Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

You know it amazes me how people from both sides seem to go out of their way to find stupid comments or statements from people on the other side stupid does not confine it's self to one group.
Blacks were the biggest suppliers to the Dutch, Shaka Zulu was nortorius for it.
This fits well with Mitt. The Mormons have thought that blacks are inferior and ancestors of Cain. I think Joseph Smith, through a divine revelation later said that was wrong. Sort of like Mitt's 47% comment is now wrong.

Mormons and Black Skin
Only you with the snakes in your head would believe that was the point of his post.

It was not. And slavery was in no way a blessing to anyone.

It's their choice, not yours, you with the snakes in your brain.

Do they have Obama phones in Africa, too?

The clumsy point the moron was making is that yes, today the African-American is better off here than those who live in the native country.
I feel bad for black america, they gave up one massa for another.....the Dems are just the new plantation owners.
This fits well with Mitt. The Mormons have thought that blacks are inferior and ancestors of Cain. I think Joseph Smith, through a divine revelation later said that was wrong. Sort of like Mitt's 47% comment is now wrong.

Mormons and Black Skin

Dude. Many of the most brilliant minds in America - including those associated with the Enlightenment such as Thomas Jefferson - thought that blacks were inferior.
Blacks are still enslaving blacks in Africa.....I don't hear a peep about it.

The leftist only focus on whitey as we must be destroyed. They hate whitey. :eusa_boohoo:

It isn't about slavery or blacks at all. These people use blacks as idiots every election and hold them down.
This fits well with Mitt. The Mormons have thought that blacks are inferior and ancestors of Cain. I think Joseph Smith, through a divine revelation later said that was wrong. Sort of like Mitt's 47% comment is now wrong.

Mormons and Black Skin

Dude. Many of the most brilliant minds in America - including those associated with the Enlightenment such as Thomas Jefferson - thought that blacks were inferior.

These people don't think things out very good. :eusa_shifty: Well, there's still no solid data showing otherwise even today.
The idiot OP whines about republicans yet it was democrats who started the klan and tried to keep blacks in their place,just another idiot whining about surprise...
Consider one thing...All races had slavery and fucked one another over.

America is something to be proud of. Whatever you may think of its beginnings.
Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

It’s at least marginally refreshing to hear a republican speak honestly about social conservative dogma.

The Republican message in 2012 is: Let’s restore America to the “way it was” back when white men had power and the brown people knew their place and were grateful for it. The brown people are ruining American education and sucking the system dry — they are to blame for all of our woes. (I’ve factchecked this over and over again, but just in case, there are more white people on food stamps and Obama did not remove the work requirement from welfare.)

Indeed, reactionaryism at its worst.
What do you want us to do about slavery that we didn't already do??? Want to build me a time machine to go back 5 thousand years to stop it???

The white man ended it. Every race had it, fact.

Are you going to keep teaching people about how the white man is the evil one?
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Meh, I don't agree with this Rep's premise nor his logic, but I can acknowledge that slavery is a part of this country's history just as the Nazi regime remains a part of Germany's. They are deeply ashamed of what transpired all of those years ago and I believe that same shame is felt by the majority of people who live here. Those people are very likely to disagree with this Rep just as I do, but they will not deny or shirk away from the fact that this did happen and not only that, but it helped form this nation nonetheless. It's very possible that this country may well not have survived at all had it been for the slaves who helped build it. I think that often goes under the radar when having this discussion.

Now were they better off being owned by another human being than being able to live their lives free? Absolutely not. And that goes for whomever the owner would be, black or white. I would say this about the slaves of Jefferson or the slaves of Shaka Zulu all the way back to the slaves of Julius Caesar or Cicero. Slavery is slavery and while it served its literal purpose when humanity needed it to, It is now archaic and obsolete with the advent of advance technology.

So ultimately, I do not think today's blacks, for all of their perceived failures and malaise, would be better off in slavery or even back on the African continent. They are better off working to earn their keep just like everyone else and I know some of you don't like to admit it or won't admit it or whatever, but they are blacks in this country who are successful and worked for everything they've achieved and now have.
I seriously doubt any real freedom would of ever developed within sub-Saharan africa without the white man.

And this is why people say that the right is full of racists. BTW, what makes you think the people that were already there didn't have freedom before the white man came?

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