Armed BLM "Protester" Shot Dead in Austin, TX

So even in the middle of downtown, (not some blue-collar neighborhood) of the most progressive, left-leaning, hippy-dippie city in the state, even surrounded by dozens if not hundreds of like-minded friends and associates, if you pull this shit in Texas you will get your ass shot off.

I guess that's the lesson here.

Time to fire back was coming. Far too many people simply driving through "protesters" blocking traffic have been shot and killed. Forcing your views on others seldom ends well.
That is guaranteed to happen very soon in my opinion!:mad: Pissed off American People:Boom2:George Soros paid domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM
the the dude shot was interviewed earlier and said...

and of course, the left is saying it was like this - even with video showing otherwise:
Garrett Foster was murdered in downtown Austin, Texas, a few hours ago, while pushing his wife, Whitney, a quadriplegic, in her wheelchair along Congress Avenue in the BLM march. A car came from a side street into Congress, which was closed for the march, the driver opened fire, at least 10 shots into the crowd, and sped away.
That piece of shit would run like a pussy if he saw the US Military showing up to shut Antifa and BLM down :rolleyes: :mad:
True..or be dead. Of course, the same is true for any Right-winger nutz who carry at these things as well.

The irony is always how people here fall into predictable matter the the facts..if it's a lefty...all the Wingers go crazy..if it's a right wing nut job...all of sudden it's a 180 degree turn. For all the extreme types.

Anyway..a lot of questions to be answered. What was the guy in the car doing? Did he turn into the crowd? Did the killer fire thinking he was acting in self-defense or the defense of others?

Twitter and Ewe-tube....are useless. There'll be an investigation--don't be surprised if the driver is in hot water also.
Read article...amused at how few facts are known...and how that does not stop anyone from just making shit up.

Here's a little "fact" for you. See the guy behind the girl in this picture? The one aiming an AK at the window of a car?

He be dead now.

View attachment 367413
They should ALL be fuckin' shot. You block a highway, which should be a felony offense itself, and then when someone tries to use said road, which could be a life or death situation for someone, and a mob of violent killers attacks the vehicle, they should ALL be shot down like DOGS. Do that a couple times and magically these SHIT STAINS would QUIT blocking roads and highways.
Or they gun up and kill the wingers in the streets. For some odd reason, you don't see that consequence as equally likely...I do.

Like a lot of folks, when you see posit your side as the winner...but reality does not always conform to your fantasies.
That piece of shit would run like a pussy if he saw the US Military showing up to shut Antifa and BLM down :rolleyes: :mad:
True..or be dead. Of course, the same is true for any Right-winger nutz who carry at these things as well.

The irony is always how people here fall into predictable matter the the facts..if it's a lefty...all the Wingers go crazy..if it's a right wing nut job...all of sudden it's a 180 degree turn. For all the extreme types.

Anyway..a lot of questions to be answered. What was the guy in the car doing? Did he turn into the crowd? Did the killer fire thinking he was acting in self-defense or the defense of others?

Twitter and Ewe-tube....are useless. There'll be an investigation--don't be surprised if the driver is in hot water also.
Watch the video.

The dude, who is on record for saying people are too big of pussies to do anything about his AK, ran up to someone else's car and stuck his gun in their car.

Stop this far right shit. I stick my gun in your car and you can defend your self, you know damn well you would.
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That piece of shit would run like a pussy if he saw the US Military showing up to shut Antifa and BLM down :rolleyes: :mad:
True..or be dead. Of course, the same is true for any Right-winger nutz who carry at these things as well.

The irony is always how people here fall into predictable matter the the facts..if it's a lefty...all the Wingers go crazy..if it's a right wing nut job...all of sudden it's a 180 degree turn. For all the extreme types.

Anyway..a lot of questions to be answered. What was the guy in the car doing? Did he turn into the crowd? Did the killer fire thinking he was acting in self-defense or the defense of others?

Twitter and Ewe-tube....are useless. There'll be an investigation--don't be surprised if the driver is in hot water also.
Austin is very liberal..... very very very liberal.

I'll be really surprised if the DA there doesn't bust their ass to put this guy in prison.
That piece of shit would run like a pussy if he saw the US Military showing up to shut Antifa and BLM down :rolleyes: :mad:
True..or be dead. Of course, the same is true for any Right-winger nutz who carry at these things as well.

The irony is always how people here fall into predictable matter the the facts..if it's a lefty...all the Wingers go crazy..if it's a right wing nut job...all of sudden it's a 180 degree turn. For all the extreme types.

Anyway..a lot of questions to be answered. What was the guy in the car doing? Did he turn into the crowd? Did the killer fire thinking he was acting in self-defense or the defense of others?

Twitter and Ewe-tube....are useless. There'll be an investigation--don't be surprised if the driver is in hot water also.
Austin is very liberal..... very very very liberal.

I'll be really surprised if the DA there doesn't bust their ass to put this guy in prison.
Guess we will find out how liberal, huh?
As much as it bothers me seeing this shit happen around the country, at least all these incidents will be helpful in court while my lawyer is explaining to the jury why I stabbed that guy in the face for opening the door of my truck, and then drove over 3 or 4 of his compadres that were blocking me.
It is also reported that the car drove into the crowd....trying to hit people. i don't know, obviously, but people who rush to to judgement based on their political beliefs are pretty stupid.
..... then rushes to judgement based on political beliefs!!

Folks you can't make this kind of Leftist insanity up !!!
Yo..stupid. Read all my posts...and show me where i made any 'judgement' about either the driver or the dead guy? I related another report..of the same incident..taken BTW..from the same Twitter stream as the original OP. That is not 'judgement'

i don't know enough to i stated. Now...when it comes to lying, deceitful, propagandizing ill-mannered wingers..yeah...I'm definitely judgemental. Right or matters not.
But here on is usually the Right wing, New Conservative, tin-foil hat types that ooze up all the time..this is one of their places....

so if you resemble any of that..own it....and thank you for hours of entertainment!
That piece of shit would run like a pussy if he saw the US Military showing up to shut Antifa and BLM down :rolleyes: :mad:
True..or be dead. Of course, the same is true for any Right-winger nutz who carry at these things as well.

The irony is always how people here fall into predictable matter the the facts..if it's a lefty...all the Wingers go crazy..if it's a right wing nut job...all of sudden it's a 180 degree turn. For all the extreme types.

Anyway..a lot of questions to be answered. What was the guy in the car doing? Did he turn into the crowd? Did the killer fire thinking he was acting in self-defense or the defense of others?

Twitter and Ewe-tube....are useless. There'll be an investigation--don't be surprised if the driver is in hot water also.
Watch the video.

The dude, who is on record for saying people are too big of pussies to do anything about his AK, ran ip to someone else's car and stuck his gun in their car.

Stop this far right shit. I stick my gun in your car and you can defend your self, you know dqemn well you would.
Hell yeah I would! However..the WHY is important..for both sides.
Why did he run up..was he attempting to apprehend the driver? If so, why?

Why was the driver there/ Innocent guy going home from work or pissed-off idiot driving into the crowd to make a point..with his pistol by his side? Was he also looking for someone to shoot?

We just do not know..simple as that. My take is two idiots colliding--but we'll see.
I'm going to throw my body armor in my truck so I can toss it over my grandkid if we happen to drive into one of these infestations of fucktards on accident.
That piece of shit would run like a pussy if he saw the US Military showing up to shut Antifa and BLM down :rolleyes: :mad:
True..or be dead. Of course, the same is true for any Right-winger nutz who carry at these things as well.

The irony is always how people here fall into predictable matter the the facts..if it's a lefty...all the Wingers go crazy..if it's a right wing nut job...all of sudden it's a 180 degree turn. For all the extreme types.

Anyway..a lot of questions to be answered. What was the guy in the car doing? Did he turn into the crowd? Did the killer fire thinking he was acting in self-defense or the defense of others?

Twitter and Ewe-tube....are useless. There'll be an investigation--don't be surprised if the driver is in hot water also.
Watch the video.

The dude, who is on record for saying people are too big of pussies to do anything about his AK, ran ip to someone else's car and stuck his gun in their car.

Stop this far right shit. I stick my gun in your car and you can defend your self, you know dqemn well you would.
Hell yeah I would! However..the WHY is important..for both sides.
Why did he run up..was he attempting to apprehend the driver? If so, why?

Why was the driver there/ Innocent guy going home from work or pissed-off idiot driving into the crowd to make a point..with his pistol by his side? Was he also looking for someone to shoot?

We just do not know..simple as that. My take is two idiots colliding--but we'll see.
Why were the protesters blocking traffic? Back up to original illegal action that continues to be allowed.
Yo..stupid. Read all my posts...and show me where i made any 'judgement' about either the driver or the dead guy? I related another report..of the same incident..taken BTW..from the same Twitter stream as the original OP. That is not 'judgement'

i don't know enough to i stated. Now...when it comes to lying, deceitful, propagandizing ill-mannered wingers..yeah...I'm definitely judgemental. Right or matters not.
But here on is usually the Right wing, New Conservative, tin-foil hat types that ooze up all the time..this is one of their places....

so if you resemble any of that..own it....and thank you for hours of entertainment!
Yo ... Useful Idiot.

Read the first sentence you posted in that comment.
White guy,
Of course.
So he says.
points AK-47 at car when car is mobbed. Car owner protects himself by ventilating armed "protester."
Beautiful. And these idiots marching down the middle of the street blocking traffic, intimidating people and monopolizing the city think they were just "peacefully protesting" and will be shocked as hell and angry that one of their people were again killed.

Maybe the family of the carrier of the AK47 will sue the city for not maintaining law and order. Had the city been doing its job, none of this event ever would have been possible.

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