Arkansas Ten Commandment Monument Destroyed in Terrorist Attack

This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.
keep your statues in your own house to bow to, not on public property
The PUBLIC includes the majority Christians.
Be thankful we give you a voice.

And YOU did not give us anything. Don't try to make it sound as though Christians allow us a voice.

God gave you everything you have. Whether you want your government to regulate that or not is up to you.

The implication of the post I quoted was that we (nonchristians) should be grateful that the Christians "gave" us a voice. Whether you want to believe that your rights came from this god or that goddess does not really matter. One religion does not rule the US.
keep your statues in your own house to bow to, not on public property
The PUBLIC includes the majority Christians.
Be thankful we give you a voice.

Hilarious internet tough guy, and a fake Kristian fake internet tough guy to boot.

Yes tell us how Jesus will come down with his Uzi and lay down the law for you. You know Isis also wants their religion to be the only one and they like to threaten people too. Maybe they'd like to come to a pancake breakfast with your church and play bingo afterwards. Or you could threaten them, see how that goes.

You're such an idiot, not funny, not clever and post like a moron.

You left loons get all wound up about the dumbest shit, if you don't like the monuments don't look at them, same goes for Confederate memorials. Get a fucking grip already and stop whining like little bitches

Great idea!! How about we apply that to the things you get your panties in a twist about?

Don't like gay marriage? Don't marry someone of your gender.
Don't like trannies? Don't look at them.
keep your statues in your own house to bow to, not on public property
The PUBLIC includes the majority Christians.
Be thankful we give you a voice.

Hilarious internet tough guy, and a fake Kristian fake internet tough guy to boot.

Yes tell us how Jesus will come down with his Uzi and lay down the law for you. You know Isis also wants their religion to be the only one and they like to threaten people too. Maybe they'd like to come to a pancake breakfast with your church and play bingo afterwards. Or you could threaten them, see how that goes.

You are a stupid fucking fuck. No, dipshit, Jesus does not require an Uzi to make your day or eternity to go bad, you tard.

He could wave his hand and have you hanging upside down by your toes for the rest of your pathetic existence.

All in the name of Love, huh?
The biggest BIGOTS in the US, liberals at their finest. If it were Muslim statues, the left would be calling for blood.
Post an example of a liberal trying to build a Muslim statue anywhere in the U.S. Ever.

They are called mosques..........
Looks like you need help:

the definition of statue
the definition of building

But I'll play along for your sake. Post an example of a liberal trying to build a Mosque on state Capitol grounds. Ever.

/--- they wanted to build a mosque on Ground Zero.

Sent from my iPhone using

Is that public property? Gov't land? Or privately owned land? Are you starting to see the difference?
You are a stupid fucking fuck. No, dipshit, Jesus does not require an Uzi to make your day or eternity to go bad, you tard.

He could wave his hand and have you hanging upside down by your toes for the rest of your pathetic existence.
Are you claiming Jesus is a wizard?

:eek: Boy is you tarded? Jesus is God's son, dummy. Wizard my ass, they built this thing here.
I thought Joseph was the father of Jesus. How did God become Jesus's father? Was there some kind of adultery thing going on? Lots of folks say God is the Father of all, but are you claiming God is the literal father of Jesus?
If God is all-powerful, why couldn't he be a Wizard if he wanted to and why couldn't he make Jesus a Wizard?
Wow, were YOU ever sleeping in Sunday school. Holy cow.
Why should I or anyone else be required to believe in or have knowledge of someone else's religion? That is one of the obnoxious and offensive traits of Christian's. They think the whole world should be experts in their religion or even care about it and all of its indoctrinations.
Ya never heard of Christmas, Camp?
Maybe you didn't; I don't know you and no, you don't HAVE to know. But you opened a thread on the 10 Commandments getting mowed down AND you defended religious "monuments" on all government property.
And now you never heard of the virgin birth? Okay. Not a criticism, just surprised. Sorry if I offended you.
This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.

Only two?

Adultry is still on the books in some places

And so is slander

This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.
Isn't #8 slander/libel? They're not laws on our books? #3 USED to be just about everywhere. The reason for Saturday night beans in New England and the reason I was able to learn to drive in the shopping center parking lot on Sundays. No one was there. At all. Just me and the lamp posts.
This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.

Only two?

Adultry is still on the books in some places

And so is slander


Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014

This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.

Only two?

Adultry is still on the books in some places

And so is slander


Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014


Forgot the link

In which states is cheating on your spouse illegal? - Detroit Free Press › life › family › 2014/04/17

It only took one day for the Ten Commandments Monument to be destroyed by what has become the latest kind of terrorist attack, running it over with a vehicle. Apparently, not everyone in the Hillbilly Confederate loving Trump brainwashed Red State is in favor of planting religious symbols at the state capital.
Oops...accidents WILL happen.
This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.

Only two?

Adultry is still on the books in some places

And so is slander


Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014

Wow. Talk about prison overcrowding!!!! LOL
Are you claiming Jesus is a wizard?

:eek: Boy is you tarded? Jesus is God's son, dummy. Wizard my ass, they built this thing here.
I thought Joseph was the father of Jesus. How did God become Jesus's father? Was there some kind of adultery thing going on? Lots of folks say God is the Father of all, but are you claiming God is the literal father of Jesus?
If God is all-powerful, why couldn't he be a Wizard if he wanted to and why couldn't he make Jesus a Wizard?
Wow, were YOU ever sleeping in Sunday school. Holy cow.
Why should I or anyone else be required to believe in or have knowledge of someone else's religion? That is one of the obnoxious and offensive traits of Christian's. They think the whole world should be experts in their religion or even care about it and all of its indoctrinations.
Ya never heard of Christmas, Camp?
Maybe you didn't; I don't know you and no, you don't HAVE to know. But you opened a thread on the 10 Commandments getting mowed down AND you defended religious "monuments" on all government property.
And now you never heard of the virgin birth? Okay. Not a criticism, just surprised. Sorry if I offended you.
I have of course heard of the virgin birth and know xmas is about the birth of Jesus, but I do not understand the details of all the different Christian denominations or the details of their interpretations. I just get offended when people expect me to know and even believe the details of their personal beliefs or the details of their religion. It is offensive when people try to make political or moral judgments and expect me to agree with those conclusions. I am happy to respect the other guy's beliefs but respect has to be mutual. Believe what you want, but when you insist I adhere to your beliefs you have gone too far.
This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.

Only two?

Adultry is still on the books in some places

And so is slander


Anti-adultery laws are mostly gone. And lets face it, if enforced half the country would be in jail.

Slander is not the same as bearing false witness. Plus, slander is a civil wrong.
This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.

Only two?

Adultry is still on the books in some places

And so is slander


Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014


Ok, if we allow adultery as part of our laws, we have a grand total of 3 laws from the 10 Commandments. Hardly "the basis for our laws".
It only took one day for the Ten Commandments Monument to be destroyed by what has become the latest kind of terrorist attack, running it over with a vehicle. Apparently, not everyone in the Hillbilly Confederate loving Trump brainwashed Red State is in favor of planting religious symbols at the state capital.
Arkansas Ten Commandments monument smashed on Facebook Live -
Gov. Mike Huckabee

Some idiot in my home state broke all 10 commandments at the same time. He wasn't Moses and it wasn't Mt. Sinai. …
6:54 AM - 28 Jun 2017

Huckabee is funny!

1) Reed is an idiot. After a second offense, I'm guessing he'll do some hard time this time.
2) I'm sure he totaled his 2016 Dodge Dart. If it wasn't his, that's an additional felony for destroying personal property.
This country's laws are based on the Ten Commandments, and rightfully so.

Secular Humanism doesn't exactly have positive rules to live by.

Neither does subjective morality.

Pure nonsense.

I keep seeing people claim it is the basis for our laws, but most of them seem to have not read either.

The Commandments:
#1 - Thou shalt have no gods before me. This is the basis for what US Law? Oh yeah, none.
#2 - Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. This is the basis for what US Law? Yep, none of them.
#3 - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. This is the basis for what laws? Yeah, a handful of Blue Laws that are getting knocked down.
#4 - Honor thy mother & father. This is the basis for what US Laws? Yep, none on this one either.
#5 - Thou shalt not kill. FINALLY at the halfway mark we get one that applies to a US Law. Of course, this same law can be found in every civilized culture. In fact, the Code of Hammarabi predates the 10 commandments, and expressly forbids murder.
#6 - Thou Shalt not commit adultery. This is the basis for what US Laws? I know it will cost you in divorce court, but is it illegal?
#7 - Thou shalt not steal. We have another winner!! But then, like #5, this law is found in every civilized culture, including laws that predate the 10.
#8 - Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. US Law? Nope.
#9 & #10 - Thou shall not covet. This?? LMAO! Violating this commandment is the basis for our economy. Nope, not a US law.

So out of 10 commandments, 3 of them are strictly religious laws, 2 are laws on our books, and 5 are great ideas but not laws.

Only two?

Adultry is still on the books in some places

And so is slander


Although adultery is a misdemeanor in most of the states with laws against it, some — including Michigan and Wisconsin — categorize the offense as a felony. Punishments vary widely by state. In Maryland, the penalty is a paltry $10 fine. But in Massachusetts, an adulterer could face up to three years in jail.Apr 17, 2014


Ok, if we allow adultery as part of our laws, we have a grand total of 3 laws from the 10 Commandments. Hardly "the basis for our laws".
If we executed adulterers as the Bible says, we'd really be draining the swamp in Washington DC from the President to most of Congress. :D
It only took one day for the Ten Commandments Monument to be destroyed by what has become the latest kind of terrorist attack, running it over with a vehicle. Apparently, not everyone in the Hillbilly Confederate loving Trump brainwashed Red State is in favor of planting religious symbols at the state capital.
Another place and another time, you would have made an excellent brown-shirt.

You're a natural.

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