armed black rioters demand and end to all white people

Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.

I fully support anyone armed hitting the street. It is the Left wing that is losing on this one.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.
No, no one cares about them being armed, we care when they start shouting racial supremacy slogans like the klan used to, and start cheering speeches about murdering people based on race.

And we also care when lying racists like you try to pretend we're racists for voicing concerns about this, and you try to gaslight everyone about what the real objections are based on, in order to distort the narrative.

Bottom line, you're a liar and a racist and you deserve to be dragged behind a truck.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.
No, no one cares about them being armed, we care when they start shouting racial supremacy slogans like the klan used to, and start cheering speeches about murdering people based on race.

That is just it, white men have actually done it not just shouted about it.
And we also care when lying racists like you try to pretend we're racists for voicing concerns about this, and you try to gaslight everyone about what the real objections are based on, in order to distort the narrative.

Bottom line, you're a liar and a racist and you deserve to be dragged behind a truck.

Well come and drag me bad ass internet guy. I guess that is the new racist trick by actual racist is to try and label the folks who have been on the receiving end of it as racist.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
I am always locked and loaded, but I don't think anybody REALLY wants a race war. They're just running their mouths because nobody is going to call them out.
They're just proving that Biden is lying about white supremacists.....because the only racist group marching or posing a threat to the public is black supremacists.
Why do you feel threatened?'re supposed to type....Why? Do you feel threatened?[?quote]

Why do you feel threatened?
No I don't feel threatened.
I'm not worried about your sorry ass.
The Army taught me how to take care of myself.
I'm just one of those types of people that can see shit coming from a mile away.
And idiots like you get a kick out of the mess that Biden is causing in a short period of time.
I just hope that some of the shit that's about to come down effects you personally.
Then your black ass won't think it's funny.

I hear you internet tough guy, the same Army taught me how to protect myself as well. Also when in the history of this country has black men gone out to harm white folks, now if I flip that question I know the excuses will come.
This country wasn't involved in assaults I myself witnessed by blacks against whites. I saw 5 blacks beating the shit out of one white guy on a bus in San Diego just for general purposes in 1977.

The stories are endless of coward ass white men beating ONE black man. Your denial is sickening.
Not to mention the time my brother was attacked by several blacks while stationed in San Diego in the Navy in 68'. They stabbed his hands with knives and put him in the hospital.

Wow, smfh.
I never have witness such attacks against blacks. But then again I didn't grow up in the South during Jim Crow. My guess is neither did you.

Tell that to Emmitt Till's family.
And I'm not an internet tough guy. I just know that I can put several rounds with my 9mm or my 1911 thru the same spot inside of 20 meters.....mainly because they trained me to shoot in MOUNT training. I had to qualify as a weapons expert to be on an ODA. Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA): Main operational element of Army Special Forces

Well you know anyone can knock a nat off a plate of grits with a gun, until the nat starts shooting back at them.
That's true.
When did you get your first CIB?
Got mine in 93' in Mogadishu.
You don't need a CIB to learn how to fire a weapon.
No shit, dirtbag.
But like you said....learning to fire one is one thing....but being in a firefight is two different things.
I rarely went to the range and stood online while on a team. We did alot of door breaches and livefire room clearing. You'd be surprised how few military guys have ever done it. But even less often is being the guy that trains foreign troops how to do it.....which I have.
That's all well and good, when I hear folks bragging about shooting Expert or how they can hit this and that distance and blah, blah, blah. I always ask was someone shooting back at you? It is easy to hit a target that is not shooting back, but if you can shoot Expert with bullets flying at you then you are one bad MF.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?

Uh we are the ones who have been on the threatened side, beaten side, harassed side and murdered side. You trying to tell us His-Story, again.
If they fucked you up every time you tangled with them, then it might be smart to you know..... NOT fuck with them.

Just saying....

Oh that is what is, black folks have been tangling with you for over 400yrs.
Somebody needs to end this string because it's screwed up.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
I think you've been listening too much to the MSM.
And this mess in Tulsa is just an example of Marxist troublemakers trying to start shit where shit hasn't existed for over 100yrs.
Last edited:
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
More weak lies and denials.


The coward here is you, too scared to face reality, so you retreat into your fantasy world where you're both victim and hero.

Gutless punk.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.
No, no one cares about them being armed, we care when they start shouting racial supremacy slogans like the klan used to, and start cheering speeches about murdering people based on race.

That is just it, white men have actually done it not just shouted about it.
And we also care when lying racists like you try to pretend we're racists for voicing concerns about this, and you try to gaslight everyone about what the real objections are based on, in order to distort the narrative.

Bottom line, you're a liar and a racist and you deserve to be dragged behind a truck.

Well come and drag me bad ass internet guy. I guess that is the new racist trick by actual racist is to try and label the folks who have been on the receiving end of it as racist.
We both know damn good and well you'd never open your lying mouth in my presence unless it was to call me racist names over your shoulder while you hauled your gutless ass on down the road and the hell away from me.

I've seen racist blacks like you too many times to count.

Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
You are kidding. I know it.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
You are kidding. I know it.
He's not kidding. He's clearly a racist. He's an example of systemic racism being facilitated by the left.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
I think you've been listening too much to the MSM.
And this mess in Tulsa is just an example of Marxist troublemakers trying to start shit where shit hasn't existed for over 100yrs.
The mess is that a group of folks were done an injustice and NO ONE was ever brought to the Bar of Justice for it, those voices still cry out for Justice. There are 3 survivors still living from that day, maybe you should take the time to listen to their account of those events instead of thinking as all the atrocities against black folks should just be swept under the rug.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
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Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
More weak lies and denials.

View attachment 497608

The coward here is you, too scared to face reality, so you retreat into your fantasy world where you're both victim and hero.

Gutless punk.
Fuck you Fuckboy, sorry you can't change history that is why you wouldn't ask the question. So we see who the fucking gutless coward is.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.
No, no one cares about them being armed, we care when they start shouting racial supremacy slogans like the klan used to, and start cheering speeches about murdering people based on race.

That is just it, white men have actually done it not just shouted about it.
And we also care when lying racists like you try to pretend we're racists for voicing concerns about this, and you try to gaslight everyone about what the real objections are based on, in order to distort the narrative.

Bottom line, you're a liar and a racist and you deserve to be dragged behind a truck.

Well come and drag me bad ass internet guy. I guess that is the new racist trick by actual racist is to try and label the folks who have been on the receiving end of it as racist.
We both know damn good and well you'd never open your lying mouth in my presence unless it was to call me racist names over your shoulder while you hauled your gutless ass on down the road and the hell away from me.

I've seen racist blacks like you too many times to count.


You really think I would be afraid of a bitch like you. Too funny.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
You are kidding. I know it.
You wish I were, but unfortunately HISTORY proves that I am not.
Only good blacks should have constitutional rights...not those scary ones........

One of the worst mistakes this country made was allowing darkies to be considered human and expect to have the same rights as Real Americans....sad...

View attachment 497278
That's weird. What do you consider to be a 'good black'?

Well, here's a "good black":


And here's a "bad negro":

View attachment 497287

See the difference?
No.....your good black is apparently a racist.
His skin color may have been a little light..which probably made it tough for him to fit in in the black community..but he made the case for us getting into Iraq before congress....and I don't see how that's good by any stretch.

I see so many people complaining that Gen. Powell lied to get us into a war.

I guess everyone forgot that Saddam used chemical weapons to slaughter between 3,200 and 5,000, and injured 10,000 more Kurds in Northern Iraq. Saddam ordered planes to drop mustard gas and Sarin gas on Kurdish villages.

It is still the largest chemical weapons attack on a civilian population in history.
But nobody gives a shit about all of the Christians being massacred in Sudan and Iraq the last 10 years.
Especially folks like you.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
I go out in the street with my rifle, it ain't gonna be for a "march".
July 1st starts open carry in TN and several other states soon to follow.
If these racist blacks want to try something (which I doubt they will) they can go for it.

So why don't you call whites racist when they show up at state capitals with their guns?
Because they aren't chanting "White Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the black folks.

That's the difference that concerns people. That, and the different treatment in the media.
Who says they aren't? They haven't just chanted it, they have actually done it.
[quote}Yeah....... no they haven't.

Back to the denial.
I got no problem with armed men marching or rallying or whatever, I don't care what color they are. I do find it damned interesting that when white people do it they're all called racists in the MSM, but the black ones aren't, even when they are yelling "Black Power!!" and giving speeches about killing all the white people.

Well usually because history has shown us when a group of white men get together with guns, a group of minorities usually end up dead.
I do have a problem with double standards; I always have.
You should probably not threaten them then, don't you think?
how many eons ago was that? now a days its group of blacks going after whites. thts the new history in the making.;

Right wing propaganda, groups of black folks are not going after whites. That is just a lie being told to pump up the right wing, racist.
View attachment 497595

You are a liar.

You are not fooling anyone.

And no matter how many times you repeat these lies, we are still not going to believe you over our own eyes.

The liar is you, see there is history of coward ass white men going after black men just because they are black. You can't show me any of black men attacking white men just because they are white.
You are kidding. I know it.
He's not kidding. He's clearly a racist. He's an example of systemic racism being facilitated by the left.
This coming from folks who see Trump Humpers attack the US Capital and defend it.
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.
No, no one cares about them being armed, we care when they start shouting racial supremacy slogans like the klan used to, and start cheering speeches about murdering people based on race.

That is just it, white men have actually done it not just shouted about it.
And we also care when lying racists like you try to pretend we're racists for voicing concerns about this, and you try to gaslight everyone about what the real objections are based on, in order to distort the narrative.

Bottom line, you're a liar and a racist and you deserve to be dragged behind a truck.

Well come and drag me bad ass internet guy. I guess that is the new racist trick by actual racist is to try and label the folks who have been on the receiving end of it as racist.
We both know damn good and well you'd never open your lying mouth in my presence unless it was to call me racist names over your shoulder while you hauled your gutless ass on down the road and the hell away from me.

I've seen racist blacks like you too many times to count.


You really think I would be afraid of a bitch like you. Too funny.

Little colored boys like you don't fight one on one. You're too chickentshit...
Armed Rioters Demand An End To ‘All White People’
by The Continental Daily
The New Black Panthers accompanied by 14 additional firearm organizations marched the streets of Tulsa on Saturday in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the march was labelled as a “Second Amendment March for Reparations.”
Hundreds of heavily armed pro-Second Amendment demonstrators marched throughout Tulsa while chanting “black power,” “who’s streets, our streets,” and “black lives matter,” as they headed toward Tulsa’s Greenwood section, a predominantly black neighborhood which was titled “Black Wall Street” back in 1921.
Event organizers issued a news release stating that the “struggle” to implement reparations “must be escalated.” The organizers demanded reparations for Tulsa Massacre descendants as well as “all 40-million Blacks” who they say are still “grossly affected” in the United States by inequality, racism, police brutality, and wealth disparity.
Former Trump administration member Kyle Hooten pointed out on Twitter that normally when gun rights organizations march, “they don’t chant ‘our streets.'” He called the rally a “show of force” that’s not “comparable” to a normal second amendment rally, instead pointing out that the group is “a racial supremacist organization.”
Wall Street Insider Reveals Life-Changing Stocks You've Never Heard Of
Yes, there really are safe, dependable stocks with high end yields....
Find Out More 73,165
Hooten also shared video from the event of a man who demanded violence against all white people as a response to “6,000 years of killing us.”
No evidence supports this particular claim, FBI statistics reveal that in America, white people outnumber black people by a 5-1 ratio, but the murder rate is 2-1 with black people killing twice as often as whites.
The “Tulsa Race Massacre” event started on May 31, 1921, when 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black man, was arrested on suspicion of the rape of 17-year-old Sarah Page, a white elevator operator. A white mob arrived at the courthouse with demands that Rowland be given to the crowd and lynched. Black protestors arrived to defend Rowland, both parties being armed, a riot broke out when a white man got shot by a black protestor. The following day, white mob members burned down 35 blocks of the “Greenwood” neighborhood inhabited largely by blacks.
The event killed 36 people, 26 who were black and 10 white. Rowland was released without charge, leaving Tulsa and never returning.
Author: Grace Jackson

This is some crazy stuff.
I don't mind one bit if they march with guns. It is and should be their right.

I just don't want to hear any bitching when we do the same.
a close friend of mine says us whites got to get locked and loaded.
Tell me Horseshitting why you don't whine when armed whites go to state capitols.

it’s the Media that whines when armed whites hit the streets. Here they are giving Blacks a pass to do the same thing. I would think you would be celebrating in stead of trying to defend hypocrisy.
Yep and it is right wing, whites who whine about armed black folks hitting the street.

Taking to the street is fine. Arming yourself and taking to the street is fine.

Arming yourself, taking to the street and demanding an "end to all white people" is a threat, and it'll be treated as such...

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