Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

Not really. What you see in places like this is that when you continually race bait, you get responses that sometimes are racial in nature. It doesn't justify racism, but if you're always making things about race, you're going to get racially aggressive responses.

It's no different from how anyone that points out certain things about the black community automatically gets called a racist or white supremist even if the statement is statistically true.

Logically, the best approach is to realize that not everything is about race and that culture is more relevant. While culture and race are somewhat aligned, even subgroups of races tend to be more successful than the norm when they have a more functional culture. For example, West Indian blacks tend to succeed far more in society than other blacks, primarily because of their cultural priorities. Racism isn't the crutch that they use to excuse shortcomings. They simply work hard and reap the benefits of it.
The race baiting is done by the whites here. You make comments about the black community that aren't statistically true and black americans have more wealth than west indian blacks, whatever that's supposed to be. We have worked harder than whites, for longer than whites and continually for less than whites. Much of this is due to public policy enacted by whitees.

What we see here are numerous race bait threads by whites that have covered the gamut of white racism. I have seen threads made by whites, dissing our names, what we eat, what we wear, our hair and everything else. So take your lies and delusions to another poster.
I should clarify. I was referring to black Americans of West Indian descent. They have more wealth than the average black American overall.

How exactly have blacks "worked harder" than whites, and how exactly would you go about measuring that? This is the sort of argument I'm talking about. If you want to see your own race as being relentlessly oppressed, that's your prerogative, but it won't gain you much sympathy when Latinos eventually become the majority. White liberals might entertain various forms of appeasement, but ultimately, the success of a group comes down to private action and priorities.

It's why Killer Mike's approach is probably the best one coming out of the black community currently. He's not focused on government action. He's been establishing a black banking platform.

That's the sort of thing that makes more sense. It's not about trying to guilt people over things they had nothing to do with or fixating on whatever grievances you have with whites. It's about solidarity within your own community and enacting change through personal action.

There will always be a certain amount of racism out there, but compared to most of the world, the US is less racist precisely because we're more open about race discussions -- even if that sometimes involves racist comments.

If you want to see real racism, look at how China treats a lot of foreigners or even some of their ethnic minorities (like the Uyghurs).
If I want to look at real racism I read the posts here at USMB. Blacks from the carribean are a small number of black people. ADOS actually have far more wealth. I said blacks have worked harder, for far longer and for less money. All that is supported by all kinds of documentation. No one is trying to guilt you over what you did't do but you benefit from what you didn't do also. This is about a continuing racism by whites in this country that has not stopped. There are no excuses to be made for it. China did not declare it was founded on the principle of all men are created equal.
Not really. What you see in places like this is that when you continually race bait, you get responses that sometimes are racial in nature. It doesn't justify racism, but if you're always making things about race, you're going to get racially aggressive responses.

It's no different from how anyone that points out certain things about the black community automatically gets called a racist or white supremist even if the statement is statistically true.

Logically, the best approach is to realize that not everything is about race and that culture is more relevant. While culture and race are somewhat aligned, even subgroups of races tend to be more successful than the norm when they have a more functional culture. For example, West Indian blacks tend to succeed far more in society than other blacks, primarily because of their cultural priorities. Racism isn't the crutch that they use to excuse shortcomings. They simply work hard and reap the benefits of it.
The race baiting is done by the whites here. You make comments about the black community that aren't statistically true and black americans have more wealth than west indian blacks, whatever that's supposed to be. We have worked harder than whites, for longer than whites and continually for less than whites. Much of this is due to public policy enacted by whitees.

What we see here are numerous race bait threads by whites that have covered the gamut of white racism. I have seen threads made by whites, dissing our names, what we eat, what we wear, our hair and everything else. So take your lies and delusions to another poster.
I should clarify. I was referring to black Americans of West Indian descent. They have more wealth than the average black American overall.

How exactly have blacks "worked harder" than whites, and how exactly would you go about measuring that? This is the sort of argument I'm talking about. If you want to see your own race as being relentlessly oppressed, that's your prerogative, but it won't gain you much sympathy when Latinos eventually become the majority. White liberals might entertain various forms of appeasement, but ultimately, the success of a group comes down to private action and priorities.

It's why Killer Mike's approach is probably the best one coming out of the black community currently. He's not focused on government action. He's been establishing a black banking platform.

That's the sort of thing that makes more sense. It's not about trying to guilt people over things they had nothing to do with or fixating on whatever grievances you have with whites. It's about solidarity within your own community and enacting change through personal action.

There will always be a certain amount of racism out there, but compared to most of the world, the US is less racist precisely because we're more open about race discussions -- even if that sometimes involves racist comments.

If you want to see real racism, look at how China treats a lot of foreigners or even some of their ethnic minorities (like the Uyghurs).

Don't forget Japan.....probably the most racist country in the world...

And they can get back to us when Britain has a black prime minsiter, dittos France, Spain, Germany.........
China, Korea, Sweden, Russia, Spain, Italy, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Scotland, Canada, Ireland, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand...
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Assumed defense can only lead to tragic results.
Unfortunately it is too late to change America from being such a violent place.
If America is too violent for you, this is a free country. You are as free to leave as you were to come here. I just want to warn you to not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Shut the fuck up. Stand your ground depends on a perception of danger and that's where mistakes are made.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Assumed defense can only lead to tragic results.
Unfortunately it is too late to change America from being such a violent place.
If America is too violent for you, this is a free country. You are as free to leave as you were to come here. I just want to warn you to not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Shut the fuck up. Stand your ground depends on a perception of danger and that's where mistakes are made.

Wrong....Stand Your Ground supports the Constitutional belief that you are innocent until proven guilty...without stand your ground laws, the victim can become the victim of morons in the prosecutors office......

And more blacks benefit from Stand Your Ground laws than whites do, you idiot.
All you whites talking stupid can return to the lands of your ancestors and be as white as you want.
All you whites talking stupid can return to the lands of your ancestors and be as white as you want.

Your ancestors sold you to White Europeans.....if I were you I would be more pissed at them......they were the twit...
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Assumed defense can only lead to tragic results.
Unfortunately it is too late to change America from being such a violent place.
If America is too violent for you, this is a free country. You are as free to leave as you were to come here. I just want to warn you to not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Shut the fuck up. Stand your ground depends on a perception of danger and that's where mistakes are made.

Wrong....Stand Your Ground supports the Constitutional belief that you are innocent until proven guilty...without stand your ground laws, the victim can become the victim of morons in the prosecutors office......

And more blacks benefit from Stand Your Ground laws than whites do, you idiot.
Wrong. I don't give a damn who you say benefits, this law is fucked up and dangerous.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.
That would be tragic.
So the ability to legally defend yourself is somehow tragic in your drug-addled mind? That is tragic.
Assumed defense can only lead to tragic results.
Unfortunately it is too late to change America from being such a violent place.
If America is too violent for you, this is a free country. You are as free to leave as you were to come here. I just want to warn you to not let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Shut the fuck up. Stand your ground depends on a perception of danger and that's where mistakes are made.

Wrong....Stand Your Ground supports the Constitutional belief that you are innocent until proven guilty...without stand your ground laws, the victim can become the victim of morons in the prosecutors office......

And more blacks benefit from Stand Your Ground laws than whites do, you idiot.
Wrong. I don't give a damn who you say benefits, this law is fucked up and dangerous.

Except it's are an support the political party created by slave owners.....and Stand Your Ground keeps more black Americans safe from wrongful prosecution than dumb ass.
I should clarify. I was referring to black Americans of West Indian descent. They have more wealth than the average black American overall.

How exactly have blacks "worked harder" than whites, and how exactly would you go about measuring that? This is the sort of argument I'm talking about. If you want to see your own race as being relentlessly oppressed, that's your prerogative, but it won't gain you much sympathy when Latinos eventually become the majority. White liberals might entertain various forms of appeasement, but ultimately, the success of a group comes down to private action and priorities.

It's why Killer Mike's approach is probably the best one coming out of the black community currently. He's not focused on government action. He's been establishing a black banking platform.

That's the sort of thing that makes more sense. It's not about trying to guilt people over things they had nothing to do with or fixating on whatever grievances you have with whites. It's about solidarity within your own community and enacting change through personal action.

There will always be a certain amount of racism out there, but compared to most of the world, the US is less racist precisely because we're more open about race discussions -- even if that sometimes involves racist comments.

If you want to see real racism, look at how China treats a lot of foreigners or even some of their ethnic minorities (like the Uyghurs).
If I want to look at real racism I read the posts here at USMB. Blacks from the carribean are a small number of black people. ADOS actually have far more wealth. I said blacks have worked harder, for far longer and for less money. All that is supported by all kinds of documentation. No one is trying to guilt you over what you did't do but you benefit from what you didn't do also. This is about a continuing racism by whites in this country that has not stopped. There are no excuses to be made for it. China did not declare it was founded on the principle of all men are created equal.
I was referring to wealth per individual, not total wealth as a group. Yes, I'm sure if you count every "American descendant of slavery" vs. every West Indian black American, then the former group has more than the latter due to the number difference.

And yes, I probably benefited indirectly from Jim Crow if you want to go back a generation or 2. I don't particularly care though. You can call it racist if you want, but I don't live according to the past.

As I said earlier, if you really think the racism here is intolerable, you probably will find it more desirable to live in a majority-black country like Ghana. There is very little white racism there, because there are very few whites. You're not going to reach some point where white racism stops existing here, but I suppose you may eventually experience more Latino racism once they become the majority. Good luck getting them to care either.

Asians and Latinos have experienced racism too, but it doesn't seem to hold them back.
Why is everyone attacking me ??
Guys are all crazy and bent out of shape

I am the only true independent thinker on this board
All you whites talking stupid can return to the lands of your ancestors and be as white as you want.

Your ancestors sold you to White Europeans.....if I were you I would be more pissed at them......they were the twit...

You really need to shut the fuck up with that tired weaks shit. 90 percent of the blacks here today descend from slaves bred like cattle by white men.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry
All you whites talking stupid can return to the lands of your ancestors and be as white as you want.
No, not really. Most of Europe is focused on becoming less white and less European. Strangely, only white majority countries (like us) focus their immigration policies on letting people of other races in more often than their own race. You don't really see that in any non-white majority country. We're the racists though.
All you whites talking stupid can return to the lands of your ancestors and be as white as you want.

Your ancestors sold you to White Europeans.....if I were you I would be more pissed at them......they were the twit...

You really need to shut the fuck up with that tired weaks shit. 90 percent of the blacks here today descend from slaves bred like cattle by white men.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

Thank you for highlighting the fact that most of your ancestors...captured and sold by black Africans to White Europeans.......went to latin America and the Carribean, not North America....

Dipshit...the first slaves from Africa were brought here by moron....sold by to them by your ancestors....I know, that hurts to think about, but it is the truth......your people sold your ancestors to White with it.
I have made it clear that I have strong opinions on several issues
1) the border must be closed
2) I am anti gun
3) we need more protection on wild life
4) must stop this massive printing and spending
5) I don’t like blacks
Wrong. I don't give a damn who you say benefits, this law is fucked up and dangerous.

What's dangerous about it? If you're worried about being shot by somebody using SYG laws, don't fuck with them. SYG does not mean a CCW holder can shoot anybody they like. It means that a carrier doesn't have to run away from a potential situation where he might be attacked. It still has to be a justified shooting.
Guns belong only in the house

Many years ago that's the way it used to be too. But since the mid 90's when more and more states started to adopt CCW programs and change the laws to favor the victim instead of the attacker, guns and violent crime began to decrease. Only during the few short years of the Ferguson Effect and recently due to the Democrat cities allowing people to riot did that trend change. But it will change back if the Democrats don't fuck it all up again like they did with Ferguson and the riots by stopping us from protecting ourselves.

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