Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

What is it with anti-gun extremists and the male penis? When we talk about guns, you guys eventually get to talking "penis."

Look.....guns are not sex toys......they are not sex objects. If we talk about guns and self defense, and you start getting excited and you begin to rub your private parts, you need to get help.....before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

Get help.
It's textbook, you cannot hide. should answer these questions, and then seek professional help...

The following image means what to you?

A-a tool used for self defense?

B-a sex object that reminds me of a penis?

Elmhurst Weapons Charges Defense Lawyer | DuPage County Gun Arrest Attorney
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

What is it with anti-gun extremists and the male penis? When we talk about guns, you guys eventually get to talking "penis."

Look.....guns are not sex toys......they are not sex objects. If we talk about guns and self defense, and you start getting excited and you begin to rub your private parts, you need to get help.....before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

Get help.
It's textbook, you cannot hide. should answer these questions, and then seek professional help...

The following image means what to you?

A-a tool used for self defense?

B-a sex object that reminds me of a penis?

View attachment 467963
It replaces your little penis in your head. That should be clear enough, but I am not holding my breath.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

What is it with anti-gun extremists and the male penis? When we talk about guns, you guys eventually get to talking "penis."

Look.....guns are not sex toys......they are not sex objects. If we talk about guns and self defense, and you start getting excited and you begin to rub your private parts, you need to get help.....before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

Get help.
It's textbook, you cannot hide.
Link? Quote? BS?
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

What is it with anti-gun extremists and the male penis? When we talk about guns, you guys eventually get to talking "penis."

Look.....guns are not sex toys......they are not sex objects. If we talk about guns and self defense, and you start getting excited and you begin to rub your private parts, you need to get help.....before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

Get help.
It's textbook, you cannot hide.
Link? Quote? BS?
Oh, another insecure male. And your avatar shows it.
Oh, another insecure male. And your avatar shows it.

It's insecure to prepare yourself for trouble in the event it comes to you? Do you have auto insurance, house or renters insurance, do you lock your doors when you leave the house or go to bed and if so, why? Are you insecure or something?
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.

You are an idiot....who believes the last thing a democrat/left wing race baiter says on television...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.
Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.

I do not watch television. But I understand. You have a small dick, and cannot afford the car you want to drive so a gun helps you feel more like a man. It's textbook

What is it with anti-gun extremists and the male penis? When we talk about guns, you guys eventually get to talking "penis."

Look.....guns are not sex toys......they are not sex objects. If we talk about guns and self defense, and you start getting excited and you begin to rub your private parts, you need to get help.....before you hurt yourself or someone else.....

Get help.
It's textbook, you cannot hide.
Link? Quote? BS?
Oh, another insecure male. And your avatar shows it.
What an incredibly silly statement!
This is what happens when we don't put criminals who used guns in a crime away for a long time:

“I seen all my family members in there on the floor dead,” said Lorenzo. “I could put the picture together of how everything went down and how everybody went.”
Lorenzo said he was in disbelief.

“I didn’t even know that that was my people on the ground suffering because they let a monster out of prison.”

Halfacre was accused of shooting a man five times on the city’s northwest side in early 2017 but was released from custody in 2018 after pleading guilty to a lesser charge.

“We always knew that he carried a gun,” said Lorenzo. “He didn’t have a job — just laying around being lazy.”
Lorenzo said his sister was afraid of Halfacre.

“It was like you could feel this fear, but you never want to do anything about it because you’re too scared and it might come to what it’s come to,” he said. “Just him being angry about not having any money and him not doing anything for himself, so he thought he would just take something from her.”

But no. Take guns away from law abiding citizens instead.
Good for them....

I see this as a plus for women and minorities....armed women and minorities.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.
Blacks and women can now shoot back.....this is a plus.
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.
Blacks and women can now shoot back.....this is a plus.
A person can feel threatened and start to shoot but then the other person feels threatened and they can shoot too. Where does this insanity end?
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.
Blacks and women can now shoot back.....this is a plus.
A person can feel threatened and start to shoot but then the other person feels threatened and they can shoot too. Where does this insanity end?
Probably when those two guys are dead. Is this really hard for you to figure out on your own?
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.
Blacks and women can now shoot back.....this is a plus.
A person can feel threatened and start to shoot but then the other person feels threatened and they can shoot too. Where does this insanity end?

Heh dummie.....didn't you watch westerns as a kid? It ends when the guy in the white hat rides off into the sunset. hehheh
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.
Blacks and women can now shoot back.....this is a plus.
A person can feel threatened and start to shoot but then the other person feels threatened and they can shoot too. Where does this insanity end?

And it doesn't actually happen that way. When criminals know people can fight back, they don't attack them.......mass public shooters pick gun free zones to attack......

When a victim can fight back criminals, the smart ones, run away. That is why with 1.1 million defensive gun usages on average each year, there are only 235 or so justifiable shootings of stupid criminals.....the 235 represent the really stupid criminals who decide to continue attacking when they find out the victim has a gun and is going to resist.....the other 1.1 million or so run away, surrender or are shot and wounded.....

And Europe? Europe banned and confiscated guns after World War 1.......on your premise, that people shouldn't own guns and that if they didn't have guns they would be safer...........the socialists then went on to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children....more innocents killed in that 7-8 years than in 81 years of criminals with guns murdering other criminals...

You have no rational argument....
You are already stupid to live where you live. Hope you do not have a family.
And yes, I lived in the US for 45 years.

Maybe, but my parents are pushing 90, and they're still in the area just like all the friends I've had since a child or in my late teens. I also have a side business here which was in my plans for supplemental income when I retire, which I did last year.

You see when I bought this place, it was a highly rated suburb. We had the best schools, great academic outcome for the children, a wonderful and safe place to live with active malls, good law biding people, and properties in high demand. I used to go to sleep at night with the door open in the summers without a second thought. Then the blacks started to move in, and good people started to move out.

Running away may make it easier for you, but what you left behind is your own fault because you were a coward. My view is, we didn't become the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years by running from our problems. We met them head on.

That being said, I need my gun for my own safety, or perhaps for the safety of my neighbors, or a stranger in a store parking lot getting robbed or attacked.
Making a smart move because of the one you love is not being a coward. Not doing the right thing and staying in a bad situation is. I live in a much better place to live and raise a family.

And you can thank the United States for your security......without the U.S. the Europeans would be murdering each other again in no time.....
Total fabrication and ignorance.

Ireland, in particular, is defended by England, and England defended by the United States...without us, you would likely be facing other European countries or Russia in armed conflict...that was your history before the U.S. became a super power.....
More ignorant fabrication. Defended by England!!!! That is rich.

And here we have more truth....

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles - startling new figures have confirmed.

An analysis of homicide rates over the last decade reveals that you are almost six times more likely to be shot and killed in the 26 counties as you are in England/Wales.

And, contrary to popular belief, the gun homicide rate in the Irish Republic was more than double that of Northern Ireland for the ten years from 2005 to 2015.

"Gang members know that if they are confronted by gardai they will almost certainly have the upper hand when it comes to firearms.

"Irish police have extendable batons and pepper spray - Irish criminals have Glochs and AK47's - there can only be one winner.

"Modern Irish criminals regard An Garda Siochana and their tools as play things - in the meantime, people get eviscerated in the cross fire generated by these gun toting savages."

As we see on the Continent.....fully automatic military rifles are the preferred weapon of criminals in Europe.....and in Ireland......
The homicides are almost all criminal on criminal. Other homicides are rare.

Dittos for the United States.........while we have over 600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million Americans legally carry guns in public for self defense...

Guns are not the issue....criminals and their willingness to commit murder is the issue.
Give me some stats about school shootings in Ireland. Or mass shootings in general. How about stats on stand your ground shootings where someone fires into a car at Black's because of their music?

And now you are flailing.....Stand Your Ground laws protect normal people from people like you....people who would put them in jail simply because they used a gun to save their own lives, or the lives of others from violent attacks by criminals.....
It is an excuse to shoot Blacks and you know it.
Blacks and women can now shoot back.....this is a plus.
A person can feel threatened and start to shoot but then the other person feels threatened and they can shoot too. Where does this insanity end?
Probably when those two guys are dead. Is this really hard for you to figure out on your own?
There is no need to condone such savage behavior.
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

To the racist any challenge to racism is unreasonable. I think that in some of the cases where white men shot blacks claiming to be standing their ground they did not have a reasonab.e fear, but they figured idiots like you would sit on the jury and agree that a person is a threat just because they are brown skinned. No jury would lock me up for presenting evidence of racism in America, nor would a jury lock me up under stand your ground laws if I proved the white man was a white supremacist and I acted because I feared for my life. Unless itd a jury of white supremacists and given this is America that is highly possibe.

We know why stand your ground is being passed especially is states like Arkansas.

‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage racially charged violence

In 2005, Florida was the first state to enact a “stand your ground” law, which allows people to fatally shoot others in public without attempting to escape if they feel threatened, all without fear of criminal prosecution. States across the country have passed their own versions of this law, but Florida’s arguably goes the furthest to protect the shooter.

Under Florida’s “stand your ground” law, not only does an individual have “no duty to retreat” when faced with “imminent death or great bodily harm,” but a recent change to the law made it even easier for defendants to get off by shifting the burden of proof to the state. In other words, the state must prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense.

It should be no surprise, then, that “stand your ground” cases in Florida have come under the spotlight. Just last month, for instance, Michael Drejka, a white man, fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, an unarmed black man, in front of the victim’s loved ones in a dispute over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater. Invoking the “stand your ground” law, the Pinellas County sheriff did not arrest Drejka – claiming his hands were tied – a decision that even some NRA lobbyists and Republican sponsors of the legislation refute.

Maybe they know the ghetto folks stole the election and want to protect what little right is left of this nation,with emphesis on 'right'.It was nice while it lasted. Hope the communist left enjoys the hellhole they just signed on to.:omg:
True, because the law is written for and by white men.
If you really feel that way, why not move to Ghana? It's got a fairly high standard of living and very few white people.

No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.
I'm not suggesting you have to leave. I'm just saying you'd clearly be happier in a place with few white people.
No need to, black folks have EARNED the right to be in this country just as well as you have. How about we get rid of the racism, discrimination, etc. instead.

If you want to get of racism and discrimination, you would have to outlaw the democrat party..........

Wrong. We see in places like this that racism is a prerequisite for membership in the modern republican party.
Not really. What you see in places like this is that when you continually race bait, you get responses that sometimes are racial in nature. It doesn't justify racism, but if you're always making things about race, you're going to get racially aggressive responses.

It's no different from how anyone that points out certain things about the black community automatically gets called a racist or white supremist even if the statement is statistically true.

Logically, the best approach is to realize that not everything is about race and that culture is more relevant. While culture and race are somewhat aligned, even subgroups of races tend to be more successful than the norm when they have a more functional culture. For example, West Indian blacks tend to succeed far more in society than other blacks, primarily because of their cultural priorities. Racism isn't the crutch that they use to excuse shortcomings. They simply work hard and reap the benefits of it.
This is REALLY great news. Only two more states need to pass similar legislation and we can make a push for a "Stand your Ground" amendment to the constitution to augment the 2nd.

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