer Mike's approach is probably the best one coming out of the black community currently. He's not focused on government action. He's been establishing a black banking platform.

That's the sort of thing that makes more sense. It's not about trying to guilt people over things they had nothing to do with or fixating on whatever grievances you have with whites. It's about solidarity within your own community and enacting change through personal action.

There will always be a certain amount of racism out there, but compared to most of the world, the US is less racist precisely because we're more open about race discussions -- even if that sometimes involves racist comments.

If you want to see real racism, look at how China treats a lot of foreigners or even some of their ethnic minorities (like the Uyghurs).
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Drud addled mind? You ARE an idiot with obviously no defense to what I said.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Assumed defense can only lead to tragic results.
Unfortunately it is too late to change America from being such a violent place.
Good for them....

Guess they didn't learn anything from Florida. Citizens there think it is alright to kill someone for pushing you.
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Not really. What you see in places like this is that when you continually race bait, you get responses that sometimes are racial in nature. It doesn't justify racism, but if you're always making things about race, you're going to get racially aggressive responses.

It's no different from how anyone that points out certain things about the black community automatically gets called a racist or white supremist even if the statement is statistically true.

Logically, the best approach is to realize that not everything is about race and that culture is more relevant. While culture and race are somewhat aligned, even subgroups of races tend to be more successful than the norm when they have a more functional culture. For example, West Indian blacks tend to succeed far more in society than other blacks, primarily because of their cultural priorities. Racism isn't the crutch that they use to excuse shortcomings. They simply work hard and reap the benefits of it.
The race baiting is done by the whites here. You make comments about the black community that aren't statistically true and black americans have more wealth than west indian blacks, whatever that's supposed to be. We have worked harder than whites, for longer than whites and continually for less than whites. Much of this is due to public policy enacted by whitees.

What we see here are numerous race bait threads by whites that have covered the gamut of white racism. I have seen threads made by whites, dissing our names, what we eat, what we wear, our hair and everything else. So take your lies and delusions to another poster.
I should clarify. I was referring to black Americans of West Indian descent. They have more wealth than the average black American overall.

How exactly have blacks "worked harder" than whites, and how exactly would you go about measuring that? This is the sort of argument I'm talking about. If you want to see your own race as being relentlessly oppressed, that's your prerogative, but it won't gain you much sympathy when Latinos eventually become the majority. White liberals might entertain various forms of appeasement, but ultimately, the success of a group comes down to private action and priorities.

It's why Killer Mike's approach is probably the best one coming out of the black community currently. He's not focused on government action. He's been establishing a black banking platform.

That's the sort of thing that makes more sense. It's not about trying to guilt people over things they had nothing to do with or fixating on whatever grievances you have with whites. It's about solidarity within your own community and enacting change through personal action.

There will always be a certain amount of racism out there, but compared to most of the world, the US is less racist precisely because we're more open about race discussions -- even if that sometimes involves racist comments.

If you want to see real racism, look at how China treats a lot of foreigners or even some of their ethnic minorities (like the Uyghurs).

Don't forget Japan.....probably the most racist country in the world...

And they can get back to us when Britain has a black prime minsiter, dittos France, Spain, Germany.........
I should clarify. I was referring to black Americans of West Indian descent. They have more wealth than the average black American overall.

How exactly have blacks "worked harder" than whites, and how exactly would you go about measuring that? This is the sort of argument I'm talking about. If you want to see your own race as being relentlessly oppressed, that's your prerogative, but it won't gain you much sympathy when Latinos eventually become the majority. White liberals might entertain various forms of appeasement, but ultimately, the success of a group comes down to private action and priorities.

It's why Killer Mike's approach is probably the best one coming out of the black community currently. He's not focused on government action. He's been establishing a black banking platform.

That's the sort of thing that makes more sense. It's not about trying to guilt people over things they had nothing to do with or fixating on whatever grievances you have with whites. It's about solidarity within your own community and enacting change through personal action.

There will always be a certain amount of racism out there, but compared to most of the world, the US is less racist precisely because we're more open about race discussions -- even if that sometimes involves racist comments.

If you want to see real racism, look at how China treats a lot of foreigners or even some of their ethnic minorities (like the Uyghurs).

Don't forget Japan.....probably the most racist country in the world...

And they can get back to us when Britain has a black prime minsiter, dittos France, Spain, Germany.........

Pretty much. Although I'd say that Japan is more prejudiced than racist. They don't hate foreigners, but they are very insular in nature.

China has more of an actual hatred for foreigners -- at least when the CCP tells them to hate them. The social climate in China seems to be very similar to 1984, in that the public is largely aligned with whatever the government tells them.

To be fair, the West has started to lean in this conformist direction as well, but the propaganda is woke rather than xenophobic.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Drud addled mind? You ARE an idiot with obviously no defense to what I said.
There is no defense needed. You obviously don't believe in the right of self-defense and you feel that no one else should be able to defend themselves either. Your position is the one that needs to be defended.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Assumed defense can only lead to tragic results.
Unfortunately it is too late to change America from being such a violent place.
If America is too violent for you, this is a free country. You are as free to leave as you were to come here. I just want to warn you to not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.

It would take a a lot more than that, especially now.
Constitutional amendments need only to be ratified by 37 states. If thirty-five states have stand your ground laws, two more doesn't sound insurmountable. The biggest hurdle would be getting the house to hear it--2022 is not so far away.

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